XXIX- Jakes Family


I shook the flashback away and started writing the note... What was I going to say? 'Hey I love you but you tried to kill my vampire boyfriends brother' yeah doesn't exactly sound the best. After about five minutes I write something.

I never wanted things to end out this way, but sadly the world isn't a fairytale. You made your choice and I made mine. I Choose them over you because I know they aren't monsters like you think they are. They didn't pick this life for them. And whether we disagree I think it'd be best for you to leave town and never show up again. I'm not coming with you this time. Mom would respect my choice so why don't you.

Your daughter

I sighed and placed the pen on top of the note. I walk in the front room and see Jasper. He walked up to me and hugged me tightly. He released me out of the hug and hold my shoulders. It was still early in the morning and school started in 30minutes.

"Let's go." With that word we both left the house. We got into the car and everything was silent. He left the house and he drove to the school. After a few minutes we got there. I opened the door and started walking out of the car. "Hey, are you sure your okay?" Jasper asked concerned.

"Jasper I'm okay..." I smiled. I kissed his cheek and suddenly felt something tap my shoulder I turn around and saw Bella.

"Can we talk?" She asked I nodded. Her and I walked over to her red truck. "Morgan, your going to think I'm insane, but I think the Collin family are all vampires." She took a quick breath but continued her conversation. "They're skin is ice cold. They're eyes change colors. Just think about it." She stated. Crap... Bella is finally catching on. The bell rang and we both jumped from the sudden sound. "Just think about it." She shook my shoulder and ran into the school. I took a deep breath.

"Crap." I mumbled.


The day went by fast and I was trying to avoid Bella's conversation about the whole Cullen family being vampires. It wasn't my place to tell her... but I knew she was going to find out sooner or later.
Jasper and I finally got finished from History class as we walked out and headed towards outside. Suddenly I heard a sound of a motorcycle.

"Wanna ride?" Jacobs mouth formed a smirk as he stared at Jasper. Jasper snarled and I put my hand on his shoulder. "Calm I'm just taking your girl to meet my family. Not like I'm taking her away from you. Jeez on your period?" Jacob laughed. Jasper narrowed his eyes at Jacob.

"I'll see you later." I grinned at Jasper and left his side. I hopped on back of Jacob and wrapped my hands around his waist.
"Wipe that tough guy look off your face it's making me sick." I exclaimed. Jacob laughed. The engine of the motorcycle roared as we drove off. We finally stoped at a house that looked about a two story and was made of wood. Paul smiled at me as he raced over to me.

"Nice to see you again Morgan." Paul exclaimed hugging me. I smiled. A group of guys raced out of the house along with two girls.

"Hey, you must be Morgan these two keep talking about you!" A women with
dark hair spoke. Her face had what looked like claw marks. They buried into her face, but they were scars. I smiled at her trying not to stare to long. She started messing with Jacobs and Paul's hair laughing.

"I'm Sam, this is Emily my girlfriend." A guy that had black hair exclaimed. He had a dark voice and seemed like a leader. He put his hand on Emily's waist and smiled lightly. A guy that looked younger than all of them jumped on Jacobs back and tackled him to the floor. He laughed and walked up to me.

"Hi I'm Embry!" He smiled. I grinned.
Two guys walked over to me and started messing with Embry. They all started laughing.

"I'm Quil."

"And I'm Jared." Jared knocked Quil to the ground and smiled at me. I laughed and my face went a huge grin. A guy in a wheel chair rolled up and stuck out his hand.

"You must be Morgan, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Billy." I shook his hand and smiled. A girl beside Billy looked at me with a tiny grin on her face.

"I'm Leah," she exclaimed.

"It's nice to meet you all! You probably know but I'm Morgan." I grinned.

"Come inside I made some muffins for you!" Emily grinned and she raced inside the house. Paul ducked down in front of me.

"Jump on my back." Paul exclaimed. I jumped on his back and laughed as he raced inside. I jumped off his back. They all raced to the muffins.

"Hey! Hey! Leave some for our guest!" Emily laughed. I grinned and took a muffin out of the basket. I bit into the chocolate muffin and it was sweet...

"This is amazing Emily! Thank you so much!" I exclaimed grinning. I gobbled down the muffin.

"You eat like a pig." Jacob laughed. I punched him in the side.

"Who wants to go to the beach?" Embry asked. Everyone agreed and we all walked out of the house to the beach.

"So you're the Vampire girl?" Sam asked walking beside me. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. "We know about them you could say we're not the best of friends." He explained.

"Um yeah you could say...." I stated awkwardly.

"Let me guess Paul or Jacob haven't told you?" He questioned.

"Tell me what?" I asked with my eyebrows raised.

"You'll find out sooner or later." He stated and ran off to Emily's side. Tell me what?

Word Count- 1,003

A/N- Hello! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I did writing it! :)
Have an amazing day/night! :p (sorry it's late! I'm probably not posting this week heads up! Exams are coming! :( )
