Chapter Fifty Six

I looked into the crackling fire that I sat before on the terrace to Alpha house. Colt was to my left, Liam was to my right, and Greg sat across from us. The sun was beginning to set off into the horizon. The atmosphere was calm for once and everyone was absorbed into their own thoughts. We’d all been sitting here for just over an hour and not one of us has said a word. We were all taking in the things that had happened over the last few months. We were allowing ourselves to come to term with how different life here would be from now on. Nothing in this town would ever again be the same as it once was. Although it was quiet it was also comfortable. We didn’t have to talk in order to enjoy each other’s company. Just being in the same vicinity was enough.

 The weeks had passed in a blur and everyone who’d been injured in the battle with the Demons had long since healed. Well, their physical wounds anyways. There had only been a few deaths that took place, but even those few weighed heavily on me. It was my fault the Demons had come here. It was my fault alone that this pack had been faced with them. It couldn’t be helped though. Fate had laid out the path I’d walked. There never really was a choice about following it. It had to be done. Even if it hadn’t been me, it still would have been someone else. And they may not have been able to survive it.

My aunt’s return was a welcomed spark of happiness. Despite having felt abandoned by her, I was immensely happy that she’d returned. Life hadn’t been the same without her. She’d taken on the task of being the Pack’s doctor and I was glad she was able to use her skills for a greater good. This pack needed someone who knew what they were doing, and someone who was loyal.

In such a short amount of time this pack had been slammed with betrayals and heartbreak. They’d fought a battle with creatures they knew very little about. They’d accepted future Alpha unlike any they’ve ever had before. They’d begun to change and become stronger than ever before. I was incredibly happy that, although I’d brought the Demons here, I was able to give the Pack a hope for the future. Even if they were blissfully unaware of just what was coming.

Very few of us knew of the horrors we would face in the coming future. There was time still before the pack would need to be told. There was time still for the pack to adapt to the changes that had already begun. We’d discussed it long and hard about whether we should tell them the things that will take place in the future, and had agreed that we would give it some time before then. This pack needed time to relax and embrace the new life before them.

Although I’d given the pack a gift the no other could have, they’d given me one in return. I had always been a girl who’d felt alone in the world. I didn’t have anyone who truly cared for me while growing up aside from my aunt. I didn’t know what it was like to have solid unbreakably friendships. I’d been withdrawn, secretive and distrustful of everyone and everything. I had never felt as if I truly belonged anywhere. Even though I had been raised and lived with my aunt almost my whole life I’d always felt alone. It was when I reached here that I finally felt at home. This pack had given me the family that I never really had. The love that I’d never really experienced. The support that I’d never really understood that I needed. They had given me a solid foundation on which I could actually have a future and be just who I was. They accepted me with ease.

I’d been so worried that they would hate me. I truly thought that they would rise up against me and rebel over the power I was born into. I’d believed that they would fault me for what happened and that the progress I’d made would evaporate into thin air. But it hadn’t, and they didn’t. This was my home. These were the people that had helped to save me from evil. They’d stood by me and accepted me as one of their own. They’d shot down every insecurity that I had and helped the silent strength that had always been a part of me. I loved them for it to. I was as loyal to them as they were to me, maybe even more so. They really had no idea just how much I owed each and every one of them.

Although this pack had a part of my heart, Colt had it all. He filled up every section inside of me. He consumed my entire being. He was all I thought about the past few weeks and all I wanted to think about. He’d been there for me right from the beginning. I didn’t fault him for the mistakes he’d made anymore. I’d let them go and moved on from there. It was only fair. He’d changed my life and gave me a new purpose to keep living. I couldn’t imagine anyone I’d rather spend my life with. He meant more to me than anyone else ever possibly could.

I was still as protective over Liam as I had always been. I didn’t allow anyone to get away with hurting him. I never would. He’d been the first true friend that I’d ever made and I loved him more than he could ever know for that. He belonged here. This was as much his home as it was anyone else’s. Anyone who had a problem with that had to go through me first. He’d been mistreated more than enough and I refused to allow it to continue. He deserved respect from the pack and any who came to this town in the future. Sure his part to play may have seemed small, but without him who knew how many more may have been killed.  I knew, without a doubt, that I wouldn’t have been able to do what I did without him. I wouldn’t have been able to put an end to the fight when and how I did without the power of his boost. His part in everything that had happened was in no way as small as some thought it to be.

