Chapter nine

Draco led me up to the top of the astronomy tower.

When we got there I saw that he had laid lite candles and had a blanket with a basket of food on it.

I gasped.

"This looks amazing Draco, thank you" I smiled.

"It's ok, I'm trying to make it up to you" he replied.

"Well I still like you"

"We should eat"

Draco led me over to the mat and he sat down pulling me down with him.

He opened the basket and food flew out, there was chicken sandwiches and little brownies for dessert.

A plate flew out and landed in my hands, then a sandwich came up and landed on the plate.


When we finished eating Draco pulled me closer and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Did you like it?" He asked smiling, shoulder shaking when he talked.

"No" his smile was gone. "I loved it" and was replaced by an even bigger one.

"That's good, we can stay up here for the night if you like?"

"I would love that" I smiled

Draco waved his wand and the blanket turned into a bed with pillows and more blankets, the basket disappeared in to thin air.

I took off my shoes and Draco took off his, we then climbed into bed and fell asleep.


The next morning when I woke up I realized we had classes.

Draco was only just waking up.

"Draco, we have classes and it's quarter to nine"

With that we both jumped out of bed and made the bed disappear. I put my shoes back and Draco put his on and we ran to our rooms.

We threw I our robes on and ran to transfiguration.

We we arrived professor McGonagall had only just started the lesson.

After class professor called us over.

"It's a good thing Draco has improved, you now no longer need to tutor him"

With that professor McGonagall walked out of the class room leaving us alone, I started walking to the desk when Draco grabbed my waist and pulled me into him.

"May I kiss you?" He asked.

I didn't answer him, I just leant in kissing him first. He soon followed and pushed me up on to the desk kissing me harder.

He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance which I gladly excepted.

The door swung open and we broke apart.

Professor McGonagall walked in.

When she saw how disheveled we looked she glared.

"I forgot to tell you that you are doing patrol tonight, no funny business on patrol, or in my class, get out!" She yelled.

We grabbed our stuff and headed to potions.

While we were sitting Draco had my hand in his. We weren't making any potion today just writing, once I had finished I opened my diary and started writing.

Draco and I went on a date last night and it was incredible, we did do much but it was still special to me.

After transfiguration, when there was no one left Draco and I had an amazing make out session, but it was cut short when professor McGonagall came in.

I don't need luck because I already I have the person I wanted

Alara xxx

I looked over to Draco who was reading what I was writing, he was smiling, a really big smile. It made me really happy to see.

All of our lessons were over at lunch since we had two free periods next.

We walked to to our rooms before lunch, since lessons were over we could wear whatever we wanted.

When we got to the common room just before I went to my room Draco spoke.

"Since your dating the bad boy you might as well be the bad girl" he winked then went to get changed.

I walked into my wardrobe and pulled out my black leather skinny jeans with a black tank top showing my onyx belly button piercing. For my shoes I had my black stiletto boots.

When I walked out of my room Draco stopped pacing and gapped.

"Like what you see?"

"I love what I see"

Draco had a black suit on, looking really handsome.

He walked over a kissed me gently, we broke away and started to walk down for lunch.

We got many stares from people as we walked down but as soon as we got to the bottom someone punched Draco in the face.

Draco went flying backwards from the punch and hit his head on the stairs passing out from concussion.

I was furious, I pointed my hand towards Michael, the one who hurt Draco, a lifted him up in the air.

You could tell by his face that he was scared. I lifted him up a little higher and clenched my hand a little to give him a small amount of pain.


"Sam, he hurt Sam!" Michael spoke.


"Ahhhhh!" He screamed.

I then let him drop to the ground with a thud and ran to Draco.

He was only just opening his eyes.

"Are you all right Draco?"

"Yeah I'm fine" he glanced over at Michael, "what happened to him?"

"I did, I lifted him up in the air then kind of clenched my hand and it gave him pain" I smirked, " I was just so angry for what he did to you" .

"Well thank you" Draco said.

He then stood up and just before we started walking to the doors of the great hall he grabbed my waist and pulled me into him.

Draco placed his lips on mine quickly before taking them off. We walked into the room gaining so many stares from everyone.

I heard a whispers from the ravenclaw table.

"Look at that the two bad people are together and just happen to be our heads"

"She used to be such a sweet girl, now look at her hot and sexy"

I smiled at the last one and looked at Draco who was scowling.

"How dare he call you that, only I can" Draco growled.

"Oh so I'm now hot and sexy?"

"You betcha your hot and sexy"

We both smiled then walked to the table.


Later that night we were in the common room sitting in the couch just relaxing when I remembered.

"Draco we have to do patrol"

With that we jumped up and ran out of the room, instead of light something to lead us we walked in the dark.

I turned around the corner to be grabbed and pushed against the wall.

"It's just me" Draco reassured.

He then placed his lips on nibbling on the them, before I could kiss back his lips weren't on mine but the crook of my neck. They trailed up my neck and across my jaw, before meeting my lips again. Which I welcomed greedily, I slipped my tongue into his mouth and explored it running my tongue behind his teeth before being met by his tongue. Our tongues danced together.

We broke apart for air. Draco rested his head on mine.

"I have a question for you" Draco panted.

"Yeah?" I said, out of breath.

"Do you want to come to Malfoy manor for half of spring break?"

"Yea! But what about the other half!"

"I have to come back to school since mum and dad are on business"

"Well you could come to my our manor for the rest of the holidays"

"I would love to"


Once we finished patrol we had showers and went to bed.

