Chapter 19

Y/n's POV

It had been a couple of days after the whole ' Aiden ' incident but I'd gotten a hold of myself. I walked out of my room with greasy gross hair to the bathroom. I had my own bathroom, but this bathroom was nice since no one used it. I walked in but immediately interrupted when Chris ran in scaring me.

" jeez Chris don't scare me like that. "

He just laughed and looking around then at me with the towel in my hand.

" Why are you taking a shower in here? "

I just shrugged turning the shower on. Chris was puzzled why I was still sad, it had been like a week and a half since the incident.

" Why are you still so down? " He asked little hearts in his eyes.

I giggled pushing his face away, " just... Chris is it wrong to love someone when I have a boyfriend? "

He thought for a second, " well I wouldn't know, I love my boyfriend a lot so.. I mean... I guess not? Why? "

I just smiled. Chris' relationship was so much better than mine. I guess me and Marco just dont click anymore. The spark is gone. Every loving saying, we just dont have it.

" Chris I... I guess what I'm trying to say is i love your brother.. "

Chris' face had two emotions. Happiness but also an irritated aroma. I thought it was his schizophrenia but then he sighed.

" Y/n I'd think about going home for a while. Your just not ready to be alone yet. You need someone to tell you what to do and not do. "

I was surprised, he was practically kicking me out cause I'm being childish?

" What? "

Before I knew it i had a been kicked outside. I wasnt been kicked out permanently just temporarily. The whole reason I am here is to get away from my family for a while but now I'm just going back.

I angrily walked to a bus stop and waited for a while. Once getting on then off the bus I finally got back to the house.

I slowly walked to the house looking at the welcome mat then the door. I sighed knocking weakly. And of course the devil himself opened the door. Almost literally but it was just Tord.

I sighed of course of all people Tord, the person I was fighting with before I left opened the door. Then I saw Edd and my face lightened up. I pushed Tord and ran to him giving him a big hug.

I thought he would've might pushed me away since I left no warning. But he just hugged me back, extremely tight. I giggled and then saw Matt.

He noticed me then got a huge grin on his face. He ran over hugging me picking me up in the process. I looked back to see Tom walk out from the kitchen. It got quiet..

Obviously they hadn't gotten over me leaving. I ran upstairs to my room closing the door. I found all my things cleaned up and placed back. I smiled but then frowned again see the picture I had broke standing up. I felt tears well up in my eyes.

I looked at it seeing only me, Tom and Tord smashed but that was it. The rest of it was perfectly fine no scratches or anything. I started crying not caring how loud I was.

I heard the door click open, I didn't look back I just kept crying. I felt a hand on my shoulder and gripped it thinking it was Edd or Matt. But I heard a norwegian accent and looked back swiftly.

" What do you want. "

He sighed, obviously annoyed at this point.

" listen Y/n I believe you didn't drink but obviously Thomas doesn't believe you. "

I puzzled looked at him, " why did you call him that? "

He winked with a smirk on his face " he doesn't like it when I call him that. "

I laughed making Tord smile, he wiped the tear hugging me. I looked back and saw Tom. I got up and walked over, Tord just walked out smiling.

" uhm.. i'm sorry really for just leaving like that. i can't imagine how bad you must've felt.. "

tom just pulled me into a hug, i hugged back then heard him crying.

" oh- tom please.. i'm really sorry. "

we stood there for at least 5 minutes after just talking and catching up.

" well i came back cause i just got kicked out.. "

tom looked up, " oh? what did you do? "

" uhm... well you know how i wanted to go on a date with aiden? "

" wha- "

i put my finger over his mouth.

" not important. but i did and when it was the night of the date i had to bale cause i got too nervous. the age gap and everything. and now i feel like shit. and chris told me to come back. he said ' i still need someone to tell me what to do and how or whatever. "

tom sighed rubbing his fingers between his eyes.

" well i mean y/n your 20, you're still a little immature. "

i gasped as if i was offended which i kinda was.

" dad! what the hell! "

tom laughed and got up, " well if you need to stay here for a little while then you can. your stuff is still here it's in the closet. "

i sighed flopping on my bed, why did he send me back! this is so ridiculous. i sat up anger building up inside of me. i whipped out my phone texting someone.

y/n; are you at the apartment right now?

aiden; yeah why? where are you?

y/n; omw ;) be ready

aiden; hah okay

i ran down my stairs and into the living room kissing my dads goodbye.

" where are you going so fast? " edd asked concerned again.

" don't worry i'll probably be back and if not i'll call you! " i said running out the door.

i ran to the nearest bus stop and read the top, to the city. smiling, i got in and sat at the front being ready to bolt out. which surprisingly the bus was fast, once it stopped i jumped out and ran towards the apartment building. i didn't have my key so i texted aiden to let me in. he came to the door and i smiled looking behind him seeing chris, tyler, and ted there. i could also hear marco in the kitchen, i walked in clearing my throat which made everyone look at me.

" sup hoes. "

aiden laughed, while tyler and chris got up .

" what are you doing here? didn't we tell you to go home until you learned to adult. " tyler said crossing his arms.

" that's not what i said- " i stopped chris mid sentence.

" no but you might as well said that. cause that's how it felt, you guys make me look like i'm 13. i'm 20 years old dammit! " i yelled stomping my foot, " you guys aren't even that much older than me. chris your 21, tyler your 22, and marco is 20 like me! "

everyone was silent, " yeah what i expected. now i'm gonna go on a lunch date with aiden if you all won't mind. "

marco walked forward, " wait y/n what about our dinner date tonight? "

i stopped at the doorway and looked back.

" we'll see. "

me and him walked out while chris, tyler, and marco all stood in disbelief realizing they might've just lost a great friend.

WOAH AKKSKS I KNOW i haven't updated this in a year. wowww but y'know i was just kind of in the mood for eddsworld and i realized that i still have this book. :) so don't expect daily updates with this book like my others but yknow i might start updating this too now sooooo hope that's okay with you guys. lol even thought it doesn't matter to y'all i'm the one who has to write them. but yeah enjoy this update after a year!!! love you sugar pops!
Doniah_marie 🐶💕✨
