Ch 8: Either Your With Me Or Your Not

Rebecca's Pov

"I really dont understand you." I say, grabbing Sydney and pulling her into my lap.

Roman chuckeled, not daring to say anything especially when Sydney was here.

"Well then I guess were equal, now arent we babe?" he says winking at me, before going into the bedroom.

I rolled my eyes, picking up Syndey, putting her into her bed. I shut the door, huffing before walking into my room. I needed to talk to him, but of course this stupid ass was fast asleep.

God, he doesnt understand how much he has a hold on me.

I sighed,Β  changing into a pair of shorts and a shirt, before making my way into the bed. I turned towards him, smiling lightly. I dont want him to leave me, but I just-- I dont know how I feel. No I do know how I feel.

The problem is. I cant stand being
hurt and left again. Not by Roman, and definetly not by anyone, so that means one thing.

Roman will never know how I feel.

"Rebecca?" I could hear him say in his deep low raspy voice.

I opened my eyes and hummed, signalling him to continue on. Yet, he didnt say nothing for about a few seconds. But I knew what was gonna escape his mouth, was going to either kill me or make me happy.

"You have to choose"Β  he says minutes later.

I squint my eyes, and huff, sitting up in the bed. He turns around, doing the same thing, staring at my confused face.

"Sheamus for once was right. You push people away because your scared. I mean I told you countless times how much I love you, and yet nothing in return from you. Your scared. I get that, babe. I want to help you, and make sure you know that I will never hurt you. But, I cant keep coming back to someone who in reality doesnt love me, or except me." Roman says, putting his hand into mine.

Roman was right, I know that, but it isnt that simple to me. I cant have him leave me, but I just- I dont know, and Im so scared. I want Roman, but Im scared of the outcome of having him.

"Its not that simple." I simply say.

His warm hand simple left mine. I didnt once dare look at him, knowing what his face would look like. I didnt want that. At all!

"Well your going to have to make a fucking decision for once. Either your with me or your not." he says picking up the tone in his voice.

I huffed, laying down facing away from him. I wanted him. I do, but I cant get hurt, and I- I cant risk any of this.

"Then I guess its settled." Roman says, before tossing the blanket off of him, and storming out the door.

My eyes watered as I heard the door slam shut. What am I supposed to do now? I should stayed with him. Im with him. I love him.

I love Roman!


My head snaps towards my daughter in my doorway. I motion for her to come on the bed, and she quickly obeys laying down cuddling with me.

"Mom! Why was dad mad? Did he leave me like my real daddy." she asks.

My eyes widen as she used "Dad" for Roman. I huffed, knowing that I hurt Sydney, and she is the last person I want to hury.

"No, babe. Dad, and I are fine. Just sleep." I say kissing her forehead watching her close her eyes into a slumber.

I made up my mind.

I choose Roman.


Roman's Pov

I shook my head vicorusly as I laid down on the couch. Rebecca was so fucking confusing. Do you realize how much I have done for her, and yet, shit! Thats exactly what I get.

"Roman, open the door we need to talk." I hear her voice suddently pop up.

I huff, not moving one inch from the couch. I could feel her anger, but yet I
ignored it. The door bursts open to her jerking me up.

"We need to talk." she says now orderimg rather than asking me.

I roll my eyes, and sit back down on the couch. This is exactly what Im talking about. Once she knows what going to happen, she comes right back.

"I know what your going to say, but now Becca. Im tired of trying for you. Im tired of loving you, when all I get is nothing. Im done trying for you, Rebecca. I'm sorry."

I looked up at her to see her eyes smoking red puffy, from crying. I get up from the couch, walking besides her before shaking my head and slowly walking out.

"I love you." she lightly whispers.

I stop dead in my tracks, but something inside me kept me going. Why? Why didnt I go back? I'm so stupid.

"To late, Becca. We are to late. Everything is simply to late."




More to come and soon, pinky promise(:

Guys, check out my Dean Ambrose Fanfiction called "Amnesia"..

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lava ya, stylesismydrug_
