Chapter Fifteen

I woke up with a smile on my face unlike any I had ever worn before. I mean it was only a dream that she’d had but it felt so real. I could smell her; feel the heat from her hand as she ran it over my fur. It felt amazingly wonderful to curl up around her and place my head in her lap, to be close to her. I watched her as she stared back at me awestruck. She’d been amazed at my enormity and hadn’t shone even the slightest of fears. I’d felt for the first time as if I were truly home, as if I was right where I belonged. I knew in reality that things would more the likely be different, but for those few hours they’d been more than I could have ever expected.

She’d accepted everything while in that meadow that nature could provide. I had watched her run with the deer having the time of her life. I’d even kept myself hidden afraid she’d run off at the sight of a huge giant wolf. But she hadn’t. I could sense that she felt me walking up to her. That she knew of my presence stalking toward her and she’d waited patiently for my approach. I could help but purr as I smelt her. I could help but nuzzle her hand, initializing the first contact with her. I wanted so desperately to know what her touch would be like.

When she first spoke to me I’d been afraid to say anything back and yet even still I was unable to stop myself. I was surprised at the things she’d told me, at the paths with which her life had gone. She’d boosted my ego in that moment and she had no idea. Sure it was a dream but every wolf in our pack had the ability to dream walk with their mates. It was basically a way to communicate and keep contact even while asleep. It was a dream, but it wasn’t at the same time. I’d decided last night that it would be a prime opportunity to get to know her better. I knew I was abusing my power but I couldn’t stop myself once I thought about it. The advantage it gave me would help in gaining her forgiveness.

She’d figured out that it was me by the end and I’d had to pull out. I feared what her reaction would be. She’d felt soothed and comforted by my wolf. She’d accepted him wholeheartedly. No questions asked. But I wasn’t sure if she would’ve accepted knowing it was me. To her this would all be a dream but she’d keep the same thoughts and feelings she had in real life. The only difficulty I might face is in the hours where we were awake. I couldn’t let her know I knew of anything she’d never told me here. I knew it could create more problems and even more I’d have to be forgiven for. I had enough on my plate as is.

When she’d told me she had been running for her life I’d had to keep my wolf reined in control. He’d wanted to lash out with rage and I didn’t want for her to fear me in anyway. It was a place where we could both be ourselves, where I could gain a sliver of her trust and be able to find a way to connect with my mate here in reality. She wouldn’t open up with me about any of the dangers she’d faced, only saying how she was safe now. I couldn’t help but hear the lie spoken in the background of her words. She was safe now but she knew it wasn't always going to be that way. I could sense that she knew someone was coming after her and in one way or another they’d fine her.

There in that field I’d felt myself slowly but surely falling in love with her. She was everything that I could ever hope for in a mate. She was courageous where others would be fearful. Just the approach of my wolf had shone me that. She was more beautiful than anyone I had ever seen. How the sunlight had cascaded over her hair and allowed it to shine as if she were glowing. She'd accepted my voice filling her head as if it were normal. Many others would've feared they were going crazy. I could sense within her dream the amount of power she had coursing through her. And it was her dream. The only thing I's altered was my presence in it. It was like I said I walked into her dreams.

Sighing I looked at my alarms clock. I'd woken before it had gone off but I was grateful to once again have some extra time this morning. I wanted to get to school and see her. I knew she'd be there. I had this gut feeling that she'd want to see me too. That a part of her was telling her I wasn't as bad as she thought I was. A part of her had already begun accepting me.

I rolled myself out of bed and ran to the showers. I knew the others would be up soon and if I didn't get a quick start I’d miss out on any hot water. This house was hectic in the mornings. Once that had been finished I scrambled around as quickly as I could do what I needed to do to get ready for the day ahead of me. As I ran down the stairs to quickly grab something to eat I slammed into my father. The smile I had worn since the time that I had woken up never wavered from my face. It had actually increased when I stopped and looked up to meet his eyes.

“She's accepted your invitation for Saturday.” I said happily. “Oh and Liam has also said he’d come for dinner as well. Though I have a feeling it was more for her benefit then to see any of you.”

He smiled at me, his eyes filled with warmth. “Liam’s a good boy. As much as you boys don’t get along anymore, I’m sure it was done for your benefit as well.” I shrugged already knowing that he was probably right. “You know Colt. I’m not gonna say this to ruin your good mood, but the next time you decide you’re going to dream walk your mate be honest with her while doing so.”

“What? How do you even know that?” I asked completely stumped.

