Chapter Fifty Four

I hated them. I hated that they only showed up with the most unfortunate timing. I was exhausted. My revelation had gone better than I could have ever hoped for, but it was tiring none the less. Taking on the responsibility of the pack in a manner different from past generations took a lot out of me. It helped that the responsibility wasn’t mine entirely alone any longer and that there were now others who joined me at the top, including my own mate. I was grateful that we were now on the same level, I was immensely glad that he didn’t have to feel inferior to me anymore, that we were completely equal when it came to the pack. Of course I would always be able to do more than any of them could, but even now they would have new abilities to hone and use. It would only make this pack stronger as a whole, and as time goes by more and more of the packs members would end up with traces of the genetics through their offspring. But the fact that I hadn’t yet had a chance to relax or even recuperate from the force of magic used for all of this afternoons events to happen, had me feeling rather lethargic. Sharing so much of my blood with every member of this pack had left me feeling the aftereffects. It was much worse than just the light headedness and dizzy spells that came with donating blood. No this was far more extreme.

I felt physically sick, like I was going to vomit everywhere, my head was pounding, my legs were weak. I felt like at any moment I could drop to unconsciousness. Everything felt hazy. The world around me was fading in and out of vision. One minute its clear, the next a complete blur and I can only make out the shadows. I could hear every thought of every pack member, see through their eyes. If this had all been done with better timing I could more easily learn how to control it, how to block the others out while I focused on the world immediately in front of me. However, like I said, their timing was the most unfortunate.

I had to do my best. I had to try and maintain as much control of these side effects as I possibly could as I ran toward the tree line as the other pack members before us had done. I didn’t have a choice and the last thing I could do was let Colt know exactly what I was feeling. He’d find some means of forcing me to stay behind in this fight, a fight that was my own. And there was no way that I could do that. It was me that they hunted these last few years, me they wanted. I had led them to this town, my town, my pack, and I couldn’t just sit back and recover while many of the people I was responsible for died. No this was a battle I had been fighting for years and I’ll be damned if I didn’t help put an end to it.

Greg had done everything that he could to train me. He’d tried a hundred different ways to help me hone the skills I couldn’t control. And for the most part I’d made progress. I no longer hurt myself when I used them, well at least not every time. And I could control for the most part where I directed the energy. Although it would be a long time before I’ve truly mastered them. But I knew that I would be helpful. That I could do things none of the others could do and that they may possibly need that power. These demons were conniving, vicious and lethal. They don’t think twice about any of their actions.

I know Colt thought that I was scared of this battle, and maybe I was just a little, but my hesitation back in the hall had little to do with fear. I was prepared for this battle as best as I could be with the time provided. I knew that today would bring its end. I knew that I had two of the best trained wolves to protect me. I had no reason to fear what lay before us. Liam, though his powers and abilities may not be big or meaningful to some, would provide an asset to this pack. He would help us in our victory too, but if anyone needed protection it was him. He was mostly human. Although he could boost the abilities of others it wouldn’t help him if he was backed into a corner. He couldn’t heal like we could. He wasn’t as strong as we were. He was both an asset and a liability to this battle, but yet he would be needed. I could feel it ingrained into me like this was always meant to happen.

I glanced over to where my best friend stood. The boy I was most concerned about. I couldn’t see him really, just the hazy outline of his body. As hard as I could concentrate I tried to bring his face into clear view but it was a failed attempt. I could see the blurred movement of his head as he turned to look at me, and then he stopped.

“Guys,” He said with worry coating that single word like a blanket. “We have a real problem right now. We need to stop.”

“What? We can’t stop Fairy Boy, the pack needs us.” Greg snapped out.

I directed a pleading look in Liam’s direction. I was silently begging him not to say what I already knew he was going to say. Somehow this boy, my best friend, knew that something was wrong with me when the other two were still oblivious to it. But no matter how much I put into that single look I knew he wouldn’t listen. It both frustrated me and made me glad that he cared so much.

“There’s something wrong with Lacey.” He stated bluntly ignoring the snappy tone in Greg’s voice.

And just like that everyone stopped there hurry toward the battle we could hear already beginning in the distance. It was only a second before I felt hands grasping my cheeks tightly, turning my face to them. I knew it was Colt even though I could actually see him. I could smell his intoxicating scent surrounding me and I knew that out of the three he was the most concerned.

“What’s wrong Lacey?” He asked gently.

“Nothing.” I stated trying my best to hide the fact that something was, that something was very, very wrong.

“Look at me.” He declared and I did my best to do as he asked. “Look into my eyes Lacey.” And I tried to find them, I tried as hard as I could, but the only thing I could make out with any accuracy was the blurred outline of his head. “Lacey, I said look at me.” He practically shouted almost reaching the point of panic.

“I am.” I whispered knowing that this small answer would make them all aware that something wasn’t right.

I heard his breath hitch into his throat at the realisation, and my heart thudded loudly in response. I didn’t want him to know that I was weaker than I’ve ever been in this moment. I didn’t want him to try and force me back to the house to stay and wait out the battle. We all knew that I would never listen to him when it comes to this. We all knew that I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I stayed back like the weak female I wasn’t. I had been born and raised to think like a warrior, to fight like one. Even before my life had been filled with the complications of these demons and I had always been fighting one battle or another.

