Chapter Forty Four

My heart was broken, shattered, splintered into thousands of tiny little shards. Nothing could ever have hurt me more than walking in on what I'd seen. I'd never imagined that, by ignoring Colt, it would push him into another's arms, but there was no mistaking what I’d just witnessed. There was no explanation that would be sufficient in explaining why he’d done that and with her no less. That evil bitch was going to get hers. I knew that ultimately she was behind what I’d just walked in on. Ultimately she’d had some sort of plan concocted for that particular scene to take place. She was always plotting something of some sort to take my mate from me.

What hurt the most was that she’d finally succeeded. I didn’t want to be tied to someone like that. I’d had enough. I had done everything he’d demanded of me five days ago. I’d gone without as much as a minute of freedom. And for what? The small hope I had that he would feel remorse over his decisions had backfired in a way that I’d never expected. That I walked in on him, naked, with that trollop on the floor in the exact same manner. It was all I needed to decide that I was done with him.

I’d tried, I really did. I’d even gone to that room to talk to him about everything. I went there to tell him everything, every deep dark secret inside of me. I wanted to show him that I trusted him more than I trusted anyone else. It wasn’t the time to share secrets but I’d been willing to do so if we had even the smallest chance of making up and moving past what had happened. I’d earned the packs support when he’d treated me as he did five days ago. I’d watched the shift that took place in them and they began siding with me. I’d also witnessed it as they began to shun him, and that had never been my plan.

I was going to talk with him last night. I was going to attempt to fix things between us and work it all out. I wanted both of our happiness and had been looking for him to do just that when Greg found me. He’d told me Colt had been drugged. He told me that Colt was not in a sound state of mind and that it would be best to wait it out until the morning. I agreed because the things I had to say to him I didn’t want to go past his hearing and in an inebriated state I wasn’t guaranteed he’d keep it to himself. Greg knew what I had planned. He even supported it. But none of that mattered now.

Nothing could be done to erase the sight that greeted me when I opened the door. It took everything in me to turn and walk away, when the she wolf inside of me wanted nothing more than to tear that sickening grin off of Layla’s smug face. I knew then that whatever Colt and I had was lost. If I fought for it I was going to be fighting a losing battle. He had made a choice, even if he wasn’t in a stable mind when it was made, and by god he would have to live with it. I would not easily forget it, and I doubted that I would ever be able to forgive it either.

My heart twisted painfully in my chest with every step I took away from that room. I could hear the soft thump of Greg’s feet following after me and I knew he’d seen what I had. He remained silent and I was grateful for that as I tried to keep the tears from falling down my face. I didn’t want to cry over him. I didn’t want the pack to see me weak and broken. And I’d never felt so broken before. It was like the bonds between Colt and I, were giving way. They were allowing us to pull apart and it hurt almost with knee bending force. I was going to be sick.

My feet sped up slightly as I pushed my way through the remaining pack members that were still in the cottage. I began running the minute I left the front door. I ran until I was sure that I was out of view from the pack. Only then did I allow my body to fall to my knees and my head to hang down as I began to sob. I could hear the almost inaudible crunch of Greg’s feet behind me but I didn’t care. I had no reason to care that he saw me like this. He was my protector, the only one I could trust now. He would support me no matter what, the way my mate should have.

As the memory replayed over and over in my head the nausea inside increased. I began to gag and my hands fell to the ground to support me as my stomach let go of its contents. I convulsed with every heave of it. My vomit creating a puddle in front of me and I was vaguely aware that Greg had dropped down beside me and rubbed my back soothingly with his hand. He still remained silent as my body continued with it upheavals.

I wasn’t familiar with the emotions I was feeling. I had never before felt anything quite like I was now. Not even as a child when I’d been told my father had died. Not when I was the reason for that school being burnt down by the demons. I’d never felt so broken beyond repair. I’d never felt so empty, so much like just giving up. I’d always been a fighter. I’d always gotten back up almost immediately after a fall, but right now I wanted nothing more than to curl into a ball and pray for death to take me.

“Lady…” Greg began and I spun on him and sunk my head into his solid chest.

I felt his arms wrap around behind me as he hugged me close. I took comfort from him as best as I could, but it didn’t compare to what I’d felt when Colt had held me this same way before. I listened to the steady beat of Greg’s heart trying to will my own to match it, instead of the heavy off beat pattern it was currently beating. My breath was coming out in shaky gasps as I cried into his chest and he once more kept quiet and allowed it to take its course.

