(43) Love, Courage, and a Promise

When Siya starts feeling better, she calls Freen back. Freen answers the call, and before
Siya can say hello, Freen excitedly asks:)
Freen: Did you meet your father? How was the experience? What did he say? Did you feel good meeting him and going to India?
( Siya replies to Freen, saying:)
Siya : Calm down, Freen. If you ask all these questions at once, how can I answer them?
Freen: (Apologizing) Um, sorry, I got too excited.
Siya : I understand.
Freen: So, did you meet your father?
Siya : Hmm, I met him.
Freen: Did you feel good meeting him?
Siya : Hmm, I felt good meeting him.
Freen: What did you talk about with your father?
( Siya proceeds to share all her conversations with Freen about what she discussed with her
Freen: I'm very happy that you've decided to forgive your father, and I hope you'll forgive him completely soon, siuu Siya : Hmm.
(Freen: "When are you coming to Thailand?"
Siya : "Maybe tomorrow.")
(At this point, Siya's uncle enters her room. Upon seeing her uncle, Siya tells Freen that she will call her back later and ends the call.)
Uncle: Whose call was it, dear?
Siya : Uh... it was Freen's.
Uncle: Alright. How are you feeling now?
Siya : I'm feeling better than before, Uncle.
Uncle: Look, beta, I just want to say...
Uncle: (Explaining to Siya ) Siya , I know all of this has been difficult for you, but remember, you've forgiven your father. Now it's time for you to move forward with your life, to turn your dreams into reality.
Siya : (Listening to her uncle's words) Yes, Uncle, I understand. I want to fill the coming days with the memories of my mother. I want to give her memories a special place.
Uncle: (Smiling as he explains) That's a great idea, Siya . I'm here for you, and my love will always be with you.
( Siya and her uncle share their emotions and support each other. Her past reminds her of what she's been through, but she has understood her relationship with her father and forgiven him. Her upcoming birthday symbolizes a new beginning) Send calls Freen:
Send: Hello.
Freen: Hello, Send.
Send: How are you?
Freen: I'm fine. How about you?
Send: I'm also fine. By the way, Siya didn't' call today. Usually, you're busy talking to her around this time.
Freen: Hmm, I'm usually busy, but Siya went to India suddenly.
Send: Why did Siya go to India all of a sudden?
Freen: To meet her father.
Send: But you told me that she despised her father.
Freen: I did say that, but I talked to Siya about it, and she agreed to forgive her father.
Send: See, this is the result of your love. The girl who didn't believe anyone's words has now decided to forgive her father and has gone to India, all because of your efforts.
Freen: It's not like that, Send. I could see the need for her father in her eyes, as if she needed him in her life, but she couldn't understand how to forgive him or how to meet him. I just tried to clear Siya's doubts.
Send: Your attitude is what I appreciate the most, that you never take credit for what you do. But, leaving that aside, did you tell Siya the truth?
Freen: I keep thinking about it over and over, Send, but it's really difficult for me to figure out how to tell her the truth.
Send: Freen, you have to tell Siya the whole truth, as I've told you before.
Freen: Alright, Send, I'm considering it. When the right time comes, I'll tell Roshni everything.
Send: Freen, don't wait for the right time. Tell Siya the truth as soon as possible, or the situation might get worse. Do you understand what I'm saying?
Freen: Hmmm... You're right, Send. Siya is currently in India . I don't want to hurt her by revealing the truth now. So, when she returns to Thailand, I'll tell her everything.
Send: Alright, Freen.
( Siya after again meeting her father in India, Siya and her uncle head to Thailand in their private jet. Upon arriving in Thailand, Siya visits Freen's house first. Freen prepares lunch for both of them, and while having lunch, Siya shares with Freen.) Siya : (feeling a bit down, she tells Freen) I'm such an unromantic partner.
Freen: (surprised, she asks Siya ) Why do you say that?
Siya : We've been in a relationship for a while, but we haven't gone to any romantic places yet.
Freen: So where do you want to go?
Siya : ( Siya stands up, puts her head on Freen's shoulder, and looks at her, saying) Get ready this evening; I'll come to pick you up.
Freen: But where are we going this evening? Tell me.
Siya : We're going on a date.
Freen: Yes, I know that, but where? Siya?
Siya: It's a surprise for you.
(Saying this, Siya heads back home in her car.)
(Evening, 7:00)
( Siya comes to pick up Freen for their date. She enters Freen's house and gives her a beautiful dress. Siya is wearing a black dress that suits her well, and she hands a red dress to Freen.)
Freen: What's this, Siya ?
Siya : Ummm... it's a dress. Since today is our first date, I thought I'd bring it for you to wear.
Freen: Alright, I'll put it on.
(Freen changes into the dress and looks stunning. Siya is left in awe.)
Freen: (approaches Siya) What are you staring at? Is there something on my face?
Siya : (holds Freen's hand and says) I'm just thinking, can someone be this beautiful?

