
Deathwing the destroyer, formerly known as Neltharion the earth warder, was one of the five dragons aspects and leader of the black dragonflight. Thousand years ago, Neltharion was empowered by the Titans with dominion over the earth and the deep places of Azeroth. However, driven mad by the Old Gods, he turned against the other Aspects during the war of the ancients. Among both mortals and dragons, his name became one whispered with a feeling of fear and contempt.

Classification: Dragon Aspect of Death

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristic, breath attack, flight, longevity, fire manipulation, earth manipulation, magma manipulation, magic, status effect inducement, dream manipulation(Granted visions to Zuluhed in the form of dreams), mind manipulation(Manipulated the minds of the Lordaeron nobles to prevent them to taking no action against the Horde), aura, possession, summoning, soul manipulation, non physical interaction, can ignore intangibility, shapeshifting, corruption and darkness manipulation via corruption parasite, spatial manipulation(Tore down the boundary between Azeroth and the elemental plane), resistance to low level magic, pain manipulation, heat manipulation and magma manipulation(His veins flow with magma from the elemental plane)

Attack Potency: Large Country level(Upon emergence, he caused natural disasters to erupt all across the globe, with mountains crumbling to dust, fiery chasms tearing open across the crust, tsunamis and flood that destroyed numerous towns across Azeroth. Initiated the Cataclysm which caused permanent damage to Azeroth and created the Maelstrom, stirring the elemental forces to a frenzy across the world. The shattering caused by deathwing return by Azeroth caused untold destruction across portions of the continents of Kalimdor and Eastern kingdoms. Could combat against all other dragon Aspects simultaneously)

Speed: Unknown

Lifting Strength: Unknown, likely at least Class T

Striking Strength: Large Country Class(Can easily shake entire continents and cause massive natural disasters)

Durability: Large Country level(Tanked attacks from the other Aspects, including Alexstrasza)

Stamina: Extremely high(Was only felled by a massive raid of the finest aspects, including Alexstrasza)

Range: Several dozen of meters due to his sheer size. Several hundreds meters with fire breath and magic. Multi-continent with the use of his Aspect.

Standard equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Deathwing is ruthless, cruel, and cunning, using every resource he has at his disposal with no regard for the live of others(He enslaved his arch nemesis and rival, Alexstrasza, to the horde in order to remove her as an obstacle for many years and helped conduct countless experiments on his fellow dragons in order to generate a twisted army under his command. In addition, he has an innumerable number of years of experience in combat as a Dragon Aspect, allowing to duel armies of Azeroth's strongest adventures even the assistance of the dragon aspect.

Weakness: Deathwing is rather overconfident and completely insane.