I had no clue how long he sat there and held me. I didn’t know how many times I’d begun to stop only to start up all over again. No matter what I did to try and gain some sort of composure it was a failed attempt. He’d broken me so entirely and I was terrified that I would never be the same again.

I’d been ready to do anything that I had to in order for this to work, and he hadn’t. I’d been willing to give in on some things, but he wasn’t. I’d been willing to share things with him that no one else knew, to trust him like I’ve never trusted anyone else. Yet when I walked into that room it proved to me like nothing else ever could that he wasn’t to be trusted. I had trusted him with my heart enough for him to mark me. I’d trusted him to always be faithful to me, just as I would be to him, and now I knew that it would never be that way. I’d never be able to look at him and see past what I just saw. I’d never be able to trust him after that.

Amongst my hurt was gut wrenching anger. I was furious with the measly mutt for doing whatever she did. I knew she’d been the one to drug him. It wasn’t hard to figure that out. Her laughter floating through the house showed me that her plan had been a success. She’d wanted him and in the end she’d got him. I knew that werewolves were never intimate with anyone but their mates. They were not physically capable of completing the act. Yet somehow Colt had done just that. Somehow his wolf had allowed him to mate with her and that was the real problem here. He’d gone through with it.

When I thought about being like that with someone other than my mate it made me ill. My head would start pounding and my wolf would begin growling in disapproval. His had obviously gone along with it all last night and his wolf had allowed it. It brought home how much I truly wasn’t wanted by him. A part of me had always felt that he didn’t really want me as his mate. I felt that he’d just gone along with it because he had to in order to become the Alpha of the pack. He would never be Alpha now though. I would never forgive him for what happened and I wasn’t going to pretend so that he could move up the later as he’d always expected. His act was as good as a rejection and he couldn’t take it back.

Greg held me until I was finally able to stop crying. He kept silent the whole time and just sat with me on the ground, his arms a secure band around me. I felt safe with him. I felt like at least someone cared about how I was feeling. Not for the first time I felt sympathy for the young man who lived a lonely life. He didn’t have a mate to see this side of him. He didn’t have the hope of finding her one day. His only purpose was in being my protector now and I was sad for him too. I knew now how it felt to have no hope, to feel so completely alone. If only our mates could be handpicked by ourselves I was sure that I would pick someone like Greg.

“I’m okay now.” I said in a hoarse shaky voice as I sniffled and wiped my nose with my sleeve. “I’m sure you didn’t want to be witness to that.”

“It’s fine. You had a good reason.” Greg’s husky voice said in my ear. “Besides it felt nice to be needed like that.”

“Good, because I have a feeling I’ll need you a lot more. I don’t want him anywhere near me. In fact I don’t want to have to see him again. Not yet anyways.” I muttered out as I finally pulled away from his chest. “I must look a mess.”

“You look fine Lady.” Greg said softly as he stood up and reached down for my hand to help me up as well. “So what do you plan to do now?”

I looked at him for a moment before I finally sighed and looked down with my shoulders sinking. “I think I want to go home. My home.”

Glancing up at him I watched as he nodded his head in understanding. “I’ll take you there then I’ll go get your things from the Alpha’s.” I reached out to grab a hold of Greg’s arm for support as I began to walk after him on shaky legs.

I would continue my training to be Alpha, but not because I planned to fill that role. I was doing it now because I was Royal and I would need to know it regardless. I was still a part of this pack regardless of what happened. I still had a place within my own birth to fulfill and I would do that. I didn’t need to train to be the Alpha; I needed to train to be me. Greg would be my mentor if no one else would. I knew that he would agree with me and that he would do it. He would understand how important I was to them all. But I would keep my distance from the pack and from Colt. I wanted no part of him. I’d do what I came here to do and when the time came I’d tell them all my secrets. I would give them all the magic I held inside and guide them to the future. But once that was done I would leave this town. Just like I’d planned to do the day I finally arrived in it.

The days passed agonizingly slowly, the weeks even slower. I’d kept my distance from Colt. But the pack was proving harder. They wanted me back there. They wanted me to continue on with Colt and they didn’t know why I’d been keeping my distance. They all assumed it had to do with the argument four weeks ago now. They assumed that I was still trying to teach him a lesson for the way he’d treated me. The time of lessons was over though. I’d made my decision and I knew that eventually I would have to return to the house once more and tell them all why I was keeping away. I’d have to go there and reject my mate. I knew they weren’t going to be happy; they weren’t going to just remain silent. Their opinion of me would change as well. I’d reject him but I wasn’t going to tell the pack why. I wasn’t revengeful like that. I’d just say my peace and leave it alone.

