Chapter 7

Yo waz poppin people. Sorry I take like weeks to make one chapter. I'm sick rn so I decided to update while listening to Kpop again and watching Shane. ;))) I recommend listening to K.will though if you haven't his music is amazing. (Especially " Please Don't " by K.will I've been jamming to it for weeks now) ANYWAY, please enjoy this chapter! ~doniah_marie

Y/n's POV

Dead silence. Me and him staring at each other for what felt like hours. Until Chris brought me back to earth.

" Y/n? " he asked, " Are you okay? "

I shook my head, " Oh yeah, I'm fine! "

We both walked to get our drinks when the guy came toward me. I was startled, he began talking as I was listening.

" Y/n is that really you? " he asked.

I nodded my head vigorously as I began tearing up.

" Oh! Marco! I missed you so much! " I cried.

He hugged me kissing my forehead.

" Why haven't you called? " I asked.

He showed me his new phone.

" Yeah my old one broke in Australia. I dropped it in water. " he chuckled.

I did as well hugging him again. Chris walked over giggling.

Now I was happy Marco was here, but I had to tell him about me and Chris. Or.. maybe not?

He told me his shift would be over In an hour so me and Chris went home. We went back to the house to tell everyone I was leaving back to college.

" we saw Marco at the mall too! " I said.

Tom's head shot up hearing his name.

" I thought he was in Australia? "

I nodded my head explaining he's back. Tom just nodded his head.

Edd came back with Tommy in his hands with a crate.

" Aw! You guys took care of Tommy when I was gone! " I cried hugging Tommy.

He mewed rubbing his head on my hand. I giggled petting his head.

When I first got Tommy he was a tiny little Siamese cat with little spots on his ears legs and face. But now he's a fat Siamese cat with darker ears legs face and tail. But I still love him!

I put Tommy in the crate and hugged everyone goodbye. I hugged tommy walking to the car and putting him in the front seat with Chris. I waved to everyone before leaving making our way back to college.

When we got there we went into our dorm letting Tommy run free. I laughed feeding him his food. Then playing with him.

•*Time skip*•

I was walking to my car, forgetting my bag. When I saw Tyler walking. I looked away trying to ignore him. But he looked over at me. He started talking but I didn't acknowledge him walking to my car.
    But he grabbed my wrist pulling me to his face.

" Wh-?! Tyler let go of me!! " I yelped trying to get away from him.

He refused, " why didn't you tell me Marco was back?? "

I whipped my hand away, " because I just found out! "

He scrunched his nose.

" Well are you gonna tell him about you & Chris? "

" No, if he doesn't know, he doesn't need to know. " I responded.

I rolled my eyes, hands on my hips.

" Hmm what a shame. Looks like I'll have to play the Marco card tomorrow. " He smirked beginning to walk away.

I stood their speechless, forgetting my bag I ran back to my room telling Chris. He freaked out as well not knowing what to do.

If he told Marco, it would be over. Which I really don't want..
