Ch 17: Reborn

Rebecca's POV

I stood in front of her casket shaking people's hands as they came up to me. Words were being spoken in front of me, and yet I could hear nothing.  All my focus was on the little girl who was laying in front of me. Nothing but pain was on my shoulders because I felt nothing but it. I could have stopped it. I should have. I just thought she was to young to know the truth, and I didn't tell her. So there she will lay for the rest of her life, and all because of my careless mistakes. 

I excused myself from the crowd of people, and made my way to my lifeless daughters body. I took a deep breath and looked down at her face, and I swear I could feel my heart stop. I understood and yet I was so lost. She was young. Why someone so young would take their own life always beat me, but knowing it was my daughter and her reasoning I know why. I reached down touching her cold, cold face holding on to the foolish hope that she would sit up and tell me it was a prank. She didn't. 

"Sydney, I'm sorry. Baby, I thought I was protecting you. You were so innocent, sweet, and caring how could I? Yet, here I am paying for my reckless mistake. I know God has you, and that gives me peace even though you're supposed to be here. Im sorry that I caused you so much pain that you ended your precious life, and Im sorry I didn't try to come to you and force your aunt to let me see you. You needed me, and I was never there. I will pay for it for the rest of my life. Just please do mommy one thing if you can hear me. Please hear me! I want you to forgive me. I need you too," 

I felt a hand on my back, and the words whispered in my ear, "she loved you,". I turned around to see Roman in front of me again. I remembered hours ago when I kicked him out, but the tears that were stained on his face stopped me from telling him to leave again. One thing I will never take from him was the love he had for my sweet girl, but now he has to live with what he did, no matter what proof he supposedly has that says he didn't. 

I watched him look over me, and just like that the tears were down his face. He gently put his hand on Sydney's cold head, kissing it one last time like he used to do. 

"You were, are, and will always be my angel baby. I love you. RoRo, loved you so much," his voice broke saying his nickname that Sydney have given him, and knowing he would never hear it again.

He turned back to me and embraced me with sobs that broke my heart. He broke my heart, and yet the love was still there. 

"Please, let me tell you the truth. I lost Sydney, but not you," 

I nodded slightly before letting the men shut Sydney's casket and lower her into the ground. My final goodbyes for my daughter, and yet I felt nothing but emptiness. 

Roman lead me back to my vehicle before handing me a stack of papers that I had no clue were for. I looked at him confused before he pointed out the most important part of the paper. I almost had to take a second look, but it was certainly not wrong. 

" Get in the car,"


I stood at the table waiting impatiently for him to come. I made sure that no tears were on my face, so I could hurt him in every way possible. It made so much sense to me. Of course, he would blame Roman, it honestly is the best plan ever. 

I watched as the door open, and Jonathan walk in. I watch him look around probably looking for Sydney and Roman, but he didn't know and I could tell. I took a breath thanking myself for not letting Roman in here with me. I need to do this alone. For myself. For my daughter.

"Why are you here and not my daughter?" he asked huffing, throwing himself down to the chair across from me.

Instead of words I through the stack of paper at Jonathan so he could look for himself. I watched his handcuffed hands grab the paper, and laugh. He laughed at it. Anger washed over me, but I dared not move on inch.

"So, its true? You and my aunt had an hour conversation for what, Jonathan? What the fuck did you do to get her to make Charlotte announce that on National TV?"

I watch him shrug his shoulders, throwing down the piece of paper. He sat back smiling straight at me like he had won something, but right now I was just going to let him think that.

"We both know that it doesnt take much to convince your aunt, Rebecca. I thought it was time for own daughter to know why her daddy was in jail, and I knew she would hate you for it. I'm still waiting for her to come see me, so she can tell me how her mother is an evil bitch, and how sorry she is, but I got time. Your Aunt didnt even flinch when I told her, and I didnt even need to blackmail her, and Im guessing its because she hates you and your boyfriend so much," Jonathan says cackling as every single sentence left his mouth.

I licked my lips bringing up my phone to his face to show him that I was recording the conversation. Yet it didnt faze him, but I knew what would.

"You think a stupid little recording is going to save you from Sydney hating you. Jesus, you're-"

"The recording is to get my Aunt arrested Jonathan. For not only releasing private information, but the leading to the death of a child," 

I watched Jonathan smile fade as he processed my words. He shook his head, but yet he knew. He knew what death he and my aunt caused, and im hoping it haunts him.

"Sydney killed herself last week over the news of her being conceived by a rapist father who she spent her whole life loving. That what drove our daughter to the end was that her father was cruel man, and she felt worthless. All because of what? You were jealous because she loved Roman and considered him a father, well im fucking glad she had one for the short years she was here," 

Jonathan grabbed his head as if my words were not going to get louder, and they were. I was saying this as a mother, and for my daughter who in her last moments felt hopeless.

"Im taking this recording to the police because you and my Aunt are going to be staying in prison for the rest of y'all's life's so each passing moment you can think of my daughter and what you caused her to do," 

I grabbed my things leaving for the door, I turned around to see the guards forcing him down because of the yells and tears leaving his dirty mouth. 

"Rot in hell you bastard,"


Roman held the door open for me as we left the building and I couldnt help but stop him. I blamed him for everything when I should have listened. I realize now how much he actually means to me, and how much I really do love him. 

"I want to start over," I said.

Roman's eyes grew as the he took in my words, and nothing but a smile formed on his face. He nodded his head before kissing my lips. 

I needed a change in my life, and I know with Roman it will be easier. For those few seconds that passed my attention was taken when I saw a blue butterfly land on mine and Roman's interlocked hands. My mind went back to the days when Sydney would point them out when she was a child. She called them "Blue Angels", saying they were fly all the way to heaven. A tear slipped past my cheek knowing this was the sign. The sign that she forgave me, and Roman. This was our sign to start over, and I knew Sydney would be there all the way through it.

"That's our babygirl," Roman said, watching as the butterfly flew away past us.

"Yeah, thats our baby," 


Hey Guys, 

That was the final chapter in 'Forced Love' I hope you all enjoyed  it more than I did writing it. Comment and Vote,

Love y'all and thanks for reading.