(Freen smiles upon hearing Siya's words, gets closer, pushes Siya's hair back, gazes into her eyes, and kisses her.

After the kiss, Siya asks Freen if they should go. Freen responds with a "hmmm." They both get into the car and drive to their date.
Siya is driving, and Freen appears like she has something to say)

Siya : (notices this and asks) Do you want to say something?

Freen: No.

Siya : Alright.

( Siya takes Freen to a romantic place with a beautiful garden adorned with lights. There's only one table with two chairs and a lovely white bed surrounded by white curtains decorated with roses. Siya brings Freen out of the car, and then she blindfolds Freen. Upon arriving in the garden, Siya removes Freen's blindfold, revealing the magnificent location)

Freen: What a beautiful and spacious place, but why is there only one table?

Siya : Because I've bought this place for today. I told you I want to go with you to the world of love, where it will be just the two of us, with no one to disturb us.

(Siya kneels and places a ring on Freen's finger.)

Siya: (after putting the ring on Freen) I promise you, Freen, I will marry you, and we'll have a world that is incredibly beautiful, full of happiness. I want to give you all the joys in the world.

Freen: (hugs Siya, kisses her forehead, and says) I have complete faith in my love. I promise you, Siya, there is or will be no one else in this heart besides you. I love only you, and I will always love you. Thank you for doing so much for me, thank you for giving me so much love. I love you so much.

Siya : Love you too

( Siya pulls out a chair for Freen, and Freen sits down. Siya takes her seat as well, and they both have drinks. Then, they share a couple's dance where they get so close that they share a kiss. After that, Siya and Freen go to the beautiful bed, where they lay down and express
their feelings.)

Siya: (then Siya tells Freen) Today, I want our night to be just as romantic as this place.

Freen : Siya, I want to tell you something.

Siya: I know what you want to say.

Freen: You do?

Siya: yes, I know, and I don't want to hear anything right now. I just want tonight to be as romantic as this place. Please, Freen.

Freen: But Siya...

(Siya puts her finger on Freen's lips and signals her to be quiet by making a "shiii shiiiii shiiii" sound) and Freen gets quiet. Siya kisses Freen's lips and Freen can't stop herself now. She grabs Siya's neck and starts kissing her. She grabs Siya's waist and starts kissing her and lays Siya on the bed.
kissing her neck and gently lowering the chain of Siya's clothes. After looking at Siya, Freen kisses her face, then her lips, slowly pushing Siya's dress down with her hands. Freen then kisses Siya's beauty bones and pushes her hands back, moving to her chest, where she uses her tongue to create sensitivity throughout Siya's body. Freen looks at Siya and says ...

Freen : Siya, today I want to give you the love that I've never given to anyone before. Are you ready for this?

(Siya nods with a smile. )

Freen kisses Siya's neck again, then moves to her chest, using her mouth to caress Siya's nipples. Freen then kisses Siya's navel and bites it gently. Looking at Siya's face again, Freen kisses below her navel and pushes down her panties, kissing between Siya's legs, causing her to feel a bit nervous. Freen understands and tells Siya that if she's not ready for the next steps, she won't force her. However, Siya tells Freen that trying to forget her past now will only keep her trapped, and she won't be able to truly accept Freen. So, they should continue with this process. Hearing Siya's words, Freen nods with a smile. Freen kisses Siya's lips again, then her neck, chest, and sensitive areas, eliciting moans from Siya, which also make Freen feel good. Freen then uses her fingers to comfort Siya and kisses her intermittently to make her feel comfortable. After completing the process, Freen hugs Siya and thanks her.)

