Ch 6: Blast From The Past


"What the hell do you want Sheamus?" I yell

He rolls his eyes pushing past me, and storming towards Roman.

"You fucking let her go see that stupid bastard. Are you seriously that fucking stupid" he yells pushing Roman back.

Roman balls his fist before realizing that Sydney was still in the trailer. He walks up to Sheamus pushing him back making him fall straight to the ground.

"Do you fucking think I would have left her? Now are you that fucking stupid?. I wasn't told shit, Cuz apparently I'm not fucking trusted." Roman says looking at me.

I roll my eyes push past Sheamus standing in front of Roman.

"Don't you understand that my life is none of your fucking concern? I don't need you telling me this shit when honestly I couldn't care. So fuck all of yall" I say pointing at both Roman and Sheamus

Roman lifts his eyebrows and lightly laughs while shaking his head. He walks infront of me bending down.

"Then I guess it's settled."

He pushes past Sheamus slamming the door shut.

I close my eyes letting only one tear roll down my cheek.


"Get out"

My back faces him as I slowly let more tears flow down my cheeks.

I feel a hand touch my shoulder but I push it away.

"I told you to get the fuck out." I say louder

Sheamus lightly signs. I could hear his footsteps slowly fade.

"Becca, you can't just keep pushing people away. There gonna come a day when you pushed everybody out and you'll have nobody but Sydney. You need to learn to love."

He closes the door leaving me by myself.

"Mom!" I turn around wiping my eyes fast.

Her eyes looking innocently back at me. I lightly smile bring her into my embrace.

"Why are you crying?" She asks striking my hair.

I laugh kissing her cheek.

"Im not I yawned it just made my eyes water" I say lying to her.

She smiles at me kissing my cheek before running back to the tv.

Just then I finally realized something.

Roman and I are still in a "fake" relationship. Which means one thing.

Im not free of him yet! I still have to see him. Kiss him. and most of all. I had to pretend like nothing happened


Hey guys! Im so sorry for not updating. I know it's short, but it's better than nothing!! Anywho! I got locked out of my account and that's why I never updated!

I got a question and it said

Is Jonathan Dean? Cuz Dean real name is Jonathan.

I never thought of that but no Dean is not Jonathan. I just really love that name!!(:

Anyways update later.

love Yall Lovlies!!

xx stylesismydrug_