This town had been deserted aside from the few supernaturals that were left, and the pack. It looked and felt as abandoned as it was. The kids were happier about it than the adults were. With few left who were able to teach theirs schools had been abandoned too. The Alpha’s were trying to find a way to reopen it but had yet to do so. Their plans for the education system were different than they had been before. Aside from the necessary classes such as English and Math, all other classes would be for the purposes of learning about other supernatural beings. Now that this town was open to any and all of them it made more sense for it to be that way. If we were going to live peacefully among others then it was only fair to learn about them and have them learn about each other. It sort of made me sad that I wouldn’t be a part of the new education system. All my schooling had been done the human way. It would have been much more interesting to learn about the things the future children would.

I was glad that things were changing though. We wouldn’t have to hide who we were anymore. We could be ourselves. We could learn about the things that make us different from others and the things that made us the same. The future held no fear of discovery. In this town, we could be exactly as we had been born and be completely safe doing so. Others who came would be able to live the same way. Those who had always wanted to discover the world outside of this town could do so. The barrier no longer formed an impenetrable wall for the supernatural. They could leave and still be connected to their families.

Although the loss of the barrier gave the town a sense of freedom, it had also opened the town to more dangers than it had experienced before. Once it became known that the barrier no longer protected this place others would come with the intention of ridding it of the wolves. There were many out there who resented the wolves for the stance in protecting the human world, or the power and authority they held. They didn’t agree with our way of life and wanted nothing more than to destroy it. We would be ready for them though. The Alpha had already begun training pack members to better our defenses. It would be a long while still before another fight like the Demons presented would be felt, but that didn’t lower to risks. Others would come on their own or with small groups with the intentions of lowering our numbers.

It wouldn’t exactly be easy to identify those who were seeking to hurt us though. Nick couldn’t say exactly when, how or who they would be and we needed to remember that others would be coming to call this place home too. Not everyone who came would be bad and we couldn’t just attack on first sight. We needed to provide them with the benefit of the doubt. We needed to be cautious. We needed to be ready and trained to defend or accept as it came along. As others came here we would have more help, but that was still a ways off. This town would be a lonely and virtually empty place until then.

I was looking forward to meeting others who were different. I was looking forward to learning about their ways of life and making new friends. How could I not? The future was open to so much potential in this town and I was excited with the whole idea. This place had always felt special to me since the moment I first got here. I looked forward to seeing everything the way it had once been a very long time ago. Just as it had in the past, this place was destined to become a supernatural hotspot once again.

I looked out at the horizon and watched as the last of the sun slowly seeped down past the tree line. I still wasn’t used to the calm that was falling over us. It had been a very long time since I last felt safe enough to truly enjoy it and I was, but it was so far from normal for me. I’d forgotten what it was like to be able to let go of my worries for a few moments and just enjoy the beauty that surrounded me. I’d forgotten what it felt like to live in the moment and not constantly worrying over what will happen in the immediate future. I was safer here than I ever would be anywhere else. I trusted my mate, my best friend, my protector, and my future pack with my very life. I knew they all would do everything they needed to in order to keep this place safe.

It was a cool night. Fall was ending and winter would soon fall on the town. I was looking forward to the first snow fall. I was looking forward to this town being painted with the purity of white. It was like a promise of new life to blossom, a promise for a greater future. It was like a way of wiping the slate clean and getting to start over from scratch. The fire was keeping us warm as we enjoyed the moment we were presented with.

I heard the almost silent creek of the door to the terrace telling us that another had joined us. I could smell the familiar scent of Colts father and mentally cringed that I was about to disappoint him. He walked quietly to where we were. Not a single one of us looked up at him. We all stayed transfixed on the flames of the fire that sat before us.

“I supposed you have the answer?” His voice filled the air around us.

I knew what he was asking. I knew what he wanted to know but the answer we had wasn’t the one he would want to hear. Colt and I had spent a lot of time talking it over. We’d thought of it every possible way that we could, but in the end it all came down to the simple fact that we just weren’t ready. We weren’t ready for the kind of responsibility that it would entail. We were only eighteen. We’d barely even got to enjoy our lives. We hadn’t yet done to do the things that teenagers do. We had yet to really experience what life had to offer.

I looked over at Colt and met his eyes. His eyes held my captive just like they always had. I felt like I was falling into their blue depths and my heart skipped a few beats. He smirked at me briefly letting me know that he was well aware of what I was feeling and I narrowed my eyes at him slightly in a false glare. I didn’t feel embarrassed over my feelings for him anymore. I didn’t feel embarrassed for the way he made me feel. Sure we still fought like crazy, but it was all a part of the fun and happened less often. We wouldn’t be us if we weren’t constantly challenging each other in some way. We were both stubborn. We were both leaders. We were both a little selfish. But above all else, we were both madly in love with each other. Making up after a particularly bad fight made it all worth it.

