Chapter 13

Next morning..

Amma, when we are going to fix the surgery date? Rudra asked Soundarya while all are having breakfast together..

What surgery? She asked..

Thatha's surgery maa, doctor advised us to do the surgeon as soon as possible, but it's been more than a month now... he said and Devaraj chocked...

Mama.. careful.. Meenakshi patted his head and gave water..

Thanks ma..

What surgery thatha? Any problem? Meena asked..

Nothing da.. just.. Shiva thatha said

What nothing? You were in ICU for a week last month, and you are telling nothing? Rudra yelled .

Why you are shouting? It's just.. I don't want to scare her.. that's all.. thatha said..

Oh!! Then I'll talk with the doctor today and fix an appointment for the consultation.. then after that we will fix the surgery date...

Actually I already fixed an appointment tomorrow Rudra.. you don't worry, we will first go and consult him and then we will do the surgery.. I'll inform you after meeting the doctor.. Devaraj said..

Oh is it? Ok dad.. then I'll accompany you also.. tomorrow I'm free only.. Rudra said and went to wash his hands..

Aiyo.. they three said in unison and Meena looked them in confusion and worry.. Soundarya seen this and smiled at her..

It's nothing da, before your marriage thatha got some health issues, so he was admitted in hospital for few days.. doctor advised us to do a small surgery.. that's what we are talking about.. Soundarya said..

Meenakshi immediately came to thatha and kneels down infront of his chair and held his hands..

Thatha... why you didn't tell anything about this to me..? How are you now Thatha? Any pain or anything? She asked in worry..

Nothing kannamma, I'm fine.. just tomorrow we will know how I'm doing.. you don't worry.. he said caressing her hair.. Rudra came and saw Meenakshi talking with Shiva thatha and left from there after bidding bye to them..

After breakfast. Shiva thatha and Devaraj went to thatha's room and sighed Soundarya to come..

She nodded and went to Meenakshi..

Meena ma..?


Can you please cook lunch for us today? I'm craving for vatha kozhambu da.. and also your mama wants to eat from your hands..
(A spicy gravy)

Sure athai.. why you are requesting me, I'll definitely do..

Ok ma, I'm going upstairs, and shanthi ma, help her in cooking she ordered the maid and she nodded her head..

Ok da.. she patted her cheeks and went to thatha's room..

Where is Meena? Devaraj asked as soon as Soundarya entered into the room..

I asked her to cook lunch for us.. so she will be busy.. Soundarya said while closing the door..

Ok.. what are we going to do now appa? How we will handle Rudra? Devaraj asked..

See, I have one idea.. we will go to hospital tomorrow as per our plan.. I'll talk with the doctor prior and ask him to continue the act.. while checking me he will ask some personal space.. so that time I'll ask him to tell one thing to you all...

What mama? Soundarya asked..

That, as considering my age there is more risks if we do the surgery here In India.. and he will tell us to go to Singapore and do the surgery, because one of his friend who is expert in senior citizens heart surgery is there.. so we will go to Singapore..

Ok.. but leaving both of them here? How?

Yes, they need some space Deva, then only they can understand eachother..

As your business is there, you just go and do your office works, we will ask Vijay's help or Surya's help here to handle the business.. me and Soundarya will help you.. after one or two months we will return to India.. thatha said his plan..

Rudra is having his match, and he will leave for the tournament by next month and he will come after two months only, how can we leave Meena all alone here? Soundarya asked..

No no, we will plan accordingly... we will leave to Singapore before Rudra comes, and I'll collect his schedule from his manager without Rudra's knowledge and we will leave exactly before two days of Rudra's return..

Appa, you are so intelligent...

Thank you my son...they laughed...

So that have to spend time here.. they will understand eachother.. Soundarya said..

They nodded..

Athai... Meena knocked the door..

Come in ma..

She opened the door and came inside..

Lunch is ready athai.. I came here to call you all..

Oh!!! How quickly you made lunch? Soundarya asked..

Athai it's already one o clock, I was waiting for more than one hour for you all, you didn't came out, so I came here to fetch you all.. thatha have to eat on time so he can have his pill.. she said..

Oh my God... it's been few hours.. don't know how the time went.. come come lets go and have the yummy lunch my daughter had prepared... Devaraj said and they all went to the dining room and has their lunch..

Meena, come and sit why you are standing there?

No athai, I'm not feeling hungry, I'll eat after some time..

Why ma?

Nothing athai.. shanthi ma made juice for me, i drank before a while that's why..

Oh then ok..

They all had lunch and elders retired for a short nap..

Meenakshi is sitting in the living room looking at the door... expecting her husband..

Rudra came around three o'clock and looked at Meenakshi who is looking at the TV Remotes..

He went to his room and refreshed and came down..

