Chapter twelve

I was woken up by some one shaking me, I opened my eyes and saw Draco.

"You have to get up and pack we are going to your manor today".

I leaped out of the bed and ran into my room, i quickly got dressed into my ripped shorts, blue tank top and white stilettos.

I waved my wand and all of my stuff flew into my trunk which, once it it was packed flew out of the room.

I walked out looking back in for the last time before shutting the door.

I saw Draco walk out of his room with his trunk flying out after him.

We walked downstairs hand in hand with our trunks following.


The rest of the holidays zoomed by and before we knew it we were back at school preparing for quidditch against gryffindor.

I was flying towards the hoop ready to shoot but a random bludger came at me from behind whacking me in the back, I was a least forty feet in the air.

As soon as I was hit I fell over the front of my broom and was soaring down to the ground, the crowds were screaming so loud it was defining. I hit the ground and tried as hard as I could to keep consciousness.

"Move out of the way" I heard a rude voice say.

I opened one eye to see Draco hovering over me.

"It's going to be okay" Draco moved my hair out of my face.

Draco scooped me up in his arms and hoped on his broom.

He then flew all the way to school and into the hospital wing.

"Madam pomfrey help, a bludger hit her" he pleaded.

I then passed out.


When I woke up I saw Draco beside the bed looking at me.

"Hey" I whispered.

"Are you alright?"

"Fine now, you do realize every one is going to know now"

"Yeah, but what matters is that we are together".

He then leant over and kissed me gently.

I quickly got out of my bed and walked over to the door.

"Coming?" I yelled over to Draco.

"Yup come on let's go to our dorm"

Draco then took my arm and led me up to our rooms.


Draco went in to his room to get changed and went in to mine as well.

I slipped into my nightdress and sat on my bed, as if on Que. Draco walked in and came over to me.

I crawled backwards and into my bed.

"Do you want me to stay or just say goodnight?" Draco questioned.

"I never want you to leave"

Draco walked over to the other side and hopped in.


Draco's POV

I walked over and hopped into the other side of her bed.

Once I was in, I reached over and pulled her into my chest.

I welcomed the warmth she gave off.

When I thought she was asleep I stroked the top of her head.

"I love you Alara, I love you so much it hurts" I said lovingly, knowing she couldn't hear me.

I lay my head down and was nearly asleep when I heard her voice.

"I love you to Draco".

After that I fell asleep with a smile on my face.


I woke up the next morning to see Draco laying peacefully sleeping.

I quickly got dressed into jeans and a top then wrote Draco a note.


Hey I'm just in the great hall

See you there soon.

Love Alara, xxxxx

I walked down to the great hall and over to pansy.

"Hey pans"

"Hey are you going to the party at the room of requirement tonight?"

"I hadn't heard of it but yeah I'll go, are you going?"


"we could get ready up at my room"

"Yeah ok I'll see you there at four, I have to go now though"

Pansy then got up and walked out of the hall.

Draco came in next and sat down next to me lacing his hand with mine.

"Pansy and I are going to a party tonight at the room of requirement will you come Blaise will most likely be there?"

"Yeah ok I'm guessing you want me out of the room so you and pansy can get ready"



Pansy and I were just getting ready to go, pansy was wearing a short black strapless dress with my black stilettos, while I was wearing a midnight blue mid thigh tight wrap dress with my blue platform heels.

We strutted in to the room of requirement attracting lots of whistles and stares.

Draco walked over to us and whipped me away from pansy.

"You look absolutely amazing" Draco breathed into my ear.

"As do you, now let's get dancing"

I pulled him out on to the dance floor and we danced, we of course we did and it was wild.

Once we had finished we both collapsed on the couch absolutely exhausted from all the dancing.

"Why don't we go to our room before we end up sleeping here, I wouldn't wanna be around when it gets bustard" Draco said.

We got up and walked to our rooms.

"I'll be in your room in five minutes" I called out to Draco who was already in his room.

"Yeah ok" a muffled voice said.

I went into my room and got changed into my nightdress then walked over to Draco's room. Draco was lying in his bed eyes closed.

I slipped under the covers and Draco pulled me close to him, he gave me a quick kiss before we both fell asleep.


I hope the chapter was ok, it was a bit rushed, sorry.

Thanks for reading, please vote

Madi xxx
