XXVII- Shopping


"Jacob, I'm meeting his family tomorrow." I exclaimed cheerfully.
Jasper smiled but couldn't hide the crinkle of his nose in disgust. I hit him in the arm lightly. "He's not that bad." I laugh.

"He sure smells bad." Emmett laughs. My eyebrows raise in confusion. "His hair He never washes his hair- Yeah haha..." Emmett answers awkwardly.

"Would you lay it off?" Jasper asked rolling his eyes. Emmett smiled and got up from his chair.

"Make me," Emmett dares standing up from the chair. Jasper smirks and stands up.

"Oh lord," Edward mumbles crossing his arms. Emmett walks up to Jasper, but Jasper runs off Emmett chases him a couple feet behind him. We all laugh as they sit back down in their chairs. Both of their grins spread ear to ear like they were children who were just given ice cream.

"Jasper?" Alice high voice spoke. Jasper raised his eyebrows. "Can we barrow your car for we can take Morgan to the mall?" She asks with pleading eyes.

"Fine," Jasper answered. Alice's face lit up in pure excitement. Suddenly I felt a cold grasp on my hand I look down and see Jaspers hand on mine. I look over at him and smile lightly.


Finally the day was over! Jasper and I left history class and went to the parking lot.

"Are you sure about this? You don't have to go if you don't want to." He asks. I shake my head and smile.

"I'm sure about this Jasper. I want to get closer to Rosalie and Alice." I explain. Jasper smiled and dipped his head down and our lips touched. After a few moments we pulled apart.

"Alright, I'll see you tonight." He grinned. I nod and walked towards Alice
and Rosalie.

"Wanna drive?" Alice asked. I nodded and she tossed me the keys to the silver car.
I got in and put on my seatbelt. I put the key into the ignition and the car roared. I jumped up surprised by the sound. I drive the car out of the parking lot and to the... Mall I think... I honestly had no idea where I was going.

"You drive like a grandma." Rosalie laughed. Alice giggled and I smiled.
After a few minutes we finally got to the mall. It wasn't the biggest mall ever but it wasn't small. The three of us walked into
the mall and went straight towards a shop that held modern clothing. The metal of the hangers clicked together as I went through them trying to find a shirt.

"Morgan! This would look amazing on you!" Alice screamed running towards me. She held a white lace T-shirt that was strapless. I smiled and took it in my hands. "You know I'm glad Jasper and you are a couple. You know he's never been this happy before?" Her brown yet golden eyes sifted on me.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yep, now go try this on before I sputter out anything else." I laughed and went into the dressing room. When I was about to try the shirt on I felt something fall on my face.

"Try That too!" Alice giggled. I grin and took it off my face. It was blue dark jeans with rips on the knees. I put the outfit on and opened the dressing room door. "Whatcha think?" I asked spinning around.

"Amazing!" They both said in unison. They looked at each other and giggled.

"I'm pretty sure Jasper would love it."
Alice winked at me causing a pink color to swarm my cheeks. I went back into the dressing room and changed back into my original clothing. I walked out with the shirt and pants in my arms.

"Let's go check out!" Alice grabbed my hand and took me to the register. I set the pair of clothing on the counter and pulled my wallet out of my back pocket. I pulled out $32 when Rosalie immediately put a credit card on the counter.

"It's on me." She smiled at me. After we checked out I grabbed the bag and thanked Rosalie.

"Luke's calling!" Alice grabbed her phone and answered. "I'll be right back." She spoke before walking off.

"Luke?" I asked confused.

"Alice's husband he's at Seattle visiting some of his friends but should be back some time this week. He's quite eager to meet you." A smile tug on her lips.

"Why?" I asked.

"You see Jasper hasn't been in a relationship since Maria. He usually doesn't let people in, but you see your different. That's why your so unique." She stated. "That's why I like you so much. You bring out the bright side of Jasper and I actually like your personality." She grinned. Alice came running back.

"Hey, sorry Luke called and told me he just got in town." She babbled seeming extremely excited.

"Let's head to the car then." We all walked out of the mall and to the car. I grabbed the keys from my pocket and
tossed them to Rosalie. Rosalie smiled and sat in the driver seat. The car started and she pulled out of the parking lot and drove to the house. She drove fast.... for sure... The drive finally stoped. Rosalie turned around and looked at me.

"You alright Morgan?" She asked.

"You look a little sick." Alice added.

"I'm fine." I commented stepping out of the vehicle. I felt dizzy but my vision was finally starting to get less blurry.

"Sorry I drove fast." Rosalie apologized. I giggled and looked up at her.

"No worries." Rosalie grabbed the bag from my hand and carried it for me even though it wasn't heavy.

"I can't wait for you to meet Luke, Morgan!" Alice cheered. We all walked into the house. We walked into the living room as the rest of the family already were sitting down. A guy with light brown hair and light skin stood up and offered a smile.

"You must be Morgan, I'm Luke." Luke greeted. I returned the smile. Alice raced up to Luke and hugged him tightly. Jasper came behind me and grabbed me by the waist and put his head on my shoulder.

"Welcome back darling."

Word Count-1,035

A/N- I really enjoyed writing this chapter! :D I'm so happy I created a husband for Alice! :) I hope you all have an amazing day/Night!
