(34) Unraveling Emotions and Jealousy

(At Freen's place)
Send goes to Freen, who is sitting in one place, holding her head in her hands, with tears in her eyes.
Send: *sits beside her* What's wrong? You don't usually react like this, and you never get angry at students for such small things. Why the sudden anger?
Send gives Freen a side hug and asks her to share what's bothering her. Freen tells Send that Siya was admitted to the hospital and explained the whole incident. Send asks why Siya isn't coming to college, and Freen reveals that Siya's uncle told her to keep it a secret. She also advises Send not to tell anyone about it.
Send reassures Freen that he won't share the secret but asks why she's stressed now. Freen admits that she can't get what happened yesterday out of her mind, and she doesn't know why she's so angry. She's never been this angry before.
Send asks if she's thinking about Siya, and Freen says she doesn't want to, but Siya's thoughts keep intruding into her mind. Send suggests that maybe Freen has started to like Siya, but Freen denies it, saying it's impossible. Send explains that when we like someone, we tend to think about them a lot, and it takes time to understand our feelings. He tells her that if she truly likes Siya, she will figure it out on her own. But if it's just stress from yesterday, it will pass in a day or two, and everything will be back to normal.
Freen asks about Send's experiences, and he admits that he used to think about Freen a lot when they first met because he was falling in love with her. Send suggests that one way to know if you truly like someone is if their thoughts keep coming to you the most at night, causing sleepless nights and missing them intensely even when you don't meet or talk to them.
Freen says, "Okay."
Send tells her not to worry, saying he'll always support her in whatever she chooses. He encourages her to get in a better mood and suggests they leave for now. Freen thanks Send, and they both head off.
(At Siya's home in Bangkok)
Siya's uncle arrives at her house. Siya is lost in her thoughts, and she doesn't notice him until he calls her.
Siya : When did you arrive, Uncle?
Uncle: I just arrived when you were lost in your thoughts.
Siya : I'm sorry, Uncle. I didn't notice.
Uncle: It's okay. By the way, can I know what you were thinking about?
Siya : No one in particular, Uncle.
Uncle: Alright, forget about that. Did you take your medicine?
Siya : Yes, Uncle.
Uncle: Are you happy, dear?
Siya : Why, Uncle? Why are you suddenly asking this?
Uncle: Well, I can read the silence on your face.
Siya : I am happy, Uncle. I'm just feeling a bit lonely.
Uncle: Okay, then tell me, what should we do about that?
Siya : Uncle, I want to go back to college from tomorrow.
Uncle: But dear, you should fully recover first.
Siya : Uncle, I'm completely fine now. Look, even the injury on my head has healed. If I keep sitting at home like this, I'll only get sicker. Going to college, meeting my friends, and being with them will help me recover mentally and physically. You've always said you want to see me well in both aspects, so I want to go to college for my mental well-being.
Uncle: Alright, dear. If you want to go to college from tomorrow, you can. But I have one condition.
Siya : What's the condition, Uncle?
Uncle: The condition is that until you are fully recovered, you won't go out for fun or engage in any mischief at college. Is that okay, dear?
Siya : Alright, Uncle. I agree. Thank you. You're the best uncle in the world.
Uncle: (smiles) By the way, did Freen visit you yesterday ?
Siya: Yes, Uncle, she did.
Uncle: Did you give her the money?
Siya : Yes, I had written her a check, but she refused to take it.
Uncle: Why? Why did she refuse to take the money?
Siya : She said she hadn't done me any favors, and she didn't want any money in return.
Uncle: Hmm... Why don't you give her a gift instead? It will lighten your mood, and she will appreciate it too.
Siya : A gift? But what should I give her, Uncle?
Uncle: Well, if I suggest, I think you should think about what kind of thank-you gift your teacher freen would like.
Siya : Alright, Uncle. I'll definitely think about it.
(Servant brings coffee for Siya and Uncle and places it on the table) Uncle: Alright, dear. Let's sit and have coffee together.
Siya : yes uncle
[Night 11:00 pm]
(Freen's home)
(Freen lies on her bed, thinking about what Send said. She tells herself, "It can't be. Why would Freen like Siya ? We've barely spent any time together, and even if time mattered, there's no connection between us, no vibes. Yet, why would I fall in love with Siya ?")
(She receives a notification on her phone, thinking it's a message from Siya )
Send's Massage: Hi
Freen responds: Hello 👋 Send
Send types : Aren't you asleep yet?
Freen responds: I was just about to sleep. Couldn't fall asleep, that's all.
Send types : I thought you might still be awake, so I messaged.
(Send teases Freen, and she responds.)