“Lacey, I’m going to ask you one more time and I expect an honest answer. What’s wrong?” He tried again with a slight hint of anger that I wasn’t telling him the truth.

“I can’t see properly.” I whispered in defeat and pulled out of his hands to sit on the ground against a tree. “Everything is coming at me at once. All of it. I can hear every thought in this pack. I could see glimpses of everything they do. I can’t control it. I didn’t know that it would be like this, that I would be like this. I’m still weak from sharing my blood with so many. I need time to rest but there isn’t any. This battle is happening now and I’m an essential part of it.”

“How do you think you can even help us if you can’t even see what’s in front of you?” Colt asked in a whisper himself. I knew he was aware of just how bad this situation could get. Of how dangerous it would be for me in the state I currently sat in.

“I have to Colt. It’s not even a choice. I have to fight with you. I can’t just sit and do nothing while my people die, while this pack weakens in numbers. If I did. We will lose. I know we will. This battle can’t be fought without me.” I stated as I sighed and pulled my knees up to my chest, resting my head on top of them and closing my eyes. I hoped that maybe if I could rest them for just a few moments that everything would go back to normal. I knew it wasn’t likely. But I had to do something. If the foreboding feeling in the pit of my stomach was any indication then I knew my words and predictions were right. Without me, this pack will lose in this fight, and then the last few years of my life would have all been for nothing. Instead of making this pack stronger, I will have brought it to extinction.

“You can’t fight like this Lacey.” Greg’s words filled the moment of silence. “There has to be something that we can do. Some way that we can help.”

I stayed quiet not knowing what else I could say to them. It’s not like I knew how to fix whatever was wrong with me. I didn’t even know what was wrong with me. Not really anyways. So I just stayed silent and let my mind wander into itself.

‘Think Lacey.’ The voice inside my head stated boldly. It had been a long time since I last heard it speak, a long time since I’ve had a conversation like this one with the wolf inside of me. It was the very same voice that had been my main source of companionship in the last two years. It’s never, ever steered me wrong. So like I always do, I listened to it.

‘You know the answer Lacey. You know how to fix this.’ It said.

I thought hard, sifting through every memory I had. To everything I knew about the power I’d shared with the others. I paid close attention to every detail of the secret I’d carried for so long. I thought it over again and again, but I could see no way out of this.

‘You’re not looking in the right place.’ The voice sassed out.

‘If you know the damn answer, then give it to me.’ I growled out at the voice.

‘I’m here to help you find the right path, not give you the answers you’re looking for.’ The voice calmly replied. I swear I could almost hear it laughing at me, taunting me that it knew the answer.

So if the secret wasn’t the right place to look, then it must be in the girls memories. Somewhere in that box inside my mind that I swore I would never open again. It felt wrong to me, like I was invading the girls privacy. I had no right to look into her memories even if they were given to me that day. I had felt bad enough that I’d seen them all in that split second I’d drank her blood. I had felt like I had a glimpse into a life I had no right to see.

‘But you had every right.’ The voice boldly stated. ‘She chose you. She chose to pass this off to you, and she was aware of everything you would see by her doing so. She knew this moment would come long before you did. You need to open the box Lacey. You need to find the answer inside.’

I groaned within my mind. The last thing I needed was for Colt and Greg to start asking questions. Liam was quiet as he usually was, but I could hear the back and forth debate about what to do between the other two. I didn’t need them to start focusing in on the debate I was having of my own.

This girl had been family though, distantly, but I had felt the connection there. Somewhere deep into our history we had shared a relative of some sort. But she because she was a very distant relative, did that make it okay for me to know the details of her life?

But yet my wolf was telling me that the answers were there, that whatever was happening to me could be fixed if I would just open that box and filter through it.

I didn’t really have a choice though. The pack needed me and the information I needed was locked inside that box. So slowly and hesitantly I allowed myself to open it. Maybe if I filtered through her memories I could find what I was looking for without invading too much of her life.

As I slowly lifted the lid I smiled to myself thinking the idea had been a good one, but I was more than a little startled when the lid just flung open of its own accord, and the memories began to flood me faster than I could think to even stop or control them.

All I could do was silently sit there as this girls life flashed before my eyes faster than anything I’d ever experienced before. I could see glimpses through the eyes of a baby looking at their mother for the first time, then a little girl around five running through her yard trying to catch a pretty blue butterfly.

 Next I could see a nine year old girl being strapped down into a chair against her will, how and why she was there had flown past too fast to really pay attention, but the important part was that she was. I could see her tear streaked face masked in horror as this shadow descended over her. I could see her struggling to get free from the straps holding her in place. I could hear her screaming out for the shadow to stop, to stay away from her, but it never listened. I watched in heartbroken horror as this thing injected something into her arm telling her that this would change the world, and that she would be the one to make it happen. That she needed to bring it to the Demons so that they can finally do as they were always meant to.

It was there that my mind slowed down and began to sift through her memories in detail. That right there had been the moment that this all began.

