4: A Night Walk

Jaehyun was hanging out in Dongmin and Donghyun's shared room. Both were sipping tea while Dongmin stepped away from the table to make a call to his landlady. After a few minutes of conversation, he returned, looking relieved but slightly resigned.

"So, what's the verdict?" Jaehyun asked, raising an eyebrow.

Dongmin sighed. "My landlady said my belongings are safe, but I shouldn't stay at the apartment for now because of health issues. She's even cutting off the rent until it's safe to go back."

Jaehyun chuckled. "Well, looks like we were prepared for a reason."

Dongmin narrowed his eyes playfully. "Do you see visions or something? How did you know to bring me here?"

Jaehyun laughed, shaking his head. "No visions. Donghyun and I planned to stay here for a vacation. We figured you could use a break too."

Dongmin looked surprised. "So, I was part of this plan all along? And you didn't even ask for my permission?"

Donghyun grinned, leaning back in his chair. "Pretty much. We knew you'd resist, so we decided to surprise you. Besides, you need some downtime."

Dongmin glanced down at his borrowed clothes. "But I didn't bring any clothes with me. I can't keep wearing someone else's."

Donghyun's grin widened. "That's why I brought your clothes with me." He pointed to the bag he had tucked behind his seat the previous night. "Explains why I had that bag, right?"

Dongmin's eyes widened in realization. "Oh, that's what was in the bag. You sneaky bastards."

Jaehyun shrugged with a smirk. "Guilty as charged. Now you've got everything you need to relax and enjoy this little impromptu vacation."

Dongmin sighed, a mix of exasperation and gratitude in his expression. "Well, I guess I can't argue with that. Thanks, I guess."

Donghyun handed him a teacup before sipping from his. "Here's to a stress-free few days. You've earned it, Dongmin."

Dongmin, finally feeling more relaxed, took a sip of his tea before something occurred to him. "Wait a minute, where exactly are we?"

Jaehyun grinned mischievously. "We're in Santa Barbara."

Dongmin's eyes widened in shock. "Santa Barbara? Are you serious?"

Jaehyun chuckled, pointing towards the window. "If you don't believe me, look outside. You can see the ocean."

Dongmin quickly got up and walked to the window, pulling back the curtains. The breathtaking view of the ocean confirmed Jaehyun's words. He turned back, incredulous. "You guys brought me all the way to Santa Barbara without telling me?"

Donghyun shrugged, trying to suppress a grin. "You never want to go far away, so we had to deceive you a little to get you here."

Dongmin's jaw dropped in mock outrage. "You tricked me twice!"

Jaehyun laughed, standing up and clapping Dongmin on the shoulder. "Relax. You need a break, and this place is perfect for that. Plus, now that you're here, you have to admit it's pretty nice, right?"

Dongmin sighed, looking back at the stunning view. "I guess you're right. It is beautiful here."

Donghyun joined them at the window, nudging Dongmin. "See? Sometimes a little deception is necessary for your own good."

Dongmin rolled his eyes but couldn't help smiling. "Alright, alright. You win this time. But next time, at least give me a heads-up."


By noontime, after lunch, the boys had settled into one of the spacious living rooms, basking in the luxury of the villa. Jaehyun and Woonhak were engrossed in a heated video game match on the big screen, their intense focus contrasting with the relaxed atmosphere. Riwoo was sprawled out on a couch, lazily flipping through a magazine, while Donghyun watched the game, casually munching on a bag of gummy bears.

Upstairs, Dongmin was just finishing his shower. He stepped out of the bathroom, feeling refreshed, and threw on an oversized T-shirt and comfy pants. With a towel draped over his shoulder, he made his way downstairs.

As Dongmin entered the living room, he witnessed Jaehyun distracting Woonhak just long enough to cheat and clinch the win. Woonhak, acting every bit the sore loser, whined like a kid. "No fair! I'm not playing anymore," he declared, pouting dramatically before passing the controller to Riwoo.

The room erupted in laughter, and Dongmin couldn't help but smile at the playful bickering. He took a seat on an empty armchair, watching the scene unfold with amusement.

"Cheating again, Hyung?" Dongmin teased, raising an eyebrow.

Jaehyun shrugged with a smug grin. "Just using all the tactics available to me."

Woonhak folded his arms, still pouting. "I'm done with this game. It's rigged."

Riwoo, taking the controller, laughed. "Sounds like someone's just a sore loser."

Dongmin's eyes drifted to Woonhak, who was now laughing along with the others. He noticed how Woonhak's smile stretched wide, lighting up his entire face. It was a smile that seemed to go from one side of his face to the other, rare and genuine, the kind that could brighten anyone's day. He had a natural charm and warmth that made people around him feel at ease.

Donghyun tossed a gummy bear into the air, catching it in his mouth before noticing Dongmin's contemplative look. "Hey, Dongmin. You good?"