‘Are you sure we’re making the right choice?’  His voice flooded my head.

Again I didn’t need to ask what he meant. I knew what he was asking and I spent a few more seconds thinking it over before I nodded my head in answer.

“We’ve talked it over. We’ve spent weeks discussing it actually. We’ve done as you asked and looked at it from every possible angle but it all came back to one answer. We just aren’t ready for that kind of responsibility. We aren’t ready to let go of the things we’ve yet to experience. We feel we are too young to take on the responsibilities presented to us. We aren’t exactly saying no. We’re just saying not right now. We want some time to live. To explore what the world has to offer, to be the teenagers that we are.” Colt answered his father in all seriousness.

I glanced up to the Alpha to see how he was taking the news. I had been extremely worried that he would be upset over our answer. That he would try to challenge us or force us to do as he wanted. I’d been worried ever since I’d woken next to Colt in the infirmary. He’d told me then that his father wanted to hand over the reigns of the pack. And I’d panicked immediately. I wanted a break. I needed a break. My life had been one crazy roller-coaster ride after another. I seriously needed some real down time. I needed some time to just enjoy life for a while. And Colt agreed.

The look on the Alpha’s face though wasn’t what I’d been fearing, nor was it what I was expecting. He was grinning like he’d already known our answer. I didn’t doubt that he did. He was the top of the pack after all and there was little involving its members that he wasn’t aware of. He’d begun to pay a lot more attention to the small details since the betrayals of the doctor, my father, and Layla. I’d also gifted him with a lot more power than he’d had previously too.

“Lacey and I have decided that we just want some time to enjoy what life has to offer. To mature a little more and work out our flaws before we take our places at the head of the pack. We just want to be teenagers without worries for a little while.” Colt continued.

“Well son. I expected an answer of that nature. It more than proves that you are already ready to take your places. You’re already thinking as the Alpha’s. I would have questioned my judgement if you were so quick to accept the job. For years you were itching to finally take my place. You wanted nothing more than to be at the top while growing up. Yet here we are, you’re presented with the chance and you don’t grab it by the horns and embrace it. You want more time to grow up. You want to experience the world outside of this town. You want to better yourselves and be the teenagers that you are. I couldn’t be happier with your answer Colt. I wish I could have had the same options that you have when I was your age. Your mother and I aren’t going anywhere. This job isn’t going to be any different than we are already used to. We can continue leading this pack until you feel you are truly ready to take over.” His father finally said.

I grinned up at him and found myself wishing that my father could have been like him. I wished that my father could have been someone who loved me unconditionally and wholeheartedly the way that Colt’s did. I wished my father could have been understanding. I felt as if I was deprived of a true childhood. I felt desolate that my father hadn’t really cared for me at all. He’d acted the part perfectly when I was five. I’d truly believed he cared about me. But he hadn’t. He’d made it very clear that he didn’t care about me at all. The only balm that soothed me was that my mother did. She loved me and had always loved me. She didn’t raise me but she’d always cared. I believed her when she said that she did.

“He may not have been the best one out there.” Colt’s father said to me. “But he helped in some way to mold you into the young woman you’ve become. I couldn’t be more proud of the person that you are. All you’ve been through in your life would have driven the sanest people crazy. But here you are standing strong and proud. Living your life honestly and doing what you can to make this place better. There is no one better to rule as the Alpha female of this pack then you. And when you are ready for the job I will be more than happy to hand it to you. You deserve the chance at a real life. You deserve to live in the moment and be a happy and carefree teenager for once. You’ve had to grow up far too quickly and you deserve to be able to just live.”

My grin widened even more as I felt almost as if I was going to cry. I wasn’t sad. I was happy. I was happy that he understood exactly how I was feeling and accepted it. Automatically I stood up from my seat and walked the few feet to him and threw my arms around him in a tight embrace.

“I wish he could have been like you.” I whispered out in reference to my father.

“We all have burdens to carry. Yours were just a little heavier. The fates would never give you more than you can handle. He was a good man once. I don’t know what happened to turn him into the monster he became, but he wasn’t always like that. He did love you though in his own way. But I think he feared you too and it was that fear that drove him over the edge.” Mr. Benson said as he hugged me back briefly before letting me go.