The girl had been released after she had been instructed to take this gift to the Demons, so that they could take their places at the top of this world, and that they were meant to control everything. She’d been told that bad things would happen if she failed. That in all of this the Demons were the good guys, that with this gift they would paint the world in beauty and magic. As a child she believed him. She wanted this world to be a better place for everyone. She was sweet and innocent and didn’t know the cruelty that she would experience.

Her mother had been the reason she was there. She’d subjected her daughter to experiments she knew nothing about because they paid well. She, like her daughter didn’t know the intentions this man had. But they found out.

They’d done as they were told and gone to where the Demons lived to bring them this gift. They’d crept into the deep tunnels without a single fear I their minds. They had been promised a world better than the one they lived in. And their lives had not been easy ones up until this point. But this child had known nothing of the struggles her mother had gone through to raise her as most children aren’t. She had believed the world was already a good place, but when promised beauty and magic, she’d begun to think that maybe the world could be even better.

As they’d reached the Demons lair, it had felt like they’d been doused in a bucket of cold water. They woke up to realise what they were about to do. The Demons at that point weren’t aware that they were coming, or even there yet. So mother and daughter were able to observe first hand who they were about to put in charge. What they were greeted with was a sight that began years of nightmares for them both.

Before them stood swarms of the vilest creatures they’d ever seen. Their beady black eyes, red skin, and sharp claws were enough to make them rethink their decision to come here. But that wasn’t all they saw. Before these creatures were cages and cages filled with humans. They were terrified at just the sight, but what happened next changed their minds completely.

They let the people out of their cages one by one, and gave each of them a head start before they hunted them down and killed them, shredding their bodies with their sharp teeth like cannibalistic gremlins. It was at that moment that the mother turned to the girl and told her to run, as she grabbed her hand and they made a quick escape.

They’d been safe for a few months after that, the Demons remained unaware of the two people who’d witnessed what they had. They were unaware that the child carried their card to complete and utter freedom in her blood. It wasn’t until the shadow man, as the child referred to him, saw them that the true running began. He’d known when they’d still been alive that they’d failed to bring his gift to the demons. And so he’d told the Demons what has transpired, and as they did in the cave they gave the girl and her mother a head start. They enjoyed the chase, the hunt. But they’d underestimated the gifts these two had of their own.

See the mother was mage, and the daughter was a hybrid vampire/mage. Although vampire she didn’t feed off the humans, she wished nothing more than to be like them, so instead she drank pig’s blood. It was the closest comparison that she could find, that satisfied her hunger and gave her the same energy she would have otherwise. Before the experiments had begun she hadn’t been able to walk in the early morning light. When the sun rose every morning she had to stay indoors or she’d burn, as every other vampire does. But because of her mages blood she was able to walk through the rest of the day once the sun had completely graced the sky. Once she’d been injected with that stuff however, her vampire abilities heightened, and so did her resistance to the sun. She no longer needed to find shelter to hide away in.

No one but her mother knew that though. So when the Demons gave them a twenty-four hour head start, they hadn’t known that the women wouldn’t need to hide from the sun. They hadn’t known that the girl could carry her tired mother with ease and without breaking pace, nor did they know that she was faster and stronger than they could ever hope to be.

She and her mother ran for years, the Demons could never keep pace with them. The mother and daughter didn’t even know if they were still being chased. It had been a very long time since they’d last had an encounter, but they continued to run. Up until the mother got sick. It was then that they needed to stop. It wasn’t an ordinary cold. The mother had been ill for days by this point and whatever it was wasn’t letting up. It was when she began throwing up blood that the girl, now a teen, knew they needed to stop. She had to find a way to make her mother well again.

So they had found a secluded cabin abandoned and off the map and decided that this is where they would stay. The daughter did everything she could to help her mother get well. She’d done every bit of research there was available to her and could find no answers. The woman who had brought her into this world was dying. So as a last resort she shared her blood with her mother. She’d slashed her wrist open and fed her blood to her mother. And it had seemed to be working. Her mother’s pale face began to regain some colour and her hesitant breathing had begun to go back to normal. She had been thrilled.

It had happened when she’d gone out to fetch some fresh water for her mother that the Demons attacked. She’d fought as hard as she could to get back to her mother and try and get her away safely. But it was already too late. As she opened the door to the cottage she was greeted with a few Demons who were faster than the rest feasting on her mother’s body. Her mother’s eyes were looking at her in sadness as she had mouthed the word run to her.

Knowing that there was nothing that she could do to help her mother she did as she’d been told and ran. She ran faster then she’d ever run before, but she hadn’t known what sharing her blood would do to herself. Her body became lethargic and her vision became hazy. And she knew it was just a matter of time before the Demons would catch up with her so she pushed herself to keep going.

She’d never before experienced what it was like to be tired, truly and deeply tired, before that moment. It was like the last six years had caught up to her in one fell blow and she had to struggle just to keep going. She knew that this battle wasn’t one that she’d be able to win, that someone else would have to take her place. And she was hungrier than she’d ever been before. Her fangs had been permanently elongated for a while now and her mouth would water at the scent of anything carrying blood, yet she couldn’t stop to feed, no matter how badly she wanted to. Nor could she see anything well enough to catch it.

