Breakfast at Sebastions

8 am.
"Hey Bas are you hungry? There's pancakes on 5he bench for you"
I ignored him and shoved my headphonesf on and selected 'empty chairs at Empty Tables'
8:27 am.
"Sebastian I know your awake I can here your music,
"Do want tea im making tea?"
I ignored him and turned my music down
10 am.
"Sebastion, I'm going uptown in 10 minutes if you wanna come?"
I ignored him
11:46 am.
My phone blipped, Emily had text
"I just woke up"
"Do you want pancakes? "
"They're on the bench"
"Can't wait!!!"
12:08 pm.
"YO!!!!" Emily had arrived.
A couple minutes later she opened the door carrying a stack of pancakes drenched in Maple syrup and a bottle of chocolate milk.
She stuck them on my bedside table and then shoved me across the bed a little so she could plop down next to me, she sat cross legged and pulled out one of my head phones.
"Your da said you get pretty bummed out around this time of year but this is worse than I expected Sebastion"
"You would too" I replied
"Well I might understand better if you explained a bit more"
"Ugh I don't feel like it"
"Well then I'll just go"
"Oh alright, but have some patience I think I'll eat some of the pancakes first" I said reluctantly. Sitting up I noticed her hair was down today and that she smelt strongly of Strawberry
"Okay and I'll build a fort"
"Sure whatever" I said stabbing a pancake.
She jumped off my bed and pulled out the spare mattress from underneath and shoved it partially under my immense wooden desk, she then began pulling blankets from my bed and araying them around the room.
From desktop to arm chair, armchair to window frame and window to desk again she then shot off out all door and judging from the sound of it, up the hall and down the stairs. A minute or two later Emily returned with what looked to be every cushion and pillow in the house.
"Well you're taking this seriously" I said
"Blanket Forts are gods work dearest Sebastion"
"no they're your work"
"Okay get in here"
munch munch
"So" I said, putting down the fork I had been using to eat pancakes with.
"about 9 years ago, my mother, who had stopped living with dad when I was like 3, because she didn't like being in one place for too long, commitment wasn't her thing i guess.
"Right, so she got sick, like real sick. and my dad paid for her to go to hospitals all over the NZ and Aussie  seeing different specialists and after about a year and a half they found one that said she could try something but it was like a 30% chance of success or whatever" I reached for the chocolate milk and took a few mouthfuls
Emily watched me the whole time
"So she went to this doctor and started on some trial drugs right, and she stayed at home for a while and then went back for the next stage and then she just never came back..."
"Sebastion" Emily wrapped her arms around me tightly
"She signed out of the hospital and disappeared..just gone"
The dark and painful stupor of morose dread that had been soaking into my bones all weekend stopped, as if held at bay by the glowing light of dawn, and ever so slowly it began to recede
"Dad got a letter a few days later that said 'like a bird on the wire, like a drunk in a midnight choir, i have tried in my way to be free'
"I guess she didn't want to deal with our sadness so she left, or maybe she didn't want us to watch her dying
"You know, she chose to leave us, it was selfish and shitty and fucked up and wrong, Emily, it was the wrong decision, she should have stayed, I wish she had stayed, at least then I could have said goodbye properly, but whatever,  fuck all that right? It's not like she was around much anyway so why should we care"
Emily hesitantly asked "Do you... wanna go get drunk love?"
"That, sounds fucking fabulous"
So Emily sent messages out to the gang, calling them together for me.
Mona, Cody and King where hanging out together already and said they'd get some supplies together and come meet us in Kings car.
Vince and Roxy said they'd try get our classmate Sam to come along too