He’d been trying to find out what I was doing for weeks. He wanted to know where we were standing now. He wanted me to say the words to him. I would but I had been putting him off hoping that I would gain a little strength before then and had finally realised I wouldn’t. Greg had kept him at bay and didn’t allow him anywhere near me. Greg was good like that, his only concern was me. They may have been best friends but what Greg had seen, just as I had, set his mind firm against Colt. He was angry with it all just as I was.

The only good that came from it all was that I focused what I was feeling into training, both parts of it. I was learning with more success how to control my magic. My wolf was insuring my injuries healed faster now than they had before. And I was learning quite accurately how to fight like a wolf. My size and speed in that form were my greatest advantages. I could almost take Greg down, not quite yet, but almost. Honing my skills as a wolf was much easier than those of my mage. My wolf was like a whole different person. I just got to sit back and let her instincts take over. She was in driver’s seat taking complete control.

My appetite was questionable though. I’d thought it would increase with my training, just like it had the day I became wolf, yet it hadn’t. In fact it had decreased. I was losing weight rapidly with all the exercise Greg made me do. The only meal I was ever hungry for now was surprisingly breakfast. I couldn’t seem to manage more than a bite of anything else throughout the day. Greg was concerned but I just brushed it off. How could I eat with thoughts of Colt running rampant in my head along with the memory of him and Layla? My mind had even begun to fabricate how it all went down. The anger I felt was fueling the energy I needed to train.

Greg was his controlling self, but within reason. He was still always trying to get me to eat more, telling me that it was important to maintain a healthy diet. Really what did it matter. It’s not like I wasn’t eating at all. I ate in the mornings because my head was clear from sleep. I never dreamt and so Colt wasn’t in my thoughts while I was sleeping. It wasn’t till the remnants of sleep faded that thoughts of him would intrude unwanted.

I hadn’t broken down again to cry over him. I wasn’t the kind of girl to foolish enough to give a man or anyone that kind of power over me. It was bad enough that I broke down like I had even once. As result of avoiding the obvious heartache I was feeling I became moody. Again it only made me understand how Greg worked more and I got why he was often a complete ass. What I didn’t get was why Liam seemed to be him only target for it?

Liam had been included in our training sessions as well, well those for my mage powers. He’d been warned by Greg to control how much boost he gave off, but we’d begun including that bit into the training as well. I’d become accustomed to the feeling of his power heightening my own, and as he would slowly give off more boost I could begin to recognize it and channel it with increasing ease. I hadn’t once gone into overload and lost control of the power I had. I channeled it every time. My yard had begun to look like a war zone as a result. But I still maintained injuries in the aftermath. I wasn’t so sure that I would be able to use that kind of power without injury, but Greg was determined that I could.

My father had surprisingly not made another appearance in my life and I was glad for it. Dealing with him when I was such a mess was not something I was looking forward to. I knew that he would reappear eventually though. I was just hoping it wouldn’t be until I finally managed to pull myself out of the gutter that I had sunk into. I didn’t want to hear the “I told you so’s” where Colt was concerned. I didn’t want him to know that I was going to end things like he’d wanted. It was none of his business and I wasn’t doing it for him. I was doing it for me and he didn’t need to know why. I still didn’t want him to take over here. I didn’t want a man that could kill other’s like us to take a place among the wolves of this town or any other. He, in my own mind, was unfit for the job. At least so far my luck was with him and the problem he posed was at rest for now.

Now here I was on a bright and sunny morning, sitting on the front steps to my house, thinking over all these things again. Four weeks having dragged on and I still couldn’t push the thoughts of Colt out of my head. The pain was still as real as it had been four weeks ago. The worst part was that I could still feel the tethering binds that connected us. I didn’t know how much longer I would be able to hold off on the inevitable and so I made my decision that I would confront it all today.

“Greg.” I shouted from the porch and waited impatiently for him to come out the door. Now that my decision was made I was determined to get it over with. The minute he appeared I told him what I’d decided. “Take me to Alpha house. It’s time I really ended this.”

His eyes were sad as he asked me. “Are you sure that’s what you want?”

“No. But it’s what I have to do. I can’t be mated to someone I don’t trust.” I said quietly. “There’s no other choice. Maybe once I say the words I can finally stop hurting.”