Send types: Hmm, what's the matter? Can't sleep? 😅
Freen responds: You're thinking wrong, Send. Nothing's wrong. I'm not thinking about Siya
Send types: But I never asked you who you were thinking about, did I? What's up, Miss Freen? 😁
Freen responds: I was just thinking about what you said earlier, and how did Siya come into the picture?
Send types: But that conversation was related to Siya , Freen. It's hard for anyone to understand. You'll have to give yourself some time to accept that you might be falling for Siya.
Freen responds: I don't think so, Send. Look, we don't even vibe with each other. We're so different, and besides, we're both women. So even after knowing all this, how could I possibly fall in love with her?
Send types : You see, love is about the feelings between two people. Love doesn't care about your gender or your nature; it just happens. And as for whether you like Siya or not, I can confirm that for you.
Okay, tell me this: when I messaged you just now, you were offline, right?
Freen responds: Hmm, I was offline.
Send types: When you heard the notification sound, who was the first person that came to your mind regarding the message?
Freen responds: I thought it might be a message from Siya ; that's why.
Send types: See, even then, you thought of Siya first. When we're in love, we often think about that person the most.
Freen responds: I thought of Siya because she often messages me around this time.
Send types: But today, you told me that Siya spoke to you in a way that you didn't like, and after that, you thought she might message you.
Freen responds: Yes, she won't message me, but she used to before. That's why maybe her thought lingered in my mind, Send.
Send types : Siya has been messaging you for only 2-4 days, and still, you've gotten used to her messages. But you've been messaging me for a long time now. Did that thought ever cross your mind?
Freen responds: Yes, this thought didn't cross my mind that we've been messaging each other around this time as well.
Send types: I understood it at that moment when I saw you in that state at college, which I had never seen before. We are often most hurt or happiest by the people closest to our hearts, Freen. And from what I know about you, you're not someone who gets hurt easily. This means you love Siya...
Freen responds: (Freen thinks deeply about it.) She types, "If that's true, when did I fall in love with her?"
Send types: You have the whole night to think about it, and since you won't be able to sleep, you'll contemplate this matter thoroughly. Sometimes, we don't even realize when we fall in love, Freen, but the realization comes when the person is no longer with us.
Alright, it's quite late now. I'll hang up, and I hope you find the answer to this question. You can tell me tomorrow, okay?
Freen responds: Thank you, Send. You always help me and understand me so well.
Send types: You're most welcome, Freen 🤗.
Okay... Good night.
Freen types: Very good night, Send.
(Freen starts thinking. If it's true that she loves Siya , maybe it happened when she heard
Siya's past. But then, why didn't she fall in love with Send? He's always there for her, cares for her, is kind-hearted, and handsome too. Even after having all these qualities, why did she fall in love with Siya ?)
(At Siya's home in Bangkok)
(11:30 PM )
( Siya is lying in bed, thinking about what gift to give to Freen. She contemplates getting her a dress, then a bracelet, and she's quite confused.)
(Next morning 🌅) 9:00 am
(Singhania University, Bangkok)
( Siya arrives at college, all dressed up and feeling very happy to be back after so long. Her friends spot her, rush over, hug her, and ask why she came to college so early. Siya explains that she felt lonely at home, so she got permission from her uncle to come to college, and he allowed her. Her friends are pleased that their group is complete now, and they suggest they should all have a great time together. Siya , however, mentions that she can't have fun right now; her uncle has only given her permission to attend college and not to engage in any fun activities until she's completely recovered. Her friends accept this and head off to their respective classes.
Freen approaches Siya , and their eyes meet briefly. They exchange glances before Siya's friends start talking and laughing, and Siya diverts her attention back to them. Freen goes to her class.)
Send ask Freen, asking if she got the answer to the question he posed. Freen responds ....
(Freen explains that she values Send's friendship because he's caring, kind, and she likes him. However, she doesn't understand why she developed feelings for Siya and not for him ) Freen: If I do love Siya , then that's fine, but there's no destination for my love.
Send: Why do you think that, Freen?
Freen: Why don't you think so, Send? It's not necessary that she'll ever fall in love with another woman. Besides, I'm her teacher, and I have no status to love her.
Send: I told you just yesterday, Freen, .Love has no boundaries, love is unbound that love doesn't have any standards, gender, or qualifications. Love just happens. And as for you loving Siya , it's possible.
Freen: But still, Send, if I've made the mistake of falling in love, I'll stop myself because I know we have no future. Even if I fall in love with her, she'll never accept me.
Send: That's not true, Freen. If you desire something deeply, the entire universe conspires to make it happen for you. If you believe in yourself, you will find your love.
Freen: How can I hope for love, Send, when there's no connection whatsoever? I'm sorry, but I'd rather consider it a mistake to be in love.