Freen: thank you Siya for allowing me to show you my love.
I apologize for any discomfort you may have experienced during this time. I hope you enjoyed it.

Siya: Freen, why are you apologizing? You helped me to move on from Rom's past. You know, Freen, this wasn't my first time being intimate, but it felt different today. Even though I had experienced intimacy with Rom before, I always felt like something was missing in my life. I was never truly happy. I couldn't understand why I wasn't happy, which led to many arguments between us. He never tried to understand my happiness or discomfort.
Today, when I was with you, it felt like my inner soul was finally understanding this love and satisfaction. You didn't just touch my body today; you touched my soul. For the first time, I don't feel like something is missing. It feels like everything is complete.
I want to sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart for being with me today.

Freen: You don't need to worry about Rom. I just want to see you happy like this always. I want to love you

Freen ( gestures towards the sky ) : Siya, do you see that star?

Siya: (nods) : Hmm

Freen: That star near the moon. I just want to stay close to my moon like that star always does. And you are my moon.

Siya: You're saying very romantic things, Freen. I'm lucky to have found you.

Freen: I'm also very lucky, Siya, to have found you. I want to always be your star, and you'll always be my moon.

Siya: I promise, Freen. I'll always be your moon.

            (Next Morning 🌅)

(Freen and Siya are sleeping, and the sunlight falls on Freen's face, waking her up. She looks at Siya, who appears very beautiful. Siya wakes up and gazes at Freen. Freen tells her that it's morning, and they need to get up as they have to go to college. Siya sits in Freen's lap and says she wants to sleep a little more with her.)

Freen (playfully pulling Siya's nose): Naughty girl! Will you spend the whole day here? Look at how bright the sun is shining on our faces.

Siya : You're talking about the whole day, I could spend my whole life like this.

Freen: You love me so much?

Siya : Very much.

Freen: So, you won't listen to me, then?
Siya : Alright.

Freen: Good girl. Now, quickly get dressed, then we'll go home, and after that, we'll meet at college.

(Siya and Freen put on their clothes, and Siya drives them to Freen's house, where Freen goes inside. Siya heads back home, takes a shower, has breakfast, and then leaves for

(Singhania University, Bangkok)

(In all the colleges, the photo of Siya and Freen, which a photographer had mistakenly taken, along with the photo of them kissing, has gone viral on social media. Students are commenting on their photos.)

Students: We didn't know Miss Freen had an interest in women. We thought she was having an affair with a teacher somsak

(When Siya arrives at college, she learns about what has happened. She asks her friends who might have done this, but they claim not to know. Siya begins to worry about Freen, thinking that if these photos go public, it will be difficult for Freen.)

(Freen is unaware of this situation. Later, Somsak, Freen's friend, approaches her and tells her that someone has posted their kissing photo and the one where Siya was on top of Freen on social media. Since Siya is the future CEO of the Singhania Groups of Companies, these photos are gaining a lot of attention. Freen becomes concerned about Siya's future.)

Freen: I'm worried about Siys's future. She's the future CEO of the Singhania Groups of Companies. If the media gets hold of these photos, it will create a lot of problems.

Somsak: I'm worried about it too.

(Just then, the principal messages Freen and asks her to come to her office. Freen goes to the principal's office, and the principal shows her the photos on her phone.)

Principal: What is this, Miss Freen?
Freen: I don't know who did this.

Principal: Aren't you ashamed even once? Your student, with... ugh. Even I'm embarrassed to discuss this with you.
Freen: This is my personal life, ma'am. I am in a relationship with Siya

Principal: You're now talking about personal life? The whole of Bangkok now knows about your personal life, ma'am. You don't understand what Siya's uncle can do if he gets even a whiff of these photos.

(Freen remains silent. The principal hands her a page, and Freen asks what it is.)

Principal: Read it for yourself, it's your expulsion letter.

(Freen reads the page.)

Freen: You're expelling me from the college?

Principal: Yes.

Freen: But why? What did I do wrong? I've given my 100% to this college.

