A Night Off

        "Vincent!" Scott called out for him. Vincent looked at him. "What..." Vincent yawned. Scott looked at him. "We have a night off." Scott smiled widely. The purple-haired man looked at him. "So let's go hang out, okay?!" Vincent grabbed Scott's arm. "I don't want to-" Scott hissed, clawing at Vincent's arm. "Let go of me Vincent!!"


        "We're here~" Vincent purred. "C'mere Scott!" He dragged Scott inside a house. "Welcome to my house!!" He smiled. Scott glared at him and crossed his arms. "I didn't even want to-" Scott got cut off by Vincent. "Well that doesn't matter, come inside!"

        "But you're literally dragging me-"

        "Shut up and get inside, Scott."


        Scott sighed, crossing his arms and sitting on the couch. "I don't see why you dragged to me to your house.." Vincent looked at him. "Well why not?" He walked over to him from the kitchen, sitting next to him. "Scott~" He purred, grabbing his right shoulder and shaking him. Scott hissed. "Stop." Scott grabbed Vincent's hand and pulled it off. Vincent stuck out his tongue. "What do you want to do then, boring man?" Vincent grabbed Scott's hands, shaking them wildly. Scott blushed a little bit, but pulled away. "I want to go home."

        "No." Vincent laughed.

        "Well why not?"

        "'Cause you're mine."

        "OH MY GOD YOU COMPLETE CREEP!" Scott's face was brushed with a dark red.

        "I was kidding."

        "T-that's- Whatever.."

        Vincent shrugged, then something rose in his head. "Want toast?" Vincent walked over to the kitchen. Scott looked at him. "Er.. Sure?" Scott looked at the toaster where Vincent placed two pieces of bread in. Vincent pushed down the lever and came back to sit next to Scott. They sat there for a good long while. "So what did you do before the pizzeria..?" Scott broke the silence. Vincent stared at him. "I.. Er.. Nothing really.." Vincent looked away. "Oh heh.. The toast is done!! Haha.." He awkwardly got up and grabbed the toast.

        "Here Scott." Vincent grabbed a plate, placed the two toasts, and walked back over to Scott. "Have this." He put the plate on Scott's lap, then grabbed one of the of toasts. Scott looked at him awkwardly, and slowly grabbed the remaining toast.

        The toast was gone. Vincent stood up and stretched. It was 5:56 now. "Scott, when do you eat dinner?" Vincent turned around to face him. Scott stood up. "Er.. Around 6. Why?" He sighed, standing up next to him. Vincent's eyes followed his actions. "Well where do you eat?" Vincent yawned, small drops of tears forming in his eyes. Scott looked down. "Home. Duh."

        "Ahh.. Okay."


        "Errr.. Well do you have to go?"


        ".. So... Want to eat dinner with me?" Vincent teased, grabbing Scott's shoulders. Scott hissed. "I.. Er.. Can you even cook?!" The man brushed off the shorter man's hands off his shoulders. Vincent scowled. "No, I can't cook at all. Let's go to a restaurant." He said, looking down. Scott looked at him. "You really can't cook..." Scott crossed his arms and looked away. Vincent sighed. "So.. Yeah or nah?" He leaned forward to look at Scott.

        ".. Uh..."




        "Ugh fine.."