Needless to say the Demons caught up to her. They attacked her and there was nothing she could do to stop it from happening. All she could do was struggle to get away from them. She had to get to where she needed to be, to find someone to take over her task.

She thought back to find somewhere that this gift could be brought that would bring about peace in this battle. And she remembered a story her father had once told her about the wolves of Moonlight Creak. How they were the protectors of the humans. Her father had been like her, wishing nothing more than to blend into the world with them. He was the one who’d taught her about the similarity of pig’s blood. She’d been devastated when he’d been discovered and slain by another vampire for harbouring his beliefs about people. Because of her mother’s blood they’d never suspected that this girl was one of them and so she’d been spared the same fate.

Now though, as she recalled the memory, she knew where this gift had to go. She knew who had the right to wield it against the evil in the world and she was determined to find someone to bring it there.

It was with that determination and her almost ravenous hunger that she discovered her way out of this battle. She grabbed the Demon who was perched on top of her, slashing away at her with its talons, a biting into her flesh with its teeth, and sunk her own fangs into its neck. It was the most horrid and fowl tasting thing she’d ever had the pleasure of drinking but it immediately began to cure her ailment. Her vision began to clear and she felt strong once again. She knew it wouldn’t last long though; Demons venom was fatal to a vampire. It would eat them from the inside out, so she knew she didn’t have a moment of time to waste.

And so she fought her way free from them and began her hunt for someone to carry this gift. And there she found her as she walked out of the coffee house sipping happily away at her coffee.

My head shot up immediately. I didn’t’ need to see the rest. I already knew it. In fact I lived it. It was in that exact moment that my answer hit me.

“We need to go.” I hissed out as I stood from the spot where I was sitting.

“Lacey we can’t.” I heard Liam say quietly.

“Yes we can. I know how to fix what’s wrong with me. But we need to go and we need to go now.” I snapped out and then began to run off in the direction I knew the battle was at.

I still couldn’t see properly, but I wasn’t as worried as I had been. I knew all I needed to do was find one Demon and I would be just back to myself.

“How can you possibly have an answer when we’ve just spent the last ten minutes trying to find one and coming up empty handed?” Colt growled out at me in frustration.

“Because, I know things that you don’t.” I stated bluntly.

I felt his hand wrap around my wrist pulling me to a stop. “What? What do you know that I don’t Lacey? This isn’t exactly something that happens every day?” He snapped out.

“I know that Demons venom is the most fatal thing to a vampire. I know that it eats away at them from the inside out. I know that Greg’s mate was half vampire, half mage, that she is a descendant of the same ancestors I am. And I know that drinking a Demons blood will cure this ailment, which is a side effect from sharing a part of me with you.” I snapped back at him.

I truly hated when he acted like I didn’t know what I was doing or like he had some right to stop me from doing it. Sure I didn’t want him to change his Alpha male self, but that didn’t mean that I had to like it. Just last night we’d shared something special, something I would never share with another person for as long as I lived. But in this moment I wanted nothing more than to wrap my feminine hands around his muscular neck and squeeze the life out of him, if I could even see it that is.

“My mate was a vampire?” Greg whispered out. “How is that even possible?”

“Actually Greg, she was a vampire, mage hybrid.” Liam’s voice drifted lightly through the air.

“Who asked you fairy boy?” Greg growled out in annoyance.

“That’s not the point here Greg. We can all discuss your deceased mate at a later time. Right now I need to find a damn Demon to drink so I can help this pack.” I hissed out.

“Wait… what? You have to drink what?” Greg questioned in astonishment.

“A Demon Greg. Didn’t you hear anything she said?” Liam threw out at Greg in annoyance himself.

“Again, who asked you?” Greg shot back.

“Off topic again.” I yelled out in agitation of the subject. “Can you both please shut up and help me catch and damn demon so I can drinking its fucking blood?”

“Alright, alright. Calm down Lady.” Greg grit out through clenched teeth.

I didn’t much care if he was annoyed, I was in no mood to deal with his attitude at the moment, nor did I care for his use of a much despised nickname. “Call me that again and you’ll be a big bad wolf with no balls.” I hissed at him before I began walking off again, yanking my arm out of Colt’s grasp in the process.

He hadn’t said a word since I snapped at him, and I couldn’t see his face to even make out what he was thinking. But I knew he wasn’t happy about this. I could feel his emotions as if they were my own. I even agreed with them. I wasn’t happy that I was going to have to get down and dirty to drink a Demons blood either. In fact if I had it my way I’d run as far away from such a thing if I could. But there was no way out of this ailment if I don’t.

“Are you sure this will work?” Colt’s voice flooded into my mind.

“It worked for her.” I answered him back in the same way.

“But she was a vampire.” He pointed out.

“This gift was made with Demons blood, its ailment is neutralized with it too. At least that’s the only thing that makes sense. I don’t see how it would be any different for me than it was for her.” I answered him as I continued on.

“I hope your right Lacey. Cause if I lose you again, I’m following you into the afterlife. I was so close to doing just that the last time.” He says quietly.

