15| Bridal Gift



It's been three years but nothing has changed.
Faisal and Zara are still in their relationship and their wedding is even set in two months.

Zarah is now a 20 year old matured lady studying Medicine at Bayero University Kano. She's now in level 400.


Her beauty is still intact. She's even more prettier than before. She's now a full woman with curves in the right places. She's one in a million.

Her wedding with Faisal is set in two months and she can't be more happier.

Today is the day that her lefe [bride's gift] will be brought by the groom's family.

"Zara, "Zara, Ya Allah what should I do with this girl" Hajiya Maryam said coming into Zara's room.

She met Zara still sleeping and it's already 12:00pm the groom's family will arrive in less than two hours or so. And she has to leave the house before they arrive.

Hajiya Maryam patted Zara on her ass making her to wake up in a jolt.

"Oh Mummy why now" Zara said rubbing her eyes.

"Really it's 12 and you are still in bed Is that how you will be doing when you get married. Now stand up and take your bath you have to leave this house before the groom's family arrives " Hajiya Maryam said.

Zara abrubtly stood up."What Mummy why would I have to leave the house I will just stay in my room please" She said.

"Saboda haka ake yi a kauyen ku ko ,is that how it is done in your village. No way you have to go to your Aunty's house " Hajiya Maryam said and pushed Zara to the bathroom.

"And let me not come back and meet you not dressed up" With that she left the room.

"Ya Allah" Zara groaned.

On the other hand Faisal too is now a more matured and overly handsome young man.


He is now a 28year old handsome man with so much achievements in life. Every girl will die to have him as her husband.

Their relationship with Zara is now more strengthned filled with love and passion.

He really loves her more than life itself and he can't wait to make her his wife.

He is in a hurry to leave the house because it is filled with relatives . All their relatives from Katsina and the one's here in Kano are in the house preparing the lefe that is to be conveyed to the bride's house.

His phone rang, he checked and see that it's his cousin also bestfriend Khalifah .

"Hello bro what's up am coming over right now the house is filled with ladies and you know I hate disturbance" He said.

Khalifah laughed and said.
"Okay I will be waiting for you " Khalifah said at the other end.

"Okay bye" He said and hung up.

He picked up his things and was about to leave his room when Khadijah and other two girls around her age came in.

"Yaya oh My God you have to see the lefe it is amazing" Khadijah said.

"Oh yes Yaya wallahi ya hadu, it's amazing" Another girl named Amira said.

Hanifah just kept quiet as she is so not happy that he is not marrying her elder sister but nevertheless she's happy for her cousin.

"Girls I can't you know the house is filled with ladies so spare me please hm" he said holding his ears and made a puppy face.

They laughed at him and left the room.

He used the backdoor and quickly left the house to avoid getting teased by the women.

Hajiya Aisha on the other is not so happy about the wedding too. But what can she do she can't sacrifice her son's happiness. If that's what he want then she has no right to stop him.

Her relationship with her sister in this past years has not been good.

Her sister hardly talks to her . Even when she calls her she hardly picks the phone and when she visits her she hardly talks.

Even their siblings noticed as how their relationship is now distanced. Considering the fact that Hajiya Aisha is Hajiya Ruqayyah's favourite.

Dinah on the other is still not over Faisal. She's now 22 years old She still loves him with all her heart. Many suitors have proposed to her but she turns them down. Claiming she will only marry Faisal.


Now that she has seen the lefe . She wished it was her's and her hatred for Zara is now on a high level she hates her with all her being and vowed to destroy her.

Hajiya Ruqayyah on the other hand only came to see the lefe to avoid small talks in the family. She wouldn't want anybody to have less respect for her as she's the eldest among her four siblings.

Nafida on the other hand too still hates Zara . She even hate her now more than before seeing that she's taking the place her blood sister is supposed to be.


Feenah on the other hand too who is also now 22 hate Zara because of her taking her bestfriend and also cousin's place.


Khadijah and Maesha who are now 18 and 11 on the other hand are so happy about the wedding . Same as Rayhana who's now 23 and has a cute baby who is 3 years named Nilfah.




"Adda Ruqayyah All is set now everything is ready come and crosscheck it." Hajiya Ruqayyah's immediate sister Hajiya Kulthum said.

"I don't need to see anything you can leave now" Hajiya Ruqayyah answered forcedly.

Everybody understood and left the room with the exception of Hajiya Aisha.

"Adda I'm so so.." Save it Aisha I don't need any of your explanations" Hajiya Ruqayyah cut her off and left the room.

Tears welled up in Hajiya Aisha's eyes . Why won't her sister understand that it is not her fault she also wants her son to get married to her niece. But they plan and Allah is the best of planners.

Every single person in the Galadanchi Household is running Helter Skelter to ensure the preparations are going smoothly.

Snacks, gifts , drinks, and different delicacies were made to offer to the groom's family as an appreciation when they arrived.

Zara hurriedly descended the stairs afraid of her mother to see her in the house .

"Zara what are you still doing here" Her mother's sister Aunt Hidayah said.

The Galadanchi Residence is also filled with guest , with relatives from Lebanon, to the one's in Kano and Galadanchi her Father's side.

"Aunt Hidayah I'm leaving now let me quickly go before Mummy skin me alive." Zara said and left the house.

