Day 4

        Scott did the usual, grabbed the food, then walked to Vincent. He tried to avoid contact with him. He shivered at the though of Vincent stabbing him mutliple times. He slid the tray inside, and began to walk away. Vincent watched silently, growling. Scott tried to force back tears, then went to the next cell.

        "Hey." The girl chuckled. Scott groaned. "What do you want..?"

        ".. I talked to him."

        "Well you didn't change anything, thanks."

        "I didn't say I was going to be nice."

        "What the fuck did you do?!"


        "Oh my god.." Scott stiffened, hissing. "What did you do?!"

        "Convinced him it was you. Nothing special."

        ".. I.. Why?!"

        "I'm not nice." She chuckled, grabbing the food tray. Scott widened his eyes, then narrowed them. "Why..?" His body filled with anger. "Why would you do that?!" He screeched. It echoed, catching attention of many others. The girl smiled. "Shoo, dirt." The female started eating, Scott hissed and growled. Scott got up, the rest of the food shaking from his anger. I'll get Vincent back.. He has to believe me now..
