1: Party Outskirts of LA

Dongmin was packing his bags in his tiny LA apartment, clothes and art supplies strewn everywhere. Donghyun, leaning against the doorframe, watched him with a mix of exasperation and amusement.

"Dongmin, come on. You just graduated! You can't go back to Korea right away," Donghyun protested, stepping into the cluttered room.

Dongmin sighed, folding another shirt and placing it in his suitcase. "Donghyun, I have so much stuff to do. I can't just stay here and party."

Donghyun rolled his eyes, flopping onto the unmade bed. "That's exactly why you should stay. You've been stressed out this whole time. You need to relax, take a break, and enjoy your freedom for a bit."

"I can't," Dongmin insisted, shaking his head. "I've got responsibilities waiting for me back home."

Ignoring him, Donghyun continued, "Look, there's this amazing party happening this weekend. You have to come with me."

"Go with Jaehyun," Dongmin retorted, stuffing a sketchbook into his bag.

"Jaehyun's coming too," Donghyun said with a mischievous grin. "And he's bringing his friend. So naturally, I need to bring mine."

Dongmin raised an eyebrow. "Oh, naturally?"

Donghyun nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely. It'll be fun! You, me, Jaehyun, and his friend. We can finally let loose and have a great time."

Dongmin paused, considering it for a moment. "Who's this friend of Jaehyun's anyway?"

"Some guy he knows from work. Super cool, you'll like him," Donghyun said, waving a hand dismissively.

Dongmin rolled his eyes, throwing a few more items into his suitcase. "I don't know, Donghyunie..."

"Come on, Dongmin!" Donghyun whined, getting up from the bed and grabbing Dongmin's shoulders, It was very unusual of him to act like that. Dongmin wondered if it was the side effect of hanging out with Jaehyun most of the time.

"You owe me for all those late-night study sessions and stress-induced panic attacks. This is your chance to unwind and have some fun."

Dongmin laughed despite himself. "You do have a point."

Donghyun's eyes lit up. "Exactly! So, say yes. One party. If you hate it, I'll never bug you again."

Dongmin sighed, finally relenting. "Fine, one party. But if it's awful, I'm leaving early."

Donghyun grinned triumphantly. "Deal! You won't regret it, I promise."

Dongmin chuckled, shaking his head. "Alright, alright. Now help me pack. I've still got a flight to catch eventually."

Donghyun rolled up his sleeves and started helping Dongmin, the air between them lighter and filled with playful banter. "See, this is why you need a best friend like me."

"Yeah, yeah," Dongmin said, smirking. "Just don't make me regret it, okay?"

Donghyun laughed, slinging an arm around Dongmin's shoulders. "Never. This is going to be epic."

The next day, Jaehyun rolled up in his shiny, black Range Rover, the SUV's engine purring smoothly as it pulled to a stop in front of Dongmin and Donghyun. Jaehyun rolled down the window and waved enthusiastically.

"Hey, you two! Ready to go?" Jaehyun called out, a big grin on his face.

Donghyun waved back, smiling at his boyfriend. "Hey! Looking good, babe."

Dongmin walked over to the car with a casual stride. "Really, Jaehyun hyung? A Range Rover? Don't you think this is a bit flashy for a party?"

Jaehyun whined playfully, "Oh, come on, Dongmin-ah. Just get in the car already!"

Donghyun chuckled, patting Jaehyun's arm before walking around to the passenger side. He had a medium-sized bag in his hand, which he tucked behind his seat as he climbed in beside Jaehyun. Dongmin noticed the bag and raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything as he got into the back seat.

As they drove off, Dongmin settled into the comfortable backseat, his curiosity piqued. "So, what's with the bag, Donghyun? Planning on running away or something?"

Donghyun just smiled mysteriously. "You'll see."

Dongmin rolled his eyes and looked out the window, the cityscape gradually giving way to more open roads and forests. He had assumed the party was nearby, but as time passed and the scenery changed, he realized they were heading somewhere much further.

"Uh, guys? Where exactly is this party?" Dongmin asked, starting to feel a bit impatient.

"It's a bit of a drive," Jaehyun said cryptically. "But don't worry, it's worth it."

Dongmin sighed, leaning back and closing his eyes. The hum of the engine and the gentle motion of the car soon lulled him to sleep.

He was awakened by gentle shakes and Donghyun's voice. "Hey, Dongmin. Wake up, we're here."

Dongmin blinked groggily, rubbing his eyes as he looked around. They had arrived at a sprawling estate, the lights of a grand house glowing warmly in the twilight. He yawned and stretched, then stepped out of the car, taking in the impressive sight before him.