“The hurting never ends Lady.” He said but he didn’t try to change my mind.

“So you mean to say that I’ll always feel like this?” I asked him as I stood up and walked down the few steps to the ground. “That it will never get better?”

“That’s what it’s like for me. It could be different for you. Your situation is different. What he did is unforgivable in the eyes of our wolves.” Greg answered and began to walk with me as I headed in the direction of Alpha house.

We both went silent after that as we travelled the blocks separating us from the wolves. I wasn’t sure what the reaction was going to be that greeted us, but I knew that I needed to do this. I needed the closure of officially ending it and Colt needed to know that there was no hope that I could forgive what he did. He could have stopped it, he should have stopped it. But he made the choice not to. Nothing he could say would make me forgive him. He’d still slept with her. He’d still mated with her like he should have with me.

When we reached the house I didn’t bother knocking on the door. This was my pack too and as such I was welcomed here. At least I had been when I last walked through these doors. More than a few heads turned my way as I walked casually down the hall. Some of them even smiled at me in welcome, others were just curious as to why I was there. I could hear voices in Mr. Benson’s office. Once again I walked through the door without knocking. I was on a roll and wasn’t going to stop till I did what I came here to do.

“It’s not a good time Lady.” Mr. Benson said from behind his desk and I took in the scene that greeted me.

Colt’s mother sat in a chair, Colt standing behind her with his hand pinching the bridge of his nose, and Layla was sitting in the chair next to Colt’s mothers. I could tell from the expressions on everyone’s faces that whatever was going on was not good. I felt Greg tug on my arm trying to get me to leave the room and I shot a glare at him from over my shoulder. “I am not going anywhere.” I snarled as I marched into the room and waited patiently for someone to tell me what was going on.

“Lady, this is not your place.” Layla spat out. “You’re not one of us anymore. You rejected Colt and that was the end of that. A human has no place here without a mate.”

“Shut your mouth bitch.” I snapped at her with venom seeping through every word. “I have rejected no one. And I’m a member of this pack whether you like it or not. I am not going anywhere.”

I felt Colt’s eyes on me and I knew he was wondering what I was doing. Just like I was now wondering. I’d come here to end it with him, and here I am, more or less, stating in front of everyone that I wasn’t. I didn’t allow myself to look at him. Even if I didn’t end things with him today, or ever, I still wasn’t ready to forgive him. I didn’t even want to try. If I forgave him then I felt like I’d be telling him that I’m open to feel more hurt. My eyes never left Layla and she shifted uneasily in her seat. It was like she knew that I was going to tear her to shreds for what she did.

Her eyes shifted from mine back to the Alpha’s as a question rose from her lips. “Can you make her leave? Her presence makes this whole situation uncomfortable.”

A small chuckle left Mr. Bensons lips and his eyes warmed slightly as he met my own. “If you feel uncomfortable Layla, it’s your own doing. As my sons mate she has every right to be here.”

“Like she has for the past four weeks?” Layla snapped at him. “She wanted no part of him before, so why now?”

“Who the hell are you to form opinions of me? I’m not the one who slept with someone else’s mate.” I snapped back at her in anger. My cheeks instantly heated with embarrassment that I’d said such things in front of Colt’s parents.

“She did what?” Colt’s father asked, his tone holding his own anger in check.

My eyes shot up to meet Colt’s as his hand ran over his hair and guilt and embarrassment crossed over his features. So I’d misread the situation. I’d thought for a moment… I didn’t want to think the thought again. I’d spoken without thought and before I even knew what was going on. I figured that his parents would already know what had happened and now I was mortified that I’d been the one to tell them.

“Please tell me this isn’t true Layla.” Mr. Benson asked in a tone that said she’d better confess or else.

“She’s lying, Alpha.” Layla hissed out, her eyes shifting with the lie and even a fool could see through her in that moment.

“I’ll ask you one more time. Did you sleep with another wolves mate?” He asked again. He kept his eyes trained on her as he waited for her to answer the question.

“No.” Layla lied once again. I glanced at Colt to see him frowning in disappointment. It was confusing really. He didn’t look back at me but continued to stare at the back of Layla’s head. It seemed almost like he’d wanted her to tell the truth, like he wanted his parents to know from the horse’s mouth what had happened.

“Lady, care to explain your accusation?” Mr. Benson asked me kindly and now I felt put on the spot.

