5: Sunset At The Beach

The following morning, Dongmin woke to the soft light of the Santa Barbara sunrise streaming through the window. He stretched, feeling surprisingly refreshed despite the late night. Donghyun was still asleep, snoring softly. Dongmin quietly got out of bed, careful not to wake him, and headed to the kitchen.

The villa was peaceful in the morning light, and Dongmin found himself appreciating the quiet. As he reached the kitchen, he saw Woonhak already there, making coffee.

"Good morning," Dongmin greeted, slightly hesitant but with a friendly smile.

Woonhak looked up and smiled back, his unique smile that Dongmin was starting to find familiar. "Good morning, Dongmin-ssi. Sleep well?"

"Yeah, surprisingly well," Dongmin replied. "You?"

"Pretty well, thanks. Coffee?" Woonhak offered, gesturing to the freshly brewed pot.

"Sure, thanks." Dongmin accepted the cup Woonhak handed him, taking a sip and savoring the rich flavor. "This is really good."

Woonhak chuckled. "It's a blend I like. I'm glad you enjoy it."

They stood in comfortable silence for a moment, sipping their coffee. Dongmin felt the awkwardness from the previous night had lessened, replaced by a growing ease between them.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" Dongmin asked, curious about what their plans might be.

Woonhak thought for a moment. "I was thinking of showing you all around Santa Barbara. There are some great spots-beaches, shops, maybe even a few local eateries. What do you think?"

"That sounds amazing," Dongmin said, excitement bubbling up. "I've always wanted to explore this place properly."

"Great," Woonhak replied. "We'll head out after breakfast. Feel free to let the others know."

Dongmin nodded and went to wake up the rest of the group. Jaehyun and Riwoo grumbled a bit about being woken up early, but the promise of exploring Santa Barbara quickly got them moving. Donghyun, who had woken up a bit earlier, was already getting ready.

After a quick breakfast, the group gathered in the living room, ready for the day's adventures.

The group decided to visit some of the popular tourist spots in Santa Barbara. The sun was shining brightly, casting a warm glow over the picturesque town. They started their adventure by walking down State Street, the main thoroughfare lined with shops, cafes, and boutiques.

Dongmin, feeling more at ease after the morning's events, walked beside Woonhak, occasionally bumping shoulders and sharing small smiles. Donghyun and Riwoo led the way, pointing out interesting stores and taking in the vibrant atmosphere. Jaehyun, ever the social butterfly, chatted with the locals and took selfies in front of notable landmarks.

"Look at that art gallery," Riwoo said, pointing to a quaint building with colorful paintings displayed in the windows. "Let's check it out."

They wandered into the gallery, where Dongmin's eyes lit up at the sight of the eclectic mix of modern and traditional art. He admired a large abstract painting, losing himself in the bold colors and intricate patterns.

"This one's amazing," Dongmin said, turning to Woonhak. "I love how the colors blend together."

Woonhak nodded, his eyes following Dongmin's gaze. "Yeah, it's beautiful. You have a good eye for this."

Dongmin smiled, feeling a warm glow from the compliment. They continued their tour, visiting a few more galleries and artisan shops. Each stop was filled with laughter and friendly teasing.

Next, they headed to the Santa Barbara County Courthouse, an architectural marvel with its Spanish Colonial Revival style. They climbed to the top of the clock tower, where they were greeted with a breathtaking panoramic view of the city and the coastline.

"Wow, this is incredible," Donghyun said, leaning on the railing and taking in the view. "You can see everything from up here."

Dongmin took out his phone and snapped a few photos. "Perfect spot for a group selfie," he announced. They gathered together, with Riwoo positioning the phone to capture everyone and the stunning backdrop.

"Say cheese!" Riwoo called out, and they all smiled, the camera clicking to capture the moment.

After the courthouse, they made their way to the Santa Barbara Mission, an iconic historical site with its beautiful gardens and serene atmosphere. They strolled through the lush grounds, taking in the history and beauty of the mission.

"This place is so peaceful," Dongmin said, his voice hushed in reverence.

"It really is," Donghyun agreed. "I can see why people come here to reflect."

The next stop was Stearns Wharf, the oldest working wharf in California. The group wandered along the pier, enjoying the salty sea breeze and the sound of waves crashing against the wooden pilings. They indulged in fresh seafood from one of the wharf's many restaurants, savoring the flavors while watching the boats bobbing in the harbor.

"This has been such a great day," Jaehyun said, leaning back in his chair with a satisfied smile.

"Absolutely," Riwoo agreed, raising his juice glass.

They clinked their glasses together, toasting to their impromptu vacation.


Woonhak led the way, taking them first to a picturesque beach. The afternoon sun reflected off the water, creating a shimmering vista that took Dongmin's breath away.