“I’m Alpha Colt. I know all. And parents can dream walk their kids until they’ve claimed their mates. It’s how we can tell how much control they have left. She’s a beauty, don’t let her get away. We need an Alpha female like her.” He said before turning on his heals chuckling as he walked away.

How didn’t I know any of this when I was to be taking over his position soon? In all the training I’ve done throughout my life he’d never once told me that he and my mother could walk my dreams. They’d only said it can be done between mates. The fact that he and, most likely, my mother had been present during my cherished moments of last night irked me. It sent fire flowing through my veins in frustration and anger. They’d had no right to intrude.

My mood had been dampened slightly with my father’s words. I felt violated in a sense. My mind was automatically thinking that if she were to ever fine out that I’d done the very same thing to her she’d be furious. She’d never forgive me for it. Standing here right now just learning that my father had walked my dream last night I wouldn’t even be able to blame her for feeling that way. It was an invasion of privacy in a way.

I walked to the kitchen without the smile on my face but by the time I’d managed to pour myself a glass of milk it was back in place. Last night had felt far too amazing to not be happy about it. It had been the only time she’d fully accepted me. The only time we’d spent hours in each other’s presence without my mistakes making her angry. Despite the fact that I’d taken advantage of this ability we’d been able to fully enjoy each other’s company. I already couldn’t wait for sleep to take me again tonight so I can slip into her dreams and share them with her.

Hopping into my car I quickly made my way to school. I wanted to be there early. I wanted to be the first to notice her arrival. I wanted to see her again so I can remind myself how real, and how lucky I was to have found her again. I wanted to try my hand at friendship with her. Be able to talk to her as myself and stop myself from doing anything stupid to make her even angrier with me. I was longing for her acceptance, longing for the right to greet her properly and take her into my arms. Be able to hold her and know she was mine. I’d do just about anything to have that with her.

I sat in the bleachers away from my friends. Away from the girls that were always trying to get with me. I wanted no part of it. Until this moment actually, after finding her, I’d even forgotten I’d had a girlfriend.  A girlfriend I needed to find a way to break up with. I didn’t want to hurt her but I couldn’t stay with her anymore either. Now that I’d found my mate I couldn’t be with her. I couldn’t play that guy anymore. Lady deserved my full undivided attention. And that’s what I planned to give her.

I could see Liam’s car pulling in and parking in his usual spot. Greg was riding in the passenger seat and Liam was driving. She was the first to leave the car from the back seat, her eyes scanning over the students looking for someone in particular. I already knew she was looking for me. It didn’t take long till she found me. Her face was full of confusion and her eyes looking at me as if she knew something that I didn’t. She looked at me like that a lot. I could almost feel that she knew more then she’d ever tell anyone and I was curious as to how.

I saw the smallest of smiles come over her lips before she turned herself away and walked into the school. It was so small that it was almost missed but I knew she’d intended for me to see it. She wanted me to know that she didn’t completely hate me, that a part of her had already accepted me. It was like a voice in her head was telling her to do it. It wasn’t quite forced but wasn’t openly given either. Liam quickly followed after her. Greg was already walking in my direction and I found myself giving off a low growl in annoyance. I was still mad at him about choosing her side.

“Sup man?” He said as he sat down beside me. I just nodded my head at him as my eyes followed the last trace of her walking into the school.

Glancing at the students who stood around I could feel my anger bubbling up. She hadn’t been here that long and already it was as though no one liked her. Or they feared her. They had waited until she’d gone inside before they started talking about her. They disapproved of her friendship with Liam and it pissed me off more than anything else. She’d done nothing to these people. The only thing she’d done since coming here was befriending Liam and standing behind him in that friendship. She valued it more than the reputations others set for her. Hell I couldn’t help but feel pride in her knowing she’d stood up to the two strongest werewolves at this school to defend him.

I shook my head in disappointment that Greg and I had even done that to Liam. He didn’t deserve it and like my father had said this morning he was always there for us. I needed to patch things up with Liam. He was important to Lady and therefore he was important to me. Her happiness was to come first and from what I could see he was about the only one here that made her happy.

I could already tell that she was going to swim in my mind nonstop. It’d only been a few days tops since I learned who she was and already she swapped my mind. She’d found her place within it and dug her nails in so far she’d never let go and leave. I didn’t want her to either. I wanted her there filling my mind with pleasant thoughts, driving me to want to make her the happiest person alive. I needed her like I needed the air I breathe. I needed her in my life to keep me going, to make life worth living. She was the only one who’d be able to sooth me when the tasks as Alpha would become too much in the coming years.