Dongmin snapped out of his reverie and nodded, smiling. "Yeah, just enjoying the view."

Jaehyun glanced over, smirking. "Careful, you might get sucked into the game next."

Dongmin chuckled, shaking his head. "I think I'll pass. Watching you guys is entertaining enough."

Riwoo, now fully engaged in the game, called out over his shoulder, "You're missing out. This is prime entertainment."

Dongmin relaxed into the armchair, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him. Despite the unexpected circumstances that had brought them all together in this lavish villa, he couldn't deny that it was shaping up to be a much-needed break.

Woonhak got up and headed to the kitchen, stretching his arms above his head. Jaehyun winked at him and called out, "Make us something remarkable for dinner, chef!"

Woonhak shot back over his shoulder with a playful smirk, "Sure, I'll whip up some frog legs just for you," before disappearing into the kitchen.

Dongmin settled deeper into the armchair, lazily watching Jaehyun and Riwoo get into the game. He reached over and stole a gummy bear from Donghyun's bag, popping it into his mouth.

Donghyun noticed and mock-glared at him. "Hey, get your own!"

Dongmin smirked. "I still don't get why you're so obsessed with these. They don't even taste that majestic."

Donghyun shrugged, tossing another gummy into his mouth. "It's the texture and the sugar rush. Plus, they're addictive. You'll see."

Dongmin rolled his eyes, though a small smile tugged at his lips. "Sure, keep telling yourself that."

Riwoo focused on the game and managed to glance over and grin. "Donghyun and his gummies. It's a love story for the ages."

Jaehyun laughed, not taking his eyes off the screen. "Yeah, he even prioritizes gummy bears over me."

Donghyun chuckled, shaking the bag. "What can I say? They make life sweeter."

Dongmin snorted. "If you say so." He watched as Jaehyun and Riwoo continued their intense game, their competitive banter filling the room. The atmosphere was light and carefree, the kind of lazy afternoon that felt perfect for unwinding.

"Any bets on who's going to win this round?" Dongmin asked, more to keep the conversation going than out of genuine interest.

Donghyun leaned back, contemplating. "Riwoo Hyung's got skills, but Jaehyun Hyung's sneaky. Could go either way."

Riwoo grinned confidently. "Oh, I'm winning this one for sure."

Jaehyun arched an eyebrow. "We'll see about that."


Dongmin was bored. He still hadn't roamed around the whole house—it was massive. He had been trying to convince Donghyun to give him a tour, but Donghyun wanted to sleep. Jaehyun and Riwoo were exhausted after their intense gaming session and didn't want to go either.

"Why don't you ask Woonhak? He's the owner anyway," Jaehyun suggested lazily, sprawled on the couch.

Dongmin hesitated. He had only met Woonhak the day before, and things were still a bit awkward between them. But he was too curious about the house and the surroundings to let the opportunity slip by.

"Alright," Dongmin said, gathering his courage. He approached Woonhak, who was sitting by the large window, gazing out into the night. "Umm, Woonhak-ssi, do you think... you could show me around the place?"

Woonhak turned, looking slightly surprised. "Sure. Uh, do you want to see the house first or the garden?"

Dongmin thought for a moment. "...Maybe something unexpected would be good. Instead of the house, can we see the garden and the neighborhood?"

"Sure," Woonhak replied. "It's night, so you won't get the best view of Santa Barbara, but we can take a walk."

They stepped outside, the cool night air greeting them. The garden was beautifully lit with soft, ambient lighting, creating an almost magical atmosphere. Bougainvillea and yellow elders adorned the space, their vibrant colors adding to the enchantment. They walked in silence for a while, the only sounds being the distant hum of the ocean and the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze.

As they reached the edge of the property, Dongmin could see the beach from afar, a dark expanse with the occasional flicker of light from a distant boat. He couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the serene beauty of it all.

"You know," Woonhak began, breaking the silence, "You can see the sea from the window of the villa."

"Oh yeah, It was amazing," Dongmin said, genuinely curious. "I never would have imagined you owned a place like this."

Woonhak chuckled softly. "Do I not seem like the type to own a luxurious villa in Santa Barbara?"

Dongmin shifted awkwardly. "No, it's not that. I just—well, I guess I didn't expect it."

Woonhak smiled politely. "Actually, it belongs to my mother."

"Oh," Dongmin said, feeling a bit relieved. "That makes sense. Still, it's a beautiful place."

"Thanks," Woonhak replied. They continued to walk, the awkward tension between them slowly easing with each step.

As they walked further, Woonhak began to share more about the area. "This neighborhood is quite special. A lot of artists and musicians live around here. You'll often find impromptu concerts and art exhibits."

