Chapter 46

After few days...

Mmmccchhhhh... Meenakshi pouted hearing Rudra's next schedule.. 

What ma? He asked chuckling looking at his wife's cute reaction..

Yepa pathalum enna vitutu vitutu poidringa.. ponga ponga... She said and went to balcony and sat on the wooden chair.. 

( Always you are leaving me alone here... Go go away) 

Ladoo.. he called her and went behind her and stood infront of her.. 

I asked you to write that essay.. did you finished that? He asked raising his eyebrows..

Meenakshi gave a caught look and blinked her eyes looking at him... 

He held her ears and screwed that... 

Acting... Hmmm? I told that at night I'll check your works, but you didn't even finished today also.. what happened to you? He asked her sitting beside her..

See, I'm very sad . She said and he turned her to him..

Why? He asked with a teasing smile.. 

Look look, look at your smile.. why you are doing like this? You are going away again.. I'll be all alone again, here.. but you are teasing me.. won't you miss me? She asked and her eyes turned glossy...

Ladoo... Don't cry ma please... What can I do? It's my work de.. he said and hugged her..

Hmmm...I can understand that .. but I don't know why I'm behaving like this.. she said and he kissed her crown.. 

Okay, come it's already late, come let's sleep.. he said and lifted her and they entered into the bathroom to refresh themselves and ended naked in bed...

Next morning... 

I'm sorry.... Meenakshi said while applying ointment for Rudra's back where her nails made many marks... 

It's okay de.. just few scratches, why you are feeling this much? He said and wore his shirt...

I didn't know that I had that much nails.. she whispered looking down...

Oi... He whispered


It's okay de... I like this lite pain too.. he said and hugged her shoulders.. she blushed and didn't spoke further...

Oi pondati... He again whispered...

Hmmm... Solunga...

Even I'm also giving marks to you... That too even from your neck to toe... Few red bites, some... 

Aiyo... Ssshhhhhh... What happened to you? Stop this dirty talks.. please.. she said closing his mouth... 

He laughed at her and removed her hands and hugged her waist... 

You are also talking about nowadays... Who knows that you are this much talkative? He said and pinched her lips...

I just felt like that I wanted to talk with you freely... She shrugged...

Then what.. just leave this.. I'm fine.. he said and she nodded... 

That night, Meenakshi came to their room finishing all her chores..

Rudra was keenly looking at his laptop... 

What you are doing? She asked and walked towards him..

Ladoo... Can you please go and take an night dress for me? He asked and she scrunched her eyebrows and nodded, she went and took an night dress for him and kept on the center wooden table inside the closet... 

I kept it on the wooden table nga.. she said.. 

Go and switch on the geaser ma.. he said without looking her and she went inside the bathroom and did that too.. 

Ladoo.. see there is no water in the jar, I need some water, please bring me some water.. he said again and she huffed and went out taking the glass jar to bring the water by murmuring something.. he chuckled at her and finished his work before she came back.. 

Wait, I'll change the dress and come.. he said and went.. 

What happened to him? Why he is behaving like this? She thought.. 

He came back and got ready to sleep and dragged Meenakshi by waist who is thinking deeply looking at the ceiling and drumming her fingers...

What you are thinking? He asked... 

Nothing nothing... 

Hmm.. come let's sleep, I'm very tired.. he said and kissed her forehead.. 

She laid down on his chest and closed her eyes and they slept... 

Next day evening, Vijay came to Rudra's house with few files and asked all of them to join him at the garden... 

All went to garden with him and took their seats and Vijay sat beside Meenakshi..

Meena ma.. I wanted to tell you one thing.. he started.. 

Solunga anna... 

I already told you all about my new business and the few ideas I got for that.. 

I wish to give organic and natural products to my customers... It's good business nowadays and earning more profit and people also will get benefit with natural products in return..

Hmmm... I also noticed this Vijay.. all kinds of people interested in buying those organic products.. 

Hmmm.. yeah, so I have hired few doctors for this and I wanted to test each and every products with them and with their certificate we are going to launch this..

Great idea Vijay!!! Congratulations!!! Shiva thatha said..

Hmmm, so Meena ma, I wanted to ask you this.. can you become my partner for this new products? He asked Meena with so much of hope...

Anna!!! Meenakshi gasped and Devaraj clapped his hands and others joined him.. 

Meenakshi looked at them in confusion.. 

How can I? What are you talking? I.. I don't even know anything about this and all.. 

Meena ma, first hear my idea, then you can tell your wish okay.. 

Ladoo, first hear him.. If Vijay came with an idea means it will be successful for sure and it will be a correct decision without further arguments... Rudra said.. 

Thanks da.. Vijay hugged him knowing that his friend got his idea...

Solunga anna... She said with confusion...

Meena ma, I really liked the few tips and home remedies you told me the other day... And I felt that it was so informative and useful... I always wanted to start a natural, organic beauty products and home remedies products for chronic health conditions.. 

Hmmm... Ok Anna....

For that, I wanted use your ideas.. I wanted to work with you... So, I thought to make you as my new partner for this product... Just you and me and no one else will be included in this... 

