Chapter 18

BLAINE ^^^^^^^^

Sophie's P.O.V

Seeing Wilson in one peice was such a relief, I was worried sick from the moment Tina told me. Then I got even more nervous as I let Zac be the one to find him. I nearly had a heart attack and I was pretty sure everyone got fed up with me walking in circles and rearranging things as I waited for the call from Zac.

The knock on the door had be pulling away from Wilson reluctantly. I was never letting him out of my sight again.

"Could you take them into the living room Zac?" I asked and he nodded quickly shooing them in the right direction. So much for letting him out of my sight, I sighed. I walked to the door and opened it wondering who was at this time of night.

Ok, so it was only 10pm but still. A little late for home visit's right? I froze in my tracks when I saw just who it was. Blaine. My Ex-boyfriend. Well, it wasn't like I was going to sit around and wait for Zac was I? Besides Blaine was such a nice, caring guy. He helped me through a lot.

The beginning of our relationship was amazing but the ending wasn't so pleasant.

"Sophie-" Blaine said my name like it was god sent. He looked so happy and relieved to see me while I just stood rooted to the floor. Fate really had it in for me these past few weeks huh? First Zac now Blaine?! 

"What are you doing here?" I whispered very much aware that Zac was in the next room.

"I came to see you. I didn't like how we left things." He admitted pleading me with his eyes.

"Blaine, you need to leave." I said closing the door more.


"Please go." I said now pleading.

"Sophie-" He started again.

"Everything ok?" Damn, he picked just the right moment. I whirled around to see Zac eyeing me before his gaze hardened at the sight of Blaine.

Oh boy.

"Everything's fine Zac." I said stepping closer to him.

"Wait." Blaine said looking back and forth between us. "This is Zac? The Zac?" 

"Who's this guy?" Zac asked keeping his eyes on me.

"Oh this is too much for one night." I muttered putting a hand on my forehead. "Ok, ok." I said looking at Blaine.

"Blaine, you really need to leave. I don't have time for....this." I said waving my hands between us.

"Fine." He said reluctantly. "but if I leave he's leaving too." So now he wanted to be possessive. Greaaaaat.

"Hell no-" Zac began but I held my hand to cut him off.

"Zac's not going anywhere. We have unfinished business to attend. Blaine, please leave." I sighed. My bed sounded really good right now.

"Fine." He glared at Zac. "But I'll be back tomorrow." He warned before storming off down the driveway.

"Really Sophie? That guy?" Zac laughed shaking his head while I rolled my eyes and shut the door. 

"What's wrong with that guy?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Well, I just thought you had better taste then that." He shrugged and smirked.

"Actually, he was a step higher then my usual kinda guy." I shugged while he placed a hand over his chest fake looking hurt.

"Ouch, that hurt Sophie." He joked.

"Mummy!" I walked past Zac, bumping his shoulder on the way through to the living room as he chuckled at me. 

"Who was at the door?" Abby asked jumping in her seat.

"No one hunny. Now, back onto the subject of the run away child." I said putting my hands on my hips as Wilson quickly hid behind a cushion. "That cushion aint going to do you much boy." I said while Abby hit him with her own cushsion.

"What is it world war 3 in here?" Zac asked looking at them amusingly.

"No, now, one of you care to explain." I asked looking from Zac to Wilson.

"Better get comfortable." He muttered sitting on the sofa next to Wilson while I sat on the other side with Abby.

"Wilson." Zac said and he sighed before facing me. I smiled, letting him know that I wasn't going to be the angry mum they have very rarely seen.

"I heard Granma Maria and Abigale talking. They said something about Zac." He said looking up at Zac who looked at me intensly. Then it clicked. Wilson heard them talking about Zac, being their father. I closed my eyes and sighed.

This was not what I wanted to happen.

"Mummy." Abby asked grabbing my hand.

"Sweetie I have something to tell you." She nodded slowly waiting for me to continue. I glance at Zac quickly and he gave me a small nod so I turned back to Abby. "Do you remember the things I told you about your father?"

"That even though he isn't here doesn't mean he doesn't care or love us."

"That's right." I smiled.

"What's it got to do with Pig man?" I bite back my laughter as Zac frowned.

"Hey!" He complained.

"Well, he's your father sweetie." I said softly watching her face for any kind of reaction.

"Pig man's my father?" He asked looking at Zac before me again and I nodded slowly. "B-but he left us." Her voice broke and tears started forming in her eyes. How am I meant to explain this to a four year old?

"I know but-Abby.." She ran off. I turned and looked at Wilson who shrugged and smiled up at Zac.

"I think it's pretty cool." He grinned.

"Is it really bad?" Zac asked and you could here the pain in his voice.

"Just give her tonight to cool off." I said hoping I sounded more comfident then I felt. Truth was, Abby was as stubborn as a horse. "Wilson,"

"I got it mummy." He said already jogging up the stairs.

