
"I am fire, I am .... Death"

Tier: At least 7-C, likely higher

Classification: Dragon of middle earth

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristic, breath attack, fire manipulation, flight, enhanced senses(Heightened sense of smell and hearing), implied to have some form of telepathy, longevity(Dragons within the Middle Earth naturally live for hundreds of years), long size(Type 1 and possibly type 2)

Attack Potency: At least Town level(Shook the Lonely Mountain), likely higher(Gandalf was terrified of him)

Speed: Superhuman movement. Subsonic flight speed via power scaling

Lifting Strength: At least Class K

Striking Strength: At least Town Class, likely higher(Smashed portions of the Lonely Mountain)

Durability: At least Town Level, likely higher

Stamina: Very High(Can seemingly fly for hours)

Range: Several dozen meters with claws and tail

Standard Equipment: Unknown

Intelligence: Smaug was dangerously intelligent and manipulative, insufferably arrogant, vain, sadistic and psychopathic, taking pleasure in the pain of others and underestimating their abilities frequently, which led to his downfall when he failed to cover a single missing scale on his chest, allowing Bard's arrow to strike true.

Weakness: One of the scales on his chest is missing, allowing an arrow to kill him if property aimed. He is also prone to arrogance and vanity, and falls for flattery, angering instantly if insulted, to which he demonstrates great sadism. 
