Chapter 3

Zac's P.O.V

"No." I said for what seemed like the 100th time. By this point I was just getting irritated and annoyed and my manager seemed to notice because he decided to finally jump into the conversation.

"I believe my client is unhappy with the dates. I'm sure we could change them." He said leaning on the table next to me. The guy at the other end of the long table looked between us before nodding his head quickly.

"Of-of course." I leant back in chair and sighed loudly. Why couldn't he agree to that when I said no the first time! "When does it suit you?" He said sitting down in his seat and taking out his pen.

"The beginning of next year, say middle of January." I replied in a bored tone. He nodded again and quickly scribbled on his notepad.

"I'm sure I could arrange that somehow but my manager is going to be asking for your reason sir." He replied bowing his head. I hate people calling be sir. I looked at my manager who just nodded his head in the direction of the lanky guy as if to say 'well answer the poor boy'.

"Family matters." I replied lifting my hands in a are-you-satisfied manor.

"Meeting dismissed." My manager said standing up from his seat. I followed suit, leaving the guy to write things down in his notepad.

"That was a waste of time." I muttered shoving my hands into my pockets.  My manager chuckled and shook his head.

"You got what you wanted though." He mused.

"I never ask for anything Robert." I said and he rolled his eyes. 

I pulled down my shades before we reached the foor and my body guard/good friend, Dustin, appeared infront of me.

"The crowd has grown since you arrived." He said grinning at my expression.

"Lets get this done with." I said and he pushed the doors open. I was met by flashing lights and screams, which now didn't faze me as much as when I first started this career. I loved my fans, I was the paparazzi that annoyed me. Always scooping around for a new story to twist my life. I seriously couldn't get a moments peace and I swear they knew things about my life that I didn't even know, they always seem to be one step ahead.

Dustin led me through the crowd and I kept my head down but dropping the occasional fake smile that I had perfected over the years. I loved my job, I just got tiring at times.

Five years of being famous and I loved it... most of it. When my first single got released, it hit number one in two days. To say I was shocked was a understatement. I almost blacked out. So, they-meaning the company who signed me- cut my trail down to four months and then had me booked for interveiws, CD signings, small concerts here and there and I even got to tour with some of my idols.

Before I knew it, two years had passed, I had been that busy and caught up in my singing career that when I finally had a chance to relax, I felt alone. I was happy when I was on stage and with my team but when it was me, I just felt like I was missing something.

"Zac!" Dustin called and I realised we had made it to the car.

"What?" I asked shaking my thoughts away.

"Your phone." He said in a duh way but looked amused at my far away expression. I then heard my song coming from my phone and realised some one was calling me.

"Oh," I said digging in my pocket for it. "Hello?" I answered it hoping it wasn't another crazy stalker fan who managed to get my number.

"Hey man." I relaxed at the sound of my best friends voice.

"Hey Matt, how's it going?" I asked. I felt guilty about not talking to him for years. He had gotten in contact with me a few weeks ago announcing his engagment and asked me to be his best man. To be honest, I was shocked that he still asked me after all these years and well, after his sister.

"I just wanted to tell you that the wedding's been brought forward two months." And I just had to go through that meeting to push my tour back. Well, maybe spending some time at home will be good for me. I suddenly got butterfly's at the thought of going home.

"Wow." I said chuckling.

"Can you still make it?"

"Course man, wouldn't miss it."

"Ok, good." He said sounding relieved but then sighed frustrated.

"What's up?" I asked as the car pulled infront of my building.

"I'm a dead man." he muttered and I knew he talking more to himself.

"Yeah?" I asked amused.

"Matt," I heard Kat's voice in the backgroud.

"Yeah?" He answered her.

"Did you tell her?" She asked and I heard him sigh again.

"No, not yet. I don't know how to, she's going to freak!"

"She better not back out of this wedding." Kat said in a stern tone. "I'll drag her screaming by her hair if I have to, whether she's my sister-in-law or not." I froze when I realised who they were talking about.


"Look man, I gotta go. See you soon." Matt said hanging up. I was still in daze.

How did I not realise that she was going to be at her own brother's wedding.

Because you forgot about her.

I growled at my inner voice even though I knew it was true. With everything going on in my life and the time differences, we just grew apart until I forgot. I couldn't believe I forgot. I slapped my forehead as memories of us being together flashed through my mind.

I thought about going back and explaining things to her, hell I even got as far as my parents home but she would never know. It was two years after my success, I had been touring near they area and wanted to surprise everyone. That was until I saw her with another guy, laughing and smiling.

I didn't know what I expected. I knew that she would have moved on, I mean, I broke my promise to her and she probably hates my guts right now. So I figured, I'd move on and save her from more pain and hurt that I seem to constantly give her. I guess I forgot about her and what we had alone the way to make it more bareable.

It was hard at first but my work managed to distract me enough. I opened the door to my appartment and set my keys on the table.

