Chapter 19

Athai... Athai...

Meenakshi called Soundarya..

I'm here Meena ma.. she shouted from the kitchen..

She went inside the kitchen..

Athai, do you want anything? Why are you doing this works athai.. Meenakshi asked, looking at Soundarya who is preparing for dinner..

Then, I took enough rest after my daughter in law came.. even I have to do some works ma, otherwise I will be more lazy than this.. I love to cook, even though we have cooks here, I like cooking for my family..

I will help you athai..

I don't need your help.. come I prepared everything, we will come at dinner time.. tell me why you were calling me?

Athai.. that.. I want one help ..

What ma?

They came to living room and sat on the couch..

I want to learn one thing..

What you wanted to learn? Tell me da..

I.. can you teach me how to use the remote? I want to watch tv athai.. I don't know how to use that.. she said..

Achacho.. that's it.. come I'll teach you.. she said and grabbed Meenakshi's hand and made her to sit beside her.. and explained about how to operate the remote..

Aana idhula velayttu varave ilaye... She pouted..

( but the game didn't came)

What game? Soundarya asked in confusion.

Kiriketu.. the one which your son plays.. she said..


Oh!!! Soundarya laughed at her pronunciation silently..

Then she wrote the channel numbers on a white paper and gave that to her..

Here, keep this.. just press these numbers, then you can see the desired channels..

Haaiii... Hmmm.. she smiled..

And, from tomorrow the matches are going to start... I'll inform you when our country will play..

No no athai.. I will see all.. he asked me to watch every game.. she said..

Oh!!! Oh!!! Avare sollitara .. then you can see daily..

( he itself said)

Please athai, be with me, we will watch the games together.. I'll ask any doubt if..

I will accompany you and your thatha will also.. don't worry.. she said..


From tomorrow the matches are going to start.. Soundarya said

Your son told me...

Ohhh!!! Ohhh!!! Good good... And Meena ma, please do remember about what I told... Don't tell anything to Rudra.. if he wants to talk with us means he will usually make calls our mobile number, so I will manage..

Ok athai..

Rudra, go fast... What are you thinking about? His caption asked him who is walking slowly after finishing the practice for the day..

Haan, it's nothing Bhai... Just...

Don't worry, your grandpa will make it and he will become more stronger than now.. and don't you dare to divert your mind on the ground..

Sure Bhai.. he smiled and went..

Machan.. Krish called Rudra..


What happened? Why you are looking so dull from morning?

Do you remember, I'll make fun of you if you tell that you miss Jhanvi while we came to any tours like this.. I was thinking the missing feelings are not real until today.. he sighed and rubbed his face in irritation...

What happened da? Krish felt really pity for Rudra, he is the best performer if it comes to cricket.. but Krish stunned that he itself talking like this..

He didn't said anything and ran to his room ... Krish followed him.. Rudra came and sat on the bed and took his mobile from the charging and unlocked his mobile and opened the gallery and started to look at his marriage and engagement photos...

Rudra... Krish called him... He didn't bothered to look at him and continued to look at Meenakshi, who is now smiling shyly standing at the door entrance of her home, it's the picture clicked by his father when they all went to her home for the first time.. he caressed her face ...

Rud, call her immediately and talk with her... Otherwise you cannot concentrate on anything..

I'm just thinking about how can she be there alone, even dad mom with thatha started to Singapore.. she will be scared to death for sure to be alone in our home.. it's so new for her da Machan... How can she sleep peacefully without me? Even though we didn't Started our life yet, I was there with her in the same room.. or others were there..

Rudra... Charanjeet shouted at him and the. He stopped his blabber...

All of his friends came to his room hearing his loud voice... Himantha shut the door and locked that..

Are you crazy or what? Do you want everybody in this hotel to know about your marriage? To know about Meenakshi? Charanjeet scolded him..

Bhai... Krish Started...

Just stop.. do you notice him? From morning he was sitting there like he lost something... Even captain asked about him two times..

Dude, if you miss her, just call and talk with her.. you can feel better... Achuth said..

No no no... I'll miss her more if I hear her voice... I have decided to not to talk with her till finals... Otherwise I'll fly to Chennai immediately if I talk with her... Rudra said..

First go and get refresh and change your dress . We will talk later... Aalim said and pushed him inside the bathroom...

He got refreshed and came out and changed into a track pants and t shirt..

Rudra... Calm down and concentrate on the match... This is very important for all of us.. if one of us did any mistake means it will affect our entire team.. be cautious.. Charanjeet said..

Yeah Rudra.. we have one day left.. as you know day after tomorrow we have our first match.. so please.. Aalim requested him..

Bhai.. don't worry.. more than missing her I'm just worrying about her staying alone there.. nothing... I'll be normal if I concentrate only on my match... I'll be alright... Come lets have dinner... I'm starving... Rudra said..

Can't you talk with her? Just talk with her for five minutes... Then maybe you can feel better.. Himantha asked..

No man, I'll go crazy if I hear her voice.. I still can hear her scared kitten like voice while I was talking with her last time.. she was so scared, yet she didn't even showed that infront of me.. she was more worried about me than her.. that's why I'm saying, I just don't want to hear her voice again... It will scare me more.. he sighed....

