Chapter seven

The day went fast and was incredibly painful.

I had to bare with Draco and Sophie kissing and then have no one there for me.

That night when I walked into my room I couldn't help but hear the kissing noises coming from Draco's room. Haha great now they were going to have sex with me next door.

Well that's what I thought until I hears yelling.

"Get off me!" Draco roared.

"I thought you loved me, why won't you have sex with me?!" Sophie yelled back.

"Because your not someone i want to do it with!" He yelled back.

"Oh so you will do it with every other girl, but not with me the girl you love, that's just great!"

"So you have just been wanting me to have sex with you!"

"Yeah well it took you long enough to find out didn't it, but we are now over and done with!"


I then heard a door slam and a scream of frustration.

I then realized it was me he was taking about when the pain will get caused.

I hopped into bed and fell asleep trying as hard as I could not to think about Draco and Sophie and every thing else that has happened today.


The next morning I walked into the bathroom and got into my robes.

As I walked down to class, herbology, I saw Sam.

"Sam wait up" I yelled out, trying to catch up to him.

When I caught up he spun around.

"What did I tell you, leave me alone" Sam snarled.

"No I will not give up on you" after I said that he drew his hand back and slapped me.

Many people saw it and gasped.

I ran off to herbology knowing I was going to be late.

"Welcome thank you for finally joining us miss Ryder, go find you seat next to Draco" professor sprout said.

I walked over to Draco clutching my face, the left side, the one facing Draco.

"Why are you holding your face?" He asked.

"Don't worry about it" I whispered.

"No I want to know" Draco tugged on my wrist until I let go.

He gasped seeing a large red hand mark.

"Who gave you this?" He questioned.

"It doesn't matter"

"Yes it does, tell me" Draco said a little sterner that before.

"Sam" I whispered.

"I'm going to kill him" I heard Draco mutter under his breath.

And I wasn't planning on stopping him.


Once classes were finished I realized it was Friday, quidditch practice.

I got changed into my flying gear grabbed my broom and flew to the pitch, the rest of the team was there and I was last.

"Chasers start practicing passing the quaffle with as much strength as you can muster, Draco just fly around, then speed up as if you have seen the snitch... " montage drifted off as I flew up into the air.

I turned to face one of my fellow players to see the quaffle hurtling towards me, I caught it with one hand and threw it back with so much strength he fell off his broom.


Once practice was over Draco and I flew to our room, not speaking a word to each other.

When we got in to the room the first sentence was said.

"You shower first" Draco said.

"Thanks" I replied.

I walked into my wardrobe gathered my nightdress and towel then went to the bathroom.

The hot water was so soothing but I knew I had to get out so Draco could hop in.

Once I was out of the bathroom, I could feel the tears coming.

As soon as I made it to my bed the tears leaked out, I walked over to my desk and sat down to write in my diary.

Draco and the hag have split up and I can now say I'm a bit happier, well I was until this morning when Sam slapped me in the face when I walked up to reason with him.

I can't even stop the tears coming out of my eyes, they always find a way to leak out.

I was also thinking about before I knew Draco was just playing me. What about the night at the ball was that all fake?

Well I guess i will never know.

No luck will come so I'm not going to say it.

Alara xxx


Once I had finished I slumped in to bed and had cried myself dry, I fell asleep preparing for tomorrow's match against hufflepuff.

I woke up in the morning, got into my quidditch robes and walked down for breakfast.

Draco was already there and Sophie was sitting on the other end of the table ignoring every one especially Draco who was ignoring her as well.

I saw Sam who was opposite Draco and decided to try again.

"Hi Sam" I said sitting down next him.

"I told you to leave me alone" Sam growled.

"Well I'm not going to give up" I said sternly.

What Sam did was worse that yesterday.

He backhanded me across the face and punched me in the stomach. I fell off the back off the chair and lay there in pain.

I saw Draco stand up walked over the top of the table and grab Sam by the throat.

Draco then lifted Sam out of his seat and rammed him in to the wall as hard as he could.


Draco then smacked Sam's head on the wall again and let go, Sam slumped into a pile on the ground.

Draco slightly ran over to me. He lifted me up in his arms and carried me to the hospital wing.

"Are you ok" he said in a soothing voice.

"N-no p-pain a l-lot"

"I will take you to madam pomfrey and get you a pain killer potion, this is all my fault" tears were threatening to come out of his eyes. Tears were already coming out of my eyes but he didn't notice.

When he did notice he ran his hand over my face and wiped them away.

"It's going to be alright, we are nearly there" Draco whispered.

Once we got to the infirmary Draco lay me down on a bed and went to get madam pomfrey.

"Yes all she needs is pain killer potion" Draco said to madam.

Madam pomfrey got the potion and I drunk it.

As soon as it started affecting me I felt better.

"Let's go Draco we have quidditch" I said grabbing his.

When we got out side of the hospital wing I yelled.

"Accio firebolts" both of our brooms came hurtling down the stairs and into our hands.

We jumped on and flew to the pitch.


"Ok we need good scores out of this because then we might finally win the cup and make it Slytherin's yet again, and it helps that we have the best chasers, let's do this!" Montage yelled.

We flew out on to the pitch from the underground bit. Our team flew around in a arrow formation and back to the centre.

The score was three hundred and forty to us then zero to hufflepuff.

"The snitch had been caught, the snitch has been caught by Draco Malfoy" the commentator boomed.


Draco and I flew into the school and up to our room.

"You can shower first" Draco said.

"Oh thanks".

I quickly walked into my room and grabbed my nightdress, the walked back out and into the bathroom.

I stripped down and climbed in to the shower.

The water was so soothing.

Once I got out and was in my night dress I walked out of the bathroom, and went straight into my room like every night I put everything down and went to write in my diary.

Today Sam backhanded me and punched me in the stomach it was horrible, then Draco stormed over to Sam and slammed him into the wall.

Draco then carried me to the infirmary and when I was crying he wiped away my tears.

We also won our game of quidditch.l

Alara xxx


Thanks for reading I hoped you liked it please vote. Thanks

Madi xxx
