34| Emergency


"Salamualaikum Aunt Maryam Sabah el kheir ; Good Morning." Ammar greeted into the phone.

"Wa alaikumusalam Ammar , Sabah el noor ; Morning." Hajiya Maryam said.

"Kifak ; How are you." Hajiya Maryam asked.

" Alhamdulillah Aunt , how is everyone."

"They are all fine Alhamdulillah." Hajiya Maryam said.

"Um.. um.. Aunt......" Ammar cracked,

Hajiya Maryam chuckled before saying,
"Speak up Ammar what's the matter."

Ammar rubbed his ear before saying,
"Aunty... it's about Zara."

"Shou sar ; What happened." Hajiya Maryam asked,

"Aunt, um...am.. about our marriage." Ammar said and shut his eyes closed.

Hajiya Maryam chuckled before saying,
"No need to be shy abnay ; My son, i will speak to Zara first , afterwards we will make a decision me and your Uncle." Hajiya Maryam said.

"Shukran Aunt; Thank you so much Aunt, my regards to everyone." Ammar said.

"In Sha Allah." Hajiya Maryam said and ended the call.


"It's high time you move on with your life, i'm tired of seeing you like this , please." Hajiya Aisha said looking at her beloved son who is getting thinner by the day.

She used her hands caressing his face before saying,
"Tell me , you still love her right."

Faisal immediately looked at her with what seems like horror and shock in his face before saying,
"I also don't know Maama , i just can't get rid of her , she is in my mind everday , and now i know i have lost her forever Maama , forever! Maama, she's somebody else's now." He said and broke down in tears.

Hajiya Aisha looked at him with pity, tears have also gathered in her eyes , she engulfed him in a hug before saying,  "Oh my baby, I'm sorry, shh it's okay."

"Maama it's not, i'm not okay and it will never be okay." Faisal said.

"Shh , it's okay my baby, let it out , everything will be normal again In Sha Allah." Hajiya Aisha said patting his back.

"Jaarama Maama ; Thank you Maama." Faisal said.

"Now my promise , please fulfill it now Son, i promise you won't regret it please." Hajiya Aisha pleaded.

Faisal looked into his mother's eyes and saw fear in it, oh his poor mother, she's hopeless and compelled to do something  her son is not happy with and she's not ready to, He knows the consequences she will face by her elder sister if he doesn't accept.

So, he accepted only for his mother and nothing else , only for his mother's happiness.

"I accept Maama, but only for your happiness."

Hajiya Aisha took both his hands before bringing it to her chest, she let the tears out , she knows he is not happy with it , but he accepted just because of her happiness, how she is lucky to have him as her son. How she wished she has a say , she wouldn't have ever forced her son in marrying who he doesn't like.

"Thank you , Thank you Son." Are the words she could only utter, today words have failed her.

Time flies so fast as days turns to weeks , weeks turns to months, and months turn to year.

Zara is back to Nigeria as a certified medical doctor, she did her license exams which she gracefully passed , she is done with her internship and service and now she's working in Ammar's big and well known hospital.

Their relationship with Ammar is still like before, with him loving her and her always friend zoning him, though their wedding is set in five months time.

Whereas Faisal and Dinah are yet to get married due to the serious illness she suffered due to her drug taking. Though he's still not aware of her being a drug addict.

She is now fully recovered and their wedding is also set in six months time.

Nafidah gave birth to a cute handsome baby boy, named Faraaz , he's now a year old, Nafidah is still herself with no care towards her chilldren , she weaned and handed over Faraaz to the maid when he was just five month.

"Baby enough with work, you need to rest."  Ammar said from behind startling Zara.

She smiled before turning to face him. "I'm not tired and perhaps it's my job." Zara said.

"Still , you need to rest , now come with me." Ammar said and they left her office and soon they were in the hospital's cafeteria.

He ordered some snacks and drinks for them, before starting up a conversation.

"I can't wait for you to be finally mine baby." He said looking at her with hope in his eyes.

Zara smiled before saying, "Same."

"I love you baby." Ammar said and smiled at her,

She looked at him intently wanting to reply but words failed her, what type of a person is she, this man has been there for her through her hard times , he stands up by her every-time she needed him,  he showed her the love and care every person would wish to have.

But why, uptill now she doesn't feel anything towards him, she only sees him as her brother not a lover.  Is it because she was once ruined by thesame gender , him! .

But today she has taken a promise to herself that she will learn to love this man in front of her , who showed her nothing but true people still exist in the world , who showed her the world in a beautiful view, who offered her all he had. It's a promise to herself.

So , she smiled at him heartedly, sending a message he only understood and he smiled back knowing his wish is finally fulfilled.


They left the cafeteria shortly and resumed to their work, Ammar is in Zara's office as always, as a consultant and also owner of the hospital, he hardly visits the hospital before unless if there is an emergency case he's needed.

But when Zara started working at the hospital, he comes to the hospital daily , and is always in her office unless when she's seeing her patients and also he have an important work to do at his office.

Even the staffs of the hospital knows the duo are in a serious relationship and are about to get married.

Zara was showing Ammar a patient's chat history when a Nurse hurriedly knocks the door , she came in after given permission.

"Sorry to interrupt Dr Zara and Dr Ammar but there's a serious emergency case  and your attention are both needed."  With that she left the office.

Zara stood up and hurriedly put on her lab coat , Ammar did thesame and they both exited the office.

Heyyo guys.

So sorry for not updating for long , your girl is just stressed out with school🤧🥺. Gosh i hate school😫.

And oh my sister Phateemah_taheer tied the knot lastweek , please pray for her new home. Allah basu zaman lafiya.