“What’s eating you man?” I heard Greg say beside me.

I glanced over to notice that he’d been studying me the whole time I’d sat here lost in thought. He watched as my mind though of her. I already knew that he knew I was thinking of her. He was my best friend and knew me better than anyone. I could tell by the way her was looking at me that he knew what was going through my mind.

“She won’t hate you forever Colt.” He said. The fewest words but they helped ease the tension I’d been unaware I was feeling.

“I know but I made some huge mistakes.” I said as I looked down at my shoes.

“It’s impossible for mates to hate each other. The pull is too much to resist and in time she’ll forgive you.” Greg said as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

I shrugged it off almost immediately. He knew I was still angry with him. The things he’d said about her had royally pissed me off. The words themselves hadn’t been what did it; it was the person he’d voiced them about. It was my job as her mate to protect her. Even from the words that left the mouths of others. She had a right to happiness and the thought that anyone would even try to bring her down made me want to tear their throats out and rip off their heads. I did take into consideration that Greg didn’t know at the time who she was to us. And I had already forgiven him but I was still angry about it.

“Look Colt. I’m sorry for the things I said about her. I didn’t mean to disrespect her in any way. It’s just she knows how to rub me the wrong way. From the few days I spent at her house…” I let off a small growl with disapproval. “I learned that she finds a sense of pleasure with doing it. She loves it when she sets the trap and I fall right into it. I don’t get it. You and I both know I never fall into the traps of others and yet with her I always do.”

“Yea man. Don’t sweat it. I already forgive you for it. Now you know who she is. I’m still pissed though.” At this we need did our little hand shake letting the other know were all good.

“Okay well let’s get to class man. Fate knows I’ve missed a lot.” Greg said looking at me with a thoughtful expression. “Did you know that she doesn’t believe in god? Just yesterday, through the path our conversation had gone down, she’d mentioned she believed in the fates. She’d said god had never been there for her and that the fates had always given her the paths to follow.”

As we stood up making our way into the schools I thought over what he’d just told me. Only the supernatural tended to believe in fate. We lived our lives dependant on the choices we make throughout it. Being that she carried magic it really wasn’t all that strange to think of. She accepted easily the roads she chose to travel down. I could tell that right from the start but had never really paid attention to it. She’d taken the path at the very first moment I met her to be friends with Liam. She’d chosen that hard road instead of the easiest one with popularity, and there was no doubt in my mind she would’ve been popular. It was almost as if she thrived on living through the most challenging things in life. Like she believed the fates had taken her there for a reason. Even I knew there was something special about Liam.

When we were kids Greg and I always felt stronger when we were around him. We felt an increase in our abilities and we’d often scrap with each other when he was around trying to figure it out. After a while we’d thought nothing of it and figured it was all in our heads. He was always so much smaller than us and we’d summed it up to our needs to protect him. Although he’d once been popular and a part of our crew quite a few people still chose to harass him because he was so much smaller than they were.

“It’s not all that weird if you think about it.” I stated as we climbed the stairs and walked through the open doors. “Just look at the way she chooses to be friends with Liam. She chooses what they fates have set before her rather than the easiest paths. God would never have presented her with that choice.”

I heard Greg growl slightly when I said that. He never liked when Liam’s name was mentioned and I truly didn’t understand his hatred for the kid. Better yet I couldn’t understand how even when he hated him as much as he did that he still ran to him when he needed someone to talk to. Liam had a good soul. He always will and despite the hell Greg inflicted upon him he was always there for him.

“I guess that’s true. I think it was her father that taught her to believe in fate. At least she mentioned something along those lines.” He muttered as he turned down the left hall heading toward our lockers. He glared at any girl who looked his way. It was comical the way he avoided them like the plague. Like they had some sort of disease he did not want to catch. I knew the humans here found it strange seeing as teenage boys was supposed to be driven by hormones but the werewolf species weren’t like that, well until we found our mates.

Her father, now that had been a sad moment last night. I’d felt her sadness over the loss of him. She’d been only a child when he’d passed. She’d never gotten the chance to grow up with him, to have him there to protect her. She didn’t have the opportunity to live as all children should and her mother had shipped her off to her aunt, having chosen a husband over her daughter in the process. I’d wanted to wrap her up in my arms and make her forget the pain it caused. I could tell that for the very few years she’d had with her father he’d cherished his little girl the way he was meant to.