Almost immediately my hand was snatched and I was pulled down into Colt’s lap. A low rumble ran through him and I knew he was growling. It didn’t matter who I showed the smallest amount of affection to, he hated it anyways. He was so far beyond just being possessive and I found enjoyment in teasing him. I enjoyed the thrill of knowing I could set him off and he became jealous over the smallest things. I loved that he wanted me and loved me as much as he did. I was his and only his. He didn’t want to share me with anyone. It made no difference if they were family or friend. As long as they were male he didn’t like it. He didn’t exactly stop it from happening either though. He knew that I would never do anything to hurt him. He allowed me to show affection to whomever I chose. The price was that he would do things like dragging me into his lap, or kissing me senseless. It was like he felt the need to always remind me who my heart belonged to.

I didn’t really need the constant reminder though. He was always on my mind and I could never forget who it was that my heart belonged to. When fate had decided to pair us together it was for forever. There would never be another Colt for me and I was sure he felt the same way about me. Sure we may be presented with another mate as time went on, but the comparison would be lacking. Colt had done more for me then he even knew. He brought me away from the lonely place id existed into a world and life that was full of promise. I went from avoiding a singular friendship to having many. I went from no family to one so large it would be a long while before I remembered all of their names. If it hadn’t have been for him I would have still been the girl who hid herself in a world where she never really belonged.

The pack would have known my secret only because that had been the reason I’d come here, but they wouldn’t know anything else about me. In fact, I wouldn’t even know who I really was to them. My mother wouldn’t have returned. I wouldn't have ever learned that my father had lived all those years ago. The pack would still have a doctor treating them who wanted them dead. Layla would have gotten her own way. Liam would have still been bullied. They wouldn’t have known about the demons until it was too late. They’d changed me as much as I had changed them.

I leaned back snuggling into Colts chest as he locked his arms around me and kissed the back of my neck before resting his chin on my shoulder. It felt so right to just be sitting like this with him. I loved the feeling of electricity running through my body at the contact. I hoped that I never got used to the way it felt when he touched me. I didn’t want it to fade. It felt amazing to be held by him, to be loved by him. It was so different than the way I felt when I made contact with anyone else. I knew it was the same for him.

“I'll love you Lacey forever” He whispered out into my ear.

“I'll love you forever more Colt.” I whispered back to him feeling it in every fiber of my being.

The almost transparent bond that was between us was now something solid. It was a solid thick rope of or energy that wound tightly around us both. It was the signal of our bond, the only evidenced fate left of its handiwork.  I was the only one who could see it. I’d once questioned it. I’d once wanted to run from it or find a way to get rid of it. Now I couldn’t even begin to imagine how my life would go without it. It was the only thing that showed we belonged to each other aside from our own feelings. I couldn’t see the bond between others who were mated though and it confused me. I had a hard time understanding how ours was so clear to me, but I couldn’t see the connection between others. I just assumed that it was because it really wasn’t my business to witness it. And in a way I was grateful. I couldn’t imagine living in a world with a billion different threads of energy between everyone visible to me. I only needed the one between me and Colt. It assured me that no matter what happened in our lives I would always be able to find him.

“There’s one other thing we need to discuss.” The Alpha’s voice rang out reminding me that he was still here. I’d forgotten that he was still present the moment Colt had pulled me into his lap. “Layla.”

I growled aloud at the mention of her name. I truly hated her. After what she’d tried to do I couldn’t find even the smallest piece of sympathy for her. I would never be able to forgive her for trying to take what was mine. The fact that I was choosing to separate her from the child she carried wasn’t to pay her back in return. I really didn’t care enough to retaliate with the vindication that she’d bestowed upon me. It was simply because the child she carried was my own flesh and blood. It deserved far more from this life then she would ever be able to give it. The child deserved to grow up learning right from wrong and feeling love from everyone around it. She was so full of herself that she couldn’t possibly care about anyone else. She only cared about what she wanted and I could never allow a sibling of mine to be raised by someone of that nature. She would stay for the duration of her pregnancy under close watch. Then she would leave this town and never come back. She was no longer considered to be a member of this pack.

“What about her?” I asked the Alpha as nicely as I could.

He let out a small chuckle showing that he was aware of my internal feeling regarding that particular she wolf. “What are you planning to do with her baby once it’s born?”

