
Twins Vincent and Roxanne 'Roxy' Rose, bushy brown haired, hook nosed and green eyed description words walked across the street towards a dark blue Nissan that had just pulled up, as they got closer the cars passenger got out and opened the boot, and called out "Hey kids"
"Hey Sebastion" answered Vincent,
"We're the same age as you Sebastion" Roxy complained as she chucked her backpack into the boot.
"You're all kids to me" said King who was sitting in the front drivers seat
The twins and Sebastion all said "Shut up King" and got back into to car, "alright, now let's go buy the food and meet back up with Team Grog, kidnap Codes and head on out to the woods, yeah" "just get moving Kingsley" barked Roxy as she kicked his seat from behind him

"Will that be all today?" Asked a Bottle-O employee whos name tag read "Wanda"
"Yep that's everything thanks" replied Mona, the only 18 year old in the group other than Kingsley. "Alright, that's $84.97 thanks" Wanda handed Mona an EFTPOS machine and bagged the liquor as she paid.
Once out the door she made a beeline for Emily's red Nissan Primera and climbed into the front seat after putting the booze onto the overflowing pile of stuff on the back seat. Emily pulled out of the Bottle-O's car park and gunned onto the main thoroughfare and headed towards the rendezvous point near Cody's Aunt's home. They pulled up outside a small public playground and got out to make space in the back seat.

By the time they finished sorting out Emily's car Team Nosh had arrived and disembarked from King's vehicle, donned hoods and sunglasses and were waiting for us by the road side. Once we had all formed into a huddled mass Sebastion began talking;
"Alright! Operation CODEBREAKER is about commence, all operatives check in" "Bas no" "Emily you all promised" "ugh, fine"
"Mission Control, Agent Clark Checking in"
"Could you repeat that Agent Clark? I didnt quite hear you"
"Mission Control go fuck yourself"
"Ah that's better, I am hearing you loud and clear now Agent Sassy" there was some shoving and laughing and a lot more swearing but eventually everyone settled down, After Sebastion had his fun we all synced watches/phones and set out, still in our supply gathering teams, Emily and Mona, who were both wearing summer dresses and huge sunhats headed for the front door of Cody's aunt's house while Sebastion, the Twins and King headed around the back of the property. Only seconds after their clocks ticked over to 9AM Team Nosh began to climb the tresseled veranda at the rear of the building, once they were on the second floor they went straigt for the last window on the left, the Bathroom. King checked his watch before telling the others "We have 2 minutes to get him and get out"

At the front door, Team Grog was asking Ms. Strole a flurry of survey questions ranging from landscaping and gardening to dental hygiene and eating habits. "Oh well, I enjoy weeding a lot more than trimming hedges, but I prefer pruning to mowing the lawns" "Hmmmm" came the girls in response, before adding "Have you ever entered any gardening competitions?"

On the second floor, Team Nosh was chucking everything of Cody's they could see back into his the big green travel bag at the foot of the bed. Vincent went to the head of the bed and began shaking Cody gently by the shoulders, "Hey Chief" "Wha?" "We dont have time, get up ill explain in the car" "What?" "Cody get the fuck up" growled Roxy, "Oh your here too Roxanne?" he asked "Im here too" added Kingsley "Enough!, we gotta go we've got like 10 seconds" "Alright Rocks chill, the girls will handle it" replied Vincent, before saying to Cody "Come on, we're kidnapping you, No Questions Asked okay" as he grabbed Cody by the arm and pulled him out of bed "Okay" King chucked him a pair of jeans before grabbing his travel bag and shoes and heading out into the hallway. Roxy carried his backpack as he grabbed the last of his belongings, stuffing them into his pockets as best he could before following them out, with Vincent taking the rear they made their way to the landing window which Roxy had opened after she climbed through the bathroom window on their way in. They all climbed out and down into the garden and headed for the fence line.

The Front Gate swung shut at the same time as the front door, "She's rather nice" said Mona" "Yep, she really really likes talking about gardening huh" "Man, I cant believe that survey worked" "King does have his uses I suppose" said Emily as she began crossing the road, after they had both crossed the road  they turned around to see Team Nosh smuggling Cody out from the neighbors property. They ran straight to Kings Bluebird and pilled in, luggage and all.

The cars shot off as soon as the doors were shut, no time for seat belts.
The Walkie Talkie the Drink holder crackled to life as Emily's voice came through asking "Hows the Cargo, OVER?" "Dazed and Confused, OVER" replied Bas into the CB Radio that was under the stereo on the center console.
"Cool beans, OVER" 
In the back Vincent was beginning to explain the situation to Cody
"We are going camping and it wouldn't be the same without you so we kidnapped you. Dont worry, you'll be fine, you parents will get over it. They're away anyway so who cares, oh and text your Aunt saying your safe soon okay" "This is a bit over the top, you could have like, told me or something" "It was Sebastion and King's idea" "That, Is not surprising really"
"What's that supposed to mean?" Asked Sebastion "nothing,  nothing at all" replied Cody.
"So wanna put on some sounds King?" Asked Roxy "yeah sure" he replied.

And so we drove and we sung and we drove and we talked and at around 1130am we reached our destination.

It was a small paddock, sloping at one end and flat everywhere else, trees on all sides but the side the road was on.
In the middle of the paddock was a large concrete slab and next to that, a tankstand and next to that, a dingey old toilet building,