I think of how funny this moment was, well if it wasn’t so heartbreaking and dangerous that is, but funny in the sense that this wasn’t the first time I’ve run around almost virtually blind. I’d been unable to see anything when I’d been in the coma a few weeks back. I’d felt the same aspect of helplessness as I felt now. Like I couldn’t do anything for myself and that if danger came at me I wouldn’t be able to see it. The only difference was that I knew the people with me wouldn’t stand idly by while I was being attacked. Even when my father had joined my journey in the coma I still never felt completely safe.

This moment, this very moment, I knew that I could never be safer in this disability than I was with the three people I was closest to. I knew that even my best friend would risk his life to help me. They all cared so much for me, and believed in me enough to trust my words. And that alone built my determination to get this done and done as quickly as was possible. Like they did for me, I cared for them, and I needed to be able to do what I needed to do to protect them. These people were the closest thing I’ve had to a real family in a very long time and I wasn’t going to let go of any of them easily.

It was with these thoughts in my head that I could hear the rustling of leaves and the cracking of twigs. I didn’t need to be able to see to know that something was hesitantly stalking its way toward us. I stopped and crouched down and I knew everyone else followed suit.

“Do you hear that?” I whispered to them. “There’s something close by. Can any of you see anything?”

Everyone was silent for a moment, and then I could hear both Greg and Colt begin to growl. They didn’t have to tell me what I already knew. One of them, one of the Demons was walking toward us. But I also knew that something was different about this situation. This one wasn’t rushing at us like the others would. Its steps were almost cautious as it made its way toward me and for some reason I wasn’t getting the warning of danger or violence like I normally would.

“Don’t attack it.” I ordered out. It was pointless to tell them to stop growling. And to be honest, although I’ve always trusted my intuition, this situation wasn’t something I was used to or wanted to completely put my trust in. These things had hunted me. They were conniving, vile little creatures. But they weren’t smart and the stuff they did ran on instinct alone. I knew something about this one was different. I could sense it. But I couldn’t make out if that was a good thing or a bad.

“Its hands are raised up above its head Lacey. What do you want us to do?” Colt whispered out from my right.

“Don’t do anything yet. Just wait for it to make its first move.” I answered. I didn’t know how to read this situation. I couldn’t see anything to even judge it for myself.

“I think it’s surrendering.” Liam’s voice drifted to me from my left. “It’s stopped coming toward us and is just standing there watching us. None of them acted like this before when we strengthened the barrier.”

“Maybe it wants something.” Greg hissed out from directly in front of me.

I found it kind of comical how they’d surrounded me to keep this thing from me, when I still sensed no threat.

“Yeah it wants her blood.” Colt snapped out, beginning to growl again.

“Just stop.” I whispered out. “Greg, move so it can see me.” I directed.

I heard him shuffle over slightly but he still maintained his position in front of me.

“It’s walking again.” Liam whispered in worry.

“Don’t hurt it. I want to know what it wants.” I ordered. “It’s not reacting like the others. Let it come.”

“I don’t like this one bit.” Colt hissed. “I don’t want that thing anywhere close to you. Maybe this is a trick.”

“Oh for the love of this world, shut up.” I heard a gravelly voice state boldly.

“Holy shit, the fucking thing talks.” I heard Greg exclaim in surprise.

“If I wanted to hurt the girl, I wouldn’t have made myself known so easily.” Its voice hissed out.

“Who are you?” I asked it. Even though I couldn’t see it I already knew it wasn’t like the others.

“My name is Loki. And like you I wish for peace in this world. A young girl found me before my egg even hatched. She took me home and kept me warm. She raised me and taught me. She was like a mother to me and I cared for her very much. I stayed with her until she was old and grey and passed away in her sleep. And then I joined the others of my kind. I’m not like them though. I don’t share their way of life or their way of thinking. Humans do not have to be our food.” Loki said.

I found myself intrigued and I wanted to know more. I wanted to know this things story. All of it. I trusted it for some inexplicable reason. Even though a part of me was saying not to. The voice though, the only part I trusted more than my intuition, was silent. It hadn’t uttered a single sound.

‘What do I do?’ I found myself asking it.

‘Do what you feel is right.’ Was its answer.

“What do you want?” I asked the creature.

“I only want to help.” Loki said. “I know you need our blood to heal from all you’ve done. And I want to give you mine.”

“Why would you do that?” Colt asked.

“Because like I said, I’m not like the others.” It said.

“Let it come closer.” I stated in a relaxed manner.

I wasn’t exactly relaxed though. I was far from it. In fact I was downright terrified. I didn’t know if this thing was being honest or not, but I also felt like I owed it the benefit of the doubt. It had said that it only wanted to help, and I wanted to believe that it was true. Besides I had three very capable people around me who could put a stop to anything I couldn’t see.

I felt Colt shift closer to me. I could feel him pretty much pressed against my left side. I could feel his body vibrate with the growls he was incapable of stopping and I knew he had severe distrust of this situation. I knew he didn’t like it even the slightest bit. I knew that if this creature tried anything he would be the first to stop it.

