*Bonus* Vincent's Dream

Vincent laid on the floor, still. Scott stood next to him, trying to help him up. Tears were in Scott's eyes. Vincent still didn't move. He finally sat up, hugging Scott's legs. "Scott.." Vincent whimpered.

What Scott said to him swirled in his mind. Was it really not Scott..? He.. He seemed so sad.. Tears formed in his eyes.

"Scott.." Vincent repeated. Scott slowly faded away. ".. Scott..?"

Scott looked at him, tears vanishing and body faint. "Scott!" Vincent got up and hugged him tightly. "I.. I'm sorry.. I don't want to lose you!"

And there. Scott was gone. Vincent was on his knees. "Scott.." His eyes widened, tears still streaming down. "Scott!" He called out. "C-come back to me! I don't want to be lonely again!" He fell down, laying on the ground now. The tears wouldn't stop. "I'm sorry. fσяgινє мє."

I thought it was strange how fast Vincent's mind changed, so here's a dream. Also because I felt this story was too focused on Scott's perspective. Yeah~
