(44) A New Beginning

Siya : By the way, we should also find out who took these photos. I'll keep them in my gallery anyway.

Freen: But who could have taken these photos, and who would have posted them?

Siya : Whoever did it, I don't care about these things now because, sooner or later, I was going to bring our relationship out into the world. So, it's good that this happened earlier. It makes it easier for me, and look, Freen, these photos are so romantic. Looking at them, I feel like I want to fall on you again, and the second one reminds me of your lips.

(After saying all this, Siya looks at Freen with very romantic eyes and touches Freen's face with her hands.)

Freen: (Freen says to Siya ) Siuu , I want to tell you something.

Siya : (Siya puts her finger on Freen's lips and says) Shhh...

(She does it again and signals Freen to be quiet.)

(Then, Siya touches her lips to Freen's and starts kissing her. However, Freen seems not in the mood for a kiss when she looks at her.)

(Freen tells Siya again)

Freen: Siya, listen, I need to talk to you.

(Siya puts her finger on Freen's lips again and signals her to stay quiet. She tries to kiss her again, but this time, Freen turns her face to the side.)

Freen: Siya, I'm not in the mood for a kiss right now. I need to talk to you.

Siya: (Siya sits up straight, smiles, and says to Freen) Alright, go ahead, what's the important thing you want to talk about?

Freen: I actually need to tell you something.

Siya : Yes, go ahead, Freen, whatever you want to say.

Freen: Umm... I want to say that...

(Freen stops after saying this much. At this moment, Siya receives a call from her uncle, and she checks her phone, seeing that it's her uncle calling.)

Siya : (Taking the phone in her hand, she tells Freen) Hold on for a minute. Let me talk to my uncle, and then we can continue.

(Freen nods, slightly disappointed, and Siya proceeds to answer her uncle's call. After finishing the call, Siya returns to Freen and speaks lovingly.)

Siya : Sorry, baby... I have to go right now because my uncle also has something important to discuss. So, I need to head home.

Freen: But...

Siya : (Interrupting Freen's words) I'll be free after talking to my uncle once. Then I'll have all the time to listen to everything you want to say. Alright, my love ?

Freen: Alright.

( Siya hugs Freen and leaves. At home, Siya's uncle appears tense, walking and checking his watch. Seeing Siya return, he approaches her with concern and shows her a photo of Freen and asks her.)

Uncle: (Showing a photo of Freen and Siya on his phone) What is all this, Siya ?

Siya : (Jokingly) It's just a photo, Uncle.

Uncle: Beta, I'm not in the mood for jokes right now. What I've been fearing for so long has finally happened. I've been trying to shield you from the media's gaze, and you know we'll have to answer to everyone outside. What impact will this have on your image?

Siya : Relax, Uncle, everything will be fine.

Uncle: Are these photos real, Siya?

Siya : Hmmm.

Uncle: (Puts his hand on his forehead) Oh, God, why did you do this, Siya?

Siya : Uncle, I haven't committed any sin. Why are you so worried?

Uncle: Beta, you've fallen in love with a woman.

Siya : Uncle, love is love, and you know it's not a big issue these days. It's normal.

Uncle: But, beta, you're not a normal girl. You're the upcoming CEO of the Singhania Groups of Companies, and for your image, this can't be considered normal.
The media will make a lot of news about this, that the upcoming CEO of Singhania Groups of Companies is a woman who's in love with another woman. Try to understand the situation, Siya , And you didn't think it was necessary to tell me this even once?

Siya: Uncle, I was going to tell you, but I couldn't figure out how to. It wasn't easy for me to tell you.

Uncle: But, beta, you have to understand that this is about your image. Think about it.

Siya: Uncle, I'll handle all of that. I don't care about what the world says about me. I care about my love, and that's all that matters. The rest of the world's opinions don't affect me.

Uncle: And you didn't think it was necessary to tell me even once?

Uncle: Why don't you have enough trust in your uncle?

Siya: Uncle, it's not like that. I trust you very much, even more than myself. But I thought you wouldn't understand my love. I even discussed this with Miss Daral.

Uncle: (Looking at Miss Daral) Wow, so apart from me, everyone in the house knows about this, and I'm finding out from outsiders?

