8 ) "shopping & conversation "

(The servant goes to get coffee.)
(Another servant asks what she would like for breakfast.) Siya : I'll have pasta for breakfast, please make that.
And she hands over one of her dresses to three servants, saying, "Please, have this pressed."
All the servants take their respective tasks and head downstairs.
(Siya prepares to take a bath, and it reminds her of scolding Miss Daral the previous night.
She doesn't want to pretend but feels guilty about it.)
She thinks about gifting something to Miss Daral to apologize since she doesn't want to say sorry directly.
(After her bath, Siya comes out, gets ready, and has her breakfast.)
Siya : Servant? (She calls for the servant.) Servant: Yes?
Siya : There's too much chili in this. How many times did I tell you not to add chili? Did you not read my eating preferences? Servant: I did read them,
Siya : "Then why this mistake?"
Servant: "I apologize for that, ma'am. At my previous workplace, they preferred spicier food."
(Siya gets frustrated and pushes her plate aside.)
Siya : Is this your previous owner's house, or do I look like someone else to you?
Servant: I apologize.
Miss Daral intervenes: he's new here. Forgive him; he'll be more careful next time.
Siya: (Siya is still upset but decides not to push the issue further.) Never mind. I'll eat outside; I don't want this mistake to happen again.
Servant: (Bows her head) Yes, ma'am.
Miss Daral says: mam , he's new; he will learn to be more attentive.
Siya: alright miss daral...and listen! Miss Daral
Miss Daral: Yes....
Siya : Miss Daral, I was going shopping today. If you need anything, please let me know.
Miss Daral: (Miss Daral smiles upon hearing this because she knows Siya feels guilty for what happened last night, even though she doesn't want to say sorry.) Mam , I don't need anything. I have clothes and everything I need.
Siya : (Siya doesn't force the matter, realizing it.) Alright, if I like something, I'll get it for you.
Miss Daral: Alright, man.
(Siya receives a call from her uncle.)
Servant: Ma'am, it's sir on the phone; he wants to talk to you.
Siya : Okay. (She takes the call.)
Uncle: Hello, beta, good morning. How are you?
Siya : I'm fine, uncle.
Uncle: Well, today I'm going to buy a sports car for my princess.
Siya : (Excited) Really, uncle?
Uncle: Yes, beta. Why don't you come to the office? We can go together.
Siya : Alright, uncle.
(Siya arrives at the office, where everyone welcomes her. She goes to her uncle's office, and they leave for the car showroom together.) Uncle: Beta, I also wanted to talk to you.
Siya : Yes, uncle, go ahead.
Uncle: The principal called; I found out that you didn't go to college yesterday, and it was your exam day. You also told the teachers again to pass you by threatening to get them fired. Beta, why didn't you go to college yesterday? You knew you had an exam. I understand that you can get away with it because you are my niece, but is it right for you and your friends' futures?
(Siya remains silent.)
Uncle: I need an answer, beta.
Siya : Uncle, nothing will happen. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Why should I bother taking a 100-mark exam when I already have everything without studying? I don't have to work under anyone; I can use this power to pass without taking exams.
Uncle: Beta, exams are not just about marks. They are given to understand life and gain knowledge. Think about it, beta.
I just want you to be successful like your father.
Siya : Uncle, I've told you so many times not to mention his name. If he's successful in your eyes, then I never want to be successful.
Uncle: Alright, don't become like your father. But at least don't do anything illegal, like passing without taking exams and helping your friends pass. Is that right, Siya ? Tell me.
Siya : Alright, uncle, I won't do it anymore.
Uncle: Beta, this time, I want a real promise, or else you say the same thing every time, and yet you never take the exams. Your graduation year is ending; at least study this year.
Siya : Hmm... (Siya reluctantly agrees with her uncle.) Uncle, in which color should I get the car?
Uncle: Whatever you like, beta.
(They arrive at the showroom, and the showroom staff greets them warmly.) Siya likes a black sports car.
Siya : Uncle, how is this black sports car?
Uncle: If my princess likes it, then it's excellent.
Siya : Alright, uncle, I want this one, then.
(They buy the car and head home.)
Uncle: Beta, let's go for lunch, and then you can go home.
Siya : (Hesitates) Uncle, I had plans for shopping today.
Uncle: Alright, then. We can go for lunch first After that we both will go shopping Siya : No, this time, I want to go shopping alone.
Uncle: I understand. Going to shop for Miss Daral again? Or is it for yourself?
Siya : No, uncle, it's for myself.
Uncle: Okay, come on. You don't hide things from me , and you buy things for yourself every time you go shopping, especially for Miss Daral. So, are you going to buy something for her again this time?
Siya : no uncle
Uncle: Come on, beta, there's no need to hide it. You consider her your mother and don't pretend. Every time you scold her, you buy something for her anyway, and you go shopping alone again. Did you scold her again?
Siya : Yes, a little...
Uncle: Are you feeling bad about it?
Siya : No, uncle, why should I feel bad?
Uncle: (Laughs) Alright, let it go...
Tell me, which restaurant do you want to go to this time? Always yours?
Siya : Anywhere if fine
Uncle: No problem. Today, I'll take you to my favorite restaurant.
Siya : Alright, uncle.
(Uncle signals the driver to take them to his favorite restaurant, and they arrive at the restaurant)
Uncle: What should I order then?
Siya : River prawns.
Uncle: Alright, I'll place the order.
(They engage in conversation while having lunch) Siya : How's Jiyong, uncle?
Uncle: He's doing well. Well, he's been missing you.
Siya : It's been quite some time since we met.
