Part 13

DG looked up as a murmur rippled through the guests and her eyes widened with worry to see Glitch moving quickly through the crowd. Making her way down the stairs of the dais to the main level of the ballroom, DG reached out and grasped his arm, pulling him to a stop.

"Let me go!" he cried out and attempted to wrench away.

"Glitch, what is it? What's happened?" DG tried to sooth her friend.

"He... he doesn't want me!" Glitch cried and pulled out of her grasp, moving quickly toward the door, but not before DG had seen the tears streaming down his cheeks, his tears soaking the fabric of his mask.

DG attempted to follow but by the time she had made it out of the crowded ballroom herself, her friend was gone.

"DG?" Cain called, working his way out the door after her.

She whirled around glaring at him angrily. "What did you do?" she growled.

Cain blinked. "I – I did what you told me to do..." he stammered. "I tried to return the gift to him."

"Gods, Cain," DG hissed in irritation. "I swear, sometimes you are an absolute moron!"

"What?" Cain asked, looking at her in surprise.

"Couldn't you have waited?" DG asked. "Yes, I said you needed to be the one to return it to him, but gods, I never thought you'd be stupid enough not to find out just who he is first!"

"Who he is...?" Cain muttered.

"Yes!" DG growled as she began to pace the hall.

"H-Who is he?" he asked.

DG scowled. "Why should I tell you?" she asked. "What does it matter now any way? You've already broken his heart..."

"DG!" Cain yelled. "Who is he?"

DG turned and looked at him, still glaring. "Like I said, Cain, why should I tell you? All you've ever done is hurt him, and all he's wanted it to be your friend at the very least; you hardly ever even talk to him!"

Cain blinked at her. "Glitch?" he murmured softly.

DG sighed heavily and nodded when he looked up at her. "I probably should have to avoid this, but I didn't tell him what you told me earlier," she said. "I thought that it would be better coming from you... I didn't know you'd be a bone headed idiot and reject him before you'd found out who he was..."

"Where is he?" Cain asked.

DG shrugged. "Hell if I know," she muttered and at his condescending look, pointed down the direction of the hallway Cain's own rooms lay in. "You might try that way... his lab and rooms are down there..."

Cain blinked. "Where?" he asked.

"First staircase going down and the first door on the right is his lab, and the seventh door passed the entrance on the left are his rooms," DG answered. "As much as I want to go with you, my mother would kill me if I left a party I am hosting. Let me know if you find him or I'll check in his lab or stop by his room after the ball.

Cain nodded and took off down the hall as DG turned and returned to her guests reluctantly.