She met her friends Hafsah and Dijah waiting for her in the car.
"Sannu ki ajiye mutane suna ta jira ,weldone you have left people waiting." Hafsy said.

"I'm so sorry my darlings let's go" Zara apologizes.

"Kin ci sa'a ke Amarya ce , Wallah otherwise I would have slap you" Dijah said annoyed.

Zara laughed and said "I'm soory tigress"

"Where are we going" Hafsy asked as she's the one driving.

"My Aunt's house in Hotoro " She replied tapping her phone.

"Okay "Hafsy said and zoomed off.

They arrived at Zara's paternal Aunt's house, Aunt Ummi.

They pressed the door bell and the maid opened the door.They entered the well furnished parlour and sat down.

Zara went upstairs to call her lazy cousin Mufida. That girl is lazy she's studying in London she came back just yesterday.

"Amaryaaaa you know I was getting ready to go to your house I can't miss your lefe" She said hugging Zara.

"Lazy ass what were you doing since" Zara asked.

"Wallahi am tired you know I came back yesterday I'm so jet lagged " Mufidah said.

"Okay but you are not going anywhere there is nobody in this house they are all at my place if you leave who would I stay with no way" Zara said.

"What !no way Zara i must go I can't miss this , Nabeela is here you guys can stay together love you" With that she left the room running.

"This girl is crazy" Zara laughed and went to Nabeela's room Mufidah's younger sister.

"Zaraaaa Amaryaaaa" Nabeela said squealing.

"Yeah how are you Beelah let's go downstairs am with my friends" Zara said.

"Okay let's go I have gist I swear" Beelah said dragging Zarah.

"Really can't wait " Zara said squealing.

Zara was amidst gisting with her friends when a text message came through from Mufidah.

She opened it and saw, 'girl damn it you are very lucky 24 boxes oh my God' . Another one came through again. 'Oh my Lord and a freaking Porsche damn it I wish I am you Zara you need to see this'.

Zara laughed at her craziness at the same time her heart beating.

"What happened" Hafsy, Dijah and Nabeelah asked at thesame time.

She showed them the text message . They squealed and hugged her.

"Oh my God you are so lucky baby girl" They said and hug her again. "Thank you guys" Zara said.

Hours later her Aunt called her and told her that the guest have left she should go back home.

Oh my God to say I was shocked was an understatement . I can't believe Faisal did all this for me.

Wow. Was the only word I could come up with when I saw the gifts from Faisal's family.

Twenty four freaking boxes each filled up with expensive things and a freaking Porsche car.

Oh God I can't be more happier. "Hey come here, why are you standing there come in" My maternal Aunt, Aunt Hidayah said.

The rest of the people in the room laughed at my shocked state.I went in and they all started to tease me. I went to my room and called Faisal.

He picked at the third ring.
"That was superb" I said the moment he picked .

He laughed and said "Easy there baby it's nothing much"

"Whoa it is nothing much you say , are you for reall!! Oh my God you know I nearly fainted when I saw them Thank you sooo muchhh baby I love you can't wait to see our wedding day" I rambled.

"Anything for you baby, love you too and can't wait to make you my wife so tell me how was your day" He asked.

"Amazing and you were the one that made it to be amazing" I said.

"Whoa I'm glad I did" He said.

"I really can't wait to see you as my wife" He said in a low voice.

"Me too" I answered. We chit chat a little before I hang up.

Mummy came into my room .
"I can't believe my only daughter is getting married" She said sitting next to me.

"Please Mummy I don't wanna hear you saying this you are making me cry" I said.

Mummy laughed and said.
"Okay I'm sorry shikenan your Daddy is calling you he is in his room" Mummy said.

"Oh I hope it's not another lecture" I said.

"Gidanku , your head." Mummy said and knocked me on my head.

"I'm sorry" I said laughing. I put on my hijab and left for Daddy's room.

I met him reading a newspaper , "Dadyyy I'm here " I said pouting.

"I've seen you ai Princess come sit" He said patting the space next to him on the couch.

I went and sat down . "I can't believe my Princess is all grown up and is getting married " He said.

"Daddy pleaseeee stop mana you are making me to cry" I said.

He laughed and said. "Soory but I want to give you some advice my Princess Marriage is not a joke . I'm so happy you are getting married because you are completing half of your deen. Marriage is not a child's play . So you have to be obedient to your husband do everything he asks you except if it is against our religion.

Do not do what he didn't ask you. As we men hate it when our wives do something against our wish. I want you to be obedient to your husband that he will be proud of you in everywhere he goes. You see in all these years that i'm married to your mother. I can count the number of times we had an argument.

So I want you to carry her footsteps. I agree there is no marriage that is perfect because at some point you argue with you spouse. Another important thing is communication. Without communication a Marriage can fail .

So I want you to always communicate with your partner whenever you have a fallout. I wish you a happy married life my Princess and may Allah bless you with obedient kids , I love you" Daddy said using his handkerchief to wipe his tears.

I'm also in tears right now. "Daddy please it's not yet time but you are already making me to cry" I said hugging him.

"It's okay Princess stop crying I'm very happy you are getting married to a man like Faisal I know he will treat you well ". He said.

"But Daddy I don't want to leave you" I said sniffing.

He chuckled and said. "It's okay Princess ai we would not be far away so stop crying" He said wiping my tears.

"Thank you Daddy" I said.

"Allah maki albarka ,May God bless you"

"Ameen" I answered.

