Part 1

Glitch sighed sadly, playing with his eggs using his fork, his chin in his hand as he cast surreptitious glances at the Tin Man seated not too far from him. Sighing once more, he excused himself and headed for his lab. He had been watching the man for months, since the defeat of the witch in September to be exact, and now it was nearly the end of January and nothing. Oh, he talked to him on occasion but it wasn't the same... there were no endearing 'sweetheart's no warm looks like there had been before... or at least... that he thought there were before.

They had discovered not too long after the Princess Azkadellia had been freed from the witch's control that at least physically, his brain was lost to him forever. That was to say, it could not be placed back into his head. No, instead, it now sat in that jar of primordial ooze in his lab and his work now also involved the assistance of a viewer. Glitch was still Glitch and he often wondered if that was the reason for the Tin Man's apparent change toward him.

"Hey there," came a soft voice and Glitch blinked, looking up from his notes to see Princess DG entering. "Are you okay?" she asked. "I knocked but you didn't answer."

"Yes, I'm fine," Glitch assured her with a smile, though it was sad, not reaching his eyes.

DG moved into the room and placed a gentle hand on his arm. "Are you sure?" she asked softly.

Raw, the viewer working with him today removed his hand from the glass of the jar and excused himself for a little break, allowing the two some privacy to talk.

Glitch sighed when Raw left the room, sitting down heavily on his stool. "Not really, no," he admitted.

DG gave him a worried look and bit her lip. "It... its Cain, isn't it?" she asked softly.

Glitch exhaled heavily, dropping his pen on the table and putting his head in his hands as he nodded. "I don't know what to do..." he murmured into his hands, shaking his head.

"You miss him, don't you?" DG asked.

A soft sob escaped his throat and Glitch just wanted to curl up and die, even as he nodded his head.

Looking at her friend sadly, DG moved closer and gave him a hug, wrapping him protectively in her arms. "Oh, Glitch..." she murmured softly, squeezing him tight. "I'm not sure what I can do either, but I'll be here if you need someone to talk to... and I'll help with whatever I can..."

Glitch exhaled a shaky breath as he slowly pulled himself back together and nodded as he dried his eyes. "Thanks, DG," he murmured softly.

DG gave him a gentle smile as she pulled back and began rubbing her hand up and down his back soothingly. "What are friends for?" she asked.

Glitch returned her smile a bit timidly and exhaled heavily. "I – I heard you were planning a big party next month," he said, trying to change the subject. DG just nodded with a smile. "What was it for again?"

"Valentine's Day," DG replied, pulling up a stool and sitting down as she continued to rub Glitch's back.

"Valentine's Day," Glitch reiterated and DG nodded. "T-there's going to be a ball?" he asked, looking up at her.

DG smiled and gave a nod. "Well, three actually... since the fourteenth falls on a Sunday I thought that Friday and Saturday could be celebrated as well."

Glitch nodded slowly as he thought this over. He really wished Raw was here now... he needed the extra brain power...

"There's a purpose to the other two nights?" Glitch asked looking at her in confusion.

DG smiled. "Sure is... the way I see it, the dance will be a masquerade, masks of course provided by my mother, Az and I to match the outfits the tailors and seamstresses make for the guests. Then, at the end of the ball on Valentines, provided everyone has paired off with a partner for all three nights, the masks are then removed to reveal who they are..."

Glitch swallowed as he thought this over. Three nights... he would have three nights to hopefully share his feelings with Cain... if he was lucky to find the man under the mask. Taking a shaky breath, he looked at DG. "I – I think I have an idea..." he murmured.

He turned and looked at the brain floating in the primordial ooze; it was as silent and still as ever.

Turning back to her he stammered, "B-but I'm going to need your help."

DG smiled at him reassuringly and gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze as she nodded.