“Yea, he passed away when she was young.” I said offhandedly lost in my own thoughts as he put our things in our lockers.

“How do you know that?” Greg asked me his voice laced with curiosity.

“She mentioned something like that recently.” I said turning to make our way to homeroom.

Greg shrugged as she walked beside me. “You know I’m glad I was wrong about her. She’s far more special than I thought.” He said as we walked along.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked my eyes snapping to look at his face as he stared off down the hall.

“I can’t really tell you. She made me swear not to, but I know you’ll find out soon enough. Something happened at Liam’s the other night and it completely blew my mind. It changed my mind about her.” He said.

“Speaking of that, what the hell happened to her?” I asked angry that he’d obviously been there when she’d been hurt.

“To be honest Colt, I’m not all that sure. Neither she nor Liam would tell me. But I was responsible for some of her injuries. If I hadn’t intervened she would’ve hurt Liam and she’d never forgive herself for that. They kept what happened to themselves and Lady swore me to secrecy about telling you what I saw. You should’ve been there.” Greg said.

My body spun before my brain could even register it. My hand wrapped around his throat and I slammed him into the lockers behind him. My eyes glowing slightly as I felt my wolf rise up. “What the fuck do you mean you are responsible for some of her injuries?” I growled lowly my anger evident,

I watched Greg’s eyes fill slightly with fear. He realised his mistake too soon but answered my anyway. “She lost control of her magic.” He wheezed. “She was going to hurt her best friend and I had no choice but to take her out.”

The people still in the halls were now all standing still, their eyes glued to us and I knew I needed desperately to calm down before we were exposed. Humans wouldn’t be able to understand any of the things about us. Even if we were sworn to protect them. We’d still be monsters and they’d fear us, hunt us down and kill every last one of us. This town would be destroyed if that ever happened. The supernatural were drawn here. The barrier and my pack were the only things keeping this town safe.

Taking slow calming breaths, I tried to force my wolf down back inside myself. He was putting up a protest and fighting with all he had in him to stop me. He couldn’t understand how Greg had hurt her and she accepted him without any reserves and yet she couldn’t forgive my mistakes. My heart was hammering hard in my chest as my anger disabled me from removing my hand from around his throat.

And then I felt it. The warm tingling sensation running up my arm as her hand wrapped around it. My hand released Greg instantly as she tugged it from him. My wolf obeyed her silent command without the slightest hesitation. He’d do anything it took to make her happy and I closed my eyes for a moment savoring the feeling before opening them. My wolf having willingly gone back into hibernation as I turned to face her. My eyes no longer glowing with rage as none was present. Her touch had drawn me back from the boarders of my own control and she wasn’t even aware that she’d done so,

“What the fuck Colt? Do you really always have to have your hands on someone?” She snapped angrily at me as she walked next to Greg placing her hands on the sides of his face looking him over. “You okay?” I heard her ask.

I growled lowly watching as her eyes snapped back to me. The fires danced in her eyes showing me just how angry I’d made her yet again. Jealousy flowed through me knowing that she was now coming to Greg’s defense. My eyes narrowed at her as I said, “He brought to my attention that he was partly responsible for your injuries the other day. I felt the need to call him out on it.”

“I don’t care what your reasons are Colt. You’ve laid your hands on another of my friends.” She snapped. I watched as Greg’s eyebrows rose in shock before he gave me a smug look to rub it in. “You just don’t get it do you. You need to stop trying to vent your anger on people. Get some fucking anger management or control yourself.”

“He hurt you Lady and yet here you are defending him. What the fuck? NO ONE should ever get away with laying their hands on you.” I snapped back watching as her eyes soften the smallest bit.

“Why’s that?” She asked a little kinder. The curiosity behind her voice pulled at my heart strings and in that moment I was almost tempted to tell her who she was to me. I was tempted to tell her everything, to forget about the race we were to have at the end of the month and just open up to her now. But I held back. It wasn’t the right time and I was terrified to push her even farther away then I already had.

“You’re a female. No man should ever lay his hands upon a female. Without them the world wouldn’t exist.” I said, hating that I couldn’t just tell her the truth.

She smiled at me, the joy behind it reaching her eyes and taking the fire’s they’d held away. Instead they sparkled with the pleasure she felt at my words. “I wish more men would think like that, but Greg’s action were justified. If he hadn’t reacted the way that he did in that particular situation then I’d be furious with him now. The fact that he’d done what he needed to do actually have me grateful for it.” She said sincerely. Her eyes glancing over at Greg to show him she meant what she said and I watched as he gave her an uncomfortable nod of acceptance.