(Miss Daral turns her face to the side, feeling uncomfortable.)

Siya : Uncle, it's not like that. I was going to tell you today or tomorrow.

Uncle: Going to tell, but didn't tell. Look, I respect your love and feelings, but, beta, trusting someone so much and loving them this deeply without considering the consequences isn't something I like. You know how much you trusted Rom and how much you loved him, but what did he do? You know very well, right?

Siya : Uncle, I admit I made a big mistake by loving Rom and trusting him against your advice. But, Uncle, this time, I have complete faith in my love, and if you're still worried, I'll give you this assurance: if Freen's love for me isn't genuine, I'll marry whomever and wherever you want.

Uncle: Fine, beta, but this is your last chance.

( Siya hugs her uncle and tells him)

Siya : Thank you, Uncle. You're the best uncle in the world.

Uncle: Do one thing, come to my office this evening. I'll call Freen as well, and we'll talk about it calmly. I'll also invite the media so that you can inform them about your relationship with Freen.

Siya : Alright, Uncle, I'll be at your office by 5:30. I promise I won't be late.

Uncle: Hmm, be there by 5:30.

( Siya's uncle smiles and prepares to leave.) Siya : Oh, Uncle, I had a request.

Uncle: Yes, beta, what is it?

Siya: (Siya speaks softly, looking at her fingers) When Principal Ma'am found out about mine and Freen's relationship in college, she fired Freen from her job. Now that you know about our relationship and have no problem with it, could you...

Uncle: (Interrupting Siya ) Alright, I understand, beta. Freen will be back at her job starting tomorrow. I promise.

Siya : Thank you, Uncle. I'll call Freen right away with this good news, and she'll be thrilled to hear it.

Uncle: Until then, don't answer Freen's calls or messages.

Siya : But why, Uncle?

Uncle: So that we can surprise her with what we're going to discuss with her. We need to create some suspense, after all.

Uncle: Alright, beta, I should get going.

Siya : Uncle, you're truly amazing. You're doing so much for me. You are the best uncle in the world.

(Uncle smiles and leaves. After he's gone, Siya goes to her room and says to herself.)

Siya : I'm such a fool. I've been living with Uncle for so many years, and I still couldn't understand him. I thought it would be very difficult for him to accept my love, but he not only accepted it but also never said anything against it. Uncle is truly amazing.

(Uncle calls Freen and tells her that he needs to discuss something important with her. He asks her to come to his office at 5:00. Freen agrees to be there at 5:00 )

(Freen calls Siya , but Siya remembers her uncle's request, so she doesn't answer Freen's call. Freen then sends a message, but Siya doesn't even check the message.)

Siya : (Seeing Freen's call) I'll have to wait a bit, baby. That's when this sweet fruit will be in my destiny.

(Freen wonders why Siya isn't picking up her call and assumes that she might be busy, thinking that she will call back when she's free.)

(5:00 pm)

(Singhania Groups of Companies, Bangkok)

(Freen arrives at Siya's uncle's office, and he welcomes her, offering her a seat. He also orders black coffee for her. They both have coffee, but Siya's uncle keeps glancing at his watch. Freen notices this and asks if someone is coming. Uncle responds that he's just checking the time and that he has a meeting in a while. Freen suggests that if he has a meeting, it might be delayed and they could discuss the important matter he called her for, Uncle agrees)

Uncle: I'm very pleased with your work, Freen. The work that I couldn't do in 15 years, you managed to do in just 15 days. You're truly intelligent. Thanks to your help, I was able to change my daughter Siya, and as per our deal, you now own 5 million Baht

(With these words, Uncle hands Freen a check for 5 million baht.)

(We are shown a flashback here )

When Siya wins at gambling, she goes to the club with her friends to party. she had been drinking quite a bit. At that time, Siya's uncle had called her, and he was very worried. He mentioned that he was very distressed because of Siya's bad habits. His assistant asked why he didn't try to change her. Uncle explained that he had been trying for 15 years, but all his efforts had been in vain. The assistant suggested finding someone who could transform Siya's overall personality. Uncle inquired who that person might be, and the assistant shared the story of the first meeting between Freen and Siya . It was the day Siya was about to hit Freen's mother with her car, but Freen stood up to her without fear. The assistant was present during that incident and was impressed by Freen's character. He told Uncle about her and suggested that she might be able to help. Uncle agreed to find out more about Freen, and the assistant provided a detailed account of her background.