"Wow," Dongmin said, his earlier irritation forgotten. "This place is amazing."

Jaehyun grinned, looking proud of himself. "Told you it was worth the drive."

Donghyun grabbed his bag from the backseat and slung it over his shoulder. "Come on, let's get inside and start having some fun."

Dongmin followed them towards the entrance, still a bit drowsy but intrigued by what the night had in store.

They walked into the mansion and were immediately greeted by a wave of people dancing, laughing, and having a good time. The place was buzzing with energy, the music loud and infectious. Dongmin took it all in, noting how different American parties were compared to Korean ones.

"Wow, this is something else," Dongmin said, glancing around at the lively scene.

Donghyun grinned, nudging him. "Told you it would be fun."

They joined the crowd, dancing to the music and soaking up the vibrant atmosphere. After a while, they made their way to the bar, where Jaehyun suddenly excused himself.

"I'll be right back, guys. I'm gonna fetch my friend," Jaehyun said, disappearing into the crowd.

Dongmin and Donghyun found a spot at the bar and started chatting, their conversation quickly turning into playful gossip.

"Did you see that guy with the neon green hair?" Dongmin laughed, pointing subtly. "He looks like he walked straight out of a comic book."

Donghyun chuckled, taking a sip of his drink. "Yeah, but he's pulling it off somehow. I guess anything goes at a party like this."

Dongmin eyed the array of colorful drinks behind the bar. "Speaking of anything goes, I'm gonna try some of these."

Before Donghyun could respond, Dongmin had already downed his first drink and signaled the bartender for another. Donghyun watched, amused and slightly concerned, as Dongmin quickly polished off his second drink and moved on to a third.

"Dongmin, slow down!" Donghyun exclaimed, still nursing his first drink. "You're going to get hammered before we even get to the fun part of the night."

Dongmin waved him off, grinning. "Relax, Donghyunie. I'm just enjoying myself. These drinks are amazing!"

Donghyun shook his head, chuckling. "Alright, just don't blame me when you wake up with a killer hangover tomorrow."

Dongmin laughed, feeling the buzz of the alcohol starting to take effect. "I won't. Besides, you're here to take care of me, right?"

Donghyun rolled his eyes good-naturedly. "Always, you big baby."

At that moment Jaehyun returned almost immediately, with a girl named Lixie. She had a bright smile and an enthusiastic demeanor. "Hey guys, this is Lixie," Jaehyun introduced, looking pointedly at Dongmin. "Lixie, these are my friends, Dongmin and Donghyun."

Lixie waved cheerfully. "Hi! Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too," Dongmin said politely, though his interest was minimal. He exchanged a quick glance with Donghyun, who gave him a subtle, knowing look. "Is this the friend you were going to fetch?" Donghyun asked.

"No, he's another one. I need to fetch him for real this time" Jaehyun said hurriedly. "You guys chat for a bit!" And with that, he disappeared into the crowd again.

Lixie immediately launched into a bubbly conversation. "So, Dongmin, Jaehyun told me you're an amazing fashion designer. That's so cool! What kind of designs do you work on?"

"Mostly streetwear and some high fashion," Dongmin replied, trying to be polite despite his lack of interest. "Just graduated, actually."

"That's awesome! I love fashion," Lixie continued, clearly eager to keep the conversation going. She started telling them about her own interests, but before long, her phone rang. "Oh, sorry, I need to take this," she said, excusing herself and stepping away from the bar.

As soon as she was out of earshot, both Dongmin and Donghyun sighed in unison.

"Wow, she's... a lot," Donghyun remarked, shaking his head.

"Yeah, not really my type," Dongmin agreed. "Jaehyun has terrible taste in girls. No wonder he's dating a guy."

Donghyun snorted with laughter and elbowed Dongmin. "Hey, that's my boyfriend you're talking about."

Dongmin grinned, rubbing his arm where Donghyun had nudged him. "You know I'm right, though."

Donghyun chuckled. "Okay, maybe you have a point. Still, that was a bit harsh."

Dongmin shrugged, finishing another drink. "I mean, come on. He should know better by now."

As they laughed together, the awkwardness from before melted away. They enjoyed their drinks and the vibrant atmosphere of the party, feeling more relaxed and at ease now that Lixie was temporarily out of the picture.

"Let's hope Jaehyun actually finds his friend this time," Donghyun said, glancing around the room.

"Yeah," Dongmin agreed, leaning back against the bar. "And let's hope he doesn't try to set me up with anyone else."

Donghyun laughed. "Agreed. Now, let's just enjoy the night and have some fun."

With that, they clinked their glasses together, ready to make the most of the party.


I don't even know what I'm writing. Just enjoy and comment your opinions