Send: Look, Freen, you're not alone. I'll always support you. I want everyone in the world to find their love. I promise I'll do my best for that.
Freen: But you used to love me, right, Send? Now, how can you ask me to help someone else find love? Won't that hurt you?
Send: It won't hurt me at all, Freen. I'll be very happy if I don't find my own love, but at least the one I love will be happy. Seeing your loved one's happiness is also a form of love, and if I have you as my love, I can gain a lot.
Freen: That's why you're special to me, Send. You're different. You know what love is, but you also know how to sacrifice your own happiness for the sake of love. (Send smiles at Freen)
Send: So, will you take your first step in this love?
Freen: Send, everything is happening so fast, and I'm really confused right now. I don't know what's right or wrong. I need some time to understand what my heart truly wants.
Send: Yes, take all the time you need. Love isn't rushed, and if you ever feel like taking that step into love, and if you need my help, just let me know. I'll always be ready to support you.
Freen: Thank you, Send.
Send: Just "thank you" won't do.
Freen: What else do you want, then?
Send: Coffee! I want to have coffee with you during the break. Let's go to the college canteen.
Freen: Oh, that's it? Sure, Send.
(They both head to the canteen)
(Afternoon, 12:00 pm)
(Singhania University, Bangkok)
(All the students gather in the theatre for various performances. They start with plays, followed by couple dances, and then it's time for cultural dances. Freen mentions that there isn't much time left for their cultural dance performance because the person they had selected was feeling unwell and couldn't make it to college. So, they're not fully prepared. However, Siya insists that she can perform the cultural dance and that she's feeling much better now. Freen hesitates, but Siya's determination convinces her. Freen agrees to let Siya participate. Siya's friends support her, and they all watch as Siya starts practicing her Indian classical dance. However, she stumbles a bit towards the end, as she hasn't fully recovered. Freen rushes to her, worried. Siya insists she's fine, but her friends take her away. Freen explains to Send that she's worried about Siya, but Send assures her not to worry.) Send: So, what happened, Freen?
Freen: I'm just not sure, Send. Siya suddenly left her practice and went away.
Send: Maybe she's just not feeling well.
Freen: But she seemed perfectly fine before that. She was dancing so well.
Send: Don't worry too much, Freen. She'll be okay.
Freen: I hope so.
(Back to the students, Siya's friends decide to go to the canteen and invite her. Siya isn't too happy about it, but she goes along. In the canteen, Send and Freen also head to a restaurant. Send asks Freen what kind of coffee would Freen like to drink? prefers hot or cold coffee ? and Freen tells him to get cold coffee. Send Goes to get coffee for Freen Freen starts to notice Siya's table, and her gaze focuses on Siya . Siya is engaged in a conversation with her friends, and they all seem to be smiling. Siya appears to be enjoying her time with her friends and even laughs at something Juhu says. Freen keeps looking at Siya , appreciating her smile and demeanor. Suddenly, Siya also glances in Freen's direction. When Siya looks at Freen, Freen quickly averts her gaze, trying to pretend that she didn't notice Siya looking at her. Send returns with coffee for Freen, and she thanks him. Send asks if the coffee will improve her mood, and Freen replies that she's already in a good mood. Send humorously mentions that he doesn't understand why she's worried about Roshni's mood. Freen admits that she doesn't know why either but feels concerned about Siya. Send reassures her that Siya will be fine, and her concern is unnecessary. Siya , who has been observing Freen and Send, doesn't like what she's seeing. Juhu notices that Siya isn't paying attention to their conversation and seems more focused on Freen and Send. Juhu comments, "We did the right thing by posting those pictures of them in college because something is definitely going on between them, Roshni." Siya responds with an agreement, and her friends, including Maggie and King, all look towards Freen and Send. Send continues to hold Freen's hand, and Maggie suggests, jokingly, that maybe they are dating. Siya abruptly gets up and leaves the scene. Maggie, King, Karak, and others are puzzled by her sudden departure. Send still holds Freen's hand and comments that maybe Siya is getting jealous of them, and he chuckles. Freen says it's not a joke; she's serious. Send responds, "Okay, okay, maybe she had an argument with her friends." Freen doesn't reply and continues to think about why Siya left suddenly. Send suggests that if Freen looks at Siya closely, she'll notice that there's a lonely cup of coffee there, and the owner of that coffee seems quite upset that it's not being consumed. He encourages Freen to drink her coffee quickly. Freen starts sipping her coffee .
Siya's friends approach her from behind and ask her why she left the area. Siya explains that she wasn't feeling well, which is why she left. Her friends express concern and suggest that if she's not feeling well, she should go home and rest. Siya insists that she'll be fine in a little while and doesn't want to leave. They agree, saying, "Okay."