I could sense that this creature was close, only a few inches away from me when it stopped. I could see the hazy outline of its miniscule body standing before my still crouched position. It wasn’t aiming to attack me. If it was then it would have made its move already.

“Give me your hand girl.” Its gravelly voice stated.

Without hesitation I lifted my hand out toward it only for Colt to be to one to yank it back down.

“No.” He hissed. “You’re not touching her.”

“Colt.” I snapped at him. “Have some faith in the fates.”

“It’s a trap.” He growled out. “This is a trick that they are trying to play and I’m not allowing it to happen. This isn’t happening.”

“This is happening. I would know if there was any danger present. This one isn’t like the others. I know it isn’t. So just stop Colt. You’re right here next to me. If it tries anything you’ll be able to stop it.” I tried to reason with him.

“I don’t like this.” He stated with the Alpha male in him being heard clearly.

“You don’t have to like it.” I hissed as I once again lifted my hand to the creature.

I felt its cold, clammy hand wrap around my wrists. I could feel the hard edges of its talons resting gently on my skin. I felt as its other hand reached out to open my palm. And then I felt the sharp sting as a talon of that hand pierced my flesh. After that my hand was released and Colt was ready to attack the creature.

“Colt, don’t you dare move.” I snapped at him.

“What’s it doing?” Liam asked gently.

“I don’t know. I can’t see the bloody thing.” I answered.

“It’s just cut its hand open like it did yours.” He answered.

And then I knew. I knew what this creature was doing. It was linking itself to me, to the pack. Sharing its intentions with those of us at the top that could see them. It wanted us to know it like we would know the others of our pack. I felt as its hand slid into mine in a simple but meaningful handshake. I could feel the damp wetness of the creature’s blood as it mixed with my own. I could feel everything that it felt and read what it was thinking. And just like that it was over. The creatures hand slid from my own and it was complete.

At that exact moment I knew this creature meant absolutely no harm. That it was far more loyal to the humans and those who protected them then it could ever be to its own kind. I smiled at it. I couldn’t help it. I knew its appearance wasn’t different from the others, but the way its mind worked was. I’d feared these things for years and I’d never stopped even once to think that one among them might be good. But there was. No matter how evil something may seem, there could always be a little good in it.

“It’s harmless.” I said to them. “Well harmless to us anyways.”

“Now drink.” Its gravelly voice said as it lifted its hand toward my face.

I did so without hesitation. I knew I needed the antidote to this ailment that its blood contained. And I knew that this creature wouldn’t hurt me. Just as it’d said, it wanted to help me, us, this pack. And this was the only way that it could do it. So I reached out to find its hand before me and slowly brought it to my mouth and drank from the gash in its palm. And just as in the girls memory, the effects were instantaneous. Before I even lifted my mouth from its palm my vision had cleared and the world went back to normal. I was still feeling a little tired but it was nowhere near where it had been. As soon as I released its hand from my grasp it backed up a few steps to reinforce my words to the others. It was harmless to us. Its only crime had been being born a Demon.

“I’m fine guys. You can all stop looking for worried.” I stated as I looked at their grim faces. “Loki here has just healed me. I believe you owe him and apology.”

They all looked at me like I’d lost my mind.

“Actually I’m a her.” The creature stated with pride.

And everyone turned to look at the thing they were so worried about.

“I am not apologising to that.” Greg snapped out.

“Don’t mind him.” Liam said. “He’s always got some sort of pickle up his ass.”

“I’ll have you know there’s nothing up my ass, and there never will be, unlike you fairy boy.” Greg snapped at him.

“Thank you.” I said to the creature as I began to stand up. I was mildly surprised when I saw its pointed teeth flash into a smile of its own.

“It was a pleasure.” The creature replied. “Now go save the world Hero girl.”

Again I couldn’t help but smile at the creature. “Will I ever see you again? You may have just saved my life and I owe you for it.”

“I’m sure our paths will cross again one day soon.” The creature stated. “But for now, I must go. Your people will not take too kindly to my presence just yet.”

I nodded in understanding and was surprised when Colt looked at little disappointed at the thought of this creature leaving.

“Thank you again.” He muttered out. “And sorry I didn’t trust you.”

“Keep your mate safe.” The creature replied. “She’s important to the fate of this world. Now run along and kill those things, every last one of them Hero girl.”

“My names Lacey.” I told the creature as we began to once again make our way toward the battle.

“I know.” The creature said in reply.

I glanced away for a moment in though over its words. I wondered how it knew my name, I wondered how it could say with such confidence that the fate of this world rests with me. I found myself wondering what else it could know too. How much it knew. How it knew it. But when I glanced back to where it stood to voice my thoughts and questions, it was gone.

Shaking my head slightly with a small smile gracing my lips I turned back to the others. “Alright. Now let’s go kick some Demon ass.”

As soon as those words left my lips I shifted into my wolf form, waited for Liam to climb upon my back and raced off towards the rest of the pack. I already knew that the sight that greeted us wouldn’t be pretty. I knew they would be in serious need of our help. But I wasn’t prepared for the sight that we were graced with. I wasn’t prepared for the vision of bodies, dozens and dozens of them lying about in tattered and shredded messes. Some of them demons and some of them members of our packs.

