38| Discovery

"What happened Amir, why did Daddy said that." Mahmud asked Amir who has buried his face on his palms.

"I don't know, it just happened suddenly, Zara pulled out a stunt, saying that I won't marry Hanifa that she's their blood." Amir said.

"Whose blood." Muhammad asked,

"Her ex-fiancé's Faisal." Amir said.

"What, but Daddy is right Amir , why would you marry one of them, have you forgotten what they did to Zara." Muhammad said.

"But Ya Muhammad , she's not the one who did it as far as I'm concerned, it's her cousin, why would you people involve her in this, and perhaps she's Aunt Nafida's sister." Amir said.

"Yes Amir is right , Ya Muhammad, she's not in anyway responsible for what happened to Zara" Mahmud said.

"Still Mahmud, she's still their relative, have you forgotten the condition they put our Zara in?, our reputation was also on the line? how can you forget that." Muhammad said.

"I've listened to what you have said Ya Muhammad, and I'm not in anyway arguing with you, truth to be told , what they did to Zara was not fair in anyway, but what could we do Ya Muhammad, it has already been written, and now this is about Amir's future.

It's not like I don't care about my sister or something, but what happened is already on the past, and she has already move on and about to get married , then why should we stop Amir from building his future because of the grudges we are holding towards them, now do you suggest I divorce my wife just because she's their family."

"Subhanallah , Mahmud, I didn't say you should divorce your wife, but somethings can't just be overlooked." Muhammad said.

"Ya Muhammad please understand my situation, i really love her, please Ya Muhammad, please help me, i really can't live without her, please." Amir said and broke down in tears, which made Muhammad pitied him.

"It's okay Amir stop crying, you have my blessing in it and In Sha Allah we would try our best to persuade Mummy and Daddy." Muhammad said.

"Thank you so much , Ya Muhammad, thank you." Amir said and hugged both Muhammad and Mahmud.

"It's okay." They both said.

"Doctor Zara , here is the file of the patient in room 14A." Nurse Titi said and handed Zara the file.

"Aha Thanks Nurse Titi, prepare her discharge papers." Zara said.

"Okay Doctor." The Nurse said and exited the room, she wore her lab coat , put on her stethoscope before heading to Maesha's room.

She knocked and enters the room, she met Hajiya Aisha , Hajiya Ruqayya, Nafida and Khadija in the room.

She greeted them which they didn't answered of course except for Dijah who smiled at her and hugged her, she made her way to Maesha's bed where she did some checks up and saw she's fully recovered.

"She's the one right, that ill-mannered girl, the girl that follows boys like dog." She heard Hajiya Ruqayya said with so much detest.

"Haba , Aunt Rukky she's........", "Just shut up your mouth, stupid girl." Khadija started but Hajiya Ruqayya cut her off.

Tears rushed down Zara's face but she quickly wiped them, she's done crying for them, "Yes Ammie , she's the one, who would have thought she's like that, tsktsktsk, a pesky harlot like her." Nafida said smirking at Zara.

Hajiya Aisha kept quiet and didn't say anything, she doesn't know why but she feels like the girl is innocent, but when that image popped into her head, she feels she hates the girl so much.

Khadija stood up and left the room , she just can't watch them insulting Zara, whereas Zara just kept quiet and continued doing her check ups on Maesha.

"A prostitute living in the face of an innocent being." Zara had it enough and didn't know when she said.

"Stop calling me that, don't you dare call me that again." Zara thundered, tears running down her face, the-same time Faisal and Khadija came into the room , she has told him everything.

"What would you do , aren't you one, i've said it and i will repeat it again, you are a prostitute , go deal with it." Hajiya Ruqayya said making Zara to burst out in a new set of tears and ran out of the room in the process hitting Faisal.

Faisal turned and was about to follow Zara when he heard Hajiya Ruqayya's authoritative voice, "And where do you think you are going." She said.

Faisal didn't pay heed to her and left the room, "Zara , Zara , please wait."! Faisal said following Zara who has already entered her office and closed it.

He stood there banging the door but she didn't opened, "Zara please open the door, please Zara , I'm really sorry on her behalf." Faisal said.

"Go away, you are all the-same, remember you said that to me also , two year ago." Zara said crying.

"I'm really sorry Zara please open the door." The-same time Ammar came to the place, upon seeing Faisal he frowned his face, and why is he on Zara's door telling her to open.