Colt and I had never really gotten around to discussing that fact. I knew he didn’t really feel ready to be a father figure in a child’s life. Honestly I wasn’t really ready to become a parent myself. Sure I wanted to have kids one day but that was off in the future. The alternative was unacceptable though. I would never allow Layla to take the child from this town, nor would I allow her to stay and raise it here. So in the end the responsibility fell to me. I’d never even considered about asking anyone else to take the job. I didn’t want to put the burdens of my decision on them.

“I’ll raise it.” I heard my mother’s voice drift to us from the doorway she’d walked through. “Jared would love to be a big brother. And I would love to enjoy a baby again. We live next door now so you would always be a part of the child’s life but with only the responsibilities of an older sister. Of course the child will still be raised as it should be and I will no doubt need your help with that. I don’t know the first thing about raising werewolf pups.”

I thought over her words then leaned slightly forward to look back at Colt and see what he was thinking about this solution.

‘I think it sounds like a win win. You still get some say in how the child will be raised and get to be its sister rather than mother. I don’t know about you but I’m not exactly ready to be a parent just yet.’ Colt’s said into my head.

I nodded telling him that I got where he was coming from and that I agreed, but I felt bad knowing that my mother would be taking the responsibility of my decision. I felt bad that she would be raising a child belonging to her own mate and Layla. I felt like it was a huge thing for her to do. I knew she would love the child as if it were her own though.

“Are you sure you want to do this? I made this decision. I don’t want you to feel backed into a corner and take responsibility for it. I can raise the child myself.” I stated as looked at her.

The smile on her face was warm and loving. It was easy to accept that this woman was my mother, and that she really did love me. But it was hard to know that when I could have used a mother while growing up she hadn’t been there. I understood why. Of course I did. And I didn’t harbour any bad feelings for it. Like the Alpha had said every carries their own burdens. Hers had been letting go of her daughter and leaving her mate to think she was dead. She’d had to miss out on all the things she should have been a part of. She’d had to watch me from a distance as I was raised by others. When I truly needed her the most though she’d come right away. She’d saved my life quite literally. In fact, she brought me back from the dead and gave me a second chance. That alone had driven home how much she really loved me.

“Lacey, you are young. Enjoy being young. This child will not be a burden. It will be a blessing. It’s like getting the chance to I never got in raising you.” She said simply.

I nodded my head at her as I responded. “Okay. You can raise it when it’s born. But if ever you don’t want the job or it becomes too much just let me know okay.”

“I’ll be fine. Besides the packs here and can help too. And Jared. He will love the whole idea of getting to be a big brother. He will love having someone to play with.” My mother said as she turned with a huge grin on her face. “I think I’m going to go tell him.” With that she walked out the door she’d come through.

“Well that settles that.” The Alpha said. “She’ll do a great job. If she didn’t take the job I was going to suggest myself and Carolyn. I just didn’t think it was right for you two to take on that kind of responsibility. I had considered Layla to be my daughter. I should have paid more attention to her behaviour. This could have possibly been avoided if I had.”

“Dad, you know that’s not true. You knew virtually nothing about her when she came here. She just didn’t have the same loyalties and beliefs that we did. It wasn’t your fault and there’s nothing you could have done to change what happened. She is who she is. Your parenting of her isn’t to blame. Look how I turned out.” Colt said.

“Yes, look how you turned out. But that wasn’t my doing. That was your mates.” He said smiling warmly at me. “I’d had no idea you and Greg were mistreating Liam as you had. Or that you were losing control of yourself. Your mate had brought it all to the surface and forced you to confront the issues and fix them.”

“I can only hope that Layla finds hers one day and gets the help she needs too. I know she’s no longer welcomed here or as a part of this pack, but for years I’ve considered her my daughter and loved her as such. I hope she finds some form of happiness in her life.” He continued.

I oddly found myself wishing the very same thing for her. Sure I hated her. I didn’t want to have to ever see her again. But having found my own mate I hoped that she could one day find hers. I wished for her to one day find the road to happiness and a better way of living. I had a small bit of hope that her mate could help her to become and better person then she was. I wouldn’t wish losing the chance at love on even my worst enemies. I knew first hand just how strong it was and how much it could change you.

“I hope so too.” I stated out loud causing everyone’s heads to snap in my direction. “What?” I asked out loud feeling a small blush begin to flood my cheeks. “Everyone deserves a little love in their lives. Even if they are a hateful vindictive bitch.”

