Chapter 17

Zac's P.O.V

Kerri was scared, she kept looking around her surroundings in case they missed something and she ran her hand through her hair every ten seconds. It had been nearly three minutes she since told us about Wilson.

Sophie had visibly paled and her hands were slightly shaking. She hadn't moved at all, she was frozen like a statue. My eyes were still wide as her words were still being processed. Wilson was missing. I hadn't even had chance to get to know my son and he's missing.

I heard a light whimper from Sophie and shook myself out of my trance. He can't be too far, I have to be strong for Wilson, Abby and Sophie.

"Kerri, make sure you've checked every room in this place. He might just be hiding. Ask all the staff if they've seen him." She nodded and quickly took off in the direction she had came in.

I turned to Sophie, grabbing her arms lightly but she didn't take any notice of me. I grabbed her chin with my hand and turned her face to look at me but she just stared blankly into my eyes.

"Sophie, we're going to find him ok. He's going to be ok, he's probably just playing a game and got lost." I said trying to reassure her. Her bottom lip trembled as her eyes glistened in the light provided by the moon. I saw one tear fall down her face and I wrapped my arms around her. "It's going to be ok." I whispered.

"W-what if we can't find him?" She cried into my chest.

"We will. I'll make sure of it." I said determination clear in my voice. It was moments like these I missed with her, just being able to hold her and comfort her, I just wish it wasn't because our son was missing.

"Guys." Andy said out of breath stopping a few feet away from us. He shook his head and I gritted my teeth. He had to be here somewhere!

"Does Matt and Kat know about this?" I heard Sophie ask and was surprised to find that she hadn't pulled out of my arms yet.

"No." Andy said shaking his head again.

"Good. I don't want to ruin their wedding, it hasn't been that long, we'll tell them when we've got no choice." Sophie said sounding stronger then she looked.

"I've looked everywhere." Olivia said coming out with Kerri supporting her.

"I've asked all the staff." Jakey said following after them.

"We've checked all the rooms and the gardens." Tina said coming out with Paige and her brother.

"He's 4 years old, where could he have gone!" Kerri said as everyone began to start thinking of places and getting frustrated.

"Where's Abby?" I asked tightening my grip on Sophie.

"She's with Poppy and Dustin." Tina said calmly and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Where would you go if you were a four year old boy?" Paige asked.

"What?" Olivia said frowning while rubbing smooth circles over her baby bump.

"If we're going to find him, we need to understand his mind." Paige said and it wasn't actually a bad idea.

"My room." Jakey answered.

"My mum." Andy admitted at which we would have laughed at under different circumstances.

"I always went to my granma's." Tina smiled.

"What about you Zac?" That was an easy question.

"Well, I always went to-" I stopped half way through my sentence. They all waited for me to continue but I didn't, I knew where he was. "I know where he is." I stated and Sophie turned to look at me.

"You do?" She questioned confused.

"Yeah." I sighed. "A place I showed him, I'll go get him."

"I'll come with you." She said but I stopped her.

"No, you need to stay here with Abby. I've got Wilson don't worry." I kissed her forehead and left before anyone else could say anything.

I didn't slow down once in my car, it was only a five/ten minute drive but for a four year old to walk it must have been a least twenty minutes! If he won't get an ear full from me then he will from his mother thats for sure.

I jumped out the car and ran towards the place I knew like the back of my hand. I pulled myself up onto the ledge and looked around until I saw Wilson huddle together in the corner. I let out a sigh of relief and sat down next to him.

"Hey kid."

"Am I in trouble?" He whispered while looking at something on the floor on the other side of him.

"You just had us worried. So," I started. "Want to tell me why you ran here?" I asked raising my eyebrow. "You got a lot of people worried Wilson."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I just needed to get away and you said you always came here so I thought I would to." He rushed out clearly thinking he was in trouble.

"It's alright kid, just next time....tell me or someone first. You're still only four years old. Your mum's been worrying like mad."

"I'm sorry. Am I grounded?" He asked looking up at me with puppy dog eyes. I laughed but shook my head.

"Not sure." He sighed. "So, why did you come here?"

"I heard Granma Maria and Abigale talking."

"Ok, so what did they say to make you run away?"

"Nothing." He sighed again looking back to what had his attention before. "Did you know it's son and father day at school next week? Some of the kids are bringing in their dad's to talk about their work."

"Oh," I frowned.

"Uncle Andy offered to stand in but it wouldn't be the same." He said looking deep in thought. Man, this kid defiantly got Sophie's brains and her good looks. "Would you do it?" He asked looking hopefully.

"Of course but you said it wouldn't be the same."

"But you are my father right?" I froze, how did he- "That's what Granma said." Ah.

"Well, yes. I am." I nodded.

"Really?" He asked and I nodded again. "Do you know how old I am?"

"Er, 4." I said not understanding what he was getting at.

"4." He nodded. "It's 4 years I've never known you. 4 years my mummy cried over you. 4 years of waiting for you." Crap, defiantly his mother's son.

"Wilson," I sighed. "It's much more complicated then that. But listen, I may not have known you long but I already love you and your sister. I hope I can make up for these past four years. To both you and Abby and for your mother as well."

"Do you love her?" He asked looking back at the floor.

"Very much." He smiled and nodded while stretching his legs. When his legs were lay flat, I could see what he had been looking at, it was the pictures that I kept of me and Sophie.

"Are you going to leave us again?" Wilson spoke.

"No, never again." I promised by my words. I knew never to actually say the words 'I promise' because of the last time I said them. "Come on, lets get you to your mother."

"You know, Abby's going to go all crazy bear on you." Wilson grinned climbing back down.

"Crazy bear?" I asked completely confused.

"Yeah, we went to the zoo and the bear went really crazy and thats how Abby's going to react when she's told about you being our father."

"Why's that?"

"Because through all the good things mummy would say about you, she only sees you as Pig Man." He grinned again.

"Well, I'm not looking forward to that." I mumbled making Wilson laugh.


"Wilson!" Sophie gushed walking through the front door while pulling him into a bone crushing hug. After finding Wilson, I brought him to Sophie's house, using the key under the flower pot, instead of the wedding. "Where did you go? You had me worried sick young man! Don't you even think about doing that again." She scolded.

"Sorry mummy." He mumbled into her shoulder.

"God, thank you Zac." She said looking over his shoulder. I smiled and nodded my head. "Why did you do that Wilson?" She asked pulling back from him.

"Yeah Wilson, every one was running around looking for you." Abby spoke up next to Sophie.

"I-" He got cut off my the door bell.

"Hold that thought Mister, this isn't over." Sophie said standing up. "Could you take them into the living room Zac?" She asked and I nodded ushering them into the room. Damn, I forgot to put the key back.

"Stay here ok." I said in a warning tone before heading back to the front door.

"What are you doing here?" I heard Sophie's hushed voice as I stood behind her.

"I came to see you. I didn't like how we left things." A male voice replied.

"Blaine, you need to leave."


"Please go."


"Everything ok?" I asked deciding to make myself known. Sophie froze before turning to face me giving me a view of the guy she was talking.

That guy was non other then the guy I had seen her with two and half years ago.




