XIII- Chocolate Milk


"You zoomed out of the whole entire lesson." Emmett says. The whole hallway was looking at both of us like we were celebrities or some crap.

"Welp learning about some stupid equation really puts me to sleep." I say while Emmett laughs.

"Well if you ever need help with that stupid math equation I'm your guy!" He says while pointing to himself.

"Then you'd be first on my list." I spoke.

"Jasper talks about you a lot you know."
Emmett exclaimed. I looked at him with a confused expression. Jasper talked about me a lot?

"Speaking about Jasper, where is he?" I asked. Emmett looked at me with a unreadable expression taking over his facial features.

"Jaspers sick...He's starting to feel better, so he should be back to school on Monday. I'll tell him your worried about him. I'll see you later, Morgan!" Emmett spoke before walking away.

"I'm not worried about him! I mean I'm worried a little I don't want him to die..."
I ramble. Emmett looks back and smiles at me.

"I'll tell him that you have him in your thoughts." Emmett smiled. "I'll see you later, Morgan." And with those last words
Emmett walked away leaving me speechless. I actually was worried about Jasper on a friend level... The school felt empty without his presence.. I walked out of the hallway to gym class. I walked towards Bella who was talking to Mike and Jessica.

"Morgan, are you excited about tonight?" Mike asked picking up a conversation.
I nodded slightly unsure what to really say. 'Sure, I can't wait to party with a bunch of drunk highschool students!'
I thought.

"It's going to be so fun!" Jessica excitedly spoke. The boring conversation lasted for about a couple minutes when finally the gym teacher, Mr.Simon walked in.

"I want the guys to look to there right and those are your partners for the day today!"
Coach ordered. I looked next to me and saw Mike smiling at me. I slapped myself in the face in my mind... This day couldn't get any worse. "Go anywhere in the gym and exercise with them!" Coach screamed. Mike and me walked to the corner of the gym.

"So what do you want to do?" He asked.

"Let's start with sit ups." I said. Mike laid
on the cold gym floor, while I sat by his legs. He started doing push ups, while I counted them.

"So, you and Jasper... are you two in a relationship?" Mike asked me continuing to do the push ups.

"Five- Jasper and I are just friends." I say calmly trying to hold in my anger. Honestly, why can't a man and a women just be friends without people asking if they are in a relationship?

"Just wondering... He's weird the whole Cullen family are they are just freaks, honestly I don't get why girls want to date them or-" he exclaims my cheeks fully go red and my fist start to go in a ball and I can feel my fingernails dig into my hand.

"Just keep your thoughts to yourself! Honestly, Mike I think your just jealous because you aren't any of them!" I say almost screaming. Mike looks up at me surprised.

"I gotta go to the bathroom!" He spoke running off to the bathroom. A small laugh leaves my lips. Fifteen minutes later the bell finally rings and I run towards Bella.

"Why did Mike run off?" Bella curiously asked. I shook my head acting dumb as if I had no idea.

"He said he ate something." I make up.
Bella nodded and we both walked into the cafeteria together. We walked to the lunch line and I grabbed a bright red apple and chocolate milk along with a burger that didn't look to appetizing. We both payed for our food and sat next to the Scooby gang. Mike looked at me and instantly put his head down looking at his shoes underneath the table.

"Morgan, are you coming to the party? I was wondering if you wanted to be my date." Erik insisted. I hit him on the side and laughed.

"Friends Erik just friends." I exclaim making Erik nod. "I'll be there only because Bella keeps rambling about it."
I say taking a drink of chocolate milk.
Suddenly I felt something hit my back the chocolate milk went all over my White lace T-shirt. It was dripping down my face onto my pants. I looked back and saw a girl grabbing napkins and trying to get all the milk off my shirt. The girl had short black raven colored hair... Alice Cullen...

"I didn't watch where I was going! I'm so sorry!" She Apologetically exclaimed. She kept on trying to get the milk off my shirt, but it was useless it was never going to come off with just a napkin.

"No worries, it's alright!" I insisted acting like it wasn't a big deal. It honestly wasn't I really didn't mind it wasn't like she purposely did it. Everyone was staring at Alice and me.

"Morgan, I have some extra clothes in my bag! Follow me!" She exclaimed walking towards the girls bathroom I followed right behind her. How did she know my name? We walked into the bathroom and she handed me some clothes. She handed me a black V-neck T-shirt along with some blue skinny jeans. Luckily Alice and I were the same height and seemed to look the same weight.

"Thanks, Alice, you really saved the day."
I exclaimed smiling before I went into the bathroom and changed. I walked out with a huge grin looking at myself in the mirror. Alice had very good taste in clothing.

"You look amazing! You can keep them."
She said with a smile spreading ear to ear.
I look at her surprised staring at her.

"Are you sure? I mean these are your clothes and-" I rambled before she laughed.

"They look way better on you." She smiled and sitting herself on the bathroom counter. Alice seemed to be very perky and I enjoyed that about her. "We should hang out some time!" She smiled I instantly nodded agreeing with her.

"I'd love that!" I exclaimed smiling.
Suddenly she gripped her head and her eyes looked panic. She gripped the counter hard and I could see it turn the end of her fingers white. I rushed over to her out of worry.

"Alice, are you alright?" I asked shaking her a little. She shook suddenly and she took hands off her face and she returned to be back to normal. She jumped off the counter suddenly and walked to the door without any words. "Alice?" I asked out of worry. Her hand tightly grasped the door and she looked back at me.

"Be careful at the party... Promise me?"
She asked. I nodded unsure of what she's telling me. She ran over to her bag and pulled out a sharpie. She ran over to me and wrote a number on my hand. "If anything goes wrong I want you to call this number Alright?" She asked again I nodded and with that she left the bathroom leaving me speechless. I looked at the number and tried taking it off but it already seemed to be dried. Was Alice actually worried about me...She didn't even know me. And what's with her telling me to be careful? How did she know I was going to a party? So many unanswered questions that I just needed them be answered...

Word Count- 1,263

A/N Hey, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! It took me some time to write because I had writers block but I luckily got through it XD Anyways I'm making a new book soon! It's about Tony Stark!!! XD Hope you all have an amazing day/night! :) -Ron