Liam shook his head at me, Colt sighed, his father smiled, and Greg was glaring like he wanted to rip my mouth off my face. I grinned over at Greg and winked. He would find his mate one day now too. He’d been given a second chance at falling in love. I’d miss having him as my protector, but he deserved to find someone that could help get rid of the ice that surrounded his heart. He was always so moody and angry and I just wanted him to be happy. He was the big brother I never had and I loved him for all that he’d done for me. I still enjoyed getting under his skin though.

“Awe what’s got the big bad wolf’s panties in a bunch?” I asked out loud only to recall that he in fact wore tighty whiteys and burst out into laughter at my own thoughts. Everyone was staring at me like I was going crazy. “What?” I asked through a small break in my laughter.

“What’s so funny?” Liam asked worriedly.

“I j… just forgot that t… the big bad wolf… wears… tighty whiteys.” I got out before erupting into another fit of laughter. Liam joined me and Colt growled lowly.

“I’m not sure I like you thinking about Greg and his underwear.” He muttered out through clenched teeth.

“Oh come on Colt. Tell me that isn’t funny?” I laughed out to him.

“Alright, shut up.” I heard Greg hiss from where he was sitting.

I heard a throat clear and once again become aware of the simple fact that I’d completely forgotten that Colt’s father was still standing here. That he’d witnessed my moment of childishness put a small amount of embarrassment on me. I tried to stop laughing but it ended up a waster effort when I glanced at Liam and saw him doing the same. We both cracked up all over again. From the corner of my eye I saw Colt’s father shake his head slightly with a small smile on his own lips.

As he turned to leave us I heard him quietly mutter out. “Kids these days.” Ending on a small chuckle of his own.

“Lacey, Liam, it’s really not that funny.” I heard Colt grit out as he gently put his hands on my hips and slid me from his lap to the seat next to him.

“It is and you know it.” I laughed out.

“No, it’s really not.” Colt growled out.

“Okay, your right it’s not that funny.” I said doing my best to sound serious and keep the smile off my face. My mouth kept twitching wanting nothing more than to burst into another round of laughter though and again I lost the battle over Liam’s own chuckle.

“I’m sorry. I really am…” I said through my tear like laughter. “I don’t even know why I’m laughing anymore. I just… I just can’t stop.”

Liam was in the same boat I was. He didn’t seem like he was able to stop either and every time one of us would try to break the cycle the other would just set us off again. I really didn’t know why we were laughing like this. It was long overdue to find some humor in the crazy world around us. I embraced the moment and road the waves of hysterical laughter until I heard a loud crash.

Like a bucket of ice water thrown over me the laughter ended as fast as it came. I looked around wondering where it had come from. Greg was glaring hard into the corner of the terrace and I followed his gaze to see that objects were flying around as if they had wings. My eyes snapped back and forth between Greg and the objects before my mind could even comprehend what I was seeing.

“Are you doing this Greg?” I asked hesitantly. I wasn’t exactly sure if he was or not. I knew those who’d drunk my blood would be gifted with power of their own, but it was supposed to originate from my own stock, and I didn’t have the ability to move objects. I wasn’t telekinetic in any way at all.

The minute his eyes snapped to me the objects fell to the ground. It was answer enough. He was still glaring telling me that his mood was anything but quiet and thoughtful as it had been minutes before. My fit of laughter at his expense was anything but appreciated.

“I’m sorry Greg. I really am. I don’t know what came over me.” I apologised and meant it too. I really was sorry for pushing his buttons this time. It’d finally been nice occasion. We’d all been enjoying each other’s company as we’d satin our own thoughts. But yet, it never failed. Someone always had to ruin the moments like this one.

:”That’s not why I’m upset. It’s just because I’m going to miss this. I’m going to miss this friendship between us all.” He said as he glanced from to Colt to me and the finally to Liam. I couldn’t miss the surprise on Liam’s face when he realised that Greg’s words were directed to him as well. “I’m going to miss the boy I grew up with who’s always been there when I needed him. I’m going to miss the annoying she devil that takes pleasure getting under my skin like the little sister I think of her as. And I’m even going to miss Liam.”

“Greg what are you talking about?” I asked him feeling slightly worried at the topic he’d now brought up. “We aren’t going anywhere.”

He sighed and the glare he’d been shooting at us was replaced with a sadness I’d never seen from him before. “No you aren’t. But I am. I need to leave this town for a while. I need to see what’s out there in the world. I’ve always wanted to travel so why not now that I can.” He said.

I felt a small chunk of my heartbreak for him. I didn’t want him to leave. This moment was a sobering dose of life from my previous moment of unidentifiable humor. Life here wouldn’t be the same without him. I really did love him and look up to him as though he were my brother. I glanced over at Colt trying to determine how he was taking this news. He wore a frown on his face as he met Greg’s eyes.

