Chapter 3

Next morning..

Rudra is sleeping peacefully, wrapping the comforter on him, the curtains were closed to prevent the sun rays to his room.. it's half past eight.. so his mom, dad and grandfather all are having their breakfast..

Appa.. Devaraj called his father Shivakumar..


Solu pa..

( Yes, tell me )

Are you going to talk with him today?

Yes da.. why?

Therila appa.. I'm tensed.. what if he refuses this..?

( Don't know why.. )

Don't worry, avan first time keta udane accept pana matan, I know.. it will take time for him to accept this, but he will say ok to this marriage..

( Don't worry, he won't accept it on the first try..)

Mama.. naan onu solren, suppose even if he is not agreeing means, can we bring meenu here? We will marry her to a good boy who will take care of her, who will accept her as she is.. we will search for a suitable groom mama.. Soundarya said..

( Uncle, I'll suggest one thing...)

Pakalam.. let me first talk with our Rudra and we will decide.. Shiva thatha said.. and they nodded..

( Let's see..)

They ate breakfast and went to do their work...

At ten, Rudra woke up from his deep slumber yawning.. he throws the comforter aside and went inside the bathroom and brushed and took bath and changed his clothes to a pair of shorts and t shirt and came down...

Amma... He called his mom...

( Mom..)

Va da.. coffee? She asked..

( Come dear.. coffee?)

No maa, breakfast please, pasikidhu..

( I'm hungry)

Come.. I'll serve you.. they went to the dining table and he had his breakfast with chatting random things to her.

Kanna.. Thatha called you.. he wanted to have a word with you.. go and meet him..

Ok maa.. he said and washed his hand and went to his grandfather's room.

Thatha.. he called his grandfather who is sitting in the couch, again reading the letter sent by his friend..

Hmm.. saptiya pa?

( Did you had your breakfast?)

Yes thatha.. solunga..

( Yes grandpa... Tell me what's it?)

I just want to talk with you an important matter, regarding you.. your marriage...

Thatha.. why hurrying now for my marriage? He asked sitting beside him and his father and mother entered inside the room and closed the door and sat before them..

Appu... First, try to hear what your grandpa is going to tell you patiently.. I request you... His dad said..

Appa.. what is that? Anything important...

Yes da kanna.. I want you to get married.. as soon as possible.. I'm waiting eagerly for you to settle down da..

Oh God!! Thatha!! I don't want to get married , definitely not now.. I just want to focus on my cricket thatha.. And most importantly I'm not in love with anyone, I just didn't found any girl for me thatha.. then how can I get marry now..

I already, I mean, we already decided a girl for you...

What do you mean? He shouted..

Don't raise your voice while talking with elders.. Devaraj scolded him..

I'm sorry thatha.. but please understand... I don't want to marry now... That too an arranged marriage..

Don't think that we didn't know about you, we know each and everything about you, where you are going, what you are doing, and even your pub, party and girls.. this is not at all acceptable appu.. especially your Playboy image.. do you think that we didn't know that ?

Thatha.. I.. see... he stuttered..

Please appu, listen to us and marry the girl whom your grandpa chose for you.. it's the best for you.. his mom pleaded him..

Amma.... Arranged marriage is not my cup of tea maa... please I don't want this.. please understand..

Do you remember where we lived in your childhood days? His grandpa asked..

Yes.. why?

My friend, Ganeshan who helped me when I needed money he gave that to me to start my business by selling his land.. do you remember him?

Yes... You will tell all your friendship story to me, I didn't forget him.. I know..

Hmmm... He passed away before six months...

Oh my God!!!

Hmmm... His son and daughter in law got married at the same time your parents got married.. they were best next year you were born, but they didn't had any kids then.. so they both, with your parents pampered you and raised you back then.. they are like second parents to you.. we were neighbours..

Hmmm.. he nodded in confusion.. but were? Are you not in contact with them anymore? He asked..

No.. we thought that they are living with their daughter, our Meenu, who came like a pokkisham to them after waiting for years.. but they died in an accident when Meena was barely an infant.. not even a year old.. we were busy with the new startup and expanding our business.. so I didn't contacted them.. it's my fault, my sin.. his grandpa cried..

( Treasure)

Thatha... Please don't cry.. you will spoil your health..

No Rudra, I was not at all thinking about them, I really forgot them, how can I? Am I even a human being? I'm ashamed of myself.. if I been in contact with them means, that child Meena will not left out as an orphan, she will lead a normal life like any other girls, not as a daughter of a small temple priest, who can barely get income fullfill their hunger.. she is surviving somehow.. without education, proper dresses, she can't afford to live a simple life.. I want you to marry her.. she is a good choice for you Rudra.. please marry her..