(Freen is a 24-year-old woman. Her father is absent, her brother is ill and admitted to a hospital, and her mother works as a nurse. Freen faces financial difficulties, so she works at a restaurant and is looking for another job.)

(Uncle instructed the assistant to send her an offer letter on behalf of Singhania Groups of Companies. Freen received the offer letter and was very happy. She went for the interview at the Singhania Groups of Companies. Many other people were also there for the interview, but Freen was surprised to receive an offer letter from such a large company without much effort. Her disbelief grew when, among all the applicants, she was the only one selected. She was called into the office where Siya's uncle was sitting in a chair)

Freen: May I come in, sir?

Uncle: Come in, Freen. Have a seat.

Freen: Thank you, sir.

Uncle: Would you like some water? Or a drink?

Freen: No, thanks, sir.

Uncle: Well, you must be wondering how you received an offer letter from such a large company without much effort and why, out of all the talented applicants, only you were selected after so many interviews?

Freen: Yes, sir, I've been thinking about these questions for a while.

Uncle: Don't worry; I'll explain.

(Uncle calls his assistant and says to Freen:)

Uncle: Do you recognize him?

Freen: No, I don't know him.

Uncle: But he knows you quite well.
Freen: he knows me? How?

Uncle: That day when you were fighting with that girl, he was there.

Freen: Which girl?

(Uncle shows Freen a photo of Siya and asks her, "Do you remember now?")

Freen: Oh, this girl?

Uncle: Yes, this girl. Do you know her?

Freen: No, I don't know her. I just know that she's a very ill-mannered girl.

Uncle: The girl you're calling ill-mannered is the sole heiress of this entire company. Yes, her name is Siya Singhania, the only heir and upcoming CEO of Singhania Groups of Companies.

Freen: So, this girl called me here to seek revenge. I had understood that I couldn't have expected any different from her.

Uncle: Calm down. I'm her uncle, and she didn't invite you here for revenge. I invited you here.

Freen: What do you want from me then?

Uncle: You are the only one who can do this job, and no one else can do it except you.

Freen: What job?

(Uncle explains to Freen about Siya's bad habits, her behavior, and her personality.)

Freen: But why are you telling me all this? How can I help in changing her? Why do you think that I'm the one who can do it? You could ask someone else to do this.

Uncle: Because you are the one who's different from the others, the one I see capable of doing this. At the moment, we're both in a difficult situation. I'm concerned about my daughter's bad habits, and you need financial help for your brother's treatment.

Freen: But how do you know so much about me?

Uncle: I know everything about you. I was saying that if you help me change my daughter, I'll help you save your brother's life. It's going to cost around 5 million baht for his treatment. I'll give you 10 million baht. But you won't have to do anything wrong. I'm just asking you to change someone.

Freen: I don't want to do this job. I'm sorry, I can't play with someone's life.

Uncle: I'm requesting you. I'm asking you to help someone. If my daughter's nature changes because of you, you could save someone's life. This work will also help you save your brother's life. Please don't say no.

Freen: All right, I'm willing to help you, but I'll only take the amount of money required for my brother's treatment, 5 million baht. I don't need 10 million baht. Now tell me your plan.

Uncle: You'll have to get a job as a teacher in Siya's college, which is also our college. I'll arrange that job for you. The rest of the plans will be revealed gradually.

(Then we are shown a flashback where Rom tried to rape Siya, and Freen saved her. Uncle called Freen to his office to talk.)

Uncle tells Freen that what happened to Siya has deeply affected her, and she needs care and, most importantly, love during this time. He suggests that Freen should give as much love as possible to Siya to help her recover quickly and possibly change for the better.

Freen agrees and says she will try to shower Siya with as much love as possible until she gets better.

(Present time)

Freen looks at the 5 million baht check in her hand. Uncle reminds her that she should also come for Siya's birthday celebration tomorrow evening.
At that moment, Uncle receives an important call and tells Freen that he needs to attend to it, so Freen agrees