"What is going on here." Ammar said, Faisal didn't even spared him a glance and continued banging the door.

Ammar went closer to the door before saying, "Baby love what happen, please open the door."

Zara stood up and opened the door making Faisal to stagger on his feet, he was here pleading with her to open the door but she didn't, but immediately Ammar came , she opened , Faisal thought,

"Shush it's okay baby." Ammar said and together they went back to the office closing the door on Faisal's face, today he's sure that he has lost his Zara forever.

He turned back and headed to his car with a broken heart.


Today is Friday , and Fridays are known for gathering in the Galadanchi household, so all the men of the families are present with their wives and children.

And today , the brothers planned on convincing their parents on Amir's issue.

"All thanks to God for showing us another Friday in good health." Alhaji Faruk said.

"Alhamdulillah." They all chorused , after they were done eating, Muhammad started.

"Daddy , Amir came to me yesterday, with an issue regarding his marriage with his girlfriend, that you forbade him , Daddy , he's in a bad condition , Daddy please reconsider your decision." He said making Nafida confused , when did al this happen.

Alhaji Faruk cleared his throat before saying,
"Yes Muhammad, i was the one who forbade him from marrying her, considering what they did to us, we are not holding any grudges or anything towards them, it's just that , I won't allow my blood to collide with theirs again." Alhaji Faruk said in his authoritative voice.

"But Daddy, I thought, what happened is already in the past, and Zara has already moved on and is about to get married again, why stop Amir from getting what he wants." Mahmud calmly said.

"This issue has already been solved Mahmud, please let's drop it." Hajiya Maryam said , Nafida looked like she was about to murder someone, how dare they insult their family in her presence, she promised to take revenge and on their precious child Zara, she looked at Zara with a blazing fire, she feels like strangling the girl to death.

"But Mummy , you all are saying you don't want our blood to collide with theirs , have you forgotten that Nafida is their blood, do you suggest i divorce her, then?" Mahmud said.

"What nonsense are you spewing Mahmud, what brought about divorce here, and for Nafida she's now our family, so don't involve her in theirs." Hajiya Maryam said.

"But Mummy she's Aunt Nafida's sister , what's wrong about me marrying her, Daddy, Mummy please you have to understand this." Amir pleaded.

Alhaji Faruk stood up before saying,
"I would think about it, Maryam come with me." He said and they both exited the parlor.

"Ya Amir pleasee, why are you hell bent on marrying that girl , don't you see how they hate me , do you know what they did to me yesterday at the hospital together with Ya Mahmud's wife?" Zara said.

"Enough Zara!, why do you always like accusing my wife." Mahmud said.

"Ya Mahmud, I'm not accusing her , you just don't know her true colors, it's all façade , she is evil." Zara said with disgust.

"What have i ever done to you to deserve this kind of hatred from you Zara." Nafida said shedding her crocodile tears before hurriedly leaving the parlor.

Zara just scoffed and looked away, "Babe, please wait." Mahmud said and followed his wife,.

"Why do you hate her this much Zara." Mufida asked , "I do not hate her , she's evil, you all don't know who she is." Zara said.

"Zara!" Muhammad cautioned , "Sorry Ya Muhammad." Zara said and left the parlor.

"Ammie , how dare they insult our family in my presence." Nafida said with so much venom, she's on the phone with Hajiya Ruqayya.

"It's okay , Nafy , it's like they still don't know who am i, and this marriage must happen at any cost." Hajiya Ruqayya smirked.

Nafida laughed before saying,
"Oh , how i love you Ammie, you know the thing that gives me joy when i remember is how we framed that Zara on the wedding day making Faisal to cancel the wedding." Nafida said laughing making Hajiya Ruqayya to laugh.

"Innanilahi wa'ina ilaihi raji'un, Nafida so you were the one, Zara was telling the truth all this long , you are evil Nafida." Mimi said making Nafida to drop her phone and turned to her direction.

"I never thought you can stoop this low Nafida , what has Zara ever done to you to deserve this, and mind you , I'm going down right this moment to tell everyone." Mimi said with disbelieve in her eyes.

"No Mimi, you won't do that." Nafida said moving closer to Mimi.

"And why is that!"

Wishing you all a blissful Ramadan. Will miss you guys🥺.