"This is amazing," Jaehyun said, voicing what everyone was thinking.

Woonhak smiled, pleased with their reactions. "It's one of my favorite spots. It's even better during sunset."

They spent some time at the beach, enjoying the serene beauty and the sound of the waves. The sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the ocean. Dongmin found himself drawn to the water, standing at the edge and letting the waves reach his feet. He glanced over at Woonhak, who was quietly watching the horizon, lost in thought.

They stood beside each other in silence, the ocean water gently lapping at their feet as they watched the sunset on the horizon. The peaceful moment was interrupted by Jaehyun's excited yell. They turned to see him on a video call, face-timing with someone. Dongmin heard a familiar voice coming from the phone, complaining about not being taken along.

Curious, Dongmin rushed over to see who Jaehyun was talking to and found his cousin Sungho on the screen.

"Why didn't you take me with you, you traitors?" Sungho yelled playfully.

Dongmin grinned. "Well, someone decided to run back to Korea too soon. Missed out, didn't you?"

Sungho rolled his eyes dramatically. "I didn't know you were planning a secret beach getaway!"

Jaehyun laughed, pointing the camera at the sunset. "Look what you're missing, Sungho-yah!"

Sungho groaned in mock agony. "You're killing me here! That looks amazing."

Dongmin smirked. "Don't worry, we'll send you plenty of pictures, Hyung. Consider it your punishment for ditching us."

"Next time, you better take me with you!" Sungho demanded, laughing.

Dongmin nodded, still grinning. "Only if you promise not to abandon us for kimchi cravings again."

Sungho chuckled. "Okay! Now, enjoy your vacation, and make sure to miss me a lot. Don't forget to call me every day you brat!"

"Will do," Dongmin said, waving at the screen. "Stay jealous, Sungho Hyung!"

Afterward, they went to a restaurant near the beach and ordered food and beer. They sat at the outside tables under palm trees, enjoying the cool night breeze. Dongmin found himself sitting next to Woonhak, and they fell into an easy conversation.

As they dug into their meals, Dongmin couldn't help but laugh. "Jaehyun Hyung, Woonhak-ssi, you two are eating like pigs!"

Jaehyun grinned, his mouth half-full. "What can I say? The food's amazing."

Woonhak nodded in agreement, barely pausing between bites. "Yeah, you can't blame us for enjoying it."

Donghyun took a sip of his beer and glanced at Dongmin with a smirk. "Just make sure you don't drink too much tonight. I don't want to deal with any new drama."

Dongmin raised his glass in a mock toast. "Come on, what's a vacation without a little drama?"

Jaehyun chuckled and nudged Riwoo. "If he starts causing trouble, we can just throw him in the ocean."

"And double the work for me? I don't think so." Woonhak teased.

"Hey!" Dongmin whined.

"You're enjoying this too, aren't you?" Woonhak whispered, looking at Dongmin with a mischievous smile.

"I really am," Dongmin replied sheepishly. "Thanks for showing us around."

"Anytime," Woonhak said. "There's still so much to see. Santa Barbara has a lot to offer."

As the night deepened, they made their way back to the villa, their hearts light and their spirits high, discussing whatever they'd do the next day. After Dongmin freshened up, he saw Donghyun leaving the room with his pillow.

"Where are you sneaking off to?" Dongmin asked, confused.

Donghyun replied, "I'm going to Jaehyun's. We're watching a movie together."

Dongmin raised his eyebrows and teased, "Oh, really? Is it just a movie or something else?"

Donghyun defended himself, "It's nothing as complicated as you're thinking. Riwoo Hyung is going to be watching it too."

Dongmin laughed and said, "Alright, alright. Go ahead. I don't want to stay up anyway."

Donghyun smiled and headed out, while Dongmin settled in for a quiet night, still chuckling to himself about the playful exchange.

He texted Sungho, it was daytime in Korea, but Sungho wasn't replying. Dongmin figured he might be busy with work. As he put his phone down, he noticed a text request from an unknown number. The message read, "Hey, it's Lixie. I got your number from Jaehyun."

Dongmin rolled his eyes in frustration and mumbled, "Damn you, Jaehyun Hyung," before ignoring the text.

Despite his efforts, he couldn't fall asleep even after two hours. Bored and restless, Dongmin's thoughts drifted to Woonhak and the moment they had shared, standing side by side, watching the sunset. He remembered stealing a few glances at Woonhak, the golden light of the setting sun reflecting off the ocean waves and illuminating his face. The memory brought a small, involuntary smile to Dongmin's lips as he lay there, replaying the scene in his mind. Before he knew he had drifted into his dreamland.


I'm troubled, I've never written a romance book before, idk what I'm doing. Is it getting boring?

See you in the next chapter