I shifted back into human form not caring of my naked form being in view for all eyes. Colt did though and quickly stripped his shirt from his back and tossed it to me, along with my own underwear. I only found it slightly odd that he’d even grabbed those as we ran. Okay so shifting into my wolf hadn’t been the wisest idea but I couldn’t stop myself. I wanted us to get here as soon as possible and Liam never would have been able to keep up if I hadn’t. I still felt naked dressed in only Colt’s shirt and my underwear. The shirt barely covered my rear end but it’s not like beggars could be choosers and all my lady part were covered. I didn’t truly care at this point.

 “Liam, find any of ours who are still alive. Help them, but whatever you do. Don’t stop boosting.” I ordered.

Liam wanted to be a doctor, or so he’d told me before, and this was his chance to gain some such experience. Not to mention it would keep him safer than fighting with us. He immediately followed my orders without fussing over it. He knew he’d be more needed helping the wounded than he would be fighting the battle.

I could feel the flow of energy hit me as Liam did his thing and heightened the abilities of the pack members. I watched as they all became more aggressive in their fight. As their teeth bit and sunk into the disgusting flesh of the hordes of demons before them. It’s like they’d all been given a shot of adrenaline and then gone on a bloodlust rampage.

I watched as Greg and Colt automatically began to fight off those demons that were coming at us. It’s like they never skipped a beat and went right to work. Not a single one of those creatures could seem to make it past them in order to reach me. I was slightly disappointed as I’d been looking forward to enjoying a good fight, but it gave me time to look around and actually take in the damage that was done.

I could see many scattered on the ground wounded and even more who fought even with those injuries. I could see Colt’s father leading them all like the Alpha male he was and he was doing a good job of keeping them off his back. Greg’s father was right there with him. He had his back now like he always had. And I couldn’t help but think that one day that will be Greg and Colt leading the pack into a battle of some sort.

However, even with the small victories, I knew this pack was severely out numbered. I watched as more and more of our family began to fall to the vicious attack these demons threw our way. I knew just seconds before it happened that they would get through Greg and Colt’s defence of me. And I was prepared. I was crouched low, balancing on the balls of my feet, my heels slightly raised to meet their attacks head on. The minute one slipped past I ran right at it with my teeth bared and sharp in my human mouth and shoved my hand through the creature’s chest with an incredible amount of force, ripping out its gruesome black heart.

The creature dropped to the ground, immediately. Id tore out its only lifeline. And after that one came more. I watched Colt charge them with my heart in my throat. I watched as Greg defended him as best he could. I watched as these creatures jumped at them with their claws and teeth, all the while their beady eyes were focused on me. It was like they were watching my reaction to their attack of two of the people I cared about most. It was like they were trying to set me off. Like they wanted me to be angry, or scared enough to do something stupid. To make a move that would declare their victory. But I wasn’t stupid. I could do things that they would never be able to do, things they didn’t even know about. And so I shot them a sadistic smile as I continued to meet the attacks made on me. I didn’t fear these things any longer. They were vicious, yes, but I was stronger.

I began to allow myself to have fun with this. I hated these creatures with everything inside of me. I may have softened that hate for Loki, but there was a reason for that. I wouldn’t do the same for the rest. I was enjoying this. I was enjoying the slaughter of something so evil. I allowed myself to thrive with the bloodlust I could feel burning through me. While Colt and Greg had long since shifted forms and fought as wolves, I continued on as a human. It was much more enjoyable to have access to all my powers than just those of the wolf.

I felt as if I was high on the fight. I was zoning into taking these beasts down and I loved every minute of it. Greg had been right. Taking down those three this morning had been easy. This was too. It was so easy moving from one to the next, tearing them all a new one. Sure I had to be quick on my feet. I had to pay close attention to my senses and surroundings. I had to know where my next attacker was and peg them as my target before they even made their move. But it was easy, it was fun.

I glanced quickly over where Colt and Greg still stood fighting their own battle and wondered briefly if they were having as much fun as I was having. I know its a little weird thinking that I was enjoying this. But how could I not. I’d spent so long fearing these things that now that I’ve confronted my fear I almost felt like bathing in their blood I was enjoying this so much. I wouldn’t of course. I might be lost in the moment of gory glory, but I wasn’t that lost. But the moment didn’t last too long.

Only a few moments after I’d begun to really enjoy myself I began feeling like something was wrong. It’s like my blood suddenly went cold. My eyes began to scan through the throngs of attackers and defenders to find the source, but I couldn’t see anything. Not until I heard a painful yelp from behind me.

Spinning on my feet I located the source and saw as Greg was fighting to get the demon off his back. Behind him I could see a battered Liam. A gouge to his side was painting his clothing with blood. His face was pale as he was dropped to his knees, his hands gripping his side fiercely trying to stem the flow.

“Colt,” I shouted out. “Help Greg. He needs your help now.”

I began to run quickly in Liam direction and watched as he struggled to keep from collapsing on the ground. I never bothered to pay attention to the demons that were attacking for longer than it took to dodge them. I raced to Liam knowing that if I didn’t try to help him then this situation was about to turn for the worst.

