Ch 15: Mother's Love

Rebecca's POV

Three Months Later

I havent been to WWE since the incident. I havent seen Roman, a gorilla, and in that Sydney. She has refused to see me, everyday. She wont take my calls. She just wont see me. For Roman its the complete opposite. I wont see him. I wont take his calls, and I refuse to see him.

However, today is Survivors Series. Everything bothering me is going to leave, I have to beat Charlotte. I will put her in the hospital. I deserve that. My daughter deserves that.

I looked into my mirror one more time befre walking towards the Gorilla. The nerves Im feeling are something that I have never felt, and I knew exactly why. Him. Epecially because Sydney and my Aunt were supposed to come today. So I get to see Sydney for the first time, and Roman.

I was pulled back into reality when my theme music went off. I put a smile on my face and ran in listening to the screams of the arena. I walked down entering the Gorilla admiring the arena of the people who loved me.

Something was wrong. I could feel it so bad in the pit of my stomach. The seats for Sydney and My Aunt were empty. I guess Sydney still refused to see me.

I looked up and while I was gazing off Charlotte came in the ring holding my title. Everything in that instint disappeared. My anger rose and I knew one thing.

I was about to beat this bitch up.

The bell rang, and I speared her instantly. I laid against the ropes and waited patiently for her to make her way up. She moved her head towards me and I speared her again. However, this time I felt her ribs break. It didnt stop me, and right now I could not give a damn. I tumbled on her hitting her repeatedly.

'Stop please! Im sorry'

Tears slipped out of my eyes and I let go of her. I pinned her down and listened as the bell rung and so with that the arena exploded with yells.

That was for you, Sydney.

I watched as they handed me my title, and put Charlotte on the stretcher.

I wiped my face and made my way out of the Gorilla before my feet became frozen. There he was. Staring at me with teary eyes, making his way towards me.

No No No

Im not going to do this.

"No, Roman. Im not doing this-"

"Rebecca, its not about me. Its Sydney."

I rolled my eyes pushing past him and running to my trailer. I needed to leave now. I cannot and will not be in his sight longer than I have too.

I looked down at my phone and I had hundreds of missed calls and from places I didnt even know. What the hell?

Oh my god, I swear if I got hacked again Im going to be pissed.

My phone buzzed with a call, and I immediately answered thinking it was a hacker.

"Rebecca, Im so sorry. I should have been paying more attention. I killed her. Oh my, I killed her. Im sorry, please forgive me. You wouldnt answer so I called Roman.  Please forgive me-"

"Stop! Who did you kill" I yelled through the phone.

"Sydney, oh god, I killed Sydney."


I know its been like almost a year since I updated but I hope you enjoy this.

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