"That sounds incredible," Dongmin said, imagining the vibrant community. "Do you come here often?"

"Not as often as I'd like," Woonhak admitted. "But whenever I do, it's a nice escape from the usual hustle and bustle."

Dongmin nodded, appreciating the sentiment. "I can see why. It's so peaceful here."

They walked in silence for a bit longer, the sounds of the night enveloping them. Dongmin couldn't help but feel a growing sense of curiosity about Woonhak. Despite the initial awkwardness, he was starting to see glimpses of a more relaxed, genuine side of him.

"So, what do you do when you're not here?" Dongmin asked, trying to keep the conversation going.

Woonhak glanced at him, a small smile playing on his lips. "I'm still in university, actually. I'm studying software engineering. It's pretty demanding, but I enjoy it."

Dongmin stopped in his tracks, genuinely surprised. "You're still in university? How old are you?"

"Twenty-two," Woonhak replied, a faint smile playing on his lips as he observed Dongmin's reaction.

Dongmin blinked, processing this new information. "Wow, I wouldn't have imagined you were two years younger than me."

Woonhak's smile widened. "Yeah, I get that a lot. What about you?"

"I graduated in fashion design," Dongmin admitted with a sheepish grin. "But I'm still figuring things out. I'm not sure if I want to join a company here or maybe try something different."

"I get that. It's tough to decide what direction to take, especially when you have so many options." Woonhak said thoughtfully. "But it's important to explore and find what truly makes you happy."

Dongmin nodded, appreciating the advice. As they continued their walk, the initial tension between them dissipated further, replaced by a budding sense of mutual respect and understanding. He appreciated Woonhak's calm demeanor and the way he listened intently, making Dongmin feel heard and understood.

By the time they returned to the villa, Dongmin felt a lot more at ease. "Thanks for the walk, Woonhak-ssi. It was really nice."

"No problem," Woonhak replied, smiling. "Anytime you want to explore more, just let me know."

"I will," Dongmin said, feeling grateful. As he headed back inside, he couldn't help but feel that this unexpected tour had been the start of something new in him, in his life.

Dongmin headed back inside, feeling the cool air transition to the warmth of the villa. He padded upstairs to the shared room he had with Donghyun. As he opened the door, he saw Donghyun sitting up in bed, scrolling through his phone.

"Oh, you're back," Donghyun said, glancing up. "How was the tour?"

Dongmin rolled his eyes and flopped onto his bed. "You traitor. You said you wanted to sleep, but you're wide awake!"

Donghyun chuckled, putting his phone down. "I was tired then. Now I'm not. How was it with Woonhak?"

"Annoying at first," Dongmin whined, stretching out on the bed. "I had to make small talk and everything. You should've come with me."

Donghyun grinned. "Well, you managed without me, didn't you? What did you see?"

"We walked around the garden and the neighborhood," Dongmin said, his tone softening as he remembered the walk. "It's actually really nice. You can see the beach from here, even at night."

"Sounds like you had a good time," Donghyun teased. "Did you learn anything interesting?"

"Woonhak-ssi knows a lot about the area," Dongmin admitted. "And he told me that the villa belongs to his mother. It was a bit surprising."

"Woonhak is full of surprises," Donghyun said thoughtfully. 

"Yeah," Dongmin said, propping himself up on one elbow. "And he's actually...kind of nice. I mean, he's still a bit hard to read, but he was really friendly."

Donghyun raised an eyebrow. "Friendly, huh? Sounds like you're warming up to him."

Dongmin threw a pillow at Donghyun, who dodged it with a laugh. "Yah! don't make it weird! It was just a walk."

"Sure, sure," Donghyun said, still chuckling. "But you're smiling like an idiot, so it must've been a good walk."

Dongmin sighed and lay back down, staring at the ceiling. "It was. And his laugh... I don't know. It's kind of nice. And his smile. It's unique."

Donghyun's teasing smile softened a bit. "Sounds like you made a friend. That's good, Dongmin."

"Yeah, maybe," Dongmin said, feeling a warmth spread through him at the thought. "I guess so."

As the room grew quiet, Dongmin closed his eyes, but the image of Woonhak's gentle laughter stayed with him. It was strange—he'd only known him for a day, but already, there was something comforting about him. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he was looking forward to finding out more.

Donghyun switched off the bedside lamp, and the room fell into darkness. "Goodnight, Dongmin-ah."

"Goodnight, Donghyun-ah," Dongmin replied softly, a small smile lingering on his lips as he drifted off to sleep.


Goess, why I didn't use Riwoo's real name? It's easy to write his stage name- 
And if you're wondering where Sungho is, he's inside my heart, I'm gatekeeping him.

Just kidding, Actually, I wanted to focus on the two ships. But I can't exclude Riwoo and Sungho from the story so they'd have their roles too. See you in the next chapter~