I’d been the one to let the information slip, but I didn’t want to be the one to say it was truth. I sent Colt a look to tell him I was apologetic for outing this and I was confused why I even felt the need. It was his fault I was hurting now and he deserved to have the beans spilled on his nice clean life.

“It’s true.” I said to him. “I walked in on it after the fact but there was no mistaking the smell in the air and the state of undress. She even had a bite on her shoulder, near the location where I bare Colt’s mark.”

“Who was this unfortunate pup?” Mr. Benson asked me.

Now my stomach was rolling with the unease of having to confess that it was my own mate I’d caught her with. I’d not only be telling on an unfortunate wolf in the pack, but their own son, the next Alpha in line. I was quiet for a long while. My eyes were keeping away from looking at anyone. I really didn’t want to be the one to say all of this. It was like I was to blame, but I wasn’t the one to do anything wrong here.

“Look at her. She’s obviously lying. She can’t even come up with a name for this apparent person.” Layla hissed out hoping she could sway them still to believe her.

“Shut it.” I heard Colt growl out at her. “If she won’t say it then I will. It was me she caught her with. Right after Layla drugged me and had me believe that she was Lady. I didn’t know it was her until I woke up the next morning and I shoved her from my bed the moment it clicked in my mind. That was when Lady walked in and saw it all. Me naked in the bed and Layla was naked on the floor. I thought it was Lady when I’d mated with that mutt and the wolfsbane in my system didn’t give my mind time to realize it was all wrong.”

“So, Lady staying away all this time?” His father asked him.

Colt nodded his head. “Yea that was why.”

“So why did you feel the need to come back today Lady?” Mr. Benson asked truly curious.

I kept my eyes from seeking out Colt like they wanted to. Hearing him admit that it happened hurt more than seeing it as I had. But in a weird sort of way I was almost comforted in knowing that he hadn’t done it by thinking of her. Even while he’d been mating with her he’d been thinking it was me. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. It didn’t excuse him being unable to tell that it wasn’t me. She and I did not look alike. Sure we were around the same size but we looked nothing like each other.

“The reasons I came here are no longer important. What I want to know is what were you all doing here?” I sidestepped answering and throwing my own question out there.

“Layla had been trying to persuade us once again that she should be the Alpha female at Colt’s side. She says she has a surprise in doing so that none of us would be able to refuse.” Mr. Benson said.

“Oh really and how would that be accomplished when I am his mate?” I asked as I crossed the room and slipped my hand behind Colt’s back.

I wasn’t sure what I was even thinking by doing it. I just did it. The electric tingles travelling through my arm and the side of my body made the pain fade away slightly. It was like all I needed in order to be comforted was that one tell-tale sign that he was mine. I almost felt like she and he had not done what had just been admitted into the room.

“Now hold on, we’ll get to that, first I want to address the other issue that has been brought to our attention. You’ve over stepped the line in tricking my son into sleeping with you. I think as a fitting punishment, his mate will be the one to decide what to do with you. I’ve a feeling she’d just itching to make you pay somehow.” The Alpha announced.

“What? That’s not right. The Alpha makes the decisions, not some human tramp.” Layla snapped out.

The growl roared from me before I could check myself and contain it. Layla didn’t miss it either as her eyes widened in surprise, and fear began to cross over her features. I stared at her hard and I hissed out. “Care to repeat that?”

Her head shook in denial and her eyes drifted back to the Alpha. I knew she was wondering what had just took place and whether she was correct in what she’d heard. No one gave any indication of having noticed anything out of the ordinary though and she shook her head slightly almost as thought to clear it. “I could’ve sworn I just heard… I must be mistaken.” She muttered beneath her breath and I watched the Alpha show amusement in his eyes.

“What did you think you heard?” He asked her casually.

“I thought she just growled like a wolf.” Layla answered him.

“Then you’re right. You must be mistaken. She’s only human after all.” Mr. Benson said with a teasing tone.

Layla nodded her head in agreement having missed his own amusement, and then she glared at me once more. I felt Colt’s arm wrap around behind me and tighten on my hip. I wanted to pull away. I didn’t want him to think more of this then I was intending. I was doing this for show, not because I wanted nor needed his touch. Her eyes travelled down to his hand and her lip curled in hatred before she turned once more to face the Alpha.

“Now back to the matter at hand. Being that my son has a mate, how, exactly, are you expecting to take a place at his side?” He asked her.