Ok.. don't bother him.. come lets go and have dinner.. Krish you go with him and we will come after changing our dresses..

Krish nodded and they both went to the dining area...

Rudra was laying on the bed, with Krish beside him.. they had dinner and came back before an hour.. Krish slept as soon as he hit the bed.. Rudra was thinking about his wife and slept eventually...

Next morning...

Meenakshi woke up earlier and finished all her work.. and came to the living room and switched on the TV and took the paper which Soundarya gave yesterday with channel numbers, and she pressed the first number and the sports channel came.. she kept the remote and the paper on the table before her and sat there.. they are showing some highlights of the previous matches and many other things.. she can't able to understand anything because they are talking in English... She pouted sadly...

Meena ma.. what are you doing this early here? Devaraj asked..

Mama.. I came here to watch the match mama...

Kannamma, it's starting at afternoon only.. maybe around twelve thirty...

Oh!!! Ok mama.. then I'll go and make coffee for us.. she said and ran..

Devaraj smiled and sat and changed into some news channel and concentrated on that..

After finishing their lunch, all sat and started to watch the match.. Devaraj, Soundarya and Shiva thatha explained each and everything to Meenakshi... She understood some and can't able to catch few things and words they used to explain...

Ammadi.. you have more time.. by seeing the matches continuously you can understand everything da.. Shiva thatha said..

Ok thatha.. she smiled . They watched the match..

Next day..

It's India playing today.. like yesterday Meenakshi finished all her works befor twelve o clock and even had her lunch.. she came and sat on the couch and switched on the TV and she started to watch the match eagerly.. today she is going to look at her husband playing for the first time... All came and sat beside her, even Shanti ma and few maids came and sat down on the floor infront of the couch.. it's their routine, if India plays, they will finish all their work and will watch the entire match.. specially after Rudra started his career they showed more interest on that..

Meenakshi, they have started the match, look India won the toss and chose to field.. Devaraj said..

She nodded and started to look keenly.. she wanted to see Rudra in the TV... She was very eager to see how he plays in the ground...

The Indian players came for fielding and the two batsman from opposite country also came and they are setting the field for fielding..

See, Rudra... Shiva thatha patted her shoulders and she widened her eyes looking at her husband in jersey with his name and number... They explained about everything to her yesterday itself so she can watch the match today without any disturbance...

She will smile whenever they show Rudra.. she even didn't moved from the place... And when break time came she ran fastly to her room and emptied her bladder and came quickly and drank water and came and sat again in the same place.. all laughing at her childish behaviour...

Shanti ma gave her juice and some snacks..

No shanthi ma...

Meena , have this.. it will take more than three hours after the break, you have to eat something... Soundarya scolded her.. she obediently nodded her head and started to drink the juice.

See .. only your scoldings are working with her... Otherwise she will be starving till dinner.. Devaraj said.. Meenakshi pouted...

It's time for India to bat... After two wickets Rudra came... He was wearing helmet and leg pads and gloves and he stretched his hands..

Meenakshi clapped his hands like a kid...

Then, he started to play.. as usual he played very well and after hitting the century he raised his head thanking the almighty and looked at the camera and gave a flying kiss... Meenakshi felt like he gave the kiss to herself.. goosebumps erupted in her body.. he even winked and gave a heart sign with his both hands... All gasped looking at him.. and his teammates encouraged him by a standing ovation..

Because he is a person who won't show any expressions outside.. his face will always look blank.. this is the food time he is doing this... And everybody from his family and friends circle knows this act is for one and only Meenakshi..

Yes... He knows that she will definitely watch the match... He wants to make her feel special...

He is so much in love... Himantha whispered in Krish's ears and he nodded...

Yes... For the first time I'm seeing this side of grumpy him... Charanjeet said..

The captain looks at Krish and raised his eyebrows asking like what's that stunt for..

Krish smiled sheepishly at him.. he shook his head and left the matter and thought to confront Rudra after the match...

After India won the match... They arranged for an interview for few cricketers who nailed that match..

Rudra also participated in that ...

The reporters started to ask questions.. and after few questions one of them asked Rudra that why he did that after the century for the first time ever?

Rudra smiled at them...

Is that for any special person? One man asked .

Yes... That's for someone precious who is in my life now... He said and all gasped hearing that...

May we know who is that? Are you both dating? Is she from your college? Is she an actress or a model? All Started to ask him questions..

Please stop your assumptions... I'll surely reveal her name if she is okay with that... And Thank you.. he said and they didn't ask any questions further...

Meenakshi just looking at the TV with wide mouth...

He is so handsome... He speaks English too.. is he even really my husband? Oh my God!!! She thought herself...

Meena ma.. close your mouth.. Soundarya teased her..

Athai... She whined..

Athai.. what he said? What they asked? She asked her.. and Soundarya explained what Rudra said... Meenakshi gasped and looked at her..

But athai.. how can he.. she nervously started...

Meena ma.. just enjoy this... Leave it to him.. he will do whatever he likes, and we can't understand him.. he wants everybody to know you it seems... And I even looked at his kiss and wink.. I think he is missing you a lot.. Soundarya said and she blushed..

Ponga athai... She said and ran to her room..
