Part 12

Cain took a deep breath and brushed away the nonexistent wrinkles in his clothing. DG had been right; he needed to be the one to return the gift to his admirer... he really felt he owed the man an explanation at least. He picked up the small box from his dresser and tucked it carefully away in his inside pocket before looking in the mirror and smoothing his clothes once more. Sighing, he steeled himself for the night ahead and left his chambers.

Reaching the ballroom, he slowed his steps, seeing the man in white standing just inside the doorway. Moving up behind him, Cain heard him inhale deeply before turning his honey colored orbs to meet Cain's gaze.

"There you are," Cain murmured and the mysterious man met his blue gaze with a smile.

'Here I am,' he mouthed.

"I um," Cain said. "I was waiting for you..."

'So I see,' the man mouthed and held out his hand.

"Can we talk?" Cain asked.

The man nodded and Cain took it readily. With a deep breath, the man seemed to force himself to move into the room, leading Cain out the doors opposite onto the balcony.

Outside, Cain moved away and sighed heavily, sitting down and lowering his pale blue eyes, thinking about what he needed to say, and trying to figure out how best to say it. He winced slightly at hearing the man's sharp inhale.

"I um," Cain said and reached into his pocket and pull out the small box. "I came to return this to you. I'm sorry. As nice as it is, I can't accept it..." he sighed and looked up to see a pained, questioning expression in the honey colored eyes of the mysterious man before him. "My... my heart already belongs to some one."

The man nodded, swallowing hard but shook his head when Cain extended the box to him. 'Keep it,' he mouthed. 'It is my gift to you, just as my heart is...'

Cain sighed heavily and lowered his eyes, but nodded and tucked the box back in his pocket. When he looked up again a moment later, the mysterious man was gone and in his place was a white rose with gold dusted petals.

Reaching out a shaking hand, Cain picked up the rose and noticed another note was attached to its stem. Unfurling it, he cursed silently as he read: So long as I can breathe or I can see so long lives your love which gives life to me.

Standing to his feet, he rushed into the ballroom, to see a distraught and angry looking princess, rushing for the opposite door.
