Chapter 13

Zac's P.O.V

"You came here to talk so talk Zac. Don't give me that it's a long story crap. Say what you have to say then go cause how I remember it is that you left me waiting for hours at a airport, waiting for you. Do you remember anything about when you left? What we talked about? Do you have any Idea what I've been through? First having to get over you, then raising our kids, then I had to deal with my father having cancer and now your back. Did you ever stop to think about me? Cause every decision I made I always thought about you first."

Yes, I was wrong to leave her I'll admit it but I just hope she'll understand once-hold up a second. Did she just say-no she couldn't have....

"What did you say?" I took a step forward to make sure I could hear her loud and clear. Her eyes were wide reminding me of a deer caught in the headlights.

"I-I-I err" She stuttered not being able to find the right words.

"You said our kids. Do you mean our kids as in you and I, me and you?" I asked looking for her to either confirm or deny it. She licked her lips and started pulling on her hair, her nervous habit.

"Fine, yes. Ok. Wilson and Abby are our children. You're their father." She blurted sounding angry. She's angry?! I'm the one who just found out I had kids!

"Wha-" I stopped and fell on the couch when I lost my balance.

Oh my god I'm a father. I have children. I'm a father. I'm a father. I couldn't shake the thought from my head. I wanted to jump with joy but I was scared to. I missed so much of their lives, they don't even know who I am.

How am I supposed to deal with this. I'm meant to be going back to LA soon, there is no way I can go back now. How will Abby and Wilson take it? Why did Sophie keep it to herself for all these years? I was going to ask her but words failed me.

I still couldn't get round the fact that Abby and Wilson were mine. They were my children. Mine and Sophie's children just like how I always imagined.

"I'm going leave." I managed to choke out as I looked up at Sophie. I couldn't make out her impression but she was watching me closely, watching my reaction.

"That's probably best." She agreed and walked me to the door. 

We didn't say anything as I passed her and walked out the door. I couldn't bring myself to say or do anything at the moment. I just needed to clear my head and come to terms with the information.

Don't get me wrong, I'm over the moon that those kids are mine, I couldn't be anymore happier. There are just a few complications and unanswered questions.


Sophie's P.O.V

"Stupid, stupid, stupid." I said banging my head on the door. I can't believe I just let that slip, that was not how I planned on telling him. Well, I guess he knows now, thats a weight off my shoulder. I just have to somehow figure out a way to tell Abby and Wilson.

"Sophie, stop banging your head against the door!" Kat said pulling me away. When she saw my expression her mood automatically fell. "Soph, what's wrong?" She asked pulling me into the living room.

"I-uh." I sighed. I couldn't tell her, not with her wedding tomorrow. It was her day and I wouldn't spoil it for her or my brother. "Nothing. I guess I'm just tried, planning a wedding isn't all fun and games." I laughed.

"Riiiiight." She said not believing me for a second. "I know what you're doing and I appreciate it, I do but I'm here for you Soph, whether I'm getting married tomorrow or just going out shopping." She smiled.

"I know and I'll tell you once your happily married to my brother." I grinned.

"He knows doesn't he." Damn, was I really that obvious? Her thought was confirmed by the look on my face and she laughed. Really? She laughed. "Oh sweetie, I'm surprised he didn't find out sooner, I mean the similarities between them, anyone would have guessed. And where do you think Abby got her personality from? She's not an angel like you were. She's a little monster. And she's named after his mother....Seriously, that boy needs a brain." She shook her head amused.

"What do I do now Kat? What do I tell them?" I asked looking up the stairs where Wilson and Abby were and I heard her sigh.

"I can't say. That's up to you to decide, just know that we'll be right behind you." She said patting my knee.

"Thank you."

"Now, we have to sleep because.....I GETTING MARRIED TOMORROW!" She squealed and jumping on the sofa. Oh wow, that's one happy bride.


"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god..." I watched as Kat paced back and forth, back and forth, back and forth..over and over again.

"She's been at this for half an hour." Kerri said leaning over to whisper to me.

"Should we throw water over her?" Tina suggested.

"What? No, Tina. We've already done her hair and make-up." I said shaking my head.

"I'm getting married, I'm getting married, I'm getting married." She said shaking her hands and freaking out. What happened to the mood she was in last night.

"Ok, Kat....hunny...You need to sit down." Kerri said guiding her back to her chair.

"Yeah, I thought you wanted to marry Matt-" Tina started.

"Of course I do!" Kat interrupted her. "It's just....I don't want anything to change after we're married. People drift once their married, they get bored and have an affair...." She trailed off still freaking out.

"Ok, listen Kat. That's not going to happen to you, you know why? Because you too don't just love each other, but your in love with each other. There is so much love around you that you can over come anything. I see the way you two look at each other. You have nothing to worry about." I said looking her in the eye so she can see the truth in my words.

"You think so?" She asked her eyes watering up.