He looked at Meenakshi who is now looking at the door while twisting her saree pallu..

He went to the dining room and called for the maid..

When he didn't found any one he shouted..


Meenakshi jerked and went to the dining room..

Why you are shouting Rudra?

I just looking for shanthi ma, and she is nowhere, so I called you.. I'm starving can you please show me the food, I'll eat myself..

Oh!! Ok come..

She went to the kitchen and Meenakshi went behind her.. Rudra sat in the chair waiting for his food..

Athai, I'll reheat the food.. please wait..

I'll do that ma, no problem..

No athai.. you please go and sit with him, I'll bring the food...

She nodded and went and sat beside him..

What happened?

Meena is reheating the food.. she will bring..


She brought his plate and kept before him.. he looked at the yummy chicken curry, rice with pepper chicken..

He immediately dig into the food and hummed in taste.. Meena felt so happy that he likes the food she cooked..

Amma, tomorrow I told my coach that I won't be coming.. so I'll accompany you for the doctor's appointment..

Sure... good.. she smiled..


Ok, do you want anything?

No mom, this is fine. I'm full.. I'll be in my room..

Meena ma, did you had lunch?

Haan.. yes athai.. she lied without looking at her..

Ok ma.. come we will go..

Athai, I'll come after clearing this..

Shanti ma will de that da, come.. lets go and thatha is asking you..

Ok athai.. she smiled and went with her..

Next morning...

All are ready and had breakfast and waiting for Rudra, he went to change his dress..

Appa, everything is ok na? Devaraj asked..

Yes, I spoke with him yesterday itself.. nothing to worry..

Ok ok.. good...

Athai, I'll also come with you, please, I can't sit here knowing about thatha's condition..

It's ok dear.. nothing is there to worry...

Mama please I'll also come with you.. thatha please.. I can't...

Ok ok.. go and get changed and come with us.. thatha said..

Ok thatha...

Meena, wear from any sarees I gifted you.. that will be good for the hospital visit...

Ok athai.. she said and ran towards their room.. Rudra came out from the closet wearing his dress and she went inside the closet and closed the door and looked for a saree.. she selected a blue coloured saree and changed into that..

She came down and all went to the entrance.. the driver is waiting for them with the car..

Anna, I'll drive.. you please stay here.. Rudra said and got the keys and they all started to the hospital..

Shiva thatha sat beside Rudra and the other three settled in the back seat..

Meenakshi sat behind Shiva thatha and started to see the Chennai city through the window..

Appada evlo perusa iruku indha kattidam..

(oh my God, how big this building is!!) She mumbled..

Rudra heard her and looked at her who is looking like a kid seeing the candy... he smiled at her and concentrated in his driving...

They came to the hospital in thirty minutes..

You all go inside and I'll come after parking the car.. Rudra said

Haan ok ok.. and all came out from the car..

He looked at Meenakshi who is wearing blue colour cotton saree and tied her long hair in a high ponytail.. it's just a simple saree but she looked elegant in that outfit..

They went inside and stood before doctors cabin..

Meena, you sit and wait here.. we will go inside and see the doctor.. Devaraj said..

Ok athai.. please tell me what doctor said about thatha..

Ok da kannamma, sure, you just wait here, Rudra will come ok.. Soundarya said and she nodded..

They went inside the cabin and started their plan and discussion with doctor..

Rudra came and looked at Meenakshi who is waiting alone outside the cabin.. he went towards her..

Where are they? He asked.. he is wearing his mask and tied a kerchief around the head...

She immediately stood from the chair and said..

they went inside.. she pointed a door opposite to them.. and asked me to wait here...

Ok, sit .. no need to stand up while talking with me.. he said and sat on the chair.. he removed the head kerchief.. she sat beside him..

After sometime the doctor called them inside..

Doctor how is my grandpa?

He is ok for now Rudra.. but surgery is must for his good health..

Ok doctor.. when you are planning to do the surgery?

As considering his age, I'm advising you to consult my friend, he is a cardiac surgery expert who is now working in a private hospital in Singapore.. because I know that he did surgerys for aged people and all of the surgery is very successfull..

Oh!!! Ok... actually my dad's main business is in Singapore only.. staying there is not a problem for us..

Yes doctor, can you send his address? Devaraj asked..

Yes sure.. I'll ask my assistant to do that.. and before that I'll have a word with him and inform him about grandpa and he will contact you personally..

Thank you so much doctor... Rudra said and all came out after few minutes...

Ok dad, let us decide after the doctor contacts us.. Rudra said..

Athai.. what the doctor said? How is thatha? Meenakshi asked as she spotted them coming out from the cabin..

Soundarya explained what doctor said..

Then we are all going there ah? When we are going athai? She asked..

All except Rudra looked at her in horror..