Principal: What you did with a student is your biggest mistake, ma'am. I'm expelling you from the college.

Freen: But ma'am, Siya and I love each other. Our personal life has not affected my work in any way. How can you just expel me like this?

Principal: You don't know who you're dating, ma'am. If Siya's uncle sees these photos, he might do even worse things to you than just expelling you. He could harm you severely. I don't want to tarnish my college's reputation because of you. It's better for you to find another job. All the best, ma'am. You may leave.

(Principal's words leave Freen feeling dejected. She begins to leave the principal's office, her eyes welling up with tears. Somsak notices her distress and asks her what happened.

Freen has tears in his eyes and hugs Somsak, who inquires about the reason. Freen hands Somsak the expulsion letter, and he reads it.)

Somsak : How can she expel you from the college? What have you done wrong? You've dedicated your entire life to this college. I'll talk to them right now.

(Freen grabs Somsak's hand and stops him from going to the principal's office. Freen then proceeds to tell Somsak  everything the principal said to her. Somsak reads the page Freen gave him and realizes the situation.)

Somsak : How can she do this to you? Is it your fault? You've given your all to this college. I'll talk to them right now.

(Freen doesn't let Somsak go to the principal's office, explaining that maybe the principal is right, that she's made a mistake by having a student as her partner. Somsak tries to reassure Freen that their love is genuine and that it doesn't matter if Siya is her student. He encourages Freen to fight for their rights. Despite Somsak's encouragement, Freen decides not to go to the principal's office.)

Freen: (Freen says) Maybe Principal was right. I'm shameless. I've turned a student into my partner. I can't even understand that Siya is my student, and I'm her teacher.

Somsak: (Somsak tells Freen) You've gone mad, Freen. What are you saying? You both love each other, and love doesn't discriminate. It doesn't matter if she's your student. You love Siya genuinely, and your relationship shouldn't be a problem for anyone else. Who are they to comment on your relationship? Look, what's crying going to achieve? You're strong, and we take inspiration from you. Let's go to the principal's office together and fight for our rights.

(Saying this, Send holds Freen's hand and leads her towards the principal's office)

Freen: (Freen doesn't move her feet and stops, saying) Let it be, Somsak. I'll find another job somewhere else.

Somsak: (Somsak insists) But, Freen...

Freen: (Freen continues) Try to understand the situation, Somsak Please, agree with me...
I'm more worried about Siya than my job right now. I don't want to ruin things before her future is set.

Somsak : (Somsak finally agrees) Don't worry, Freen. Siya's future won't be ruined. She hasn't committed any crime. She's an adult, and if she has chosen a partner, she must have thought it through carefully. And people will support her decisions.

Freen: (Freen says) Thank you Somsak for always supporting me .Now let me have my dignity back, and I should leave.

(Somsak bids her farewell, and Freen heads home.)

Siya searches for Freen in the entire college but can't find her. She becomes worried that something might have gone wrong due to some photos going viral. She then goes to Somsak and asks,

Siya : Where is Freen?

Somsak explains everything to Siya, who gets angry and heads towards the principal's office.)

Somsak : (Somsak asks) Where are you going, Siya?

( Siya asserts herself and tells him that she's going to see that "shameless woman" who disrespected her love and Freen.)

Somsak : (Somsak tries to stop her) Freen asked me not to go to the principal's office.

Siya : ( Siya is determined) Freen asked you sir not to go to the principal's office, not me. If someone dared to insult my love and my Freen, how can I let it pass? I will go, and I will talk to her . Freen will work at this college, and nobody can expel her.

(With these words, Siya heads to the principal's office.)

(Inside the Principal's Office)

Siya : ( Siya confronts the Principal, throwing Freen's termination letter in front of her) Can I know why you expelled Miss Freen from her job?

Principal: (The Principal retorts) I knew you'd come today, bringing a different vibe. You've come to fight for others' rights today.

Siya : ( Siya disregards the Principal's remarks) I didn't come here to listen to your nonsense. I came to ask you why you expelled Freen.

Principal: (The Principal explains) You should feel grateful to me , that I didn't expel you from the college.

Siya : ( Siya insists) I don't care about your nonsense. I only came here to ask why you expelled Freen.

