Chapter 12

Y/n's POV

Wow. I'm still alive after all the damage that's been done to me. I'm so thankful for being alive though, all thanks to my best friend Chris.

" c-chris " I whispered.

The relief on his face was heartwarming. Seeing his face made me so happy. He leaned down hugging me which was so warm. I cried hugging him tighter, this was the best day of my life by far.

Soon Marco came tears in his eyes as he leaned down hugging me. I kissed him so happy being able to see him too. But unfortunately they all had to leave soon. So we all said our goodbyes then they left. It was lonely at night, so quiet and a little scary. I eventually fell asleep not being able to move that much due to my bandages.

I woke up the next morning to so much pain in my stomach. The nurses came in giving me my breakfast. I told them my stomach hurt a lot, so the my gave me pain killers for that. After my breakfast the nurse said their were visitors. I said they could come in so the nurse went to go get them.

Chris his boyfriend and his little brother walked in. I smiled and saw flowers covering Aidens little face. I moved them and saw his little angry face. I giggled taking them from him, Chris being the mean older brother picked Aiden up and put him on me. I laughed and hugged Aiden squeezing his tiny body.

He struggled out and pouted at me, I smiled patting his head. Chris nudged his boyfriend and smiled. He walked over giving me a tiny little llama plush.

" Aww! Thanks you guys! "

" Oh it wasn't our ideas it was all Aiden's " Chris giggled.

Aiden gasped and smacked Chris his face turning dark red.

" N-No it wasn't! It was all his idea! " Aiden yelled pointing at Chris.

I just laughed winking at Aiden. He turned an even darker red looked away quickly.

" Aiden come here! " I smiled.

He walked over with an angry look on his face. I leaned down and smooched his cheek and patting his head. He smacked his cheek blushing then ran out. We all laughed then they left going off to find Aiden. When they left I turned my TV on, the nurse walked into my room again saying shes sending in more visitors.

When the visitor walked in I looked over smiling. But my smile turned to a face of horror as I dropped my cup, making it shatter and its liquids falling everywhere.

Was this a dream?

Heyyyy my little lovelies sorry this is a little short I'm tired but I wanted to update so I updated a little sliver of the story. And I'm working on the one shots book if you could check it out and request some ideas please!!! Thanks! Bai my lovelies! ๐Ÿ˜š๐Ÿ’•