No thatha.. I can't marry anyone, not a village girl.. not an uneducated village girl thatha.. please... If you want to do something for her, we can give them a hefty of amount and we can marry her to a suitable groom, I can help you.. but I cannot marry her.. Please understand..

She will definitely not a good match for me thatha, how can I live with her? How can I introduce as my wife to my friends and teammates who are all a billionaires.. leave the status thatha, can you don't even think about my wish? Does my wish to marry a girl in my choice, who suits me, don't matters to you? Is she that important? He asked hurt lasing in his voice..

Rudra.. I know about your wishes and choice.. I know about which type of girls you like.. I'm sorry, I can't allow that... I'm not a fool..

Thatha... I can't agree to this.. I'm sorry... are my parents, but you didn't even open your mouth to support me? He asked looking at his parents..

We are into this Rudra... We want you to marry Meenakshi...

No.. I'm sorry... I can't... I'll leave... He said and stood from the couch and went towards the door...

Then, forget me Rudra.. forget that you have a grandpa... He said in a cold voice...

Thatha, this is too much... You are telling me to forget you for that illiterate girl, what she did some black magic on you? That idiot...

Stop.. don't even utter a single word about that child anymore... You didn't want to marry her, that's it, no more words about her... I thought that I raised you right, we didn't raised you to talk about that innocent soul like that... but I am wrong.. Just don't even come infront my face... Even if I die, I just don't want you to see me... His grandfather said angrily and went out...

Thatha... What are you even talking? He asked looking at him..

He looked at his parents and shook his head and left from there..

He went to his room and sat on his bed by holding his hair in a tight fist...

Thatha... He screamed in anger and threw the night lamp which is beside his bed with a force.

Enna vida ava mukiyama ungaluku? Why are you pressuring me? And this is the first time you are asking me something, that I definitely can't do thatha.. I just don't want to marry that Meenakshi... He mumbled..

( Is she more important than me to you?)

Please thatha.. ask me something anything other than this, I can happily do that for you... He thought and called his friend and asked him to come to his home..

He went to the terrace and looked at the sky, standing holding the rail...

Hey.. ena da emergency nu vara solitu inga iruka? Vijay asked coming towards him..

( What man? You asked me to come here for some emergency, but you are standing here?)

He turned and looked at him and said everything happened..

Oh!!! But Machan, thatha yedhayum yosikama seiya mataru, ne nalla time yeduthu think pani solu da... Maybe it's...

( Oh!!! But Dude, grandpa won't do anything without thinking about that for so many times.. you just take your own time to think about this and tell him your answer)

Nothing to think and act.. how can I marry an illiterate girl da? How? What this society will think about my marriage? How can I face others after marrying a girl who hardly passed her primary education, who is an orphan and even brought up in a village by a priest? Tell me da...

Does she even know how to behave if I introduce her as my wife to my teammates? Or any other person from thatha and appa's business background? No da.. please understand me.. it can't happen.. my life will get spoil da...

Do you think that your parents and grandpa will deliberately spoil your future by fixing your marriage with her? Vijay asked..

Machan please.. I thought you will understand me..

( Dude... Please)

I'm getting what you are saying da.. but.. just leave this for now.. we will think about something...

Thatha doesn't want me to talk with him.. he said he don't want to even look at my face and stromed out from the room.. he said and rubbed his face in worry...

Please Rudra, leave it.. let us think and do something to stop this marriage and I'll talk with grandpa.. saying that he took Rudra with him and they went to the private beach house owned by Vijay.. they spent sometime there..

Machan.. I didn't thought to buy a beach house before da.. it's giving some peace da.. I wanted to buy one now.. Rudra asked.. they are on their way home..

Sure.. I'll help you in buying a classy house.. Vijay said and they drove in silence...

At dinner..

Amma.. where is grandpa?

He already had dinner and went to sleep...

Hmmm... Amma, you are also taking grandpa's side and asking me to marry her.. why ma?

See Rudra.. I don't want to talk with you about that.. it's upto you, you can decide what you want to do and whom you want to marry.. we are just whom raised you and that's all.. nothing else..

Amma.. why are you talking like that? He screamed...

Don't shout at your mother man. Sit and have dinner... His father said ..


As she told, you can decide about you and your future Rudra.. we will not pressure you... I'll talk with thatha.. he said and left..

He looked at his mother who is leaving with his father and he washed his hands and ran to his room and laid down in the bed.. he slept eventually even without changing his dress...