"Hey baby." I looked up at my girlfriends cheery face.

"Hey Paige." I said as she walked over and kissed me.

"How was work?" She asked wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Waste of time." I shrugged. Paige and I had been together for just over a year and have been engaged for two months. She had long brown hair with warm brown eyes that I loved. She was sweet and kind and a real down-to-earth girl. I'd met her three years ago and we became good friends before starting to date.

"Well, you'll just have to make up for that time doing something else." She said giving me a flirty smile.

"Really?" I asked pulling her closer to me. She giggled and I grinned at her. I bent down and kissed her neck, making my way up to her jawline.

I wasn't sure why but when I looked back up at her, I suddenly saw Sophie's face staring back at me and I got lost in her lighter brown/green/greyish eyes.

"Zac," Paige whispered and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Yes." I answered.

"When do you leave for the wedding?"

"Tomorrow actually, he's moved the wedding forward two months so I figured he might need to extra help, besides I haven't seen him in so long." She smiled.

"I think thats a good idea." She smiled and I wondered how I ended up with someone like her.

"Come with me?" I asked out of the blue.

"Really?" She asked shocked but was smiling. 

"I want you to be there." She smiled and nodded.

"Besides, I don't want the papz stalking you."

"I love it when you get protective." She said and I froze when I heard Sophie's voice saying the exact same words from over five years ago.


"This party is going to be awesome!" Matt exclaimed excitiedly with his arm around Kat.

"I know, Jim always hosts the best parties!" Kat said just as excitied.

"Is Sophie ready yet?" Tina said tapping her foot waiting to go.

"Yes, I am." We turned around as she made her way down the stairs and my eyes widened at the sight of her. Sweet baby jesus, I think I died and went to heaven. She was wearing a tight, mid-thigh black dress, hugging her in all the right places. She wasn't showing a lot of skin but somehow she look even sexier.

Damn, I'm going to be fighting guys off her all night.

"Happy?" She said when she reached the bottom.

"Very." Tina nodded and walked out the door. Kat and Matt followed her leaving just her and me. I took a step closer so we were toe to toe and I bent down to whisper in her ear.

"You look beautiful." I felt her shiver and I smiled at her reaction leaning away.

"Thanks." She blushed and I took her hand. I brought it to my lips making her blush even more.

"Shall we?" I said holding my other arm out towards the door.

"We shall." She grinned.

By the time we got to the party, it was in full swing. I kept Sophie close to me and we pushed our way through the crowd.

"I'll go get us some drinks." I yelled to her over the music. She smiled and nodded as I walked over to the drink stand. I poured us both a plastic cup full of flavoured water and turned around to take them back to her.

I stopped after taking one step when I saw Rick, a big ass player in my year, talking to her with his hand on the wall by her head. I could tell she was uncomfortable as her eyes were scanning the room looking for a way out. I threw the cups to the floor and started stalking over there.

I saw her turn around and try to walk away but he just had to go and slap her butt. She turned around shocked and disgusted.

"Come on baby, don't be like that." I heard him slurr as I got within hearing range.

"Go away Rick." She said and tried to walk away again. He went to grab her arm but I grabed his wirst before he could lay a finger on her.

"Back off." I said in a threatening tone.

"Dude, didn't know you already called dibs." He said smirking at me. "She is one hot piece of ass." He said winking over at Sophie. I clenched my jaw.

"Rick, fuck off." This guy was really pissing me off.

"Maybe next time, I'll beat you to it. You'll have to give me pointers." I lost it. I punched him square in the jaw. He fell backwards against the wall, I pulled my fist up again but stopped when I felt someones hand on my arm.

I turned around and saw Sophie shake her head. I glared once more at Rick before letting her lead me outside.

"I sorry." I said when I knew we were alone.

"Why? I love it when you get protective." She said wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Really?" I asked putting my hands around her waist.

"I find it....rather sexy." She smiled seductively. I raised my eyebrows. "You know, my parents took Jakey too visit my granma, I sure Matt and Kat will be aleast a couple of hours..." She trailed and I kissed her hard before dragging her to car. "Eager much?" She mused.

"You have no idea." I said pushing her against the car. She smiled. "God, I love you." I said before kissing her again.

"I-love-you-too." She said between kisses and I opened her the car door for her. I must have broke all the speed limits, while she just continued to teased me.

That was one of the best nights of my life.

End of Flashback

"Baby?" I turned my attention to Paige.


"You ok?" She said frowning.

"Yeah, just tired." I replied. It was half the truth, today had taken it's toll on me.

"Ok, get some rest. We have a long day tomorrow." She kissed me once more and I pulled back before she could deepen it. I saw her frown again but quickly pecked her once more before heading to bed wondering how the next few months would play out.



How do you think Sophie will react to that?

How will Zac react to seeing Sophie again?

Vote Comment Fan!

Song doesn't relate to the chapter, I just love that song at the moment!