“When are you leaving?” Colt asked quietly.

“Just after Christmas. I figured I would stay and enjoy the holidays with my family. And bring in the New Year with a fresh start.” Greg answered as he looked down to his hands folded into his lap.

“Why?” I heard Liam ask out in a hesitantly timid voice.

I saw Greg stiffen at his words before he glanced up with a glare directed at him. “I just want to see what’s out there. I want to experience new things, meet new people, and see how different people live their lives.”

I saw Liam’s eyes flash with pain as he looked away with a frown. I felt sad for him the most. For me it felt like I was losing my brother. But for Liam, he was losing someone he truly loved. I offered him a small sympathetic smile letting him know I knew how he was feeling right now.

I glanced back at Greg to ask a question of my own and noticed he was still glaring at Liam, but there was an inquiry in the look. It was like he was trying to figure something out. “How long are you leaving for Greg?”

He looked at me with sadness as he answered the question. “I really don’t know. I guess I’m leaving until I feel ready to come back.”

I nodded my head in understanding. I felt as if there was a greater reason for his sudden decision to leave.

“I hope you find her man.” Colt stated and I had to agree with his way of thinking. This probably had to do with him wanting to find his mate. I knew that when he finally did he would bring her home here to moonlight.

I nodded my head indicating that I agreed with Colt. “And keep in touch. A phone call every few days to let us know you’re alright at the very least.” I stated as I got up to give him a hug. I was sad that he was leaving, but happy to that he was going to do something that he’d always wanted. “I’ll miss you. Come back home when you’re ready to.”

He may have said he was leaving after the holidays, which were still a month away, but it felt like right now was the moment we were saying our goodbyes. I released him from my hug as I retook my seat next to Colt ad linked my arm through his. I leaned into him feeling the need for his support, at least for a little while.

“How unfair is that you get to have telekinetic powers and all I get is this cheesy ability to see the shimmering binds that tie me to my mate?” Colt complained out loud ruining the moment.

I stared up at him in surprise. He’d never told me once that he could see our link. I’d always thought that it was only me who could see it. “Wait, you can see it?” I asked needing to be sure that I’d heard him correctly.

“Yeah I noticed it this morning when we woke up. Now I know what you were talking about all those weeks ago.” He grinned at me like he was proud about that fact. “I actually loved it until we just discovered that Greg can do something so much cooler.”

“Yeah, I’m a little jealous myself. I can’t even move objects with my mid. I don’t know how he ended up with that trait. I thought all these abilities were supposed to come from my own.” I agreed as I looked at Greg with a smile. “But don’t you think he’s earned something a little original.”

“Sure I do. But it doesn’t change the fact that I’m jealous about it.” Colt grumbled. “But whatever man. Good luck in your adventures.” He continued before leaning in linking hands with Greg and giving their form of a bro hug.

Before Colt released him I saw him stiffen for a moment. His eyes were opened wide in shock. “You’re…”

I heard Greg let out a low growl of warning to Colt and he quickly stopped saying anything that he was about it. Instead he and Greg locked eyes and began to have a private discussion of their own. It was a few minute before I heard Colt sigh and watched as he looked away from Greg.

“You can’t do that Greg.” Colt boldly stated. “It’s not fair and it’s not right.”

“It’s not your choice to make.” Greg responded with a glare.

“What’s going on now?” I asked fearing the worst. I hated when Colt and Greg would butt heads. They were both too stubborn to back down about anything.

“It’s none of your business.” Greg snapped.

“The Fates have found him a new mate.” Colt answered. “I could see the link leading off of him when we just hugged.”

“That’s great Greg. Congratulations.” I said. ”I don’t get why you guys are fighting about that. Isn’t it a good thing?”

“That’s not what I have a problem with.” Colt growled out as he glared at Greg again in anger.

“What is it then?” I asked wanting to know the answer.

“If you say anything to her about it right now, I’ll kill you.” Greg hissed out in anger.

“Don’t worry about it Lacey. It’s nothing that can’t be fixed. You just shouldn’t leave like this Greg.” Colt stated.

“Leave like what?” Greg challenged.

“This… this… this soon.” Colt responded.

“I have to leave Colt. I have to see what’s out there. I can’t stay here.” Greg answered.

