6: He's Full of Surprises

As dawn tiptoed across the sky, painting it with hues of pink and gold, Dongmin found himself restless in his room. The morning air was crisp, tingling with the promise of a new day. Birds chirped their morning greetings, their melodies intertwining with the gentle rustle of the foliage.

Donghyun hadn't come back to their shared room last night. But Dongmin didn't pay any mind to that.

With a yawn and a stretch, he decided to break the monotony of the early hour with a stroll through the garden.

Stepping outside, he was greeted by a scene straight out of a fairytale. Dew-kissed leaves shimmered in the gentle light, while petals from the bougainvillea danced like confetti on the path. The cool breeze invigorated him, and he inhaled deeply, savoring the fresh scent of rain-soaked earth and blooming flowers. The air hummed with the harmonious melody of chirping birds.

Dongmin couldn't resist joining in. His voice, warm and melodious, rose above the avian chorus as he hummed a tune. It began softly, a gentle caress of sound that soon swelled into a full-fledged song.

"The moment I wake up, Before I put on my makeup, I say a little prayer for you~"

"Oh, I'm combing my hair now, Wondering what dress to wear now, I say a little prayer for you~"

He was walking with a bounce in his step, his voice ringing out in the crisp morning air. He couldn't quite pinpoint the source of his sudden exhilaration, but it propelled him forward, each step more buoyant than the last.

"...I run for the bus dear; while riding I think of us dear, I say a little prayer for you~"

As he walked, his spirits lifted, and with each step, his voice grew stronger. The garden became his stage, the flowers his audience.

"And at work I just take time, and all through my coffee break time, I say a little prayer for you~"

Reaching the edge of the swimming pool, Dongmin's voice soared, echoing off the water's surface. He threw his arms wide and twirled, his robe flowing around him like a dancer's cape. The world around him seemed to fall away as he immersed himself in the music.

"Forever, forever, you'll stay in my heart and I will love you, forever and ever, we never will part, oh, how I love you..."

He sang, his voice strong and clear. He danced along the poolside, his movements fluid and expressive, his heart pouring into every note. He swayed his hips and swung the edge of his robe, his hands moving to his chest as he poured emotion into each word.

"Together, together, that's how it must be, to live without you would only mean heartbreak for me..."

Dongmin's voice rose, filled with passion and intensity. He spun around dramatically, his robe billowing in the morning breeze. His song reached a powerful crescendo, and he ended with a deep, theatrical bow to his imaginary audience, a broad smile lighting up his face.

And then, as if on cue, laughter broke through the melody, shattering through the serene morning air. Dongmin paused in surprise, his heart skipping a beat as he looked up to find Woonhak standing on the balcony, his laughter ringing out like bells.

Their eyes met, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. Then, with a mischievous grin, Woonhak began to clap, his applause filling the air with joy.

"Bravo, Dongmin-ssi! Encore, encore!" Woonhak called out.

Startled and embarrassed, Dongmin took a step back, only to lose his balance and tumble backward into the pool with a loud splash. He resurfaced, sputtering and brushing his wet hair off his face, looking up at Woonhak in surprise.

Woonhak burst into laughter, clutching the balcony railing. "Oh my gosh, Dongmin-ssi! Are you okay?"

Dongmin couldn't help shaking his head as he trod water. "Well, that wasn't exactly part of the performance!"

Woonhak's laughter continued to echo as he called down, "Getting deja vu?"

Dongmin's initial shock quickly melted into laughter. Wiping water from his eyes he said, "Guess that's what I get for being a drama queen first thing in the morning!"

Woonhak nodded, still chuckling. "Best morning entertainment ever. You should do this every day!"

Dongmin straightened up in the water and took another exaggerated bow, this time directed at Woonhak. "Why, thank you, thank you! I'll be here all week!" he replied, his grin widening.

Woonhak came down with a towel, still chuckling, and bent down next to the pool. Dongmin reached for the towel, but Woonhak held it just out of reach, teasing him.

"Need this?" Woonhak asked playfully, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Dongmin chuckled, shaking his head. "It's not funny, Woonhak-ssi."

With a smirk, Woonhak leaned closer, their faces just inches apart. "Oh, but it is. You looked pretty funny falling into the pool for the third time this vacation."

Dongmin felt a flutter in his chest, a mix of embarrassment and something else. "Well, maybe I was just trying to get your attention," he said with a grin, his tone half-joking but his eyes serious.

Woonhak's smile softened, his gaze lingering on Dongmin's face. "You don't need to fall into a pool to get my attention," he said softly, a hint of warmth in his voice.

For a moment, they just looked at each other, the playful atmosphere charged with an unspoken tension.