Anna... I... That... Anna, you know about me and my education qualification, I literally don't know anything about this and all.. please don't risk anything anna... What can I do? I can't go to office and manage things there.. she said in nervousness

Meena.. amma... Relax.. I just wanted to know about your concern in this, you need not to come to office, at first, I'll use your ideas and produce the product and I'll bring that here after getting the quality certificate from our team.. you just see that and tell me your opinion on that.. that's enough for now.. 

But, how is that possible? She asked 

Ladoo... Rudra held her hands and made her to look him.. 

Just try it once, after getting comfortable around other's you can do whatever you want, but at first try Vijay's idea.. and don't ever again think about your educational background, I'm warning you... You just learn English to speak fluently and understand other's English.. that's enough for now.. see your in-laws are here, I'll be with you.. we will support you in whatever you do... I just don't want you to sit ideally at home having numerous talents in you.. just use this opportunity and shine ladoo.. don't hesitate or don't scare to step out of the house, I'll be with you.. he assured her... 

I don't know how can I do this, am I really deserving this? I.. I just know handful of things.. 

That's enough Meena ma.. we are asking na, just give your ideas to him.. then we will see what can we do in future... It's thatha's order.. Shiva thatha said and she nodded.. 

Wow.. great... Vijay shouted in joy and hugged Rudra and gave a side hug to Meenakshi.. 

Ok, come.. we will sign the papers . Vijay said and all scrunched their eyebrows and looked at him... 

Paper's? What paper's? Rudra asked.. 

Partnership documents da.. appa, see this once and make sure that everything is correct, I actually went through that one time.. Vijay said and handed them to Devaraj..

Devaraj got that from him and started to read keenly and nodded in appreciation.. Rudra got that from his dad and he also liked that . 

He explained everything to Meenakshi and she widened her eyes hearing that she will share profit in the ratio of 50:50

Anna... Please, everything is okay, don't make that half of the profit on my name.. it's too much.. I'll not accept that . She said..

But Meena... 

No anna.. I'm sure about this and I don't want this... She said sternly.. 

Sari okay... What about 40:60? Vijay asked

No.. she nodded her head...

Meena... He said in disappointment...

Look, it's 25: 75.. and that's final, if you don't agree for this, I'll not accept for this partnership.. she said and all looked at her in amusement...

Sari ok madam.. fine.. Vijay Huffed... And he called his PA to change the sharing of profit in the documents and asked him to bring a new set of paper's.. 

Then.. congratulations!!!! Soundarya said and hugged Meenakshi.. 

Congratulations darling!!! Devaraj said and Meenakshi took blessings from her in-laws... 

Rudra hugged her and felt proud of her.. 

Congrats!! He said and kissed her forehead and all clapped their hands making Meenakshi to blush and she came out from Rudra's embrace.. 

Then they went inside and Vijay and Meenakshi started to talk about the process of few products, Vijay Started to record whatever she is telling in his mobile... Then they had dinner and Vijay's PA came with the documents and Meenakshi took that to Pooja room before signing and prayed to God and put her signature...

Vijay, is that your new PA? Rudra asked

Yeah da... Just finished his course and joined our company before three months.. his father is our school teacher da.. our tenth standard math sir, Pazhanivel.. he is his son.. Vijay introduced him..

Hello sir!! His PA greeted Rudra..

What's your name? Rudra asked..

Santhosh Prabhakaran sir.. he said

Nice name.. Rudra nodded his head... And thought of something..

Then Vijay left from there with his PA..

Ladoo.. are you happy? Rudra asked her who was snuggling into him, they came to bed after having dinner...

She looked at him and smiled, that made her eyes twinkle and he felt happy inside him... 

Very happy.. but don't know how I can manage... She said..

I can see your happiness that reflects in your eyes while you smile.. he said and kissed her hair..

She chuckled looking at him and hugged him tightly...

Thanks.. thank you.. she said..

Why you are thanking me?

Because of you... All this are happening... I thought that I'm nothing and I can't do anything other than cooking and household chores.. but today, I have signed those documents, you already explained to me about Vijay Anna's business, that's very big for me.. even in my dreams I can't think of these and all, it's because of you... She said and tears flowed from her eyes..

Baby, it's only because of you and your knowledge about the naturally made products, not because of me.. I just supported you that's all... You are talented by birth, from your cooking, your rangolis, how you manage the house works without any help, everything , every small things you do, you are doing that by heart... Even you had suffered alone at the beginning of our marriage because of my ignorance towards you, but you managed everything with a smile then.. I appreciate you and I adore you baby... You are really talented, just believe in yourself and you will reach the heights.. and I'll be there, in each and every step, to support you.. he said and Meenakshi cried.. 

Thanks... She whispered again and again... 

This is just a starting ladoo... Be ready for everything... 

She nodded.. 

They slept cuddling eachother...

From the next day, Meenakshi started to learn English from Rudra and Devaraj helped her when Rudra is busy with his practice sessions..

Devaraj and Shiva thatha gave her few books to improve her skills and Shiva thatha started to teach her business..

Meenakshi was a quick learner and she keenly observed and learnt whatever they are teaching her quickly with utmost interest..

Soundarya banned her from doing all house chores and she took care of her.. it's been two weeks and Rudra's flight scheduled the next day for his next tournament..
