XXIII- Emergency


"Don't mind Emmett." Rosalie laughed walking up to me smiling. "I'm Rosalie it's a pleasure to meet you finally." She replied. Emmett laughed at Rosalie and kissed her on the forehead.

"I'm Emmett" he reported. "Welcome to the family!" He gushed messing with my blond strawberry hair causing me to laugh. Alice walked over to me with a bright smile.

"Morgan it's nice to see you again!" She cheered. She was always so happy and cheerful.

"You too Alice!" I smiled. Suddenly I looked over at Edward who was just leaning against the Jeep without a word.
I walked over to him and smiled. "I'm Morgan it's a pleasure to meet you." I smiled. I observed he wasn't to much of a social person.

"I'm Edward, it's a pleasure to meet you too." He smiles softly. Jasper walked closer to me and whispered to me, "Are you still sure about this?"

"You know we can hear you." Emmett laughed. I giggle and nod in reply. We all get in to the white Jeep and I'm in the middle next to Jasper and Alice, while Rosalie in the passenger seat and Emmett is in the driver seat. Edward was in the far back. Emmett started driving the car and in a couple minutes we were there. I stepped out and my eyes went huge as I stared at the enormous house. The house was a huge and had lots of glass windows. Say goodbye to privacy.

"Did you think we lived in coffins?" Jasper asked walking close to me. We all walked in and the house was huge and there was art hanging on the walls. The house was very organized for seven people living in it.

"I take credit for all the decorations!" Alice bragged making me smile. Suddenly two people stood in front of me and one I recognized was Carlisle and the other I was guessing was his wife Esme.

"I'm Esme, it's a pleasure to meet you Morgan! I've heard so many great things about you from Jasper." Esme greeted.

"It's nice to meet you to Esme." I replied giving off a soft smile.

"Morgan it's nice to see you again. We've made some steak salad if you'd want some." Carlisle reported. I smiled and nodded. We all went to the kitchen and sat down. It was nice to be sitting down at a table with people. For the last year I've been sitting at the table alone. This was different I felt as if I was at home again.
Jasper placed the steak salad in front of me and then sat in the empty chair next to me. It felt like a home should feel...

"This looks amazing Carlisle and Esme! Thank you so much." I smiled digging into the amazing salad. For people who don't eat human food it's quite amazing how they can cook better then me. We all sat at the table and I answered they're questions about my life.

"We'll be in my room." Jasper confirmed as we both got out of our chairs.

"Upstairs to your room... I see." Emmett snickered smirking. Rosalie rolled her eyes, while Jasper elbowed him in the stomach. As we both started walking up the stairs I turned around facing them.

"Thank you for the wonderful dinner." I commented. I saw them all smile. Jasper and I went to his bedroom.

"You don't have a bed, because you don't sleep right?" I asked. Jasper nodded and I looked at his music and books on a wooden shelf.

"It get quite annoying not having something to occupy yourself with." He commented while I ran my finger against the book spines. I pulled out a book that said 'Romeo and Juliet' I laughed.

"I wasn't expecting you'd be into romance." I laughed. Jasper tried to grab the book from my hands, while I ran on top of his coach and held the book above my head. He whined and narrowed his golden eyes at me. He stepped on the sofa and I immediately ran off. He groaned and ran towards me. I giggled and was about to run when he zoomed in front of me.

"Give it back Morgan." He groaned.

"Hmmm let me think about it... No." I laughed as his expression got more annoyed. He grabbed my arms and hit them against the wall causing the book to slip out of my hands. Our mouths were close and I felt his breath. When suddenly we heard a knock. He let my hands go and grabbed the book quickly and placed it on the bookshelf and quickly answered the door. I saw Alice smiling she was holding my phone in her hands.

"You left your phone on the table and it keeps going off." She pointed out. "Don't worry I didn't look at it." She smiled and handed it to me.

"Thanks Alice." I replied. We both smiled and then she walked down the stairs. I looked at my phone and saw several text messages.

[1 missed Call from Bells]

(Text sent at 4:33pm)

Morgan, Jackson got attacked by an animal in the woods he's in the hospital hurry ASAP.

(Text sent at 4:43pm)

Morgan, please text back! Jackson is under horrid condition.

[3 Missed calls from Bells]

(Text sent at 4:54)

[7 calls from Bells]

Morgan, I've called you but your not picking up are you alright? Pls text back.

"Can you drive me to the hospital?" I ask to overwhelmed in my thoughts to cry. Jasper looks at me confused when I hand him my phone to read the text messages from Bella. He handed me the phone and hugged me tightly. A tear escaped my eyes.

"I'll drive you up there." He told me. I nodded and followed Jasper downstairs. We both walked down the stairs and saw the rest of them looking at us worriedly.

"Where's Emmett?" Jasper asked. Him and I recognized that Emmett wasn't here.

"He's hunting He should be back soon." Carlisle exclaimed while giving me a sympathetic expression and grabbed his coat. Suddenly we all see Emmett walking in with gunshot wounds all over him.


Word Count- 1,043

A/N Hey, I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter! I told you guys it was going to get good! XD I hope you all have an amazing Day/Night!