Just then, Jaehyun's voice broke the spell. "What are you two doing out here so early?"

Dongmin rolled his eyes and called back sarcastically, "Just practicing my diving skills, obviously."

Woonhak burst into laughter, finally handing Dongmin the towel. "Yeah, he's becoming quite the expert!"

With a playful smirk, Dongmin splashed some water in Woonhak's direction, making him laugh even harder. "Maybe next time you can join me in the pool!"

Jaehyun raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. "Well, try not to drown before breakfast, okay?"

Dongmin climbed out of the pool, wrapping the towel around himself. "No promises," he shot back, smirking.

Woonhak, still chuckling, nudged Dongmin lightly. "Come on, let's get you dried off before you catch a cold. And you can continue the concert later."

"Sure, sure. The next show is at noon!"

The rising sun cast a warm glow over the garden, highlighting the dewdrops on the petals and leaves. As they walked back inside, the moment of shared laughter lingered between them, echoing through the hallway.


Dongmin walked out of the room after he took a shower. He headed to the kitchen, drawn by the clatter of utensils and the faint aroma of something delicious in the making. As he entered, he saw Woonhak rummaging through the lower cabinets, clearly searching for something.

Woonhak finally found what he was looking for, but as he stood up, he hit his head on a drawer he had pulled out earlier. Dongmin almost laughed but managed to hold it in, though a smirk danced on his lips.

Woonhak rubbed his head, cursing under his breath. When he noticed Dongmin watching him with amusement, he turned slightly red. "Oh, hey. Didn't see you there."

Dongmin chuckled. "Are you okay? That looked like it hurt."

Woonhak nodded, still rubbing his head. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just my luck."

Dongmin leaned against the counter, casually observing. "You can drop the formalities, you know. Just be yourself."

Woonhak smiled sheepishly. "Uh, thanks. Old habits, I guess. Would you prefer me to call you Huyng?"

"Mhm," Dongmin nodded. "Need any help?" he offered, glancing around the kitchen.

Woonhak shook his head. "It's fine. I've got it under control."

Dongmin didn't move, instead making himself comfortable by the counter. "Mind if I stick around?"

Woonhak laughed. "Sure, if you want to. I could use the company."

As Woonhak continued preparing the meal, Dongmin leaned on the counter, watching his every move. "You're really good at this." He said, genuinely impressed by Woonhak's skills.

"Thanks. I've always enjoyed cooking. It's kind of... therapeutic," Woonhak admitted, glancing up at Dongmin.

"Yeah, I can see that," Dongmin said thoughtfully. "I'm usually more of an eat-what's-there kind of guy, but watching you work is kind of fascinating."

Woonhak laughed again, a warm, genuine sound that made Dongmin smile. "You're welcome to join in anytime. I could use some company."

They were finished with breakfast. Dongmin kept sneezing. Donghyun looked at him with concern, though he couldn't resist teasing. "Caught a cold from your morning dip, did you?"

At that moment, Jaehyun appeared with Riwoo in tow. "Let's go," Jaehyun said to Donghyun.

Dongmin, confused, asked, "Where are you two heading?"

Donghyun grinned. "Jaehyun Hyung's taking me on a date."

Dongmin rolled his eyes, feeling a pang of envy. "Great, and I can't even go. What about you, Riwoo Hyung? Are you going with them?"

Riwoo shook his head. "Nope, I'm heading to my girlfriend's house to get my dog."

Dongmin's eyes widened in surprise. "You have a Girlfriend? Since when?"

Jaehyun smirked, teasing, "You're the only one who doesn't like dating, Dongmin."

Dongmin pouted. "I'll be bored alone. What am I supposed to do?"

Donghyun chuckled, patting Dongmin on the shoulder. "Don't worry, you'll have Woonhak here to keep you company."

Dongmin glanced over at Woonhak, who was sitting behind him, casually eating an apple. Rolling his eyes, Dongmin muttered, "Lucky me."

The three of them left, leaving Dongmin and Woonhak alone. Dongmin mockingly asked, "Don't you have a girlfriend or something? Everyone's leaving me here alone."

Woonhak chuckled, shaking his head. "Nope, not at the moment."

Dongmin sighed dramatically, but couldn't hide a small smile. "Well, at least I won't be bored."

Woonhak took another bite of his apple, his eyes twinkling. "I'll make sure of that."

They were sitting at the dining table, the house quiet except for the soft hum of Dongmin's earphones. After finishing his apple, Woonhak walked over to Dongmin who was absorbed in his designs, scrolling through sketches and humming to the music playing in his ears. Each design was intricate, a testament to his talent and passion.