"Yes but don't you dare cry. We just finished your make-up." I said and she cracked a smile.

"What if I screw up? What if I fall over my dress or-"

"Jeeze, stop with the negativity woman!" Tina said moving to stand besides me. "Your marrying the man of your dreams. Remember that and everything will be fine. You're one of the lucky ones Kat."

"Thanks guys." Kat was smiling.

"Mummy, mummy, mummy!" I turned my head in the direction of the door to find Abby in her dress with her hair in cute little ringlets.

"Abby, I told you to stay still." Poppy said chasing after her. "Sorry guys, she's meant to stay in her room." Poppy said looking down at Abby who giggled and twirled in her dress.

"Ok....o-kay..." I laughed as Liv waddled into the room out of breath. "Being seven and half months pregnant is a night mare." She said rubbing her stomach while trying to catch her breath.

"Been there...done that. Gets worse before it gets better I'm affraid." I said laughing as Liv groaned.

"Lets just get me in this dress and down the aisle before my water breaks."

"Right, you girls carry on here. I'll meet you there." I said walking out as they all said their goodbyes. "See you later princess." I kissed the top of Abby's head before waving to Poppy. "Hey Dustin, you ready to go?" I asked as he waited by the door for me.

"Lets get to a wedding." He smiled as he followed me to the car. The drive began in a peaceful silence but five minutes before we arrived Dustin spoke. "He's knows huh?"

"How does everyone else know?" I asked shaking my head. "Wait, how did you know they're his kids?"

"Are you kidding me, a blind man could figure that one out." He scoffed. "Plus you told me when you told me your side of the story, remember?"

"Oh yea. How did he not notice if everyone else did?"

"He knew, I think he just didn't know whether to believe it. I think it was easier for him to think you've been with someone else, he won't be able to forgive himself if he knew you were pregnant with his kids and he just left you."

I didn't say anything else. I didn't know what to say.

"Sophie, we've got a problem." The same boy who had done the Ivy yesterday ran up to me as soon as I stepped out the car.

"What is it?"

"The photographer was meant to be here an hour ago and he still hasn't shown up."

"Ok, make sure everything else is in order." I said and the boy scrambled off. I took out my phone and waited for the person to pick up. "Paige, where is this photographer of yours?" I asked before she could even say hello.

"What? One second." She said before shouting the name Luke. "Ugh, I'm so sorry Sophie, he's only just woken up but he'll be there in ten minutes." I heard a guy grumbling in the background before Paige shouting after him. "See you soon." She said cheerifully back to me.

"Sophie." I looked behind and sighed. What now? "I just came to see if you needed extra help." Tina had holding her hands up defensively, oops, I must have been glaring at her.

"Sorry, everything is just hectic. I need to go check on Matt and the guys and then I got to check on my kids to see if they have their songs ready and I'm meeting this photographer...." I sighed.

"You go do Matt and your students, I'll meet the photographer out front." I smiled greatfully at her before running off inside.


Tina's P.O.V

How long did Sophie say he was going to be? I thought tapping my foot against the grovel still waiting twenty minutes later. I shifted my weight onto the other foot as I heard a car coming through the gates. Well, its about time.

The car came to a stop and I saw Paige hop out the passenger side first. She quickly rushed over to me. Huh, I never did like that stealing whore.

"I'm sorry, my brother slept through his alarm." She apologized quickly.

"It's fine." I said acting cool.

"Luke, get your lazy ass out here." She shouted to guy who got out of the side of the driver's. "Again, I'm sorry." She said turning back to me.

"Like I said, it's fine." I said as we started walking in with her brother following behind us.

"How is Kat holding up?" She asked trying to make conversation.

"As any other bride would be. Nervous but knowing she's going to marry the man she loves is enough to keep her smiling like a nutter." I laughed.

"Such a beautiful place." She whispered in awe as we walked through the lobby.

"Tina, we have another issue. The hall where their meant to be getting married has had some problems with electricity and we're not aloud in." Sophie said rushing over to me. "Hey Paige, Luke."

"Damn. You know, I always wanted to get married on the beach, she should have just gone to Vagas or something." I mumbled.

"Tina you're a life saver!" She said grinning like she'd just won the lottery. I heard someone start coughing behind me and I frowned but Sophie had my attention at the moment.

"I am?"

"Yes. Come on boys, lets move it to the garden." She shouted turning around to her little group of workers.

"Luke, you ok?" Paige asked and I turned to see someone doubled over coughing.

"Do you need water?" I asked and he nodded looking up. "Oh get out." I said not believing who I was seeing.


Sorry guys, this isn't what I had for this chapter originally due to my laptop crashing and deleting what I had to begin with -_- So I had to start again and I rushed slightly to get be able to upload today for you all. Sorry for any mistakes.

Sophie and Zac will be appearing more in the next chapter...This chapter is just a filler.

So, I'll upload as soon as I can.

Vote, Comment :)
