Emily Passes Out

"Stop it" I forced out between laughs.

Emily was sitting on my outstretched arms, pinning me to the ground and tickling me under my arms. "Stop it who?" she asked sardonicly.

"Please stop Mi'lady"

"oh alright"

"argh my arms are half dead"


I could of said "No no no not at all! You're perfect. I just have weak arms"
But where would the fun in that be?



she grabbed my wrists, forced them down onto the grassy lawn above my head and delicately but quickly placed herself on top, pinning them down again. "Trapped once more" she announced proudly as she recommenced her assault on my armpits with renewed vigor

"Nooooo" I squeemed and tried to push her off but failed.

Next I tried pushing myself up with my feet but all that got me was flick to my nose and a kiss on my forehead


"Seee-basss-teee-onnn" she said in a sing song kind of voice


"Bassy Boy"

"Emily gerroff me"

"Sebastion, why would I do that after you called me a fatty fatty boom boom eh?"

"Well, because I love you and also I will admit that you weigh 66 kgs and that you're perfect in every way"

"Well, when you put it that way"

She made to get off my arms but then suddenly swung forwards again and attacked my underarms worse than ever sending spasms of laughter throughout my whole body

Her weight shifted off my arms and then she was kissing my forehead, eyelids, eyebrows, the bridge of my nose, my cheecks, ear lobes, the tip of my nose, basically everywhere she could reach except my lips.

She paused while she moved around so that she next to me, facing the same way, and recommenced kissing my prone body.

She began kissing my neck only and then moved down, pulling my shirt across to reveal my shoulder at the same time.

She kissed me where my shoulder and neck meet and moved outwards and then  back in and up my neck and face.

and then her phone buzzed

"No way!" she exclaimed after reading the message

"what is it?" I asked

"Mona caught Cody and Vincent full on making out!"

"Hah! I knew it! I so knew it!! so what was it you bet me, a hot date and then kiss kiss bang bang?"

"Hmmm let me think. ah no. I believe it was more like pizza and wine"

"Oh yeah well that's gonna end the same way"

"Get real Bas, besides we shouldn't really be making bets about our friends sexuality"

"oh come off it! Everyone but Vincent himself has known he's been driving on the right side of the road since year 10"

She just laughed and lent back lying on the ground. I shuffled over and offered her my stomach as a pillow, she accepted.

We stayed like this for a while. Her txting and me writing on my phone. Emily rolled over  and began doing press ups.

"I'm not really a fan of body builder girls" I joked
"im not really a fan of chauvinistic  fuckheads"
she replied in between press ups.
"you're looking really quite sweaty, dear"

"That's what happens when people work out, love"

"I've never experienced that before" I replied

"that's because you've never worked out my sweet"

"Ah that explains it"

It went on like this for a short while more.
Her phone buzzed.
She continued her press ups ignoring it. Her phone buzzed again.
Then a third time and a fourth and a fifth.
She stopped mid press up and grabbed her phone and flicked a finger around the screen unlocking it. Tap Tap Tap
She was looking very pale, more so than usual and sweat was pouring off her.
"Who is it?" I asked
But before she could respond, before she could even register my question she collapsed onto the lawn
After a second or 2 I started to worry "Em! Em are you okay, Emily!" I grabbed my mobile and rang her house phone as I rolled her onto her side. Her father answered "Hello, Richard speaking"

"Em needs help!"
"Sebastion where are you what happened"
"backyard" I replied and hung up.

I tapped Emily's shoulder and repeated  her name.
She shifted.


"Mr. Clark!"

Emily's father had just run outside through a ranch slider
He dropped down to his knees at her side as she rolled onto her back
"What happened Sebastion"
"She was doing press ups and she stopped to answer a text message and she just collapsed"
She opened her eyes.
"What?" Mr Clark and I asked in unison
She scooped up her phone and tossed it to me.
I looked at the messages on the screen

'This cant be real??'

'Appparently Samantha Lane from school'

'Her parents found her on her bathroom floor she's gone'

'Ahhhhh :('

'Omg noo Kate confirms it Sam is dead'

"Sam Lane is dea-" my voice cracked I passed the phone to Rich.