Woonhak, standing behind him, peered over Dongmin's shoulder at the sketches. "These are amazing," he remarked, genuine admiration in his voice.

Dongmin pulled out his earphones, a hint of surprise on his face. "Thanks," he replied with a modest smile. "These are the drafts that were rejected by the designers where I used to do a part-time job."

Woonhak's eyebrows shot up. "Really? These are so unique. I can't believe they were rejected."

Dongmin shrugged, a mixture of pride and frustration flickering in his eyes. Just as he was about to say more, Woonhak shifted gears. "Hey, have you watched the movie?"

Dongmin looked up, puzzled. "Which one?"

"My Best Friend's Wedding," Woonhak said, a playful grin spreading across his face. "You were singing the song passionately this morning, I figured you'd have watched the movie too. There's this scene that played that song, Rupert Everett sang next to Julia Roberts at the gathering."

Dongmin hesitated, not answering immediately. He considered his words carefully before responding, "I don't watch many movies."

Woonhak raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Then what do you do in your free time?"

"Discover and listen to music mostly. And I prefer books over films," Dongmin said, leaning back in his chair. A challenge sparkled in his eyes as he added, "Why don't you guess if I've actually seen this movie or not?"

Woonhak's smile turned into a teasing smirk. "I bet you can't tell a dialogue from it."

Dongmin's smirk matched his friend's. With a confident tilt of his head, he delivered a famous line from the movie, "Kimmy says if you love someone you say it, you say it right then, out loud. Otherwise, the moment just passes you by."

"Touché, Dongmin-ssi. I guess you have seen it."

"Hey, I told you to drop the formalities."

"Oh my bad," Woonhak chuckled. "Dongmin Hyung. Is it fine now?"

Dongmin giggled with a nod while covering his mouth. 

Woonhak thought for a moment then decided to play along. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he recited another line from the movie, "This is all your fault, you know. I mean, you never let me get to first base."

Dongmin's face lit up with recognition and he responded without missing a beat, "Michael... I love you. I've loved you for nine years. I've just been too arrogant and scared to realize it."

Woonhak laughed, clearly impressed. "Okay, okay, you got me. You definitely know the movie."

Dongmin grinned a sense of triumph in his eyes. "I may not watch a lot of movies, but some are worth remembering."

Their laughter echoed through the dining room, a testament to their easy camaraderie. For a moment, they were caught in the shared joy of a simple game, the sketches forgotten on the table.

"Well, I have to admit," Woonhak said, still chuckling, "your knowledge of movie quotes is as good as your fashion sense."

Dongmin shrugged, his smile turning softer and he looked back at his phone screen. "I guess some things just stick with you."

Woonhak scratched his cheek thoughtfully, then looked at Dongmin with curiosity. "So, what kind of music do you like?"

Dongmin's eyes remained on his phone as he casually replied, "Oldies and rock music."

Woonhak's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Really? You don't look like you'd be listening to either of those."

Dongmin glanced up, a playful glint in his eye. "Why, do I look too mean to like classical music?"

Woonhak chuckled. "No, not mean. Just... different. What bands do you like?"

"MCR, The Beatles, Oasis, Nirvana, and many more."

Woonhak's eyes widened. "Wow, I could never have guessed that just by looking at you."

Dongmin leaned back in his chair, a smug smile on his lips. "I thought my fashion sense reflected my personality."

Woonhak shook his head, laughing. "It does, but you're full of surprises."

Dongmin stayed silent for a moment, still smiling. Then, with a sudden burst of energy, he stood up and looked down at Woonhak. "Wanna find out more about me?"

Woonhak, intrigued, nodded. "Sure. But where are you going?"

Dongmin's grin widened. "To ruin someone's date and then ...go shopping?"

Woonhak burst into laughter, standing up to join him. "Whose date are we ruining?"

Dongmin's face formed a mischievous smile, "My Best friend's date!"

They walked out of the dining room together, the playful banter continuing as they moved through the house. Dongmin's energy was infectious, and Woonhak found himself caught up in the excitement of whatever spontaneous adventure lay ahead. He couldn't help but feel a sense of amazement as he observed Dongmin. He seemed like a completely different person from the one Woonhak thought he had seen these past few days. 

As they stepped outside, the morning sun bathed them in its warm glow. The garden, where Dongmin had performed his little concert earlier, looked even more vibrant. Woonhak glanced at Dongmin who was busy talking. He felt something in his chest. What's this feeling?


I had to figure out how to write his musical morning so it took me a while to update. 

The song he was singing is called "Say a Little Prayer." I personally like the Dionne Warwick version. 

I'm getting views these days. Thanks to those who vote regularly. Have a nice day.
See you in the next chapter.