“Honestly Colt, just leave him be. He can leave if he wants to. No one has to stay here. Let him go out and have his adventures.” I stated as I glanced over at Liam. He was being unusually quiet. In fact, all night he’s barely said much at all. It wasn’t like him to sit so quietly for such a long time. He was still looking down into his lap as he wrung his hands together. It was clear to any who paid him the slightest attention that he was upset. Then again learning that the person you’ve been in love with was mated to someone else wasn’t exactly easy.

“Good luck with finding her Greg.” He muttered out and placed a false smile onto his face. If I hadn’t already been watching him I would have believed it myself.

Greg nodded at him in return. “Hope you find your prince charming one day too fairy boy.”

I was beginning to think that Greg only used the nickname as an endearment. Over the past few weeks he’d rarely had anything bad to say about Liam. In fact, he’d actually been pretty friendly toward him. It was a nice break from the normal. It was like they’d agreed to at the very least respect each other. Greg still kept Liam at arm’s length though but even that was better than beating him up in the school hallways.

“Maybe I will, or maybe I’m just destined to spend eternity alone.” Liam muttered out.

“There’s someone out there for everyone Liam.” I said in comfort as I reached over and squeezed his shoulder gently.

“Thanks Lace, but I don’t have much faith in that.” He said as he stood up. “I should get home though. Mom will be wondering where I am soon.”

I was glad that his mother had stayed in town. He would really need her support to help him get through the heartbreak I knew he was going to feel when Greg left. Cora, his sister, would help to put a smile on his face sometimes as well. The only member of his family that hadn’t stayed was his dad, but there was no loss there. He and his dad had never been that close. Sure his father supported him in his sexuality but they’d never really had a very close bond to each other.

“See you later Liam.” I said as the two other people waved their partings at him.

Turning back to where Colt and Greg stood glaring silently at each other a thought clicked into my head. “Wait now. Now I’m double jealous. Not only does Greg get to be telekinetic, but you can see the bonds between others?”

“Can’t you?” Colt asked.

“No. The only bond I can see is ours. This is so not fair.” I muttered out in disappointment.

Greg grinned over at me. “This coming from the girl who eradicated Demons single handily by shooting of thousands of bolts of electricity from every area of her body? I would trade telekinesis any day to be able to do something that phenomenal.”

I grinned back at him while considering his words and taking them to heart. “That was pretty awesome, wasn’t it? I definitely have a way more extraordinary power than either of you. And the best part is I can still absorb even more.”

“Don’t rub it in Lacey.” Colt scolded though he too was grinning.

“I can’t help that I’m amazing and want to brag about it to two of my best friends.” I cockily replied. I watched as they both grinned at each other before slowly walking toward me with an evil glint in their eyes. I knew I’d just started a war and that whatever they were about to do would be something that I definitely wouldn’t like. “Whatever you guys think you’re going to do I suggest that you take a second to really think it through.” I rushed out biting back my own laughter while quickly backing away.

When I noticed their grins become even wider I decided it would be as good a time as any to run. As the first snow flake of winter hit the ground I couldn’t help but think that I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in the world. I wanted nothing more than to be right here, in this town where I belonged, with this pack that accepted me without a solitary doubt, and with Colt, the boy who owned me body, heart and soul. This was my place in the world. This was the place where I was meant to be from now until forever. And I felt victorious.

~~ Gah... So here it is. The ending of my first book on wattpad. I'm sorry if its not as good as some of you had hoped for, but for me its fitting. I can't believe that it's time to say goodbye to Colt and Lacey. They've been with me a long time now and it's sort of heartbreaking that their story is over. Thank you for everyone who's read my book, and given me feed back.

This is only the first book in the series that I have in mind. I plan to start working on the next book right away. I already know how it will go and what will happen in it. I will post a note here when the first chapter or two have been posted here to wattpad.

Please, please, please let me know what you thought of my book. Offer any suggestions on improvement. Feed back on any of your favorite parts. I really want to know what you have to say about it as a whole now that it's complete. I look forward to some of you who are going to continue on with reading the sequal when its posted. I will keep you updated. 

If anyone wants to make me a better cover for this book then please let me know. Pm me etc. I'm not so great at making covers and this one feels a little lacking to me.

Anyways hope everyone has a great thursday. I'm just going to now enjoy the moment of having finally completed my first ever book from front to back. I'm so used to starting something and giving up halfway through it and scrapping it. So it feel great that I've finally finished this. This story has been in my thoughts for the last two years and i've never lacked for ideas to throw into it.

Please comment/ vote.

Until next time, CrYsTaL87~~
