Emily Camping

I was singing in Emily's car as we drove through the city centre "I've been dreaming of a-"I was interupted "Shut up Sebastion" "Emily! Just, okay" "NO SING-ING IN MY CAR" "Eeeemmm!! Leeemmmee singgg!" "Stop whining or you'll go to bed without dessert!" Laughing I wound down the passenger side window and yelled out into the streets "I LOVE YOU EMILY JEAN CLARK AND I WILL NOT HAVE DESSERT TONIIIIIGHT!" "SEBASTION!" Emily was looking angry so I kissed her cheek and she smiled her toothy smile and I started singing again "when you're in love with a beautiful woman, you know its haaaaa-a-ard" "No singing shithead!" Emily said as she punched me lightly in the arm "Okay Em I will stop singing" "Good. Thank you Bas" She turned on the stereo.

We listened to Panic at the Disco until we had reached the city limit, she turned the music down and said "I love you too" I smiled and kissed her cheek again.

Emily turned the music up as I pulled a well cared for and well read copy of looking for alaska out of my Single Strap backpack, which was nestled on the floor between my legs.

As I read the CD ended and Emily replaced it with Bon Iver's For Emma, Forever Ago, about half way through the album I looked up from my book and watched Emily for a few seconds.

I turned the music down, "Em?" "Yeah, Bastian," she glanced at me then back at the road and I asked her "What are we doing?" "Well, You Sebastion, are reading the same book you've read a thousand times and I am driving and listening to a song I've heard a thousand times" She grinned, I smiled, shook my head and said "No, I mean what are we really doing? I know we're not just 'Going on a drive' like you said on the phone because

"1. Dad gave me money which he only does when I'm staying with someone and

"2. He did my washing, which 3. HE.NEVER.DOES, so what's going on Emily?"

She was laughing now "Dammit it Fred! I asked you to be discrete"

"What's going on!" I repeated "WE" She paused dramatically, "ARE GOING CAMPING!"

"I've been planning it for weeks! I asked your Da to pack you some clothes discretely and then to bring them around the corner, which he did, and I picked it up when I was on the phone to you and then I circled the block and picked you up" She looked so proud of herself, I leant across the centre of the car and kissed her cheek repeatedly and in between kisses I said "You" *kiss* "Are" *Kiss* "Absolutely," *kiss* "magnificently" *kiss* "wonderful" *kiss* "Emily Jean Clarke" She was blushing and smiling and beautiful "I love you Seb" she said softly "okay" she elbowed me in the ribs, smirking I said "I love you too, you beautiful, red headed schemer you"

"...Breakfast is going to be toast and lunch is sandwich's" Emily said as she drove us to our camp site

"Okay Em, sounds grand" I replied. We drove for a while longer.She glanced at me and flashed a smile "Oooh, here's where we turn off" the sealed road turned to gravel

We were pulling into the overgrown campground driveway, the long grass brushing the underside of Emily's Nissan. She got out and opened the boot. I got out. She threw me a back pack and a tent and grabbed her own backpack. We walked for about 10 minutes and then went off track. We were in a clearing. She dropped her bag and I dropped mine, I started to put up the tent and she went looking for firewood.

"Bassy, I need one of your lighters" "Okay doll" I manuvered out of the now set up tent. And tossed her a lighter, well two lighters, since they were taped together, and sat down next to her. I leant towards her. She light some paper, I nuzzled her neck.

"I love you." She whispered "I love you too" "what, oh I was talking to the fire baby" I pouted. She only called me baby when she was being sarcastic and I only pouted when I was too.

"Sebastion, I love you...r lighter" She kissed me. I smiled "I love you Bas" silence.

"I once went camping with a group of about 30 people and collectively we had like 15 packets of marshmellows and everyone had eaten until they were sick of them and we still had 4 packs left" Laughing she replied "That is a lot of marshmellows Bas."

Me: "Yeah no kidding, some kid threw his up, it was so gross"

Em: "Aw eww"

Me: "It was pink and white and brown and green and ugh, just thinking about it is making me a little queasy"

Em: "Sebastion!" she yelled as she punched me again.

Me: "you're incredibly violent towards me Em"

Em: "Yeah, I don't get why you haven't left me yet.

"Oooo maybe you're too scared too"

Me: "Em, I am breaking up with you"

Em: "Okay"

Me: "Okay"

Em: "Okay"

Me: "Okay"

Em: "Wanna make out?"

Me: "Okay"

And so we did.

The remainder of the evening followed the same pattern.
We'd make bad jokes, I'd tell gross stories and then we'd make out for a bit.
Around 10pm: We were lying next to each other in the green tent, on our sleeping bags and in our underwear because of the 20 degree heat that insisted on sticking around even as February faded into March.
"...last two episodes of Skins second season had me in tears, it was painful but so good, Emily you gotta watch it"
"One day, maybe, but only to watch you cry" she replied. "Yeah yeah, sure Em" I said as I sat up to grab my water bottle, I took a swig before offering the bottle to Emily, who accepted it with a grin, and emptied the bottle.
