
        Scott arrived at work, still in depression over Vincent. He grabbed the food, then walked to Vincent first. He slid the food in, then began walking away. "S-Scott. Wait." Vincent quietly whispered. Scott halted in his steps, walking back towards Vincent.


        "I believe you."

        "You.. You do?"

        "I'm sorry." Vincent looked down, tears dripping down. Scott looked at him. "N-no! It's fine." Scott reassured him. Vincent wiped his tears. "But.. But I hurt you.. Your feelings.."

        "It's fine.." Scott tried to ease him. Vincent looked at him. Scott looked down. "I would hug you if I could."



        "I.. I.. I love you." Vincent blushed, whispering quietly. Scott's eyes grew in surprise. ".. V-Vincent.."

        "I know I get annoying.. B-but.. The first day.. I got lonely.. And then I became attached.."



        "Vince.. I love you too.."

        Vincent smiled widely. "You.. You do?!" Vincent looked at him. Scott blushed, his whole face red and his ears bright. "Y-yes." Scott smiled. Vincent kept smiling. Both of their faces were red, and Vincent broke the silence. "I would kiss you if I could right now." He chuckled. Scott got redder. "Oh.. There you go again, being a creep."


        ".. I'll wait for you, forever. To get out of this sick place."

        "I'm not sure if I can get out.."

        "Well.. Maybe someone will let you out. Break you out."

        "I wish.."

        "Then we could be together.." Scott smiled, still blushing. Vincent smiled. "I'll wait forever for that moment.." They reached out their hands through the metal bar, twining them together. They smiled, together.