“Well I just assumed that after we’d made love his feeling for her had changed. Despite what he just said, and it was only said because she’d in the room, he knew very well that it was me that night. He’d told me that he wanted me by his side in this pack. That he needed a strong woman like me as the Alpha female, just as I’d been saying since she showed up here. He agreed that she was unfit for the position.” Layla stated through her lying teeth.

She could be as convincing as she wanted but I knew she was lying. I hadn’t been there, but I just knew that Colt would never have said those things. I knew that he didn’t know it was her that night. When he’d said the words as he confessed I knew it was the truth. Everything began to make more sense and the pain had begun to ebb away slowly. I still didn’t forgive him for it happening but I was beginning to see how it might have been possible.

“You’re lying Layla.” I snapped out at her as my body shook slightly with anger.

“How do you know Lady? You weren’t there.” She snapped back at me.

“I know my mate Layla. I know he wouldn’t do that. Besides when I found you both you were on the floor having been pushed from the bed. I believe that right there says it all.” I answered her and watched as her face flushed with color at getting caught in her own lie.

“Whatever. It doesn’t change why I’m here.” Layla said as she shrugged off her embarrassment.

“Why are you here Layla?” Alpha asked her in a stern manner. I could tell her wanted whatever was going on dealt with and soon.

“I’m pregnant.” Layla said as a smirk made its way across her lips. “And Colt has a responsibility to do right by this pup.”

“WHAT?” I screamed out as I pulled away from Colt’s side. My body beginning to shake with renewed rage. The reason for my slip up came back just as quickly as I had been grateful to let it go. The violence running through me was unreal and before I could even stop myself I shifted and lunged right at her.

Greg was quick. He always was when he needed to be but right now I wasn’t the least bit happy about it. She’d seduced my mate, tried to break us apart by doing it, and now she was claiming to be carrying his pup. I was livid beyond measure and the only thing I was seeing right now was red. I lusted for her blood. I wanted more than anything to sink my jaws into that pretty little neck and tear her head from her body.

The impact from Greg hit me hard as he knocked me away from my target. He himself had gone wolf and was standing guard between us. Layla’s eyes were wide with terror. She hadn’t expected the reaction that she got from me. I could read the look on her face as she backed away from where I stood snarling. Just as I was about to lung at her again Colt too stood in my way.

“I can’t let you harm her Lady. She’s carrying my pup.” His voice flooded into my head.

“I don’t care whose fucking pup it is Colt. That bitch is going to die and she’d going to die today.” I snapped back at him as I lunged once again. I knew they both could take me down, but I wasn’t going without a fight.

“Get her out of here.” Mr. Benson snapped at what I could only assume was Colt’s mother. “And make sure she doesn’t go anywhere.”

The minute Layla was escorted out of the room I turned to follow after them. Taking her away wasn’t going to stop the damage I was going to inflict. She’d messed with the wrong wolf one too many times and I was done trying to contain myself and behave. I was going after her like I should have the moment I found out I was wolf.

I made to move to the door only to find my way blocked. I didn’t really want to hurt them. These people were like my family but right now I wasn’t thinking enough to control it. I snapped at Colt’s wolf form and sunk my teeth deep into his front right paw. When he went down I jumped clear over him and was met by Greg who hit me hard once again and sent me sailing across the office into a bookshelf on the other side. It wasn’t only he and Colt I had to deal with now. Mr. Benson had also shifted into his own wolf and stood sentry at the door. I could fight as I wanted through the other two, but royal or not I recognized him as Alpha and I couldn’t do the same with him.

I panted as I tried with desperation to force myself to calm down. My sides were heaving heavily with the effort I was giving it.  I couldn’t control the urge inside of me. I couldn’t make myself calm enough to think rationally.

“The window Lady. Use the window. I can’t let you hurt her, and I can’t let you show yourself to the pack.” Mr. Benson’s voice flooded into my head. “Run off until you can calm down. Go.” He commanded.

Without stopping to think I turned and ran at the closed window knowing before I leapt that I would smash right through it. I also knew that both Colt and Greg would be out of it right after me. I didn’t stop to check though. If I stopped then I’d be right back in there and I wouldn’t stop hunting until I found and shredded that good for nothing little twit. Let’s see how she’d like a taste of the wolf inside me. I’d love to prove to her how much not human I was. Then maybe she’d get the message loud and clear. Colt would never be hers. He was mine and I’d never give him up. I may hate him right now. I may have wanted just an hour ago to end it all between us. But he was mine and she would never have him. I would willingly kill her first.