I felt my heart contract at the fact that he’d told me the exact same thing and I knew I owed him an apology. “Sorry man.” I muttered and watched as he grinned at me.

“It’s alright. Given this situation in reverse I’d most likely have torn you apart for the world to see. Thank god she stopped you in time.” He said, his smug attitude hidden behind his voice.

I watched as Lady glared at him no doubt detecting the smugness behind his words. “Watch it Greg, I still don’t like you.”

His lips curled into a pout. I couldn’t believe it. She’d made him pout, the fact that it was full of sarcasm not getting passed her as her eyes narrowed at him. “But you said I was a friend.” He whined.

Oh my god. Really? This girl is making Greg do everything he made fun of others for doing. He was turning into a cliché right here in this moment and I wished I’d somehow been able to record it. I knew it would make great blackmail for later. He never did or said things like this. I knew he was up to something but I couldn’t figure out what it was.

“You and I both no this friendship only goes so far Greg. I mean really, why would I want to be friends with the smug big bad wolf? Does it make sense to you?” She snapped at him.

He began to shake slowly; I had this gut feeling that he was going to lash out any moment. He absolutely hated being called names, particularly that one. Something about calling him the big bad wolf seemed to really get under his skin. His eyes narrowed at her as his jaw set tightly. He looked as if he were fighting to control his anger. His fists slowly clenched at his sides and I prepared myself to defend her if her lost control. After a few minutes of silently staring at her daring her to say anything else and saying nothing himself he turned and walked off.

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. In that moment he left me speechless. He didn’t say anything to her. He didn’t lash out. He’d just turned and walked away. The Greg I knew would’ve told her off at the very least right there in the hallway. I looked after him as he stiffly walked down the hall. Not even glancing back once.

It took me a moment to register Lady’s laughter. I glanced over to see her holding her stomach bent over with it. She was killing herself over this. I realised that she enjoyed pissing him off like he’d said she did. And he fell right into her hands. He’d given her the opening that she needed to take the bait and throw her insult at him. I knew I should in some way feel bad for him but I couldn’t find it in me to do so. She was actually enjoying something and it warmed my heart that she had. Still I knew what he could be like and figured she could use a warning.

“You shouldn’t piss him off too much you know. He may end up doing something he’d regret.” I stated.

She raised her eyebrow at me slightly the grin never leaving her face as she spoke. “Bull, he’s as cuddly as a fish. Besides he deserves it. He put Liam through hell for months. He’s barely even been nice to me. And he needs some way to learn how to control his anger.”

I couldn’t fault her reasoning. She did have a valid point. He needed to learn how to control that emotion. Anger seemed to be the thing he fell back on the most. It was like that lately. He didn’t even really realise it ruled him almost completely and that my mate was willing to teach him control blew my mind. She had no fear of him, like she knew she could control him and in a sense she could. He had after all followed her commands rather than mine and he was well aware of the authority I held over him. I knew he would never harm her now that he knew who she was, so she was safe with her assumptions. I couldn’t help the smile from crossing my face.

“Just be careful. He can sometimes lose control. I’d hate for you to get hurt as a result.” I said watching her eyes as she studied me.

“Oh don’t worry there stud, I can hold my own.” She said.

I knew she was right. There was something about her that told me she could hold her own. She’d done it for how many years now and she had magic on her side. I didn’t know exactly what she could do but from what I detected out of Greg’s words she could do far more than we’d first thought.

“Why did he ‘have’ to hurt you the other day?” I asked using my fingers to quote the word hurt.

She looked away from me down the hall toward where Liam stood waiting for her at their lockers. “If he didn’t then it would be possible that Liam might not have been here today.” She said quietly.

“What do you mean?” I asked her wanting to know the answer and already knowing she wouldn’t tell me.

“I can’t tell you that. But if you win that race we are to have you’ll find out exactly what that was about.” She said, her mouth twitching into a smirk as she looked at me from the corner of her eye. “I gotta get to class.” She stated as she began to walk off down the hall leaving me in my thoughts.

That smirk she’d given me before she walked off had been the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. I felt my pants tighten in a certain area while standing there in the middle of the hall. She was going to drive me crazy if she kept up those small things that seemed to turn me on. I watched as her hips swayed slightly while she walked down the hall, linking her arm through Liam’s when she reached him. I was lost within my head thinking about the way that girl made me feel as I walked toward homeroom.  I couldn’t wait until she was mine and she was far more then I deserved to have.