Principal: (The Principal tries to be strict) Mind your tone. I am your principal, and speaking of Freen's termination from the college, I can expel her anytime I want.

Siya : (Siya retorts) I've already told you I'm not interested in hearing your nonsense.

Principal: (The Principal maintains her position) I have expelled her because you, Siya, were dating a student. And if this information goes public, you can imagine how much shame our college will face.

Siya : (Siya confronts the Principal) In that case, you should expel me too. But why did you expel Freen?

(The Principal remains silent)

Siya : ( Siya pushes the matter) Why are you silent? Answer me.

Principal: (The Principal states) I'll discuss it with your uncle. Usually, when a student makes a mistake, we talk to their parents.

Siya : ( Siya stands her ground) This is not about a student, but it's about my uncle's college. That's why you can't expel me. I came here to ask you to reinstate Freen.

Principal: (The Principal declines) I can't do that.

Siya: ( Siya responds) Even if we're in a relationship, our personal life shouldn't be a matter of concern for you or anyone else. Our relationship is our business, and it doesn't affect the college environment.

Principal: (The Principal holds her stance) It doesn't matter whether your relationship is inside or outside the college. It matters that you're in a relationship.

Siya : (Siya stands firm) This is my final request: reinstate Freen.

Principal: (The Principal insists) My answer remains the same, Siya. No means no.

Siya : (Siya issues a vow) Fine, but I also have a promise to make. The Freen you expelled from your college today, you will reappoint her in the same position tomorrow.

(With that declaration, Siya leaves the principal's office.)

Principal: (The Principal tries to call her back) Siya !... If you ever come to my office again, make sure to get my permission first.

Somsak: (Somsak asks Siya) What did Principal Mam say?

Siya : ( Siya confidently responds) I don't care about what she said.

(With a confident attitude, she walks away) Tomorrow, Freen will be back in her position.

(Somsak is relieved and asks Siya with a smile)

Somsak : (Somsak inquires) But where are you going right now?

Siya: ( Siya answers) I'm going to meet Freen at her house.

( Siya leaves the college, where many media personnel are waiting outside. They start asking Siya questions about the viral photo with a girl. Siya doesn't respond to their inquiries and simply drives her car to Freen's house. Upon arriving, she calls Freen, but Freen doesn't answer her call. Siya enters Freen's home and finds her sitting on the couch, looking sad.)

Siya : ( Siya approaches Freen, hugs her, and says) I know you have to endure all this because of me, but trust me, everything will be okay.

Freen: Please forgive me, Siya. I'm not upset about losing my job; I'm upset that because of me, your future got affected. Your reputation might be at stake.

Siya: Who said your actions would tarnish my reputation and ruin my future? Eventually, the truth had to come out, right? Better now than later.

Freen: But Siya, we're both women. It's complicated. How will you accept our love in front of the media?

Siya: Freen, I've loved you truly. So what if my love is for a woman? I haven't committed a crime; I've simply loved. Loving someone isn't wrong. I was only worried about you facing difficulties because of me. The media could trouble you, and I feared for your job. And you're worried about me.

Siya continues, But look, I'm happy now that everything is out. I used to worry about how I would suddenly accept my love in front of the world and my uncle. Whoever did this made it easier for me. I'll happily accept you in front of the whole world now.

Freen interjects, But I'm your teacher. How bad will your uncle feel?

Siya reassures, I'll convince my uncle. He can do anything for my happiness, and I trust him completely. He'll be very happy when he finds out I love you because he admires you a lot and always praises you.

Siya points at some photos, Look at these photos. Aren't they lovely? Remember this one? It's when we first bumped into each other, and I got really mad. But now, I always want your touch, and every day, I'm falling deeper in love with you.

(Freen, seeing Siya's childish behavior, forgets her sorrow and starts smiling. Siya keeps talking, and Freen listens, realizing how understanding and cheerful Siya is. Freen silently thanks God for giving her such a wonderful life partner.)

Siya: And this one, when we first met...

( Freen feels shy listening to Siya's words.
Freen notices how all of this isn't affecting Siya; she has become a very understanding person in such moments. Along with that, she's also comforting Freen and trying to cheer her up by behaving childishly.)