I dropped down beside his frail body and my hands took over to stem the flow of his blood. I pushed down with as much pressure as I could and watched as it continued to seep out coating my hands in red. I tore off a section of his tattered shirt hoping that maybe it would help to stop this. I couldn’t lose my best friend. The boy who had been the first here to befriend me. He’d been through so much in his short life that the idea that it would end without him ever experiencing what it was like to love was one I couldn’t live with. It would be a horrible fate for him to fall too.

“Lacey…” He whispered out as he tried to maintain his consciousness. “Lacey, you have to do something for me. You have to make sure every one of these fuckers die.”

I looked at him and felt my heart breaking. It was almost like he was saying goodbye. Giving me his final words and thoughts and I didn’t want them. I didn’t want to hear them. I didn’t want to lose him.

“You’re not going anywhere Liam.” I declared out to him.

Just then I heard Greg shout my name and turned my head in his direction just as he tossed something to me. I caught it with ease and smiled at the bottle of water in my hands. Well at least one of us had come prepared. Liam was supernatural, just as we were. This water would help him and maybe it would stop him from bleeding out more than he already had.

“Liam, drink this.” I croaked out through a shaky voice.

My earlier high was now becoming a serious low. I felt like a part of me was breaking as I sat here trying to help my broken friend. I watched his throat move, gulping down the cool liquid. I could see him fighting to keep his eyes open as he drank from the bottle pressed to his lips. I knew that if he passed out we’d lose the boost he was providing us. Even now, in his semi-conscious state, he still provided the boost to our abilities.

“Lacey,” He croaked out as I pulled the now empty bottle away. “Go fight, do whatever you can to bring this to an end. I don’t know how long I can keep from…”

“LACEY, WATCH OUT.” I heard someone shout out, but the warning came later then would have been helpful.

I felt the force slam into me from the back and in turn I fell forward onto Liam. I felt the breath slam out of him on the impact and I feared the worst. I was both terrified of losing my best friend and furious with these creatures and this battle itself. I was done taking enjoyment from it.

I could feel the angry burn of energy run through me. It began in my stomach and spread through me from there at an incredibly fast pace. It wasn’t like the other times I felt this power surging through me. This time I felt like I was an atomic bomb about to explode and destroy anything around me. I was beyond furious. I’d never felt this angry before. And although I didn’t like the feeling, I welcomed it. I knew that I could use it to my advantage. The force of power was so much stronger. It in no way could compare to the times before. I knew that when it was released I could have no hope in controlling it. I could do my best, but it wasn’t likely to happen.

The pain. The excruciating pain of this power almost had me doubling over as I slowly sat myself back up. The demon was still latched onto my back, its talons painfully sunk into my flesh refusing to let go. And I couldn’t do a thing about it. Right now I was in too much pain to do anything about any of it. I grit my teeth hard against each other as I fought to overcome this pain. It hurt so bad that it was crippling me, leaving me virtually helpless against the ensuing attacks. Even the distant pain of the demons talons paled in comparison to the rampage running through me.

I looked down at Liam’s body, hoping and praying that he was alright. His eyes were open and he was staring right back at me, watching me, and seeing the pain etched into the contours of my face. He knew how badly I was hurting. He knew what was happening to me in this moment. And he knew that sooner or later I was going to explode with the exterminating force of it. His eyes widened just a fraction in surprise. His breath panting as he did his best to keep himself breathing.

“Lacey,” He wheezed out so quietly it was almost a whisper, “Your eyes… Y… your eyes have gone red.”

What? What was he even talking about? My eyes were green, they’ve always been green, except when I took the wolfs form, then they went blue. But red? How could they possibly be red?

With those thoughts in mind I weakened the fragile control I had over this power, and I could feel the electric charge of the coming explosion. There was no stopping it now. No way to try and real it in. It was going to happen. It was going to shatter my physical being and leave this pack to fight without me.

‘Let it out.’ The voice in my head instructed. ‘Release it out into the air.’

I whimpered in pain as I threw my head back and then cried out as I felt my flesh begin to burn and melt away from my bones. Every crevice of my body screamed in protest at the excruciating force with which I released this curse. The pain was well beyond anything even remotely imaginable. And before I knew it the world began to fade and I began to drift into the inevitable darkness. I couldn't help but think. This is it. This is the moment of my death. This is where I will leave this plain of existence and go over to the other side. There was nothing and no one that could save me this time. It was far too late for me. I could only hope that no one I loved was coming with me. That somehow they would all be safe. I embraced the numbness that began to take over, the darkness that began to wrap around me. The last thing I saw was Colt’s wonderstruck face as I glanced in his direction and closed my eyes to welcome my death. 

~~ Sorry it's taken so long to update this story. I've been incredibly busy. However this book is coming to an end. There's only about two chapters left to it and then I will be starting the sequal. Thank you everyone who's stayed with this book, read and voted for it. It means a lot to hear back from some on their opinions. I'm hoping that I will be able to get this book completed this weekend, so wish me luck. Anyways, comment, vote.  CrYsTaL87 ~~

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