"He's a lot like you." Zac murmured and I smiled.

"Yeah." I laughed. "Abby on the other hand..." I trailed off and look at him. "She'll come around Zac."

"I missed so much of their lives. How am I suppose to fill those four years Sophie? Why didn't you tell me? I would have stayed with you, I would have been there for you."

"I know and I tired but you left and never came back Zac." I wasn't angry anymore. He chose his path, I chose mine. I've accpeted the life fate had given me. "I wrote letters you know, every other month. I took pictures and made scrap books but I had no idea where in the world you where. How was I meant to tell you?" 

"I feel horrible."

"You should." I nodded in agreement and he gave me a stern look. "You said it." I smiled. "Look, stay here ok."

Leaving Zac sat in the living room I made my way upstairs. I stopped to check on Abby and Wilson first making sure they weren't tearing the place apart, I smiled, stopping myself from talking to them as they were both asleep on Abby's bed.

I guess the wedding really took it's toll on them. I switched off the light and continued on to my room. The letters that I had wrote to Zac, I kept them in a box under my bed since I couldn't post them. This box was full with Abby and Wilson's childhood memories.

"What's that?" Zac asked raising his eyebrows as I placed it in the middle of the floor.

"That is everything from five years ago." I said opening it up.


"I know, it's a lot." He started reading the letters I wrote while I pulled out the scrap books until I came across the DVD I had made recording all the precious memories such as their first steps. I put it in and pressed play while sitting on the same sofa as Zac just a few feet away.

"Andy! Get the camera out of my face!" Zac looked up from the letter he was reading to the T.V screen.

It was when I went into Labour so needless to say I looked like crap and was snappy towards everyone and yet they were still there at the very end.

"Come on Sophie, this is a day we are all going to remember. One day our little boy or girl will want to see this." Andy chuckled while the 18 year old me glared at him.

"Honestly, I think it's best if they don't see her like this. She's scaring me!" Kerri's voice came from somewhere in the back ground.


"Andy give me that." Kerri said the same time the contraction hit.

"Make sure you get my good side." Andy said while Kerri turned the camera on him.

"Why am I with you again?" She muttered.

"Ok, I'm going to need everyone to step outside. Sophie, when the next contraction hits I'm going to need you to push as hard as you can." The doctor said and the camera showed everyone wishing me and Matt luck. Matt grinned while I glared at them.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there." I barely heard Zac as the next clip came on. The after birth scene.

"Really? The camera guys?" I asked smiling this time.

"They are only going to be cute once." Tina said while Kat hit her.

"I can't believe you had twins." Kat said moving into the screen standing by my bed.

"I can, the pain was real enough." No word of a lie.

"And she felt like she had to put me through the same amount of pain."  Kerri twirled the camera around to show Matt walking into the room with a bandage around his hand.

"Sophie, about the adoption."

"You were going to have them adopted." Zac said looking at me shocked.

"I was 18, alone and scared. For me, it was the only way out I could see." I said trying not to cry at the memory.

"what about it?" The on screen me asked.

"I'm happy you decided to not go through with it but I just want to make sure this is what you want. Your 18 Sophie." It was Kat who was speaking to me.

"No, I can't Kat. Not after seeing them and holding them. I know it's going to be hard being a single parent but I'm not giving up my babies."

"Good. And your not a single parent, you have us five with you all the way. Now, let me see my little little baby!"

The screen clicked onto the next scene. We watched their first steps, words, birthday's, general days out etc. When it finished we both sat in silence, Zac went back to finishing the letter's I'd wrote and I went through old scrap books.

"I'm going to bed, you staying here the night?" I asked yawning and he nodded not taking his eyes off the letter. "Well the guest room is the first door on your right....or the couch is fine." I muttered when I realised he wasn't even listening to me. "Good night Zac."

Going to sleep that night wasn't easy. For one, the father of my kids and ex boyfriend was currently sitting down stairs catching up on his children's lives. I wonder how Paige feels about all this, I wonder if she knows the kids are his. She was such a nice person and I feel horrible for her being in this situation. Zac wants us to try again and when I'm screaming yes in my head I still can't forget the times he's left me hurt.

And then there's Blaine. God knows what he's doing here. I met him when the twins were 8 months old when I accidently split coffee on him. From there things just grew between us and he helped me take my mind of Zac just for a little while. It was a year and a half later when things got messy.

Hearing footsteps coming up the stairs brought me from my thoughts and I looked at the clock. 5am, how long had I been awake thinking for. Zac must be a good way through that box now. I saw his shadow pause outside my door and I had butterflys in my stomache as he hesitate with his hand on the handle.

As much as I want to hate him or to be mad at him for any longer I just can't. I never stopped loving him but this time, He'll have to work for my forgiveness.


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